紺野 義雄
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.18, no.4, pp.383-390, 1976 (Released:2011-03-04)

1. A new apparatus, consisting of a strain gauge and a carrier amplifier, was devised for measuring back muscular and shoulder arm strength by the author. This apparatus was applied for analysing myogenic disorder related to muscular fatigue or pain.2. Muscular strength with load and its myogram were recorded simultaneously, and their changes during the exertion were analysed.3. Muscular strength-myograms of sternocleidomastoid muscle, upper trapezius muscle, deltoid muscle, rhomboid muscle and lumbodorsal muscle were observed from the back muscular strength-myogram, and those of teres minor muscle and major pectoral muscle from the shoulder arm strength-myogram.4. It seemed paradoxically that the amplitude of action myogram increased in proportion to the grade of lowering of muscular strength caused by muscular fatigue or pain.
山田 信也
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.9, no.8, pp.651-659, 1967-08-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
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(1) 17 cases of intoxication polyneuritis occurred in 17 workers exposed to n-hexane vapour in recent years, from 1960 to 1962, in Japan. (2) 6 cases of those occurred in 3 small polyethylene laminating plants. In these plans, in the first process, gravure printed cellophane sheet was smeared with n-hexane solution containing 5% organic titan, tetra isopropyl titan or tetra buthyl titan. Solvent n-hexane was vapourized with warm air and n-hexane vapour contaminated the air of the workroom. Organic titan, remained on the printed surfarce of cellophane sheet, was rapidly hydrolized with water in the air to titan oxide. In the second process, fused polyethylene was painted thinly on this surface. Titan oxide on this surface accelerated adhesion of polyethylene with cellophane, and cellophane sheet was laminated fast with polyethylene. This laminated sheet had the character of clear printed colour and water-proof, and was used widely as packing materials of foods, confectionery and others. Concentration of n-hexane vapour in the air around the machine in the first process was 1000∼2500 ppm. N-hexane used in these plants contained impurties, i.e. methyl pentane (16%) methyl cyclopentane (20%). Titan was not detected in the air. Working time was 10∼12 hours and workers became drausy in half or one hour and went outdoor to inspire fresh air for 10 to 15 minutes. (3) 11 cases of those occurred in a great pharmaceutical plant. In this plant, 95% n-hexane was used as a remover of grease on the surface of tablets. Tablets in wire netting were immersed for 5 minutes in n-hexane within the immersion box, and tablets in wire netting were dried on the shelf. N-hexane vapourized from the surface of the tablets and the immersion box. Concentration of n-hexane vapour was 1000 ppm around the immersion box and 500 ppm at the center of the workroom. Workers stayed in this room for 8 hours except for the noon recess. (4) In all cases symptoms of intoxican began with the same subjective complaints. The first complaint was fatigue in all cases and loss of appetite in some cases, followed by paresthesia in distal parts of the extremities, weakness, and difficulty in walking. Symptoms and signs advanced during the exposure and this progress was arrested finally three months after removing from the exposure, and the symptoms gradually improved throughout the period between six and thiry months. This characteristic process of development and improvement of symptoms was not such as usually seen in common polyneuritis. All diagnosis of these cases by clinical and hygienic examinations was intoxication polyneuritis of the mixed form. (5) In the first case, n-hexane, impurities in n-hexane and organic titan were suspected of the causes of intoxication. But in the second case, the cause was only n-hexane. N-hexane causes undoubtedly intoxication polyneuritis in man. One of my co-workers, Miyagaki proved experimentally the occurrence of intoxication neuritis due to n-hexane in rats. (6) Till now, n-hexane was regarded as of lowtoxic solvent owing to its low toxicity on the hematopoiesis and the liver function. But the present result showed that toxicity of n-hexane on the peripheral neuron was not insignificant.
竹内 康浩 久永 直見 小野 雄一郎 井上 俊
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.22, no.6, pp.470-487, 1980-11-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
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A large amount of n-hexane is being widely used in industry as a solvent or a component of the mixed solvents for extraction of vegitable oils, adhesives, paints, and for cleaning, etc. And, many cases of polyneuropathy due to n-hexane have been reported up to now. Recently, studies on the neurotoxicity and metabolism of n-hexane rapidly progressed in many countries. The present review covers clinical signs and symptoms, pathological changes, metabolism, dose-response (effect) in acute exposure, glue or thinner sniffers, workers, animal experiments. The joint effects and the maximal allowable concentration of n-hexane are also briefly discussed.
