日比野 啓 林 廣親 山下 純照
演劇学論集 日本演劇学会紀要 (ISSN:13482815)
vol.49, pp.3-25, 2009 (Released:2018-01-12)

This paper first addresses the general academic inertia in the research on Japanese theatre during the Fifteen-Years War (1931-1945). A few shingeki-centered studies have emphasized the government's repression of theatre, but more detailed, evidence-based examination (rather than emotionally charged accusations based on limited experiences on the part of “victims”) will reveal the complex and complicated situation in which Japanese theatre was bogged down from 1931 through 1945.Second, it redefines Ozasa Yoshio's argument that the “National Theatre” (kokumin engeki) concept was not a detestably successful example of the nation's cultural control but a failed enterprise broadly supported by theatre practitioners who were encouraged by the nation's first attempt to support theatre. The National Theatre concept was so abstract and vague that government official, critics and scholars, shingeki people, and production companies could put their different ideals and plans on it, with the result that it failed to provide a unified vision of the National Theatre, whether it was based on shingeki or kabuki.Third, it proposes a new perspective on mobile theatre. The “uncontrollability” of theatre arts was most tellingly reflected in the realities of Japanese mobile theatre during World War II. These realities should be further examined not only by excavating unfound documents told by the performers and the leaders of the mobile theatre, but also by exploring the experiences of audiences in villages and factories.Lastly, the paper concludes that unlike the Nazi Theatre, which Japanese government official and scholars set an example of, Japanese theatre during the Fifteen-Years War was not so organized or unified that the government could control its broad activities. Although research on the influences of the Nazi theatre policies on Japan's National Theatre concept should be continued, they are expected to be limited ones.
倉田 佳奈 高橋 由佳 岩崎 后穂 朴 京子 小山 慎一 日比野 治雄 山下 純
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.223-234, 2016-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Objective: Instructions contained in over-the-counter medicine package inserts can be hard to read because of the limited printing space.  Pictograms are one means of helping users to understand important information.  However, few pictogram systems have been reliably and validly evaluated.  Therefore, a new method was developed to improve the clarity of each illustration and the legitimacy as a pictogram for conveying information important.Methods: Four creators developed 69 illustrations, each of which expressed one of 24 instructions in the package insert of an H2 blocker.  In a survey, participants (449 university undergraduate and graduate students and 103 pharmacy users) were asked to describe the possible meaning of each illustration and to provide their personal suggestions for improvement.  To evaluate comprehension of information, each instruction was broken into two or three different parts.  Comprehension level was calculated by: (number of people who answered correctly) × 100 / (total number of respondents).  Existing pictograms were included to compare comprehension levels for the same instructions.Results: Using 67% as the minimum standard for comprehension, we classified each illustration into one of three categories: “no need for improvement,” “need for partial improvement,” and “need for total improvement.”  The students and pharmacy users tended to accurately interpret the possible meanings of illustrations that were familiar to them.Conclusion: Breaking one instruction of the package insert into a few important pieces of information was useful for determining the level of improvement needed for each illustration.  Evaluating how well each illustration conveys important information in the instructions through two steps was also beneficial, which are to improve the illustration’s clarity with students and its legitimacy among pharmacy users for fulfilling the intended functions of a pictogram.
大久保 正人 高橋 由佳 山下 純 高橋 秀依 宮田 興子 鈴木 貴明 石井 伊都子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.6, pp.745-755, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-06-01)
15 3

Pharmacy education comprises basic pharmacy (organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physical chemistry) and applied pharmacy (clinical pharmacy, pharm aceutics, and chemical hygiene). Students are expected to apply these subjects studied in pharmacy school during their practical pharmacy training. However, knowledge gained in university does not appear to be fully utilized in practice. We hypothesized that this is due to a lack of connection between pre-practical training education and actual practical training. Thus, we conducted a questionnaire study among pharmacy students to verify this hypothesis. We sent a questionnaire to 601 students in their sixth year of the pharmacy course at Chiba University, Teikyo University, or Kobe Pharmaceutical University who had undergone long-term practical training. The questionnaire asked about the utility of each subject of study and the reason for the judgement regarding the utility. Four hundred and forty-two students replied (response rate, 73.5%). A small proportion of students found the basic pharmacy subjects useful: physical chemistry, 5%; organic chemistry, 10%; and biochemistry, 24%. In contrast, more than half of the students found the clinical pharmacy subjects useful: pharmacology, 85%; pharmaceutics, 55%; pathophysiology, 75%; pharmacotherapeutics, 84%; and pharmaceutical regulations, 58%. Analysis of the comments left in the free-description section on the questionnaire revealed that most students did not have any opportunity to use their knowledge of the basic subjects during practical training, and furthermore, did not learn the processes involving the use of such subjects to solve clinical problems. Universities and pharmacists need to collaborate so that students can learn such processes.
寺田 忠史 藤本 勝彦 野村 誠 山下 純一 / 小武内 尚 武田 節夫 南 慶典 吉田 健一郎 山口 秀夫 山田 雄次 Yuji YAMADA
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.41, no.5, pp.907-912, 1993-05-15 (Released:2008-03-31)
6 10

