牧野 巽
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.14, no.2, pp.115-127, 1949

The paper is one of a series of studies by the author on the languages and peoples of the Nan-chao and Ta-li kingdoms of Yunnan Province, China. The first study, "The Surviving Peoples of the Nan-chao and Ta-li" (to be published in the Toyo Gakuho) deals with the process whereby the main survivor of the Ta-li, called Pe-jen, retained their own characteristics, as distinct from those of the Chinese, after their kingdom was annihilated by the Mongols, until, under the Ming dynasty, they were gradually assimilated to the Chinese people and were called the Min-chia (common people or natives). In the second study, "Legends of the Descent of the Min-Chia in Yunnan" (to be published in the present journal), the author deals with the legend of the descent of the ancestors of the Min-chia from Chinese migrants from Nanching. He assumes that the legend was first prevalent among the Chinese in Yunnan and then diffused among the Min-chia, who had lost their own independent characteristics. The present paper is the third of the series. The author takes up a fragment of the Yunnan-chih by Li-Ching during Yuan period, cited by Ku-jen-wu in his T'ien-hsia-chun-kuo-li-ping-shu (The Book of the Good and Evil in the Provinces and Districts of all the Land), vol. 69. After determining that this fragmental record referred to the Pe-jen, i.e., the surviving descendants of the Ta-li, he states that the vocabulary contained therein coincides with that of the present Min-chia. He further argues that the vocabulary of the Nan-chao, found in the Man-shu by Fan-ch'uo, also coincides in many points with that of the Min-chia of present day and of the Yuan period, and concludes that the languages of the Nan-chao, Ta-li and Min-chia belong to the same group. The author is further preparing two more papers, "Lineage of the Min-chia Language of Yunnan" (No. 4) and "Ethnic Structure of Ta-li Kingdom as it appears in the Yuan-shi, Ti-li-chih" (No. 5). In the former he assumes that the Min-chia language belongs in all likelihood to the Tibeto-Burman family (although it differs considerably from the Lolo group, and probably constitutes a separate Nanchao-Minchia group), and that therefore Nan-chao was not a Thai kingdom as is generally assumed. In the latter article, he would argue that not only the ancestors of Min-chia, but also those of other ethnic groups that constituted the Ta-li kingdom, were mostly Tibeto-Burman, and that the great bulk of the Thai people, who are generally considered to have been driven from Yunnan south and west by the Mongols, are unlikely to have lived in Ta-li even long before the Mongol invasion.
ノーベック エドウォード
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.16, no.1, pp.38-45, 1951

<p>The material presented is drawn principally from one datum area, the fishing buraku of Takashima on an island of the same name in the Inland Sea, lying very close to Kojima Peninsula, in Okayama Prefecture. The buraku studied is thought by the author to represent a cultural blend between Inland Sea island fishing villages and fishing villages of the adjacent area of Honshu. It has been found that there is no aspect of the life of the people of Takashima in which Westernization is not evident in some form either directly or indirectly. The impact of such Westernization varies from a powerful force which has brought about great changes in some matters of living to a relatively pale and weak influence in other sectors. Briefly stated, some of the effects of Westernization evident are : Clothing has become predominantly Western particularly for the young. Permanent waves are the rule for young single and married women. Fishing is almost exclusively by motorized craft. Housing and diet are relatively little affected, but household equipment shows a fairly marked influence. Entertainment for the young is Western, movies, baseball, pingpong, social dancing. The old prefer traditional folk dances and Naniwa bushi. The visiting of shrines as a form of entertainmen wanes in importance year by year. Marriage customs are still fairly traditional and Japanese clothing is always worn by brides. The shimada coiffure has been replaced by wigs as permanents do not lend themselves to the traditional hairdress. Sexual freedom is, for the most part, a thing of the past ; present day sex mores are circumspect, and at least suggest the influence of the West. Theories of disease and treatment of illness or injury are, fot the most part, Western. Some religious and magico-religious methods of curing illness still obtain, however. Religious practices have changed greatly in the past few decades. Visits to shrines and temples have become infrequent, and many old customs have been abandoned by the majority of the people. Many beliefs and customs are regarded by young and middle-aged persons with some degree of scorn as "superstition". Most striking is the dichotomy between the young, in whom Western influence is extremely marked, and the aged, who follow the traditional and non-Western ways. Most old persons have received no formal education. All young and middle-aged persons have had at least elementary school educations. A numer of practices which are in effect today, such as menstrual restrictions for women, are observable only in households in which there are aged parents or grandparents. It seems likely that many of the remaining traditional beliefs and customs will be abandoned as soon as the present generation of old persons dies. Some years ago American scholars devoted considerable effort to consideration of the question of whether material aspects of culture were more quickly and more profoundly affected by acculturation than non-material aspects. It does not appear that material aspects of the culture of Takashima have been more seriously or easily affected by acculturation than non-material aspects. Study of the effect of change of one part of culture upon other parts seems more profitable than attempts to set up and deal with discreet categories of "material" and "non-material" aspects. It seems reasonable to state that no important facet of culture can be seriously affected without concomitant and/or resultant changes in other facets of culture. Religious beliefs and practices of Takashima appear to the author to be one of the sectors of culture most strongly affected by Western influence. It is not immediately evident, however, that the decline in strength of religious belief and the abandonment of old customs are the result of contact with the Western world. The explanation offered by a number of Takashima informants for the decline in strength of</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
三浦 敦
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.55, no.2, pp.149-171, 1990

