落合 知美 綿貫 宏史朗 鵜殿 俊史 森村 成樹 平田 聡 友永 雅己 伊谷 原一 松沢 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.31, no.1, pp.19-29, 2015-06-20 (Released:2015-08-07)
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The Great Ape Information Network has collated and archived information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since 2002. As of July 1st, 2014, a total of 323 chimpanzees were housed within 52 facilities across Japan, all registered in the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) studbook. JAZA has recorded information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since the 1980s. However, for individuals unregistered and/or deceased prior to this period, JAZA holds scant information. There are very few surviving reports on living conditions and husbandry of such individuals, particularly for the years preceding the Second World War (WWII) (up to 1945). Here we present the first detailed history of captive chimpanzees in Japan before WWII, following a systematic investigation of disparate records. The first record of any live chimpanzee within Japan was a chimpanzee accompanying an Italian travelling circus in 1921. The history of resident captive chimpanzees in Japan began in 1927 when a chimpanzee, imported into Japan by a visitor, was exhibited in Osaka zoo. In the 1930s, many chimpanzee infants were imported to Japanese zoos until in 1941 imports were halted because of WWII. By the end of WWII, there was only one single chimpanzee still alive within Japan, “Bamboo”, housed in Nagoya. In 1951, importation of wild chimpanzees into Japan resumed. In total, we identified 28 individuals housed within Japan before 1945, none listed previously in the JAZA studbook. Of these 28 individuals: 6 entered Japan as pets and/or circus animals, 21 were imported to zoos, and one was stillborn in zoo. Of the 21 zoo-housed individuals, 7 died within one year and 9 of the remaining 14 were dead within 5 years of arriving in Japan. Four individuals are recorded to have lived 7-8 years. Only one male individual, the aforementioned “Bamboo”, lived notably longer, to about 14 years.
落合 知美 綿貫 宏史朗 鵜殿 俊史 森村 成樹 平田 聡 友永 雅己 伊谷 原一 松沢 哲郎
Primate Society of Japan
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)

The Great Ape Information Network has collated and archived information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since 2002. As of July 1<sup>st</sup>, 2014, a total of 323 chimpanzees were housed within 52 facilities across Japan, all registered in the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) studbook. JAZA has recorded information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since the 1980s. However, for individuals unregistered and/or deceased prior to this period, JAZA holds scant information. There are very few surviving reports on living conditions and husbandry of such individuals, particularly for the years preceding the Second World War (WWII) (up to 1945). Here we present the first detailed history of captive chimpanzees in Japan before WWII, following a systematic investigation of disparate records. The first record of any live chimpanzee within Japan was a chimpanzee accompanying an Italian travelling circus in 1921. The history of resident captive chimpanzees in Japan began in 1927 when a chimpanzee, imported into Japan by a visitor, was exhibited in Osaka zoo. In the 1930s, many chimpanzee infants were imported to Japanese zoos until in 1941 imports were halted because of WWII. By the end of WWII, there was only one single chimpanzee still alive within Japan, "Bamboo", housed in Nagoya. In 1951, importation of wild chimpanzees into Japan resumed. In total, we identified 28 individuals housed within Japan before 1945, none listed previously in the JAZA studbook. Of these 28 individuals: 6 entered Japan as pets and/or circus animals, 21 were imported to zoos, and one was stillborn in zoo. Of the 21 zoo-housed individuals, 7 died within one year and 9 of the remaining 14 were dead within 5 years of arriving in Japan. Four individuals are recorded to have lived 7-8 years. Only one male individual, the aforementioned "Bamboo", lived notably longer, to about 14 years.
菅原 亨 郷 康広 鵜殿 俊史 森村 成樹 友永 雅己 今井 啓雄 平井 啓久
霊長類研究 Supplement 第25回日本霊長類学会大会
pp.14, 2009 (Released:2010-06-17)

