祖田 亮次
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.2, pp.168-181, 1996-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The fishing group of Amamachi community, at the tip of the Noto Peninsula jutting out into the Japan Sea, is very distinctive in terms of life style. It has thus attracted many previous studies on this group in various disciplines. Most of them, however, have tended to demonstrate its uniqueness by introducing its uncommon customs. Nevertheless, such a conventional view should be modified now: this group, I think, is typical of kaimin (maritime people), one of the major marginal groups, whose importance has been r6ather neglected so far due to an influential and far-reaching point of view focused on rice cultivation.In the third section, the primary purpose to see them within the whole context of Japanese society in the right perspective was pursued. To do so, their situation was investigated in reference to kyakumin (major marginal people with autonomy) or kaimin with their own histories different from paddy-cultivating people. Unlike most kyakumin/kaimin groups, which have been weakened, dissolved or extinguished because of their failure in coping with new situations brought by changes over time, the Amamachi community has lasted well until now. Its sustainability deserves careful attention.Amamachi's fishing people are considered to be descendants of fishing people of Kanegasaki District located in the northern part of Kyushu. Since their arrival at the Noto Peninsula, they had been engaed in diving fishing under the protection of the Kaga Clan (Maeda Territory) until the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867). They had been conscious of their distinct characteristics and confirmed the difference between their own and surrounding societies by stressing their relation with the Kaga Clan and by remembering their own historical origin. Such an attitude was effective in keeping the autonomy of the group against the dominance of shumin (main people) engaged in paddy cultivation. In this sense, the Amamachi community indicated a prominent characteristic corresponding to that of kyakumin.On the other hand, another characteristic of theirs as kaimin is found in the following attitudes: wider mobility to seek better fishing grounds and acquire new trading areas, aggressive fishing methods based on high technical skills, and indifference to agriculture in general.In the fourth section, the second aim of this paper to substantiate the sustainability of the community was explored chiefly by tracing changing processes of systems and customs of their society. In particular, I devoted attention to the two periods when the community confronted crises of existence: the time of the second half of the nineteenth century, when the modern age began in Japan, and the high economic growth period in the mid-twentieth century. Their reponses for surviving can be summarized as follows:As for the second half of the nineteenth century, because of the collapse of the Bakufu-system, the relation between the Kaga Clan and this community was annulled. This implied that they would lose the exchange route for marine products and agricultural crops. Fortunately, however, a loose stratification occurred in this period, resulting in an establishment of the oyakata-kokata (patron-client) relation. While oyakata newly came to be in charge of the exchange instead of the Kaga Clan, kokata could peddle their extra products individually-this was called nadamadari (peddling trip)-. This suggests that newly emerged oyakata had a certain power, but nadamawari and other community controls restrained an excessive stratification.With respect to the high economic growth period, the wide diffusion of powerboats improved fishing productivity and accelerated the monetary economy. These changes caused a dissolution of oyakata-kokata relation and a decline of nadamawari.
祖田 亮次 柚洞 一央
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.7, no.2, pp.147-157, 2012-09-28 (Released:2012-09-28)
2 4

祖田 亮次
地理学論集 (ISSN:18822118)
vol.90, no.2, pp.16-31, 2015-12-24 (Released:2016-01-29)
3 1

小泉 佑介 祖田 亮次
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.73, no.3, pp.245-260, 2021 (Released:2021-10-31)

本稿では,1980年代以降の英語圏における地理学者を中心に発展してきたポリティカル・エコロジー論(PE 論)が,いかにして独自の枠組みを発展させてきたのかについて検討する。特に本稿では,2000年代以降の PE 論における新たな展開として,スケールの議論に注目した研究に考察の焦点を絞る。PE 論の系譜をたどると,1980年代は文化生態学や生態人類学,新マルサス主義の分析視角に対する批判的検討を出発点として,生態学と政治経済学の統合的アプローチを提示した。1990年代には PE 論独自の枠組みを模索する中で,ポスト構造主義的な視点に基づく社会理論との接合を目指す研究が増加し,取り扱うテーマも環境・開発に関わる言説やジェンダー研究へと広がりをみせた。2000年代以降は再び生態学的な視点への関心が高まっており,こうした流れと連動するかたちでスケールの議論に関する研究が注目を集めている。特に PE 論のスケールに関する議論は,土壌や植生といった自然環境条件に基づく「生態的スケール」と,社会的・政治的なプロセスを通じて構築されるスケールとの相互作用に着目していることを特徴としている。今後の展望としては,地理学と生態学のスケールに関する議論を相互に参照しつつ,資源管理や環境ガバナンスのスケールに注目した実証研究を積み上げることで,PE 論独自のスケール論を発展させていくことが期待される。
祖田 亮次
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.2, pp.168-181, 1996