1-β-Alkyl derivatives of 1-desoxypodophyllotoxin were synthesized, and their cytotoxicity and inhibitory effects on DNA topoisomerase II (Topo-II) and tubulin polymerization were examined.The reaction of epipodophyllotoxin derivatives (1a-c) with trimethylallylsilane in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate gave 1-β-allylated compounds (2a-c). The regiochemistry and the β-stereochemistry of the 1-allyl group were confirmed by comparison of the 13C-NMR spectra and NOE's (%) of 2c, podophyllotoxin (POD) and epipodophyllotoxin (1b). 1-β-Alkyl-1-desoxypodophyllotoxin derivatives (3-8) were prepared from 2b.None of the tested compounds (3-8) showed any inhibitory effect on Topo-II. 1-β-Propyl compound (3) and its 4'-demethyl compound (4) inhibited tubulin polymerization and the cytotoxicities of these compounds were equal to that of VP-16. 1-β-(2, 3-Dihydroxypropyl) compounds (5 and 8) and 1-β-(2, 3-diacetoxypropyl) compounds (6 and 7)showed no inhibitory effect on tubulin polymerization. Although 5 did not inhibit either Topo-II activity or tubulin polymerization, it showed a high cytotoxicity against sarcoma 180.
山下 純隆
福岡県農業総合試験場研究報告 (ISSN:13414593)
no.29, pp.10-12, 2010-03

山下 純隆
no.29, pp.10-12, 2010 (Released:2011-07-22)
涌井 秀樹 山下 純一 大渕 宏道 吉田 廣作 中本 安 三浦 亮
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.75, no.6, pp.788-791, 1986

症例は16才の女子高校生で修学旅行中に一過性の黒色尿を生じたため入院した.尿潜血反応は強陽性であつたが赤血球沈渣はみられなかつた.血清ビリルビン, LDH, GOT値の上昇と血清ハプトグロビン値の減少を認めた. Coombs試験, Ham試験, sugar water試験は陰性で赤血球浸透圧脆弱試験は正常であつた.運動負荷試験を行なつた.黒色尿は生じなかつたが血管内溶血の所見を得た.修学旅行後は通常の学校生活に戻つたが黒色尿はみられていない.以上より修学旅行中の長距離歩行によるmarch hemoglobinuriaと診断された.本邦報告例では圧倒的に青年男子の運動選手,特に剣道選手にみられるので,本症例はきわめてまれな例である.
山下 純一 松本 宏 小林 和弘 野口 和春 安本 三治 上田 亨
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.37, no.9, pp.2287-2292, 1989-09-25

A practical synthesis of 3'-O-benzyl-2'-deoxy-5-trifluoromethyluridine (1), a candidate antitumor agent for clinical testing, was developed from 2'-deoxy-5-iodouridine (3). Benzylation of 2'-deoxy-5-iodo-5'-O-trityluridine (14) with benzyl bromide and sodium hydride in tetrahydrofuran gave the 3'-O-derivative (16). Benzoylation of 16 afforded the N^3-benzoyl derivative (17). Coupling of 17 with trifluoromethylcopper, prepared from bromotrifluoromethane and copper powder in the presence of 4-dimethylaminopyridine, gave the 5-trifluoromethyl derivative (19) minimally contaminated with the 5-pentafluoroethyl compound. Deprotection of 19 furnished 1.
安本 三治 山下 純一 橋本 貞夫
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.11, pp.1551-1553, 1978-11-25

Synthesis of 3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (3-Thf-FU) (III), which has been found to be a metabolic intermediate of 1,3-bis (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (Thf_2-FU) and an effective antitumor agent, is reported. 1-Alkane- or 1-arene-sulfonyl-5-fluorouracil (I) was trimethylsilylated by treatment with N, O-bis (trimethylsilyl) acetamide and treated with 2-acetoxytetrahydrofuran in the presence of stannic chloride to give 1-alkane- or 1-arene-sulfonyl-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (II). III was obtained by deblocking of II with methanolic ammonia.
寺田 忠史 山田 雄次 野村 誠 藤本 勝彦 野村 誠 山下 純一 / 小武内 尚 武田 節夫 南 慶典 吉田 健一郎 山口 秀夫
vol.41, no.5, pp.907-912, 1993