哺乳類の味覚は,基本的に甘み・酸味・苦味・塩味・うま味の5つを認識することができる。その中で苦味は,有毒な物質の摂食に対しての警告であり,ほぼすべての動物が苦味物質に対して拒否反応を示す。一般に苦味は,有害物質の摂取に対する防御として進化してきたと考えられている。一方,チンパンジーにおいて寄生虫感染の際に自己治療として植物の苦味物質を利用することが知られている。苦味は薬理効果のある植物の認識としての役割も併せ持つことを示唆している。我々は,霊長類における苦味認識機構の進化・多様化に興味を持って研究をおこなっている。 苦味は,七回膜貫通型構造を持つ典型的なG蛋白質共役型受容体の1種であるT2Rを介した経路で伝わる。T2Rは,舌上皮の味蕾に存在する味細胞の膜上で機能しており,全長およそ900bpでイントロンがない遺伝子である。近年の研究で,T2Rは霊長類ゲノム中に20~40コピー存在していることがわかっている。特徴的なことは,その遺伝子数がそれぞれの生物種で異なることである。これらの種特異性は,採食行動の違いと関連があると考えられる。また,ヒトやチンパンジーでは,味覚に個体差があることが知られているが,その要因はT2R遺伝子群の1つであるT2R38の一塩基多型(SNP)であることが明らかにされている。T2Rの機能変化は,個体の味覚機能に直接影響を与えると考えられる。 本研究では,46個体の西チンパンジーでT2R遺伝子群の種内多型を解析した。T2R遺伝子群の進化や個々のT2R遺伝子のSNPを解析し,チンパンジーにおける味覚機能の進化や採食行動との関連性を考察した。
落合 知美 綿貫 宏史朗 鵜殿 俊史 森村 成樹 平田 聡 友永 雅己 伊谷 原一 松沢 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
pp.31.001, (Released:2015-03-20)
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The Great Ape Information Network has collated and archived information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since 2002. As of July 1st, 2014, a total of 323 chimpanzees were housed within 52 facilities across Japan, all registered in the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) studbook. JAZA has recorded information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since the 1980s. However, for individuals unregistered and/or deceased prior to this period, JAZA holds scant information. There are very few surviving reports on living conditions and husbandry of such individuals, particularly for the years preceding the Second World War (WWII) (up to 1945). Here we present the first detailed history of captive chimpanzees in Japan before WWII, following a systematic investigation of disparate records. The first record of any live chimpanzee within Japan was a chimpanzee accompanying an Italian travelling circus in 1921. The history of resident captive chimpanzees in Japan began in 1927 when a chimpanzee, imported into Japan by a visitor, was exhibited in Osaka zoo. In the 1930s, many chimpanzee infants were imported to Japanese zoos until in 1941 imports were halted because of WWII. By the end of WWII, there was only one single chimpanzee still alive within Japan, “Bamboo”, housed in Nagoya. In 1951, importation of wild chimpanzees into Japan resumed. In total, we identified 28 individuals housed within Japan before 1945, none listed previously in the JAZA studbook. Of these 28 individuals: 6 entered Japan as pets and/or circus animals, 21 were imported to zoos, and one was stillborn in zoo. Of the 21 zoo-housed individuals, 7 died within one year and 9 of the remaining 14 were dead within 5 years of arriving in Japan. Four individuals are recorded to have lived 7-8 years. Only one male individual, the aforementioned “Bamboo”, lived notably longer, to about 14 years.
石井 則久 鵜殿 俊史 藤澤 道子 伊谷 原一 谷川 和也 宮村 達男 鈴木 幸一
日本ハンセン病学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of leprosy (ISSN:13423681)
vol.80, no.1, pp.29-36, 2011-02-01

&nbsp;&nbsp;Leprosy is suspected to develop after a long period of latency following infection with <i>Mycobacterium leprae</i> (<i>M. leprae</i>) during infancy, but definitive proof has been lacking. We found a rare case of leprosy in a chimpanzee (<i>Pan troglodytes</i>) born in West Africa (Sierra Leone) and brought to Japan around 2 years of age. At 31, the ape started exhibiting pathognomic signs of leprosy. Pathological diagnosis, skin smear, serum anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I) antibody, and by PCR analysis demonstrated lepromatous leprosy. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis verified the West African origin of the bacilli. This occurrence suggests the possibility of leprosy being endemic among wild chimpanzees in West Africa, potentially posing a zoonotic risk.
江見 美子 鵜殿 俊史 小林 久雄 早坂 郁夫
霊長類研究 Supplement 第20回日本霊長類学会大会
pp.131, 2004 (Released:2005-06-30)

