宇野 公一郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.43, no.4, pp.333-354, 1979

The Vietnamese seem to have had a tendency to symbolize their king and kingdom as a mountain. Kings of the Former Le (980-1009) and the Ly (1010-1225) dynasties built bamboo Nam So'n(Mountain of the South, namely of Vietnam) on their birthdays to annually revitalize their kingdom as well as themselves. And some mountains assumed the protector of the kingship and the superviser of Sino-Vietnamese moral principles. The god of Mt. Dong Co (Thanh Hoa) joined the future Ly Thai Tong in his expedition into Champa. Thai Tong also could repress rebellious princes on the advice of this god. He and his mandarins swore loyalty and filial piety annually before the god's shrine. Mt. Dong Co, however, is not near Hanoi but is situated, as is suggested in the chronicle, in the rugged terrain of the southern fringe of the Red River delta, on the line of demarcation between the delta and the less consolidated southern provinces. The Ngu Hanh So'n(Mountains of Five Elements) or Montagnes de Marbre of Quang Nam. Central Vietnam, were believed to be the protectors of the Nguyen kingdom. And this agregate of rocks is not near the capital but is in the liminal region around Da Nang, a port frequented by Europeans. According to P. Poivre, it was believed that an enemy who could capture this Protector would become master of the kingdom. And in the middle of the eighteenth century, when Poivre came into contact with this belief, Vietnam seems to have been 'en proie. . . a une crise religieuse, a une veritable fievre prophetique' (L. Cadiere) . Bonzes claimed that Heaven's anger had begun to explode because people had abandoned the cult of traditional gods and the teachings of Confucius to worship the God of the Europeans whose aim was the usurpation of the kingdom. Though it is difficult to clarify the relationship between these prophecies and the belief in the Mountains Ngu Hanh, it is important to note that it was the emperor Minh Mang, a hard-liner against western influence, who revived the old beliefs fervently and prohibited Europeans from going on an excursion from Da Nang to the Protector-Mountain. My hypothesis is that during the long history of the Vietnamese southward movement there might have existed similar masses resistantes in the frontiers, that the Protector-Mountain belief might have contributed to the maintenance of the Sino-Vietnamese cultural tradition and to the Vietnamese indefatigable southward movement, and that such mountains might have sometimes become the symbolic nuclei of the Vietnamese 'nationalism' or nativism against foreign threats or invasions. The Protector-Mountain theme was fully elaborated by the Bti'u So'n Ky Hu'o'ng (Radiant Mountain Unearthly Fragrance) sect in the last frontier, western Mekong delta. This sect emerged from the peasants who were exposed, in the reign of Thieu Tri (1841-47) , to the loss of Cambodia, a Vietnamese protecorate under the emperors Gia Long and Minh Mang, and to the Siamese invasions. The Bu'u So'n Ky Hu'o'ng believed that the Ideal King would appear from the Seven Mountains (That So'n or Bay Nui) of Chau Doc province. Some sources suggest that the Ideal King might have been an idealization of the late, the strongest emperor Minh Mang. The eschatology seems to have been widely diffused among the southerners after the establishement of French colonialism and the Seven Mountains region afforded the most important base for southern activists.
土佐林 義雄
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.16, no.3, pp.286-299, 1952

Kuwa or grave-posts of the Ainu are considered by the Ainu themselves to be sticks for the dead. Their possible origin from the hoe (kuwa in Japanese) was also once suggested. But there is nothing in their forms, varying from village to village, which can support such a view. Nor can there be any influence of Christianity in their. T or Y forms and X signs upon them. The author, analyzing not only their forms, but also the way in which strings are bound around them, came to the conclusion that the Ainu gravepost represents a part of the arrow-trap amakpo erected originally to avert evil spirits. In the folkbelief of the East, a magical power to subdue evil spirits is attributed to tightly-bound strings. A further proof is offered by the Ainu word ku wa (bow). In the northeastern district of Honshu, Japan, we find also the custom of erecting a bow on the grave. The author assumes that the custom probably originated in Korea or China.
秦 兆雄
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.68, no.4, pp.511-533, 2004

