高橋 健太 鈴木 忠樹 片野 晴隆 長谷川 秀樹
vol.25, no.1, pp.125, 2020 (Released:2020-05-13)

水野 貴秀 福田 盛介 坂井 智彦 岡田 祐 有井 基文 西村 健志 入部 紘一 長谷川 秀樹 片山 翔太 遠藤 勉 辻 雅生
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
航空宇宙技術 (ISSN:18840477)
pp.JSASS-D-17-00008, (Released:2017-08-03)

The landing radar employs a pulse-type radar using 4.3 GHz C-band microwave radiation. It has a wide beam for measuring the altitude in vertical direction, as well as four narrow tilted beams for measuring the velocity in horizontal direction. In this paper, development of the Bread Board Model (BBM), a field experiment, and the design of SLIM loading Flight Model (FM) are introduced. Furthermore, the radar simulator required for FM development of a radar is explained.
長谷川 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.55, no.11, pp.1054-1057, 2019 (Released:2019-11-01)

長谷川 秀樹
Revue japonaise de didactique du français (ISSN:18805930)
vol.9, no.1-2, pp.209-224, 2014-09-15 (Released:2017-10-14)

長谷川 秀樹
しま (ISSN:13437224)
vol.65, no.2, pp.53-61, 2019-09

本稿では、南インド洋に位置するフランスの島嶼地域「レユニオン」 「マヨット」で二〇一八年に実施した調査結果を報告する。二島は仏国海外地域という特殊な状況にあるため、前号ではまず同国の海外島嶼地域の位置づけなどについて概説した。今号では、主にこの二島の振興に対するEUの役割、事業内容などについて述べたい。
長谷川 秀樹
日本EU学会年報 (ISSN:18843123)
vol.2000, no.20, pp.258-279,347, 2000

POSEI (Program of Special Options for Island Remoteness and Insular Nature in French) is founded in 1989 by an initiative of France which has some remote island oversea regions (so-called DOMs). And in 1991 EC council decided that three Atlantic island regions (Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores) are selected as a region covered by POSEI.<br>Different from PTOM (Oversea Island Countries and Territories in French) islands for example French TOMs, oversea British islands and Dependency which are excluded from European common policies, POSEI island regions are included into them. And in future these islands are to be completely integrated into European common policies. However because of some geographical handicaps, the Community took account of some exceptional options about application of the common policies into these regions from a viewpoint of social and economic cohesion.<br>POSEI is mainly composed of: 1) special supply adjustment that the EU makes a special financial aid to the agents which transport specified products in the Continent to the remote island regions and that the cost which risks to discourage these regions from creating new local productive activities and raise the local consumer price are cut down, 2) temporary prevention of the application of common custom policies, safeguard of traditional economic activities strongly linked with non-EU territories in the island regions, 3) exception of the application of European agricultural and fishery policies, European financial back up system for specified agriaquacultural fields that are unique in the region and needed for stability of the Common Market, and 4) creation of special taxation system, for example tax-free zone and special imposition for promoting local production and consumption.<br>Nowadays POSEI is needed as a European island region policies for the other island regions for example Mediterranean Area.
長谷川 秀樹
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.2014, no.15, pp.27-47, 2014-04-30 (Released:2020-09-16)

Corsica, French island in the Mediterranean Sea, was a transhumance based pastoral society of sheep and goat, however swine also was an important animal as a key of understanding traditional Corsican mountainous villages and their people called paese and paisani. Traditionally Corsican swine were divided into two types. Mannarinu was that which was fed in each household in paese. And Porcu di furestu or Porcu di banda was that which was raised collectively by the people called purcaghju, swine shepherd. Purcaghju has also a role of swine breeder, sells new born piglets to paisani and takes charge of feeding mannarini from sheep and goat shepherd or paisani. Tumbera, killing the swine is a symbolic and ritual activity of paese just before Christmas. However, Corsicans did not eat pork meat in their daily life traditionally. The pork gained by tumbera was almost transformed into preserved products for example ham and sausage. In the latter of the 20th century, two mainstreams about pork culinary and swine raising appeared in the island. The one is disappearance of a tradition caused by urbanization of eating life and decrease of purcaghji. And the other is several movements for official recognitions of “Porcu Nustrale”, Corsican original swine race and “AOC”, controlled designation of origin of several pork preserved products, coppa, lonzu and prisuttu.
長谷川 秀樹
千葉大学社会文化科学研究科研究プロジェクト報告書 (ISSN:18817165)
no.85, pp.17-23, 2002-03

長谷川 秀樹
日本EU学会年報 (ISSN:18843123)
vol.2000, no.20, pp.258-279,347, 2000-09-30 (Released:2010-05-21)