【目的】チンパンジーはヒト蟯虫(Enterobius vermicularis)の寄生により、下痢や嘔吐、食欲不振などを起こし、時に肝臓などへの迷入により死に至る場合がある。また蟯虫の雌は産卵時期になると、寄生部位である盲腸から肛門に移動し産卵を行う。この時の掻痒感のため、蟯虫寄生は肛門いじりや各種肛門疾患の原因になると考えられている。しかしチンパンジーにおける蟯虫駆除は 1) 糞便いじりによる再感染率が非常に高い、 2) 投与が容易で蟯虫に対し高い駆除効果が期待できる駆虫薬がない、など非常に難しく、チンパンジー飼育施設にとって長年解決できずにいる問題となっている。そこで、ブタの回虫・鞭虫駆虫薬として既に使用されているフェンベンダゾール (Fenbendazole) のチンパンジーにおける蟯虫駆虫効果について調べ、清浄化を図った。【方法】 (1) 駆虫効果判定の為、蟯虫寄生が確認されたチンパンジー8頭にフェンベンダゾール10mg/kgを2週間隔で2回投与し、排虫の確認と、1、2、4、8、12、16週後に検便を行った。 (2) 蟯虫清浄化を目的として、チンパンジー80頭にフェンベンダゾール10mg/kgを5~11回投与し、2~7カ月おきに検便を行った。【結果】 (1) 8頭とも多数の排虫が確認され、その後12週まで蟯虫は検出されなかった。 (2) 投与前は30.2%だった蟯虫の検便陽性率が、投与開始から9ヶ月後および12カ月後には0%となった。しかし、16カ月後の検便で1頭から蟯虫が検出された。【考察】これらの結果から、フェンベンダゾールはチンパンジーの蟯虫に対し高い駆虫効果を発揮することが確認された。しかし初回投与の16カ月後に1頭から蟯虫が検出されたことから清浄化には至らず、環境中の虫卵から再感染した、あるいは駆虫しきれずに腸管内に残っていたことが考えられた。今後は投与間隔の再検討が必要である。
鵜殿 俊史 寺本 研 早坂 郁夫
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.15, no.2, pp.243-250, 1999 (Released:2009-09-07)
4 6 2

The Kumamoto Primates Park, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho CO., Ltd. had successfully bred chimpanzee from 1982 to 1999. The breeding statistics of 100 pregnancies, observed for the 17 years, were reviewed. The breeding females were 24 wild born and 3 captive born. Neonatal diagnoses were performed on the next day of the birth. Of 100 pregnancies, diagnosed by urinary CG test and/or ultrasonography, 11 resulted in abortions, 5 in stillbirths, and 85 in live births (containing a monozygotic twins). The mean birth weight and gestational period of 84 live born infants was 1793g (n=74, 930-2400) and 229.4 days (n=84, 181-250). Seven of 11 abortions occurred in early stage of pregnancies (45-65 days). Infant mortality in the first year of life was 10.7%: 6 died from 7 to 16 days of age, 3 died after 50 days of age. Three of dead 6 neonates were low birth weight (under 1500g). There was no infant died under 7 days of age or over 1 year of age. Perinatal mortality was calculated at 0.12. 73.2% of deliveries occurred in the nighttime (n=82). Placentaphagia were observed in 65.7% cases of 73 parturitions. The seasonal difference was significant on frequency of conceptions (χ2=10.16, p<0.02), but not significant on frequency of births (χ2=7.62, p>0.05). Twenty-nine infants were nursery-reared primarily due to inadequate maternal care (48%) or low birthweight (28%). Only one infant died under nursery-reared condition. These data provide useful information to sustain captive chimpanzee populations.