松田 素二
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.62, no.2, pp.205-226, 1997

文化相対主義は, 異文化と向き合うための強力な実践的行動指針を私たちに提供してきた。それは, 異文化接触の現場において, 私たちが「非人間的」であると感じる慣習に直面しても, それを無条件に容認すべきという不干渉の哲学であり, 異文化の慣習に直面した個人は, 理性的であるならば受容的に反応すべきという寛容の道徳としてあった。この寛容と不干渉の道徳律を支えてるのが, 共約不可能性のテーゼであった。自文化と異文化のあいだに, 普遍的心性とか人間本性という絶対項を設定することなく, 二つの文化を共約することは不可能なのだろうか。これに対して, 「可能である」という実践をしていたのが, 日本の初期アフリカニストたちであった。彼らは, 異なった者同士がその垣根をそのままにして, その間を跳躍して通交できるという実感をもった。彼らの「実感による通交」論は, いっけん極めて粗暴な議論にみえる。それは丸山真男が批判した, 日本文化の伝統に付随した「合理的ロゴスへの直反発と感覚的なるものへの傾斜」そのものだからだ。しかしながらこうした「実感信仰批判」にもかかわらず, 実感的異文化通交の可能性は指摘できる。一つは, 共約不可能性から出発しても両者の会話を促進することができるという認識である。しかしそれはたんに, 切断された二つの世界の住人が, 相互に語りの主体となって対話を積み重ねる過程にとどまらない。初期アフリカニストが強調したのは, 二つの世界の住人が生活の構えを共有しながら, 日常的思考の共鳴のなかで実感的に通交していくことなのである。こうした実感による異文化通交の認識を語ることは, じつは強大な近代の認識支配の様式とその実践過程に対する, 日常からの微細な抵抗の戦術に他ならないことも最後に指摘される。
岩井 大慧
季刊民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.14, no.1, pp.51-57, 1949

The author is a pioneer in the study of shamanism. His interest dates from the presentation of his dissertationthesis : "The Religious Belief Proper to the Mongols-a Study of Shamanism" submitted to the Dept. of Oriental History at Tokyo University in 1917. His first research problem concerned the reason why the Mongols, who took up orthodox buddhism at their ascendancy, were converted into lamaism at the time of Khubilai Khan and also why they have remained so faithful to this cult. In the author's youth, however, academic circles did not regard shamanism as a legitimate and worthwhile topic for scientific investigation, and he encountered many obstacles. The donation of the Morrison Library in 1917 and the founding of the Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library) in 1924, as well as the development of field research by Japanese scholars on the peoples of the continent, changed the atmosphere. The study of shamanism has gradually become a favorite topic both in ethnological and historical studies.
伊藤 清司
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.39, no.1, pp.106-108, 1974-06-30
石田 英一郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-10, 1950

N. Nevskii recorded on the islands of Miyako, Okinawa, a folk-tale which explains the dark spots on the moon as the form of a man carrying two water-pails with a pole, as a punishment for his sin of pouring water of rejuvenescence on serpents, and water of death on men, the opposite of what the gods had ordered him to do. Although the present-day Japanese see in the moon-spots a hare pounding rice-cake, we find in the Manyoshu, compiled in the 7-8th centuries, the phrase "water or rejuvenescence in the hands of Tsukiyomi (moon, moon-man)". The above-mentioned Okinawan tale suggests that the Japanese also had at one time a belief that the moon-man carried the water of life. The author traces the distribution of the motif of the humam figure with a water-pail (or pails) in the moon from Northern Europe through Siberia (the Yakuts, the Buryats, the Tungus) and East Asia (the Goldi, the Gilyaks, the Ainu, the Okinawans) to N. W. North America (the Tlingit, the Haida, the Kwakiutl) and New Zealand. He traces the motif of a hare (or a rat) from South Africa through India, the South Seas, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan etc. to North America, and finds in some folk-beliefs with the latter motif the same idea of the origin of human death as in Okinawa. Both motifs must have originated in the primitive belief of seeing in the eternal repetition of waxing and waning of the moon its immortal life or rejuvenescence, and the water carried by the moon-man (or moon-woman) must originally have meant the water of life or rejuvenescence, as in the case of the Okinawan folk-tale.
小谷 凱宣
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.61, no.2, pp.245-262, 1996

