1 0 0 0 OA 一般講演

社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.31, no.7, pp.638-640, 1989 (Released:2009-03-26)

1 0 0 0 OA 一般講演

社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.32, no.7, pp.657-666, 1990 (Released:2009-03-26)
島 正吾 吉田 勉 立川 壮一 加藤 保夫 三木 知子 日高 恵一 谷脇 弘茂 伊藤 哲也
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.26, no.6, pp.500-509, 1984 (Released:2009-03-26)
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Platinum and its compounds have characteristics that make them excellent oxygen sensors, and in recent years they have come to be used in large amounts in the manufacture of internal combustion engines. Recently, there have been detected among workers engaged in making platinum oxygen sensors, dermatitis and bronchial asthma which appear to be ascribable to exposure to chloroplatinate. This is a study of their etiology from the viewpoint of industrial hygiene and clinical medicine. The results obtained are as follows:1. Platinum-induced allergic disorders developed in a worker who applies about 50% chloroplatinate to zirconia porcelain. Although the concentration of platinum in the air was 2 μg/m3 or less as determined by ACGIH, the worker was directly exposed to the dried powder of ammonium chloroplatinate with relatively high concentration; while the exposure was intermittent and topical, it resulted in aspiration of the powder.2. Bronchial asthma observed in 2 of 16 workers (12.5%) was reactive in a skin drop test with 1% chloroplatinate, and typical bronchial asthma was induced in an environmental provocation test carried out in a room where platinum sensors are made. Parameters obtained from periphero-hematological and immuno-serological tests were within the normal range.3. The main symptoms revealed by physical examination of workers exposed to chloroplatinate contact dermatitis in 11 (78.6%), pharyngeal irritation in 6 (42.9%), nasal obstruction in 2 (14.3%), frequent sneezing, coughing, and sputum in one each. Diameter of the redness developed in a skin drop test with 1% chloroplatinate administered to 14 workers was 10 mm or more in 7 cases (50%).VC, %VC, FEV 1.0, FEV 1.0%, PF/Ht, V25/Ht and MMF were within the normal range in a pulmonary function test.Although periphero-hematological test results and leukograms were within the nomal range, an immuno-globulin test revealed abnormally high IgE level in one patient.There was also observed an increased IgE level in one anamnesis of bronchial asthma. Immunoglobulin levels other than IgE were approximately within normal range.
白水 美智子 山口 誠哉 賀来 俊輔
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.18, no.2, pp.123-135, 1976 (Released:2011-03-04)

Health effects of long-term tuna diet in cats were examined. The cats were fed daily with three kinds of tuna, containing different concentrations of mercury and selenium. The following results were obtained.1) A high correlation was noted between the amount of fish intake and the mercury level in hair and blood samples of cats.2) Mercury levels in organs were elevated corresponding with the amount of tuna consumption, but the distribution of mercury in organs of cats exposed to mercury in tuna flake differed from that in tuna fresh meat. In the liver, the ratio of methyl mercury to the total mercury was very low with an average of 11.5% of the ratio.3) With regard to selenium, there was no correlation between intake of selenium and selenium levels in the cerebrum, cerebellum, and kidneys, except in the liver (γ=0.766).4) None of the cats had definite methyl mercury poisoning, but some slight disturbances were noted in several cats.
橋本 邦衛
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.5, no.9, pp.563-578, 1963-09-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
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flicker値(FF)の生理学的意味を明らかにするにはチラツキの融合が,どの部位でおこるかを知ることである。Sherrington, Hecht, Granit以来,融合部位は網膜だと信ぜられてきたが,Walkerや小木の電気生理学的実験によって,視覚系に誘発される電位変動は,網膜でも融合するが,視覚皮質野では,その約1/2の低頻度で融合をおこすことが明らかにされ,また感覚的な融合頻度は,新皮質の興奮性を示す脳波のpatternとほぼ平行して変化することが,Gellhornや筆者によって確かめられた。また緊張や注意の集中によってFFが高進するのは,視覚中枢における生理的融合頻度の上昇とともに,視覚連合皮質の自発的興奮により,時間識別力が増大するためであって,おそらく中枢で生理的融合がおこる前に,これを感覚的に融合と判断する機能が,FFの基礎であると考えられる。 要するにFFは,視覚系をふくむ知覚連合皮質の興奮性の一つの表現であって,もし網膜の興奮性がほぼ一定に保たれ,またチラツキの出現点の判別に大きな誤差がなければ,FFは知覚皮質領域の興奮水準,あるいは意識の機能水準を示す生理学的指標とみることができ,また労働生理学や精神生理学の重要な研究手段として利用することができると考える。 FFは,疲労時に測定しても低下しないことがある。もし作業終了時のような,興奮が一時的に高まる時期に測定するとか,あるいはtestが被検者に興奮刺激を与えるようなことがあれば,FFの低下は陰蔽されて測定値に現われぬことも当然である。FFの測定が他の生理学的測定と最も異なる点は,testが被検者の意識状態を刺激し,それがFFを変化させること,つまり測定が不確定だということである。測定の物理的条件を一定にするだけではこの不確定性は解決されない。ここにflicker testの難かしさと意味が存在することを指摘し,測定の具体的な進め方について筆者の見解を述べた。
橋本 和夫
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.22, no.4, pp.233-248, 1980-07-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
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Acute and chronic toxicities of acrylamide (AAM) are reviewed with special reference to its dose-response relationship from literature concerning the general toxicology and industrial hygiene. Although the total doses of AAM for producing chronic neuropathy in animals showed considerable variation among literature sources, estimated mean concentrations of the compound in the nervous tissues do not seem to differ very much at any stage of the poisoning. Reports of human poisoning, most of them being due to occupational exposure, are referred and symptoms of the poisoning are summarized from these cases.
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 滝川 寛 杉浦 静子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.6, no.8, pp.445-448, 1964

Some facts related to menarche and menstrual disorder were reported in the previous report. This study was undertaken to clarify the factors affecting to take menstruation leave. Three hundred sixty-nine female workers in a chemical industry were observed from April, 1962 to December, 1963. And a comparison was made between female and male workers in the same workshop, regarding the rate of absence for reasons. Until March, 1963, the female workers were paid no wages for days of absence owing to menstruation; but, after April, 1963, wages during the menstruation leave became paid to them. By this change of terms of payment, the absence because of menstruation increased after April, 1963. Hence, a comparison in the rate of absence because of menstruation was made numerically between the period before March and that after April, 1963. The results were as follows. Before March, the monthly and weekly variation of the rate of absence because of menstruation could not be seen. But, after April, the rate decreased in the period 5th to 7th and 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence for reasons other than menstruation (i.e. private reasons, illness) also decreased in the same periods of a month among both females and males. The decrease at the end of a month is explained by the fact wages are paid in the period 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence was higher in the middle than at the end and beginning of a week. This fact may be considered as due to the influence of the information, that the absence because of menstruation including the off-day in undesirable, by the labor union of this workshop.