難波 精一郎
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.71, no.2, pp.53, 2017 (Released:2017-02-14)

G. T. Fechner proposed his logarithmic law between physical continuum of stimulus and an attribute of sensation in 1860. Fechner also proposed the distinction between outer and inner-psychophysics. Outer-psychophysics deals with the relation between the observable participant's response and stimulus. In outer-psychophysics, it can be postulated that the response is located on the interval scale when the logarithmic law between stimulus and response is established. In inner-psychophysics, the logarithmic law is established in mind on the assumption that the equality of subjective size of just noticeable difference (jnd). However, it is difficult to verify the equality of jnd using empirical procedures. Bergson strongly criticizes that Fechner's law is based on an assumption that cannot be verified. Zwislocki (1991) defines that the measurement entails matching of common attributes of things or events. According to his definition of “Natural Measurement”, we can match the different things or events on the common psychological continuum. As a result, matching operation can ensure the point of subjective equality (PSE) to be a common attribute among different objects. When an appropriate measure is applied, the same PSE from different things or events confirms the same point on the continuum of common attribute of sensation. The PSE is a physical measure. It can be measured using objective or empirical procedure. An important role of psychophysics is to find an appropriate physical measure. Usually, the standardized physical measure of adequate stimulus is modified on the basis of psychophysical data and reflects the characteristics of sensation. Therefore, a good relationship between subjective response to adequate stimulus and a standardized measure can be expected. It is true that the relation between the loudness judgment of various kinds of nonsteady sounds and a standardized index (e. g. equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level: LAeq) exhibits a high coefficient correlation. However, a law derived from the experimental results depends on the psychophysical method used. For example, the method of category scaling results logarithmic law and magnitude estimation results power law. The result of the experiment using the scale discriminative method was introduced to verify whether the logarithmic law or the power law was valid for the loudness judgment. The results showed that participants' quantitative judgments were well adapted to the experimental procedure. Torgerson (1960) suggests that the participants seem to judge the stimulus taking a different strategy depending on the purpose of the experiment. In daily life situations, we are very adaptive to quantitative behavior for satisfying the purpose of the behavior. This poses a problem of ecological validity in psychophysics. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate stimuli and method to simulate the daily life situations in the psychophysical experiments. Main attributes of auditory sensation are loudness, pitch and timbre. Both loudness and pitch are one dimensional, but timbre or tone quality is multidimensional. It is difficult to constitute rating scale of tone quality expressed by only one physical dimension, and at present, it is far from to establish a general psychophysical rule for applying to tone quality. However, if the sound source is limited, a possibility of establishing a physical scale to predict tone quality. Some examples of the machine sound's tone quality control were introduced.
小松 正史 加藤 徹 桑野 園子 難波 精一郎 近藤 明 井上 義雄 山口 克人
The Institutew of Noise Control Engineering of Japan
騒音制御 (ISSN:03868761)
vol.24, no.4, pp.268-276, 2000-08-01 (Released:2009-10-06)

道路交通騒音の不快感緩和対策として, 本稿では樹木葉擦れ音のマスキング効果に着目し, 高木類6種が発生する葉擦れ音の周波数やレベル分析, 距離減衰に伴うレベル変化などの物理測定を実施した。その結果, 各樹種とも100Hzから1,000Hzにかけて平坦な成分をもち, 1,000Hz以上で樹種間に差が現れた。レベルの高い音を発生する樹種の特性は受風感度の高い形状をもつものであり, 高域の周波数成分を多く含む樹種の特性は葉縁部の硬度が高いことが示された。また, 距離減衰に伴って高域の周波数成分が減少することも確認された。3樹種については風速値とLAeq,10minの間に相関がみられた。最後に葉擦れ音を活かした沿道植栽計画の必要性を論じた。
難波 精一郎 桑野 園子 中村 敏枝
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.34, no.1, pp.p29-34, 1978-01