POSEI (Program of Special Options for Island Remoteness and Insular Nature in French) is founded in 1989 by an initiative of France which has some remote island oversea regions (so-called DOMs). And in 1991 EC council decided that three Atlantic island regions (Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores) are selected as a region covered by POSEI.Different from PTOM (Oversea Island Countries and Territories in French) islands for example French TOMs, oversea British islands and Dependency which are excluded from European common policies, POSEI island regions are included into them. And in future these islands are to be completely integrated into European common policies. However because of some geographical handicaps, the Community took account of some exceptional options about application of the common policies into these regions from a viewpoint of social and economic cohesion.POSEI is mainly composed of: 1) special supply adjustment that the EU makes a special financial aid to the agents which transport specified products in the Continent to the remote island regions and that the cost which risks to discourage these regions from creating new local productive activities and raise the local consumer price are cut down, 2) temporary prevention of the application of common custom policies, safeguard of traditional economic activities strongly linked with non-EU territories in the island regions, 3) exception of the application of European agricultural and fishery policies, European financial back up system for specified agriaquacultural fields that are unique in the region and needed for stability of the Common Market, and 4) creation of special taxation system, for example tax-free zone and special imposition for promoting local production and consumption.Nowadays POSEI is needed as a European island region policies for the other island regions for example Mediterranean Area.
長谷川 秀樹

長谷川 秀樹
島嶼研究 (ISSN:18847013)
vol.2000, no.1, pp.35-60, 2000 (Released:2010-04-30)

The “region”, sub-national entity in Europe, plays some more important roles in a place of Nation-States in a context of European integration. However, “island regions” around European Continent have a risk to be more marginalised by the economic integration advanced by the central regions. The island region in Europe has a special socio-economic backwardness caused by its remoteness from the Continent and this special character is called “insularity”.Political autonomy is, I think, one of the best choices that activate an island region without delete its insularity. Thus European insular regions have a special status that is different from the regions in the Continent, that rules their political autonomy. However, there are many cases that island regions have a heterogeneous historic-cultural fact and a strong identity that could appeal to nationalism or separatism from the mainland country. So that autonomous status of island region in Europe is not homogeneous.Corsica, Mediterranean island region that belongs to France, has not been autonomous for a long time because of its special socio-political situations, Corsican nationalism and “clan”, one of patriarchal formations typically observed in some Mediterranean insular regions.In 1982, by the decentralization policies of socialist President Mitterrand, France was reorganized into 22 more autonomous “regions” from the “prefecture” whose prefect has been nominated by the Ministry of Interior, French administrative. Corsica was ruled by an act as a region with a special status. The Regional Assembly of Corsica consisted of 61 representatives elected by the islanders was created in this year and could vote projects of program on mainly Corsican linguistic and cultural education of a supplemental course in a school, regional transportation and development of new energy. The regional administration of Corsica could exert these programs.However, instability in the Regional Assembly because of lack of a strong core party and frequent elections, shortage of competence or finance of the Region of Corsica caused their dysfunction and discredit from the islanders.And in 1991, Corsican act was revised and Corsica changed a Territorial Collectivity, original local entity, from a region, common local entity. Though this renewal act defined Corsica as a “people”, Constitutional Council judged that this definition would be against the French Constitution that rules French national unity and its equality, and deleted Article 1 that contains this definition.However, Corsica was authorized to be more autonomous with an original competence. In addition to education and broadcasting of regional language and culture, special taxation and some economic development program are ceded to Corsica. And Corsican regional organization also was changed. Regional Assembly was divided into Corsican Territorial Assembly and Corsican Executive Council. The president and 6 members of Executive Council exert Corsican regional administrative and vote projects of budget and cultural and economic programs, and these members are elected from the representatives in the Territorial Assembly by election. Executive Councilors are obliged to make some annual reports on the executive situation and their results in the Assembly and to be credited by it. Thus after 1991, Corsica establishes its collegiality and responsibility for the smooth practice of the larger competence.It is doubtful whether Corsica has a political autonomy by the status reform in 1991. Because there is not any articles on Corsican status in the French Constitution though those of TOMs' status, French Overseas Islands, are in it, and those of Sicilian and Sardinian status are in the Italian Constitution. And Corsican Territorial Assembly can vote only motions, some taxation and programs of local cultural and economic development, but not any
仲田 弘明 長谷川 秀樹 櫻井 博章 田村 雅彦
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.85-90, 2010-02-15
1 3

当社は北海道十勝管内に所在する芽室製糖所の製糖工程から,産業利用目的に有用な微生物の取得を行っている.製糖工程の温水浸出汁から取得された乳酸菌を使用し,独自の乳酸菌を用いてサワーブレッドの作製を試みた.<BR>取得された乳酸菌菌株NT株は,16SリボソームDNA配列に基づく相同性検索の結果,ストレプトコッカス・サーモフィルス(<I>Streptococcus thermophilus</I>)と同定された.本菌種は古来よりチーズやヨーグルトの製造等に用いられており,食経験のある菌種である.<BR>NT株を乳酸菌培地で培養し,得られた乳酸菌菌体液を使用して市販スターター(TKスターター)と同じ工程によりサワー種を作製した.製パンは,ストレート法食パンにサワー種を添加しサワーブレッドを焼成し,官能試験,有機酸抽出,香気成分分析,防カビ性能の試験を行い市販スターターサワーブレッドおよびサワー種無添加ブレッド(一般的な食パンに該当)と比較した.<BR>官能試験の結果,NT(NT株を使用したサワーブレッド)は強いチーズ臭のするサワーブレッドであった.NTについてGC-MSにより香気成分を分析したところ,チーズ臭はアセトイン,酪酸に由来するものと考えられた.<BR>また,防カビ試験の結果より,NTは市販スターターよりも高い防カビ性能を保持していた.高い防カビ性能を有する理由として,NT株の生産する有機酸等の抗真菌活性物質が推測されたが,今回の試験では明らかとならなかった.