1 0 0 0 Job

David J.A. Clines
Word Books
Akahira M. Shimizu A. Takeuchi K.
Università di Bologna
Statistica (ISSN:19732201)
vol.65, no.4, pp.351-365, 2005

In current physics experiments, there are many cases when the value of a parameter is theoretically assumed to be nonnegative or positive. In such cases, a combined Bayesian-frequentist approach to confidence intervals for a positive parameter is adopted in this paper, and the confidence intervals are constructed. Comparisons of the confidence intervals with ordinary and Bayesian ones are done in the normal cases.
Casey T. A. Sakakibara J. Thoroddsen S. T.
American Institute of Physics
Physics of fluids (ISSN:10706631)
vol.25, no.2, pp.025102, 2013-02
30 1

We introduce a modified tomographic PIV technique using four high-speed videocameras and a scanning pulsed laser-volume. By rapidly illuminating adjacent subvolumesonto separate video frames, we can resolve a larger total volume of velocityvectors, while retaining good spatial resolution. We demonstrate this technique byperforming time-resolved measurements of the turbulent structure of a round jet,using up to 9 adjacent volume slices. In essence this technique resolves more velocityplanes in the depth direction by maintaining optimal particle image density andlimiting the number of ghost particles. The total measurement volumes contain between1 ×106 and 3 ×106 velocity vectors calculated from up to 1500 reconstructeddepthwise image planes, showing time-resolved evolution of the large-scale vorticalstructures for a turbulent jet of Re up to 10 000.
ザヴアリツスキー A. N. 竹田 英夫
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
no.39, pp.30-37, 1958-08-28

他の地域と同様に,ウラル地方の黄鉄鉱鉱床は結晶片岩中に胚胎し,最も典型的な交代作用により生成された鉱床と考えられる.ウラルにおける調査研究の結果,母岩が変成し,一部結晶片岩化した一連の動力変成作用の時期よりも以前に,これらの鉱体は交代作用によって生成されたことが判明した.鉱体の構造および鉱物組成の点からみて,鉱体自身が相当の変成作用を受けている.構成鉱物の再配列およびある鉱物が他の鉱物によって交代されるという現象は変成条件の下においても生じている.故に,交代作用の面から,鉱石鉱物の交代作用が初生的(primary)であるとか,または変成作用によるものであるとかは,必ずしも結論出来ない.微弱な変成作用を受けた鉱床では,しばしばコロフォーム組織(colloform texture)が残っている.またごくわずかに変成された鉱体中には,初生の白鉄鉱と繊維亜鉛鉱が見出される.これらの特徴的な組織や鉱物はより高度に変成された鉱床中にはみられない.鉱体は結晶片岩の構造に調和した特徴的なレンズ状を呈しているが,この形態は変成作用の構造運動によって生じたものである.種々のウラルの黄鉄鉱鉱床にみられる差異は,そのほとんどが変成条件の差を反映したものであって,鉱床が最初沈積したときの差によるものではない.
Tokunaga Eiji Ivanov A. L. Nair Selvakumar V. Masumoto Yasuaki
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.63, no.23, pp.233203, 2001-06
11 6

We report observation of the inverse polariton series and a detailed experimental study of the exciton components in polaritons (Hopfield coefficients). Spontaneous emission of excitonic molecules into outgoing polaritons associated with the i(=1,2,3,4,5)th exciton states in bulk CuCl is detected and analyzed by the bipolariton model. Because the intensities of the emission lines, which form the inverse polariton series, are determined by the exciton components in the final-state polaritons, we are able to measure the Hopfield coefficients for the highly composite outgoing polaritons. Quantum interference in the optical decay of excitonic molecules, due to the multiple exciton components in the polariton and biexciton states, is also demonstrated.
Gerlovin I. Ya. Dolgikh Yu. K. Eliseev S. A. Ovsyankin V. V. Efimov Yu. P. Petrov V. V. Ignatiev I. V. Kozin I. E. Masumoto Y.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.65, no.3, pp.035317, 2002-01
21 17

Picosecond kinetics of polarized resonant photoluminescence (PL) of HH excitons in the GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices is studied in an external magnetic field. The measurements were made in real time using a streak camera. For the magnetic field aligned along the heterostructure growth direction, the resonant PL exhibits oscillations in the degree of linear polarization. The oscillations are ascribed to quantum beats between sublevels of the optically active excitonic doublet split by the magnetic field. For the magnetic field aligned along the plane of the layers, the resonant PL is found to exhibit oscillations in circular polarization. These oscillations are related to beats between states of the optically active and optically inactive excitonic doublets. Experimental dependence of the oscillation frequency on the magnetic field strength and orientation has allowed us to determine the hole and electron g factors and the electron-hole exchange energy. Dynamics of the degree of circular polarization of the PL in magnetic field is used to measure the energy relaxation rate of the exciton spin states. In the magnetic field exceeding 1 T, the energy relaxation rate is shown to be magnetic-field independent and equal (1±0.2)×1010 s-1. This value is found to be much smaller than the spin phase relaxation rate determined from decay of the quantum beats in linear polarization. Unlike the energy relaxation rate, the latter grows linearly with the field strength and equals (5±0.5)×1010 s-1 at 5 T. It is concluded that the main mechanism responsible for loss of macroscopic spin coherence is the reversible dephasing within inhomogeneously broadened system.
Kozin I. E. Davydov V. G. Ignatiev I. V. Kavokin A. V. Kavokin K. V. Malpuech G. Ren Hong-Wen Sugisaki M. Sugou S. Masumoto Y.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.65, no.24, pp.241312, 2002-06
61 53