The present experiments were made to establish a relation between the overall judgment and the instantaneous judgment of the sound which continues over a long period. We have an impression of loudness of sound every moment, at the same time we may judge the overall loudness after some period passed. The overall loudness may be said to be a kind of summation of the loudness at each moment. To find the relation between them is very useful to expect the overall loudness. For this purpose, we have developed a new method, continuous judgment by category. Five subjects with normal hearing ability judged the impression of the sound of each moment using 7 categories from very noisy to very calm by touching one of the 7 micro-switches on the response box corresponding to each category. The stimuli used were nine kinds of road traffic noise with 1 minute duration recorded on a magnetic tape. They were reproduced by a tape recorder and presented to each subject through amplifier and loudspeaker. The responses of the subject were continuously recorded on the recorder. To obtain the overall judgment, two methods were used, semantic differential and the method of adjustment. In the experiment using semantic differential, the subjects were asked to judge the overall impression of the stimuli using 7 categories of three adjective scales, "noisy-calm", "clear-hazy" and "bass-treble", after listening to 1 minute stimulus. As for the method of adjustment, the result of our previous experiment was referred. The findings are as follows : (1) The coefficient of correlation between trials of each subject was so high that method of continuous judgment by category can be said to be reliable. Moreover, the subjective interval between categories was confirmed to be equal by Torgerson's law of categorical judgment. (2) High correlation was found between the sound level and the category scale of continuous judgment of the subjects at every one second (r=. 968). (3) The effect of the preceding stimulus was examined by calculating Leq averaging over 1 sec to 5 sec preceding to the judgment. 2 sec-averaged Leq showed the highest correlation with judgment. This fact suggests that the instantaneous judgment may be affected by the preceding stimulus and determined by averaging the sound level during 2 sec preceding to the judgment. (4) Though the overall judgment showed a high correlation with the average of instantaneous judgment of each changing stimulus, the latter showed a trend to be underestimated in the stimuli composed of 1 or 2 vehicles. This difference could be modified by excluding the judgment of the background noise from averaging. This fact suggests that the overall loudness is mainly determined by the prominent part of signals, and supports our previous finding that the overall loudness of level-fluctuating sound shows a high correlation with L_&lt10&gt or Leq, which are affected by the upper level of the sound. (5) From the findings of these experiments it was found that the overall loudness can be estimated by the instantaneous judgment or the instantaneous sound level. Our new method, continuous judgment by category, can be applied to any stimulus with longer duration. We would like to try it in the future.
羽藤 律 桑野 園子 コスティガン エドワード 難波 精一郎
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.54, no.10, pp.695-703, 1998

本研究では非母国語の聴取方法について, 日本人学生と留学生で比較・検討した。日本人学生と留学生に, バブルノイズと日本語の短文をラウドスピーカからSN比を変えて同時に提示し, 聴こえた言葉から順に書き留めるよう求めた。その結果, (1)留学生の場合, 単語了解度は文の性質に依存し, 単語数の多い文, 発話速度の速い文においては, 日本人学生より顕著に低下すること, (2)文に聴き取りの困難な単語が含まれている場合, 日本人学生の場合は主として前後の文脈から単語を推定する試みをするが, 留学生の場合音韻の特徴に基づいて推定する傾向があること, (3)各単語の了解時のSN比を基にして樹形図の作成を試みた結果, 日本人の場合樹形図の構造が単純になるのに対して, 留学生の場合複雑となることが示された。これらの結果は, 留学生及び日本人学生の文章の聴き取り方の違いを反映していると考えられる。
難波 精一郎 桑野 園子 二階堂 誠也
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.38, no.4, pp.199-210, 1982

The effects of noise, distortion and band limitation on the tone quality of broadcasting sounds are investigated using the method of continuous judgment by category. The advantages of this method are that the long-term program can be used as stimulus as it is, and that subjects listen to the program without paying attention to any specific deteriorative conditions. Popular songs with conversation between an announcer and singers broadcasted by NHK FM are used as source program. The duration is about 23 minutes. Four kind of noise, three kinds of distortion and three kinds of band limitation are added on the program. Twenty subjects judge the instantaneous tone quality using eight categories. The effects of the deteriorative conditions are compared with one another in the same context. As a results, it is found that this method is appropriate to evaluate the tone quality of broadcasting sounds in a natural listening attitude. And it is confirmed by the experiment using this method that noise has the greatest effect on the tone quality, and that distortion also plays an important role in the estimation of the tone quality when either noise or band limitation is not added.
難波 精一郎 EDWARD Costi 桑野 園子 COSTIGAN Edward COSTIGAN Edw

フーゴー ファスル 桑野 園子 難波 精一郎
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) (ISSN:03882861)
vol.17, no.3, pp.139-148, 1996-05

When the subjective impressions of traffic noises with the same values of L_&ltAeq&gt are compared, it is often found that rail noise is judged to be less annoying than road traffic noise or aircraft noise. The present experiments were designed to examine the so-called "railway bonus" in laboratory situations. 15 minute noises which contained several events of road traffic noise and/or rail noise were used and their instantaneous loudness as well as overall loudness were judged by German and Japanese subjects. It was confirmed from the results that there may exist a railway bonus in the judgments of loudness also in laboratory situations. That is, the rail noise was judged to be softer than road traffic noise by the both groups of subjects even if the L_&ltAeq&gt Values were the same. Possible reasons for the existence of the railway bonus may be the difference in frequency components, frequency of events, subjective meanings, etc. between both sound sources. Further systematical and detailed experiments are needed in order to determine the magnitude of the railway bonus as well as its underlying mechanism.
桑野 園子 難波 精一郎 FLORENTINE M FASTL Hugo SCHICK Augus