1-&beta;-Alkyl derivatives of 1-desoxypodophyllotoxin were synthesized, and their cytotoxicity and inhibitory effects on DNA topoisomerase II (Topo-II) and tubulin polymerization were examined.The reaction of epipodophyllotoxin derivatives (1a-c) with trimethylallylsilane in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate gave 1-&beta;-allylated compounds (2a-c). The regiochemistry and the &beta;-stereochemistry of the 1-allyl group were confirmed by comparison of the <SUP>13</SUP>C-NMR spectra and NOE's (%) of 2c, podophyllotoxin (POD) and epipodophyllotoxin (1b). 1-&beta;-Alkyl-1-desoxypodophyllotoxin derivatives (3-8) were prepared from 2b.None of the tested compounds (3-8) showed any inhibitory effect on Topo-II. 1-&beta;-Propyl compound (3) and its 4'-demethyl compound (4) inhibited tubulin polymerization and the cytotoxicities of these compounds were equal to that of VP-16. 1-&beta;-(2, 3-Dihydroxypropyl) compounds (5 and 8) and 1-&beta;-(2, 3-diacetoxypropyl) compounds (6 and 7)showed no inhibitory effect on tubulin polymerization. Although 5 did not inhibit either Topo-II activity or tubulin polymerization, it showed a high cytotoxicity against sarcoma 180.
寺田 忠史 藤本 勝彦 野村 誠 山下 純一 小武内 尚 武田 節夫 / 山田 雄次 山口 秀夫 山口 秀夫
vol.40, no.10, pp.2720-2727, 1992

Various podophyllotoxin derivatives from desoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) were synthesized to examine the structural relationships between the biological significance (cytotoxic effect, effects on DNA topoisomerase II and tubulin polymerization) in vitro and antitumor activity in vivo (L 1210).An intact 6, 7-methylenedioxy group of DPT is necessary to inhibit tubulin polymerization and topoisomerase II. 4'-Phenolic hydroxyl group of DPT is essential to inhibit DNA topoisomerase II and the inhibitory effect on DNA topoisomerase II contributes to a high cytotoxicity.The introduction of an aminoalkoxy group at 1-position of DPT enhances the inhibitory activity against DNA topoisomerase II and cytotoxic effect, causing the inhibitory activity against tubulin polymerization to disappear. The results of antitumor test in mice bearing L 1210 on podophyllotoxin derivatives suggest the following : 1) the strong cytotoxic effect itself is not a good indication of antitumor activity in vivo as long as it is associated with inhibition of tubulin polymerization. DNA topoisomerase II inhibitory effect contributes to an antitumor activity in vivo; 2) detailed measurements of cytotoxicity and inhibition on DNA topoisomerase II and tubulin polymerization in vitro are necessary to evaluate podophyllotoxin derivatives.
上田 修一 武田 節夫 山脇 一郎 山下 純一 安本 三治 橋本 貞夫
vol.30, no.1, pp.125-131, 1982

A hydroxylated metabolite of 1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (FT), 1-(trans-3-hydroxytetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (trans-3'-OH-FT, VIII) and its isomer, 1-(cis-3-hydroxytetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (cis-3'-OH-FT, VI), were synthesized and isolated at high purity. As compounds related to FT metabolites, 2, 3'-anhydro-1-(cis-3-hydroxytetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (2, 3'-anhydro-FT, V), 1-(2, 5-dihydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (3', 4'-dehydro-FT, XII) and 1-(5-acetoxytetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (5'-AcO-FT, XI) were also synthesized. The antitumor activities of these compounds against sarcoma 180 and L 1210 were examined. The activities of cis-3'-OH-FT (VI) and 2, 3'-anhydro-FT (V) were found to be lower than that of FT. The activity of 5'-AcO-FT (XI) was the same as that of FT. 3', 4'-Dehydro-FT (XII) showed much greater activity than FT.
山下 純一 山脇 一郎 上田 修一 安本 三治 采見 憲男 橋本 貞夫
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.30, no.12, pp.4258-4267, 1982-12-25

