矢野 久 難波 ちづる
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.108, no.2, pp.455-472, 2015-07

歴史学と一口にいってもさまざまなアプローチの仕方がある。どのように過去の事実に接近するのか, その事実性も含めてこれまでさまざまな議論がなされてきた。多様な議論を突き詰めると, 人文科学としての歴史学と社会科学としての歴史学の対立という問題に遭遇する。とりわけフランスでは社会科学としての歴史学への転換が早い時期にみられ, また, 数量化へのアプローチが鮮明であり, その意味でこの対立は先鋭化していたように思われる。本稿では, 人文科学から社会科学への歴史学への転換に際して, フランスではどのような議論が闘わされてきたのかを, 社会学者で経済学者であるフランソワ・シミアンの研究を通して考察する。Various theoretical approaches fall under the umbrella term : the study of history. There has been much discussion on the way to approach the facts of history, including the nature of facts themselves. The essence of this discussion can be boiled down to the conflict between the approach that treats history as part of humanities and the approach that treats history as a social science. In France, the shift towards treating history as a social science was seen relatively earlier than elsewhere, and especially the preference of the shift for a quantitative approach had become apparent. Therefore, it is thought that the theoretical division has further intensified in this country. In this paper, the debate that took place in France at the time history was going through a shift from humanities to social sciences is considered in the light of the research of sociologist and economist François Simiand.論説
永原 陽子 浅田 進史 網中 昭世 粟屋 利江 石川 博樹 今泉 裕美子 大久保 由理 愼 蒼宇 鈴木 茂 難波 ちづる 中野 聡 眞城 百華 溝辺 泰雄 飯島 みどり 松田 素二 上杉 妙子 丸山 淳子 小川 了 ジェッピー シャーミル サネ ピエール テケステ ネガシュ

難波 ちづる
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.118, no.11, pp.1963-1988, 2009-11-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The purpose of this article is to discuss the propaganda developed by the French authorities in Indochina between 1940 and 1945, in particular under the Vichy regime, in the new context of 1) losing the War, 2) occupation of the mother country by the Germans, and 3) the Japanese presence in the colony, especially the relation to propaganda efforts being made by the Japanese. The local French government's extensive propaganda campaign in Indochina was based on the idea of a "national revolution" in order to legitimize colonial rule. However, the influence exerted on the campaign by the Japanese presence was both strong and diverse, as exemplified by the various French reactions, ranging from compromise and antipathy based on points of common interest to resistance and indifference to obstructive cooperation. The campaign itself clearly reflected the basic problems facing the French authorities in ruling Indochina at that time. The slogans frequently raised at the time indicate that the French government had been forced to reconsider and then adjust its assimilative and "modernist" colonial policy approach of the previous years, which assumed "universal" republicanism and the introduction of necessary institutions for its implementation. Moreover, the French were powerless to deny the Japanese entry to the colonies, and in the midst of faulty maritime connections with the homeland, their claims of benefits to be derived from the "great French empire" soon proved ineffective in maintaining colonial authority. Having been forced to recognize the Japanese presence, the French had no alternative than to "accept" indigenous "values" and emphasize the bonds that tied Indochina to France. On the other hand, the Japanese propaganda hailing cultural attributes similar to the Indochinese, Asian solidarity, the gap that existed between East and West and superiority of Japanese leadership jolted the French campaign and weakened its effectiveness. In this sense, the appearance of a "Japanese factor" not only forced new developments to occur in French colonial policy, but at the same time hastened the end to French rule over the region.
難波 ちづる
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.99, no.3, pp.541(189)-556(204), 2006-10

第二次大戦下の仏領インドシナにおいて, フランスと日本が, 現地住民の支持を獲得するためにどのような攻防を繰り広げたのかを, 三者の関係性に注目しながら, 文化的側面に焦点をあてて明らかにした。具体的には, 日常レベルのミクロポリティクス, 国家の政策やイデオロギーを広く民衆に伝える手段であるプロパガンタ, そして文化政策という三つの異なるレベルにおける日仏の競合や協力, 妥協を双方の「対話的関係」に注目しながら論じた。This study investigates the relationship between French Indochina, France, and Japan during World War II in French Indochina and how the three parties fought an offensive and defensive battle to win the support of local residents, particularly focusing on cultural aspects. In practice, while focusing on mutual "interactive relations," the study discusses the competition, cooperation, and compromises between Japan and France across three levels: micro-politics at the day-to-day level; propaganda as a means to transmit national policies and ideology to a wide general public; and cultural policies.小特集 : 社会史の実証と方法
難波 ちづる
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.108, no.2, pp.353-378, 2015-07

故岡田泰男名誉教授追悼特集 : 経済学部における歴史研究 : 日本, アジア, そしてアメリカ第二次世界大戦の勃発を前にして, フランスは約2万人の労働者をインドシナから徴用した。戦後, 彼らを祖国に戻すことがフランス新政府にとって喫緊の課題となるが, インドシナ戦争の勃発により, 送還事業はさまざまな困難に直面することとなった。本国が遂行する戦争に植民地住民を動員するという, いわば帝国の「結束」を強化する政策の清算に, 戦後フランスは多大な労力を払うこととなり, 植民地再支配の試みへの足枷となったのである。When World War II broke out, approximately 20,000 Vietnamese were sent to France as workers. After the war, repatriating these workers involved many difficulties for various reasons, including the outbreak and escalation of the Indochina War. Mobilization of local citizens in a colony was a policy employed by the Meropole to strengthen the unity of the empire. After the war, however, France had to put in a lot of effort to settle the debt created by this policy. These workers, who were mobilized to aid the parent country during the war, ended up endangering the re-establishment of the French colonial rule.