本稿では, 日本の一村落の政治過程とその背景となる社会秩序との分析を通して, そこに働く権力過程やその相互関係を, F.Barthの企業家モデルのアイデアを使って明らかにすることを試みる。こうした日本における政治現象の過程論的視点からの人類学的研究はまだ十分とはいえない。ここで対象とするZ村は主要産業である漁業と林業の不振と過疎化に直面して新たに農業の商品化を試みようとしているのであるが, それを推進する現村長と農協理事長への支持は, その活発な活動にもかかわらず芳しくない。この不支持の理由は交換関係に基く村の社会秩序の考察を通して明らかになる。村には贈与交換と商品交換という二つの交換関係が, それぞれ異なる権力過程によって維持されている。役場と農協の活動はここに新たな交換関係を導入し村社会を変化させるものとして考えられるが, そこでの彼等の権力過程は社会秩序によって制限されるのである。
杉井 信
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.59, no.3, pp.221-243, 1994


1 0 0 0 蚊火

宮本 馨太郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.12, no.2, pp.108-121, 1947-11-01
小林 勝
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.56, no.4, pp.407-428, 1992-03-30

柄木田 康之
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.62, no.1, pp.86-101, 1997-06-30

あらゆる文化・伝統は多文化的状況下の虚構であるのに, 人類学は操作的に構成された現実を他者のカテゴリーに押し込めてきてしまってきた。このような主張は, 近年多くの支持者を集めている。ところがこのような本質主義批判が, また調査地側からの激しい批判を招き, 他者表象をめぐる植民地主義が再生産される, というジレンマが存在する。ミクロネシア連邦ヤップ州オレアイ環礁では1986年, 1993年にWoleai Conferenceとして環礁全体の伝統文化を確認する会議を開催している。二つの会議は, いずれも, 伝統を議題とし, 伝統文化を再確認し実践することで, 近年の社会変化にともなう混乱に対抗しようとする試みであった。しかし二つの会議のトーンには大きな違いがあった。93年会議では再確認された規則の侵犯に対する貨幣による罰金が制度化され, また環礁を構成する島間の海面権に関する不一致・対立が噴出した。この結果, 会議を主導した町にすむオレアイ出身のエリートが会議を高く評価するのに対し, オレアイ居住者は概して批判的である。オレアイにおける伝統文化の再生産は一枚板では捉えられない。「表象する権利は誰にあるのか」という問題は, 研究者と調査地の間だけではなく, 調査地において競われる問題でもある。
重信 幸彦
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.65, no.4, pp.344-361, 2001-03-31

本稿は,昭和初期に主に印刷メディア上で「愛国美談」として喧伝された,日露戦争時の出来事をめぐって語られた「久松五勇士」の成立と展開を検討し、「沖縄」という場所が近代「日本」のどのような視線により語られ意味づけられたか,その政治的布置を歴史的に考察するものである。それは,近代「日本」を覆う印刷メディア群のなかを,一つの「話」が様々に文脈化されて流通するさまを通して民俗話を構成する試みでもある。まず,「美談」の素材となった歴史的逸話が,本土から赴任した国語教師に再発見され,それが中等学校用「国語読本」の教科書に教材として掲載されて全国的に流布した「美談」化の過程から,そこに,「沖縄」を覆う近代「日本」の「国語」という制度が介在していることを指摘した。さらに,この「美談」の素材なった逸話を再発見した国語教師は,「沖縄の土俗」にも興味を示し,それを積極的に喧伝していた。「沖縄」に注がれた,「美談」を発見する視線と「土俗」を対象化する視線は,ここでは極めて近い位置にあった。また,こうして「日本」という文脈をあたえられた「五勇士」は,「沖縄」生まれの研究者たちにより、昭和初期の「郷土沖縄]を語る場に取り込まれ、「沖縄」の自画像を描く要素の一つとして位置づけられる。そこには近代「日本」のナショナリズムと,「沖縄」で描き出される自画像の共犯関係を見出すことができる。そして,昭和初期に「日本」のなかの「沖縄」の「美談」として喧伝された「久松五勇士」は, 1980年代に,宮古島の久松が与那覇湾の淡水湖化計画に対する反対運動を組織していくなかで,今度は久松の「海」と「漁師の魂」を象徴するものとして再解釈されることになる。そこに,地域の結集のために既成の「美談」を脱文脈化し再利用していく,したたかな戦術を見出すことができるのである。
小田 亮
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.62, no.2, pp.184-204, 1997-09-30

