窪田 悟 小田 泰久 高橋 由佳
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.60, no.3, pp.405-408, 2006-03-01 (Released:2008-03-07)

We investigated the effects of pixel density, anti-aliasing, and stroke width on the subjective image quality of characters displayed on high-density liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). We used 6×4.5 photographs to simulate high-density LCDs. The simulated LCDs had 70 different display conditions that consisted of seven pixel densities (100 to 400 ppi stepped by 50 ppi), five stroke widths, and two font types (anti-aliased fonts and bi-level fonts). The character size was fixed at about 3 mm. The display luminance was set to 150 cd/m2 and a contrast ratio of 30:1 was used. At a 30-cm viewing distance, 30 subjects assessed the character image quality of the 70 simulated LCDs. The results indicated that subjective evaluation of character image quality became saturated at about 250 ppi for anti-aliased fonts and 350 ppi for bi-level fonts. Therefore, the required pixel density for computer displays is 250 ppi for anti-aliased fonts and 350 ppi for bi-level fonts.
倉田 佳奈 高橋 由佳 岩崎 后穂 朴 京子 小山 慎一 日比野 治雄 山下 純
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.223-234, 2016-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Objective: Instructions contained in over-the-counter medicine package inserts can be hard to read because of the limited printing space.  Pictograms are one means of helping users to understand important information.  However, few pictogram systems have been reliably and validly evaluated.  Therefore, a new method was developed to improve the clarity of each illustration and the legitimacy as a pictogram for conveying information important.Methods: Four creators developed 69 illustrations, each of which expressed one of 24 instructions in the package insert of an H2 blocker.  In a survey, participants (449 university undergraduate and graduate students and 103 pharmacy users) were asked to describe the possible meaning of each illustration and to provide their personal suggestions for improvement.  To evaluate comprehension of information, each instruction was broken into two or three different parts.  Comprehension level was calculated by: (number of people who answered correctly) × 100 / (total number of respondents).  Existing pictograms were included to compare comprehension levels for the same instructions.Results: Using 67% as the minimum standard for comprehension, we classified each illustration into one of three categories: “no need for improvement,” “need for partial improvement,” and “need for total improvement.”  The students and pharmacy users tended to accurately interpret the possible meanings of illustrations that were familiar to them.Conclusion: Breaking one instruction of the package insert into a few important pieces of information was useful for determining the level of improvement needed for each illustration.  Evaluating how well each illustration conveys important information in the instructions through two steps was also beneficial, which are to improve the illustration’s clarity with students and its legitimacy among pharmacy users for fulfilling the intended functions of a pictogram.
大久保 正人 高橋 由佳 山下 純 高橋 秀依 宮田 興子 鈴木 貴明 石井 伊都子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.6, pp.745-755, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-06-01)
15 3

Pharmacy education comprises basic pharmacy (organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physical chemistry) and applied pharmacy (clinical pharmacy, pharm aceutics, and chemical hygiene). Students are expected to apply these subjects studied in pharmacy school during their practical pharmacy training. However, knowledge gained in university does not appear to be fully utilized in practice. We hypothesized that this is due to a lack of connection between pre-practical training education and actual practical training. Thus, we conducted a questionnaire study among pharmacy students to verify this hypothesis. We sent a questionnaire to 601 students in their sixth year of the pharmacy course at Chiba University, Teikyo University, or Kobe Pharmaceutical University who had undergone long-term practical training. The questionnaire asked about the utility of each subject of study and the reason for the judgement regarding the utility. Four hundred and forty-two students replied (response rate, 73.5%). A small proportion of students found the basic pharmacy subjects useful: physical chemistry, 5%; organic chemistry, 10%; and biochemistry, 24%. In contrast, more than half of the students found the clinical pharmacy subjects useful: pharmacology, 85%; pharmaceutics, 55%; pathophysiology, 75%; pharmacotherapeutics, 84%; and pharmaceutical regulations, 58%. Analysis of the comments left in the free-description section on the questionnaire revealed that most students did not have any opportunity to use their knowledge of the basic subjects during practical training, and furthermore, did not learn the processes involving the use of such subjects to solve clinical problems. Universities and pharmacists need to collaborate so that students can learn such processes.
杉浦 利江 高橋 由佳 坂本 忍 稲森 美穂 山田 浩昭 米積 信宏 森下 博子 前田 美都里 川合 智之
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.67, no.4, 2018

村井 紀彦 谷口 善知 高橋 由佳 安原 裕美子 窪島 史子 楯谷 一郎
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.114, no.7, pp.615-619, 2011-07-20

目的: 2004年に日本臨床細胞学会において提唱された, 唾液腺細胞診に関する新報告様式の当科での運用状況, 有用性と問題点を検討すること. 対象と方法: 2006年から2010年までの4年間に, 術前穿刺吸引細胞診と外科的切除を行った44例を対象とし, カルテをレトロスペクティブに調査し, 細胞診の結果, 病理組織診断等を記録した. 結果: 耳下腺原発が33例, 顎下腺原発は11例, 悪性は8例, 良性は36例であった. 良性例のうちの2例は検体不適正であり, また, 良性例のうちの4例と悪性例のうちの1例は「鑑別困難」と判定された. 真陽性は3例, 真陰性は30例で, 偽陰性が4例あり, 偽陽性例はなかった. 感度, 特異度, 正診率はそれぞれ42.9% (4/7), 100% (30/30), 89.2% (34/37) であった. 精度管理指標については, 検体不適正率は4.5% (2/44), 良悪性鑑別困難率は11.4% (5/44), 悪性疑い例の悪性率は100% (2/2) であった. 結論: 新報告様式の使用により, パパニコロウ分類の報告結果に対する臨床医の解釈の曖昧さが減少し, 臨床的に有意義であると考えられた.