佐々木 衞
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.53, no.3, pp.280-300, 1988

中国の民間宗教が多様な姿を持つことに, 研究者は多くの関心を払ってきた。本稿ではフリードマン等が提示した中国社会の統一性と多様性に関する命題から, その全体的な姿を理解する手掛を示した。中国の民間宗教には宗族の祖先祭祀や廟の祭祀の他に, 歴代の朝延から弾圧され続けた民間宗教集団のものがある。宗教集団を構成する絆は師弟が結ぶ個人的な関係より他はなく, 宗教集団は師弟の絆を越えた実在を持つことができなかった。この構造においては, 伝統的な宗教権威は継承され難く, 集団の統一は頭目のカリスマ的実力に頼らざるを得ない。中国の民間宗教集団の活動には, 「伝統型」「分派型」「自唱型」の3つの位相がある。教義・組織・活動の範例として大きな影響力を持ったのは, 「伝統型」の位相の集団である。しかしこの位相の集団も教首の法燈を守るのは容易でなく, 幾代もつづいて継承されたのはごく少数であった。その存在は神格化されて広く一般民衆の中に流布した。教派の具体的な姿は, 幾多の「分派型」がくり返し出現する中に新しく更新されていった。中国の民間宗教を全体的に理解するには, 宗族と村廟の祭祀に加えて, こうした宗教集団の活動をも重ね合わせて透視することが必要であろう。中国社会の構造原理を解明する上でも, 欠かすことのできない問題である。
金城 朝永
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.15, no.2, pp.88-100, 1950

The name of Ryukyu (Luchu) first appeared in the Sui-shu (History of the Sui Dynasty). Some scholars considered that the Ryukyu mentioned here was another name for Okinawa, while others insisted that it was Formosa. Tan Shidehara, ex-President of Formosa University, criticized these ideas and concluded that it might be a colony of the old Ryukyuans in the southern part of Formosa, explored by the Chinese in early times. If his assumption is true, we may be able to reconstruct the culture and customs of old Okinawa through their colonial phase in Formosa. A no less interesting problem is raised by the legend of the Japanese hero and archer, Tametomo, who is said to have sired King Shunten, the first ruler (1187-1237 A.D.) of Okinawa according to the authorized history of Okinawa. This legend indicates the existence of a close connection between medieval Okinawa and Japan. The Yumiharizuki, a novel adapted from the legend, by Bakin Takizawa in the later years of the Tokugawa Shogunate, exerted a powerful influence upon the Japanese. There were not a few who having read the novel while young, made a visit to the legendary land. Another work on Okinawa of note during the Tokugawa period was the Nantoshi (Notes on Southern Islands), published in 1719, by Hakuseki Arai, a statesman and noted scholar of Chinese classics. After the Restoration of Meiji (1867), the Ryukyus were formally annexed to Japan in spite of Chinese protest, many Japanese came to Okinawa and wrote historical and geographical reports on the islands. As most of them were concerned with Japanizing the Okinawans, they stressed the concept of similar racial and cultural origins of the Okinawans and the Japanese, as well as the existence of close connections between them from early times. It was about half a century until the Okinawans themselves participated in research on their country. Among them, three of the most famous are Fuyu Ifa who devoted his life to the study of the Omorososhi (Collection of old songs of Okinawa), Anko Majikina, author of the History of Okinawa for IO centuries, and Kwanjun Higaonna, editor of the Nanto-Fudoki (Geographical Dictionary of Okinawa). Among the Japanese scholars who were interested in things Okinawan and not only supported but also instructed students in the field of Okinawan studies, are Kunio Yanagita, founder of Japanese Volkskunde, and Shinobu Orikuchi, noted poet and excellent folklorist. Both of thein visited Okinawa about 1920 for the research in folk religion and old customs, and made many contributions to the study of similarity between Japan and Okinawa. Yanagita organized the "Nanto-Danwa-kai." (Southern Islands Coversazione) and edited the "Rohen-sosho" (Fireside Series) in which are contained several works on Okinawa. With the moving of Ifa from Okinawa to Tokyo, the "Nanto-Danwa-kai" was reorganized by the Okinawans in Tokyo and named "Nanto-Bunka-kyokai" (Southern Islands Culture Association) which was the predecessor of the present "Okinawa-Bunka-Kyokai" (Okinawa Culture Association), now the only organ for studies on Okinawa in Japan. Before the war, in Okinawa, the "Okinawa-Kyodo-Kyokai" (Association for Studies on Okinawa) was established centering around Majikina, then President of the Okinawa Library, where there existed a collection of more than three thousand books on Okinawa. All of them were destroyed in air-raids. Since the end of the war, the Okinawans at home have been too preoccupied with their daily livelihoods and with the reconstruction of their war-devastated islands to resume studies on their own country. Members of the "Okinawa-Bunka-Kyokai", conscious of their mission to foster research on their culture, hold lecture meetings once a month and publish a bimonthly mimeographed organ.
王 維
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.63, no.2, pp.209-231, 1998-09-30