前田 勝義 平山 八郎 張 正博 高松 誠
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.21, no.5, pp.398-407, 1979-09-20

日本産業衛生学会「頸肩腕症候群」委員会が,「手指作業者」健康診断のためのアンケート調査表を1972年に提起して以後,この調査表は,各方面で使用され,頸肩腕障害の症状の多様性については,多くの研究者の注目するところとなった.しかしながら,この障害の進展の中で,多様な自覚症状がいかに発現するかについての具体的解析事例は,あまり報告されていない. われわれは,紙巻きタバコ製造工場の女子流れ作業者117名についての健康調査成績をもとに,自覚症状や日常生活の不便・苦痛がいかに展開するかについて,R.L.Zielhuisらの提起したvalidityの計算方法からヒントを得て解析した.その結果,次のことが明らかとなった. 1) 障害の初期には,頸・肩のこり・だるさ,目の疲れ,聞こえにくさ,などの症状が顕在化する. 2) 障害の中期には,初期症状に加え,頸・肩・腕・手の痛み,四肢のだるさ,からだのだるさ,頭痛・頭重,いらいら,もの忘れなどの症状が顕在化する. 3) 障害の後期には,中期の症状に加え,背・腰の痛み,背のだるさ,腕・手のしびれ,手・足の冷え,目の痛み,不眠などの症状が顕在化する. 4) 日常生活の不便・苦痛は病期が進むにつれて多くなる. 以上のごとき症状の展開は,「頸肩腕症候群」委員会による頸肩腕障害の定義・病像分類と基本的に一致していると思われた.またこの障害の診断にあたっては,頸・肩・腕・手の症状のみならず,からだのだるさ,頭痛・頭重,いらいら,もの忘れ,不眠などの一般症状も重視すべきであり,これらの一般症状はE.Grandjeanのいうclinical fatigueの場合に出現する症状と同じカテゴリーに含まれると考察した.
前田 勝義 平山 八郎 高松 誠
Japan Society for Occupational Health
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.19, no.1, pp.8-21, 1977

紙巻きタバコ製造工場の巻上げ・包装工程の女子流れ作業者に頸肩腕障害が多発した事例を経験し, 作業内容の解析を行なうとともに, 117名の女子流れ作業者につき健康調査を行ない, 次の結果をえた.<BR>(1) この工場の流れ作業では, 上肢を反復使用し, 作業姿勢は拘束的で, 作業ペースの規制度は強い.作業は単調で, 一部の作業では神経・感覚器系の負担が大きいと思われた.<BR>(2) 1労働日内での流れ作業時間のしめる長さ, 製品の流れ速度, 作業動作上の負担, などは, 工程により違いがあったが, 作業負担が大きい工程では, 自覚症の訴えが強かった.<BR>(3) 健康診断の結果に基づき, 日本産業衛生学会頸肩腕症候群委員会の病像分類 (改訂案) により症度判定したところ, 1度 : 12名, II度 : 63名, III度 : 36名, IV度 : 6名, V度 : 0名で, この工場の女子流れ作業者全員の15.7%以上が, IIIまたはIV度であることが明らかになった.<BR>(4) 日本産業衛生学会頸肩腕症候群委員会作成の自覚症状調査表等の回答結果は, 諸検査成績とよく対応していたので, これらの調査表の利用価値は高いと思われた.<BR>(5) 流れ作業者調査表の回答結果の解析から, 障害の強い者では, (i) 作業姿勢, 作業速度, 精神面での負担が大きく, (ii) 作業に伴う疲労の発現部位は拡大し, 神経・感覚器系の症状も強く現われ, 作業後の疲労も強く, (iii) 睡眠障害を訴える者が多く, 疲労を翌日へ持ち越す者も多く, こうした状況を反映して, 薬剤を服用する者も増加し, 治療を受ける者も増加することが明らかにされた.<BR>以上の結果に基づき, この工場における頸肩腕障害の発症過程につき考察し, その業務起因性を明らかにし, 健康管理, 衛生教育の必要性について述べた.