Six types of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) derivatives were synthesized ; namely, 2,4-di-O-substituted, 2-O-substituted, 4-O-substituted, 1,3-disubstituted, 1-substituted and 3-substituted compounds. After oral administration of these compounds to rats, the blood levels of 5-FU were determined. Among O-substituted derivatives, a 4-O-substituted derivative was most easily activated to 5-FU and 2-O-substituted derivatives were next most easily activated. Among N-substituted derivatives, acyl and sulfonyl derivatives showed the highest 5-FU releasing abilities and 1-alkoxymethyl substituted derivatives showed low ability. N-Alkyl substituted derivatives were not activated to 5-FU. Several compounds which gave higher blood levels of 5-FU than that obtained with 1-(tetrahydro-2-furyl)-5-fluorouracil (Thf-FU), as well as same related compounds, were selected and their antitumor activities were examined. The 2-O-substituted derivatives, 2-butoxy-5-fluoro-4 (1H)-pyrimidone (11) and 2-benzyloxy-5-fluoro-4 (1H)-pyrimidone (19), were as effective as Thf-FU. The activities of 2,4-di-O-substituted derivatives, 2,4-dibutoxy-5-fluoropyrimidine (1) and 2,4-dibenzyloxy-5-fluoropyrimidine (6), against Ehrlich carcinoma and against sarcoma 180,respectively, were the same as those of Thf-FU. The 1-substituted derivatives, 1-ethoxymethyl-5-fluorouracil (49) and 1-(1-ethoxy-1-phenylmethyl)-5-fluorouracil (50), were found to be as effective as Thf-FU.
山下 純一 安本 三治 橋本 貞夫
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.31, no.11, pp.3872-3877, 1983-11-25

The mechanism of the condensation of 5-fluorouracil and 2-acetoxytetrahydrofuran (3), giving 1-(tetrahydro-2-furyl)-5-fluorouracil, was studied. An equilibrium between 2-acetoxytetrahydrofuran (3) and 2,3-dihydrofuran (4) was observed at 120-170℃ in dimethylformamide. It was found by the use of 1,3-dideuterio-5-fluorouracil that the condensation of 5-fluorouracil with 3 occurred both by direct substitution and by the formation of 4 from 3 followed by addition of the uracil to it. The contribution of the latter path increased with increase of the reaction temperature.
山下 純一 武田 節夫 松本 宏 寺田 忠史 采見 憲男 安本 三治
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.35, no.5, pp.2090-2094, 1987-05-25

Various O-acyl and N-acyl derivatives of 2'-deoxy-5-trifluoromethyluridine (F_3Thd) were synthesized; namely 5'-O-acyl, 3',5'-di-O-acyl, N^3-acyl, 3',5'-di-O-acetyl-N^3-acyl, 3',5'-di-O-carbamoyl and 3',5'-di-O-ethoxycarbonyl compounds. 5'-O-Acyl derivatives of 2'-deoxy-5-trifluoromethylcytidine were also synthesized. The antitumor activities of these compounds against sarcoma 180 were examined by oral administration to mice. Among the 5'- and 3',5'-diester compounds with aliphatic acids, the 5'-O-hexanoyl compound showed the highest activity. Full protection of the sugar moiety with aroyl or carbamoyl groups considerably decreased the activities, and those of the 3',5'-di-O-m-fluorobenzoyl and 3',5'-di-O-butylcarbamoyl compounds were the smallest. N^3-Benzoyl compounds were slightly more effective than F_3Thd but none of them showed higher activity than the effective O-acyl compounds. In the case of 5'-O-acylates of 2'-deoxy-5-trifluoroniethylcytidine, the 5'-O-benzoyl compound showed the highest activity.
山下 純一 武田 節夫 松本 宏 采見 憲男 安本 三治
Chem. Pharm. Bull. (ISSN:00092363)
vol.35, pp.2373-2381, 1987

Various O-alkoxyalkyl derivatives of 2'-deoxy-5-trifluoroniethyluridine(F_3Thd) were synthesized, and the antitumor activities of the compounds against sarcoma 180 were examined by oral administration to mice. Among the formal-type derivatives, 3',5'-di-O-ethoxymethyl (3), 3',5'-di-O-benzyloxyinethyl (12), 5'-O-benzyloxymethyl (13) and 3'-O-benzyloxymethyl (14) compounds showed high activities, which were six-fold higher than that of F_3Thd itself. Since acetal-type derivatives were unstable under acidic conditions, antitumor testing of the compounds was also carried out with co-administration of sodium bicarbonate. 5 '-O-(1-Ethoxypropyl)-F_3Thd (25) and 5'-O-(1-benz:yloxypropyl)-F_3Thd (37) showed the highest activities among the acetal-type derivatives, but the ED_50 values of the compounds were not lower than those of effective formal-type compounds. These O-alkoxyalkyl derivatives of F_3Thd are resistant to degradation by thymidine phosphorylase and are activated by microsornal drug-metabolizing enzymes after absorption.