本稿では, 長崎華僑社会を一つのエスニック・グループとしてとらえ, 祭祀や芸能に焦点を当てることにより, 華僑文化のダイナミズムを再検討した。祭祀と芸能は, 変動するエスニシティにとって重要な意味をもつ文化要素である。日本華僑の場合, 住居, 服装, 生活様式など文化の日常的側面においては, 日本社会への同化の傾向が強い。その代わりに弁別的特徴として重要な役割を果たしてきたのが祭祀と芸能である。祭祀については次の3タイプに類型化することができる。1)「被受容祭祀」 : 江戸時代に日本人社会に受容され日本の祭と混淆して現在に受け継がれているもので, 「長崎くんち」に代表される。2)「伝統祭祀」 : 同郷組織等によって運営され, 華僑の寺院で行われる「普度勝会」(盂蘭盆)などの祭祀。3)「新伝統祭祀」 : 中華街の活性化を目的として, 近年に春節(旧正月)・元宵節等を再編して創造された新たな祭。旧来のエスニック・アイデンティティのシンボルとしての「伝統祭祀」は同郷組織によって維持されてきた。しかし, 第二世代は伝統祭祀への関心を失いつつあり, 長崎華僑社会は近年急速に変化を示している。それは, 特に「新伝統祭祀」ランタンフェスティバルの創設過程にみることができる。ランタンフェスティバルは, 政治的変化(日中国交正常化)を契機とし, 観光と地域活性化という新たなニーズによって, 新たなエスニック・アイデンティティのシンボルとして中華街を中心に創造されたものである。それに先だって, 中華街の二代目店主らは, 日本人店主らとともに, 新しい組織として中華街商店街振興組合を結成した。こうして, 長崎華僑のエスニック・アイデンティティは, 同郷組織を核とし「伝統祭祀」をシンボルとするものと, 振興組合を核とし「新伝統祭祀」をシンボルとするものとに二極化してきた。さらに, 長崎市は, 中華街で創設された「新伝統祭祀」を市全体の祭として取り込んだ。長崎は, 古くから華僑の文化を「被受容祭祀」として取り入れることにより, 自らの地域文化を構築してきたが, そうした過程が現代的な形で再生産されているととらえることも可能である。このように, エスニック・グループとしての長崎華僑社会は, 上位社会(日本社会及び長崎地域社会)や出身社会(本国)との交渉の中でエスニシティ再構成をしているのみならず, 上位社会に対しても影響を与え続けていると言えよう。