松本 一弥 斎藤 良夫 松井 知子 川森 正夫
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.22, no.3, pp.184-193, 1980-05-20

The present survey was carried out on the service of guards in the form of night duty in the shift system in order to elucidate the problems involved. Number of subjects was 148. Out of these, 85 worked under the alternate-day shift system whose average age was 42 years, 47 worked under the permanent night duty system of average age of 50 years, and the remaining 16 were on the normal duty of the average age of 45 years. Under the alternate-day shift system, the portal-to-portal time is 24 hours from 10:00a.m. to the same time of the next day from which about 3.O-3.5 hours are exempted for taking a nap. In the permanent night duty it is from 18:00 or 19:00 to 09:00 or 10:00 of the next day, the portal-to-portal ranging 13-16 hours, usually 15-16 hours. The normal duty covers 8 or 9 hours from 10:00 to 17:00 or 18:00, but with incidental night duty of several hours per month. The problems of the alternate-day shift system and of the permanent night duty system were as follows: (1) Under those two systems, the total monthly portal-to-portal time was 312 hours with additional overtime, the mean becoming 397 hours a month in the alternate-day shift system and 405 hours in the permanent night duty system. These are considerably longer than the working time (249 hours) of the normal duty. (2) As for the frequency of the consecutive night shift, it occurred more than twice at the rate of 23% a month in the alternate-day shift system, and some experienced even 7 consecutive night shifts. Under the permanent night duty system, night duty occupied the greatest part in a month (97%), 3 to 5 consecutive night duties being most usual with an exceptional case of 19 consecutive night duties. (3) Number of night duties per month is 16.1 per month on the average under the alternate-day shift system, while 23.2 under the permanent night duty system. (4) The incidence of the spell of the portal-to-portal exceeding 24 hours was 43% per month under the alternate-day shift system. The longest was 72 hours. Under the permanent night duty system, the incidence of the spell of 19 hours or more was about 15%, and the spell of 24 hours or more occurred at the rate of 9%. (5) From the shift formation point of view, the interval between the preceeding or succeeding spell was sometimes null, but it was usually 8-10 hours. The incidence of the former per month was 4.7 times under the alternate-day shift system and 2.7 times under the permanent night duty system. Incidences of the latter under the two systems were 2.0 and 15.1 times, respectively. (6) Number of holidays per month was 3.0 under the alternate-dayshift system, and, 1.1 under the permanent night duty system. Under the normal duty system, it was 4.6. (7) Number of sick absenteeism with medical certificate was 13 in a year (15.3% of the total employees) under the alternate-day shift system, and 7 (14.9% of the total) under the permanent night duty system. As regards diseases which were the reason of absenteeism, 6 were circulatory, 4 respiratory, 4 digestive, each 1 was musculoskeletal, of connective tissue, hepatic, hemopoietic and mental. Except one patient suffering from a respiratory disease and another suffering from a musculoskeletal disease, all were aged 40 years or over. Under the normal duty system there was no sick absenteeism. (8) Number of workers retired in the past one year was 30 under the alternate-dayshift system, 43 under the permanent night duty system, and 1 under the normal duty system. Ratios of the number of retired workers against those in service were 35, 91 and 6% under the three systems, respectively. In the alternate-day shift and permanent night duty systems, and especially in the latter, the number of retired workers tended to be larger among the middle- and old aged. From these results the following items were considered important: Introduction of such countermeasures as reasonably controlling the total work hours, decrease in the number of days of night duty, reor
夏目 誠 村田 弘 杉本 寛治 中村 彰夫 松原 和幸 浅尾 博一 藤井 久和
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.30, no.4, pp.266-279, 1988 (Released:2009-03-26)
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私たちは勤労者のストレス度,特に職場生活のそれを数量化するために,下記のストレス調査表を作成した.Holmesが作成したストレス度を測定する,社会的再適応評価尺度の主要項目に,職場生活ストレッサー18項目,および「私の耐えられるストレス度」,「現在の私のストレス度」の2項目を追加した67項目より構成されている.1,630名の勤労者を対象に結婚によるストレス度を50点とし,それを基準に0~100点の任意数値記入方式により自己評価させた,得られた結果は以下のとおりである.1. 各項目について1,630名と性,年齢,職種,職階,勤続年数(以下,各条件とする)別対象者数から得られた点数の平均値を求めた.私たちは,このようにして得た各項目の平均点数をストレス点数と仮称した.65項目のストレス点数を,高い順にランキングした. 1位は「配偶者の死」82.7で,「収入の増加」が24.7と最下位であった.27項目が50点以上の得点を示した.次に65項目を,個人,家庭,職場,社会生活ストレッサーの4群に分類した.2. 職場適応力をみるために私たちが考案した「私の耐えられるストレス度」は73.7で「現在の私のストレス度」は48.8であった.3. ストレス点数の平均値から,各条件別でt検定により比較検討を行い,差異を求めた.その結果は, 30歳代では20歳代に比べ,課長と班長は部長より,点数が高かった.同様に,上記の4群間でそれを求めたところ職場生活ストレッサー群のみ差が認められた.同群において, 30, 40, 50歳代は20歳代よりも,課長と班長は一般職に比し,高得点であった.勤続年数では, 21年以上の勤務者は, 10年以内の者に比較して点数が高かった.以上の結果や調査表の意義と活用を中心に考案を加えた.