The fishing group of Amamachi community, at the tip of the Noto Peninsula jutting out into the Japan Sea, is very distinctive in terms of life style. It has thus attracted many previous studies on this group in various disciplines. Most of them, however, have tended to demonstrate its uniqueness by introducing its uncommon customs. Nevertheless, such a conventional view should be modified now: this group, I think, is typical of <i>kaimin</i> (maritime people), one of the major marginal groups, whose importance has been r6ather neglected so far due to an influential and far-reaching point of view focused on rice cultivation.<br>In the third section, the primary purpose to see them within the whole context of Japanese society in the right perspective was pursued. To do so, their situation was investigated in reference to <i>kyakumin</i> (major marginal people with autonomy) or <i>kaimin</i> with their own histories different from paddy-cultivating people. Unlike most <i>kyakumin/kaimin</i> groups, which have been weakened, dissolved or extinguished because of their failure in coping with new situations brought by changes over time, the Amamachi community has lasted well until now. Its sustainability deserves careful attention.<br>Amamachi's fishing people are considered to be descendants of fishing people of Kanegasaki District located in the northern part of Kyushu. Since their arrival at the Noto Peninsula, they had been engaed in diving fishing under the protection of the Kaga Clan (Maeda Territory) until the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867). They had been conscious of their distinct characteristics and confirmed the difference between their own and surrounding societies by stressing their relation with the Kaga Clan and by remembering their own historical origin. Such an attitude was effective in keeping the autonomy of the group against the dominance of <i>shumin</i> (main people) engaged in paddy cultivation. In this sense, the Amamachi community indicated a prominent characteristic corresponding to that of <i>kyakumin</i>.<br>On the other hand, another characteristic of theirs as <i>kaimin</i> is found in the following attitudes: wider mobility to seek better fishing grounds and acquire new trading areas, aggressive fishing methods based on high technical skills, and indifference to agriculture in general.<br>In the fourth section, the second aim of this paper to substantiate the sustainability of the community was explored chiefly by tracing changing processes of systems and customs of their society. In particular, I devoted attention to the two periods when the community confronted crises of existence: the time of the second half of the nineteenth century, when the modern age began in Japan, and the high economic growth period in the mid-twentieth century. Their reponses for surviving can be summarized as follows:<br>As for the second half of the nineteenth century, because of the collapse of the Bakufu-system, the relation between the Kaga Clan and this community was annulled. This implied that they would lose the exchange route for marine products and agricultural crops. Fortunately, however, a loose stratification occurred in this period, resulting in an establishment of the <i>oyakata-kokata</i> (patron-client) relation. While <i>oyakata</i> newly came to be in charge of the exchange instead of the Kaga Clan, <i>kokata</i> could peddle their extra products individually-this was called <i>nadamadari</i> (peddling trip)-. This suggests that newly emerged <i>oyakata</i> had a certain power, but <i>nadamawari</i> and other community controls restrained an excessive stratification.<br>With respect to the high economic growth period, the wide diffusion of powerboats improved fishing productivity and accelerated the monetary economy. These changes caused a dissolution of <i>oyakata-kokata</i> relation and a decline of <i>nadamawari</i>.
祖田 亮次
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1_1-17, 2008 (Released:2010-06-02)

本稿は,マレーシア・サラワク州(ボルネオ島)での調査をもとに,イバンと呼ばれるエスニック集団の農村―都市間移動の一端を紹介した上で,彼らの移動を考察するための三つの視角を提示する.具体的には,地方都市と後背農村を含んだ調査対象地域の設定,都市と農村の区分を曖昧化する移動者そのものへの注目,そして,農村社会の安定性・定住性を前提とした考え方(セデンタリズム sedentarism)に対する批判の3点である.これらは,イバンの生活世界の総体を現代的文脈のなかでとらえることを可能にするだけではなく,東南アジアにおける諸エスニック集団の農村―都市間移動を再考するために不可欠な視点である.そして,こうした視点は,特定のエスニック集団を考察対象とする場合の,地理学的研究と人類学的研究との接合可能性をも示唆するものである.
藤巻 正己 江口 信清 生田 真人 平戸 幹夫 山下 清海 田和 正孝 祖田 亮次 ルスラン ライニス タールミジー マスロン

本研究では、(1) 人口・社会経済地図による俯瞰的分析、(2) クアラルンプル大都市地域やパハン州などの農山漁村、サラワク州内陸部の先住民族居住地域における虫瞰的現地調査を通じて、マレーシアにおける貧困問題の表出状況とその差異や要因について、地域的・民族集団的多様性という観点から探究した。その成果については、公開セミナーの開催、他の研究組織との国際シンポジウムの共催、そして研究報告書(180頁)の刊行をもって公開された。