Spins of resident electrons in charged quantum dots (QD’s) act as local magnets inducing the Zeeman splitting of excitons trapped into dots. This is evidenced by the observation of quantum beats in the linearly polarized time-resolved photoluminescence of a biased array of self-assembled InP QD’s. An external magnetic field is found to shorten the spin beats’ decay time keeping constant the frequency of the beats. A model using the pseudospin formalism allows one to attribute the observed quantum beats to the radiative decay of hot trions having two electrons that occupy different energy levels in a QD.
Brouwer P. W. Racine E. Furusaki A. Hatsugai Y. Morita Y. Mudry C.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:01631829)
vol.66, no.1, pp.014204, 2002-07

If the number of lattice sites is odd, a quantum particle hopping on a bipartite lattice with random hopping between the two sublattices only is guaranteed to have an eigenstate at zero energy. We show that the localization length of this eigenstate depends strongly on the boundaries of the lattice, and can take values anywhere between the mean free path and infinity. The same dependence on boundary conditions is seen in the conductance of such a lattice if it is connected to electron reservoirs via narrow leads. For any nonzero energy, the dependence on boundary conditions is removed for sufficiently large system sizes.
Yugova I. A. Gerlovin Ya. Davydov V. G. Ignatiev I. V. Kozin I. E. Ren H. W. Sugisaki M. Sugou S. Masumoto Y.
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.66, no.23, pp.235312, 2002-12
37 36

The paper reports on quantum beats observed in the photoluminescence kinetics of a single layer of the InPself-assembled quantum dots in a magnetic field. It is found that the beats arise only after removal of excesscharges from the quantum dots by an external electrical bias. The quantum beats are shown to be related to theinterference of the excitonic fine-structure states split by the magnetic-field. The dependences of the beatcharacteristics on the magnetic-field strength and orientation are studied. Theoretical analysis based on a modelspin Hamiltonian has allowed us to describe adequately the shape of the oscillating component of the signal.We have determined the values of the electron g-factor components and estimated the spread and the meanvalue of the hole g factor, as well as of the electron-hole exchange splitting parameters.
Francisco J. Pastor-Pérez Sergio Manzano-Fernández Rebeca Goya-Esteban Domingo A. Pascual-Figal Oscar Barquero-Pérez Jose Luis Rojo-Álvarez Estrella Everss Maria Dolores Martinez Martinez-Espejo Mariano Valdés Chavarri Arcadi García-Alberola
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.76, no.9, pp.2124-2129, 2012 (Released:2012-08-24)

Background: Abnormalities in autonomic control are a feature of neuroendocrine activation in HF and are responsible for dysregulation of biological rhythms. The purpose was to investigate the presence and the prognostic significance of long-period heart rate (HR) rhythms in heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and Results: In the study, 92 HF patients were enrolled (age 53±14 years and left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] 37±10%). A rhythmometric analysis was used to assess the HR rhythms in 7-days (7D) Holter recordings. Rhythms properties were quantified by mesor and amplitude, in beats/min and by acrophase, in hours. Cardiac death or HF decompensation were registered. All patients had 24-h rhythm, 61 patients (77%) had 8-h rhythm, and 66 patients (83%) had 7D rhythm. Twelve patients (15%) experienced events. Among rhythm parameters only 7D median amplitude was different between patients with or without events: 1.1beats/min [0.5–1.5] vs. 2.0beats/min [0.0–3.9], P=0.049 respectively. After multivariate adjustment, LVEF (per 1%, hazard ratio 0.92, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87 to 0.98, P=0.01), N-terminal portion of pro-natriuretic hormone type B (per 100pg/ml, hazard ratio 1.036, 95% CI 1.005–1.069, P=0.022), and 7D amplitude of the HR ≤1.71beats/min (hazard ratio 5.4, 95% CI 1.2–34.4, P=0.047) were independent predictors of events. Conclusions: A 7D HR rhythm is present in most patients with HF, and has prognostic significance.  (Circ J 2012; 76: 2124–2129)
今島 実 Ten Hove Harry A.
動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:02870223)
no.32, pp.1-16, 1986-03-25

Abeysekera B. A. Hirantha Sithira 松田 崇弘 滝根 哲哉
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IN, 情報ネットワーク (ISSN:09135685)
vol.105, no.628, pp.91-96, 2006-02-23

IEEE 802.11規格の無線LAN環境では,アクセスポイント(AP)が下りフローを多重化しているにもかかわらず無線端末と同等のアクセス権しか割り当てられていないことから,複数の下りフローがAPで多重化されている場合,上下フロー間にスループットに関する不公平が生じることが知られている.本稿では,APにおけるMACプロトコルを改良することにより公平性を改善する方式を提案する.提案方式はMACプロトコルのパラメタであるコンテンションウインドを変更することによりAPに優位性を与える方式であり,APのMACプロトコルのみの改良で実現できる.また,パラメタの最適値は一般には上りフローと下りフローの数で決まるが,提案方式はAPを通過する下りフロー数のみに基づいた簡易な制御となっている.TCPおよびUDPトラヒックに対する提案方式の有効性をシミュレーションにより検討する.