本論文は, 文化相対主義を「理論」としてではなく状況や発話の位置に左右される「戦略」として再構築することを目的とする。自文化中心主義に反対する真の文化相対主義は, 浜本満(1996)が明らかにしているように, 自文化中心主義的な文化相対主義および自文化中心主義的普遍主義と対立するものであり, むしろ真の普遍主義に類似している。理論として再構築された文化相対主義は, 自文化と異文化双方の否定を介して第三の共通の基盤を開く弁証法的運動として捉えられよう。しかし, 普遍主義と共有する, そのような弁証法的運動は, 西欧近代に特有のものであり, 西欧のヘゲモニーの下では, 西欧近代だけがその第三の地平を専有する西洋中心主義に陥る。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 第三の地平を普遍的な真理としたり, 自文化や他文化より一般的な概念枠組としたりする普遍主義や理論としての文化相対主義とは異なる。さらに, それは, グローバル化による異種混淆性の賛美や, 文化の構築における操作性や主体性を評価する議論に共通する「記憶の抹消」にも反対する。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 文化の違いを一般性に規定された特殊性としてではなく, 文化の純粋性に先行する雑種性による文化的差異を単独性として語るものでなくてはならない。その一つのモデルは, 「戦略的本質主義」であるが, 戦略と結び付いた発話の位置が, 近代の知と支配のシステムが依拠する「種的同一性」によって規定されるものと捉えるならば, それは植民地主義/帝国主義の言説と変わらなくなってしまう。種的同一性には捉えきれない普通のひとびとの実践と, 雑種性や文化的差異を排除せず記憶が生きている「生活の場」における文化の真正性に留意することこそが, 近代の知と支配の体系への無意識でしたたかな抵抗を可能にし, 「相対主義のニヒリズム」やグローバル化による異種混淆性の無批判な賛美に陥らないことを可能にするのである。
山口 彌一郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.8, no.3, pp.365-391, 1943-01-25
瀬川 清子
季刊民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.16, no.3, pp.246-254, 1952-03

Upon coming of age, Ainu women used to tatoo their mouths, cut their hair short, wear a cylindrical undershirt (called mour), and wear a sash-the upshor (s. figure on p.69) around the waist under their clothes. Women who do not wear this sash were believed to be unqualified not only to make fire and cook, but also to make their husband and children happy. The form of the upshor was transmitted from mother to daughter. Women who had the same form of upshor in common were called shine-upshor (same upshor) and helped one another on ceremonial occasions throughout their lives. Even after death they were believed to depend on each other, and therefore the wearing of the upshor, even in the grave, was considered indispensable for women. Even to-day, the Ainu male may not marry a woman who wears (or should properly wear) the same upshor as his mother. If he wants to marry her in spite of this restriction, the girl must be given a different upshor and a different fictitious lineage. The showing of one's upshor to other people is strictly tabooed, so the authoress has not yet been able to trace the varieties of upshor-types in detail. It has been ascertained, however, that in spite of the patrilineal kinship structure of the Ainu, a woman is considered to retain some affiliation with her mother's matrilineal female group and that this group still has a latent function in social life.

1 0 0 0 海神宮考

柳田 國男
季刊民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.15, no.2, pp.178-193, 1950-11-15

Niruya or Niraikanai, a paradise on the sea important in the beliefs of the Okinawans as well as for the islanders south to the Takara strait, has detailed resemblanses to the Japanese tradition of Ryugu (Dragon Palace), called in old days Tokoyo no Kuni or Watatsumi no Kami no Miya (Palace of the Sea-god). The first syllable ni of Niruya means "a root", such as we find in Okinawan words as nidukuru which means the stock family of a village. The Ne no Kuni (Country of the Root) must have been the Japanese name for Niruya, but it has no more the meaning of a sea paradise. According to Ryukyuan traditions, there is an eternal fire beyond the eastern horizon on the sea where the sun is born, and fire, rice-seeds and rats were brought from Niruya. Life itself seems to have been believed to be a gift therefrom. The author is inclined to see in these folk beliefs of such "sea-peoples", a tendendy for the the Ryukyuans and the ancient Japanese to put their paradise not in the west, but in the east and beyond the sea. The author describes such Ryukyuan folk-tales as "Monkey's Liver", "Visit to the Palace of the Sea", "A Flower-vender and the Dragon-god", "God of the Drift-wood", and the August Dance on Okinawa and Amami-Oshima. All of these have some connection with Niruya, comparing them with Japanese data, the author refers to the possibility of solving certain problems of the origin and ancient relatives of the Japanese. He urges upon ethnologists the necessity to continue comparative studies along this line, in order to acquire new materials concerning the migrations of our ancestors.