上野 満雄 中桐 伸五 谷口 隆 有沢 豊武 三野 善央 小寺 良成 金澤 右 雄山 浩一 小河 孝則 太田 武夫 青山 英康
Japan Society for Occupational Health
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.26, no.6, pp.483-491, 1984

日本国有鉄道の新幹線は,早朝から深夜まで過密ダイヤのもとで,高速度を出して走行している.したがって,新幹線車両の清掃労働者は主に,深夜労働に従事することを余儀なくされ,頻回な夜間勤務を行っている.本研究は,新幹線車両清掃労働者の健康に及ぼす夜間勤務の影響を検討したものであり,特に,連続夜勤の回数と健康障害の関係について評価を行った.本研究は二つの調査研究から成っている.<br>最初の研究では,勤務実態と健康実態を明らかにするため, 1か月間の夜動の頻度,連続夜勤の回数,自覚症状を調査した.調査は,大阪駅で働く246人の男性清掃労働者に対して,日本産業衛生学会交代勤務委員会作成の質問用紙を配布する方法を用いて, 1981年に実施した.調査結果は,勤務形態別に3グループに分けて比較検討を行った.<br>グループAは,夜勤専従者であり,勤務編成は,週に5回の連続夜勤を基本とする102人のグループである.グループBは,一昼夜交代で週3回勤務をする124人のグループである.グループCは,週6回勤務の日勤者20人である.これら勤務の形態別比較の結果,グループAにおける胃腸障害,全身疲労感の訴え率が最も高く現われていた.<br>最初の研究結果にもとづいて, 2番目の研究では,連続夜勤の回数と健康障害の関係について検討を行うため,ケース・コントロールスタディを行った.研究対象は,最初の研究で対象とした夜勤労働者の中から60人を5歳階層ごとに無作為抽出し, 3グループに分け各グループ20人ずつとし,方法は,産業衛生学会疲労研究会作成の疲労自覚症状を勤務の前後で1労働週にわたって自記させた. 3グループは,グループA20人,グループB20人,グループD20人である.グループAとBは,最初の研究の同じ勤務形態であるが,グループDは,グループAのコントロールとして,夜勤3日目を非番日に変えた勤務に従事させた.調査の結果,グループAとBでは最後の勤務後に疲労自覚症状の訴え数が第1日目の勤務前と比べて有意に増加していたが,コントロールのグループDでは訴え数の有意な増加は認められなかった.<br>これら二つの研究結果から,夜間勤務の形態と労働者の健康状態の間に密接な関連があり, 5連続夜勤の3日目を非番日にすることは,労働負担を軽減するうえで効果的であることが明らかとなった.したがって, 5回以上の連続夜勤に就労する新幹線清掃労働者の職業的健康障害を防止するためには,連続夜勤回数の頻度や労働時間に関する勤務条件の改善がなされるべきであると考えられた.
小野 昭雄
Japan Society for Occupational Health
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.15, no.6, pp.631-636, 1973

In the previous report, the author demonstrated, using two kinds of questionnaire, that baggage conductors were faced with health problems resulting from their evening and night works and from poor working environmental conditions such as noise, vibration and shock.<BR>In this report, the author wants to show another research in which noise, vibration and shock in the caboose were measured in order to compare the environmental conditions with the results of health questionnaires.<BR>The results are as follows ;<BR>1. There were measured much more times of shock in the caboose than in the baggage car of the express train. Model "YO" of caboose had twice the shock in frequency of Model "KOKIFU" of caboose.<BR>2. As to the strength of shock, more powerful shock was measured in Model "YO" than in Model "KOKIFU" or in the baggage car of the express train.<BR>3. The vibration in these two kinds of caboose and in the baggage car exceeded the "allowable limit of vibration as a vehicle" reported by Oshima, and that of Model "YO" was even beyond the "limit of uncomfortable vibration" reported by. Meister.<BR>4. As to noise, the baggage car of the express train had lower level of noise than these two kinds of caboose. The noise of these two kinds of car were beyond the threshold limit of noise in industry.<BR>5. The results of the environmental investigation showed that baggage conductors on board the caboose pointed out correctly their poor working conditions in the answer to the questionnaire.