増田 義徳 高橋 秀二 村松 順信 小宮山 信雄 鶴田 亟次
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.1, no.5, pp.451-457, 1959-09

A method for estimating CS_2 in the biological materials was developed by modifying the existing procedure. The present procedure involves aeration of volatile CS_2 from biological materials and absorption of CS_2 in diethylamine-copper reagent. Conditions of aeration, such as temperature, pH of materials, air pressure in the aerator and flow rate through it were studied, and the concentration of CS_2 in different organs and body fluids of rabbits exposed to CS_2 was determined by the method with the following results. 1) On the condition that aeration time was CS_2 in body fluids or organs was highest in the blood, especially in blood corpuscles. Levels of CS_2 in the liver, the kidney, and the brain were nearly equal. In 25 hours after exposure to CS_2, free CS_2 was not over sixty minutes, a satisfactory recovery of CS_2 from materials was obtained, irrespective of temperature, pH of materials or air pressure in the aerator. 2) In the course of aeration for thirty minutes, most of free CS_2 of materials was recovered. Ninety minutes was found satisfactory to recover free CS_2 completely. 3) The recovery ratio for free CS_2 from biological materials was between 95 and 105 per cent. 4) Immediately after exposure to CS_2 at the concentration of 500 ppm, the amount of demonstrated in the body fluids or organs. 5) Concentration of CS_2 in the cerebrospinal fluid was relatively low, but it was almost of the same concentration as that in the serum.
太田 庸起子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.8, no.5, pp.282-285, 1966-05-20

The concentration of mercury in head hair obtained from a man, who is suspected to have been exposed to mercury vapours and inhaled it, was determined by a method of non-destructive activation analysis based on the detection of the 68 Kev X-rays and 77 Kev Gamma-rays of 65-hour ^<197>Hg. About 100 mg of hair, cut to equal length and at the same distance from the scalp at the same part of the head every month for seven months, was washed to be got rid of surface contamination with either a nonionic detergent or organic solvents, followed by rinsing with distilled water. After neutron irradiation of the sample in HTR reactor for 5 hours in a thermal neutron flux of about 1×10^<12>n/cm^2-sec, followed by cooling for 5 days to decrease short-lived contaminating activities, mercury was determined by direct gamma-ray spectrometry. Results from the hair samples showed that the concentration of mercury decreased monotonically from 20.4 ppm to 4.6 ppm. On the other hand, results from samples obtained from a group consisting of seven individuals who had shared similar diets with the man above stated and another group of twelve individuals belonging to the other groups showed a significant difference between the man inhaling mercury vapours and these groups. Namely, the range of the concentration of mercury of these groups was from 1.9 ppm to 6.2 ppm. By the non-destructive activation analysis of head hair, it is able to deal with more cases in a shorter period. Detectable limit is 0.07 ± 0.02μg, and the necessary minimum quantity of hair is enough below 50 mg. It is necessary to care in obtaining hair, because mercury is very tightly bound to the hair and not easily removed by washing.
夏目 誠 太田 義隆 藤本 修 南野 壽重 浅尾 博一 藤井 久和
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.27, no.1, pp.3-15, 1985-01-20

橋本 邦衛
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.5, no.9, pp.563-578, 1963-09-20

flicker値(FF)の生理学的意味を明らかにするにはチラツキの融合が,どの部位でおこるかを知ることである。Sherrington, Hecht, Granit以来,融合部位は網膜だと信ぜられてきたが,Walkerや小木の電気生理学的実験によって,視覚系に誘発される電位変動は,網膜でも融合するが,視覚皮質野では,その約1/2の低頻度で融合をおこすことが明らかにされ,また感覚的な融合頻度は,新皮質の興奮性を示す脳波のpatternとほぼ平行して変化することが,Gellhornや筆者によって確かめられた。また緊張や注意の集中によってFFが高進するのは,視覚中枢における生理的融合頻度の上昇とともに,視覚連合皮質の自発的興奮により,時間識別力が増大するためであって,おそらく中枢で生理的融合がおこる前に,これを感覚的に融合と判断する機能が,FFの基礎であると考えられる。 要するにFFは,視覚系をふくむ知覚連合皮質の興奮性の一つの表現であって,もし網膜の興奮性がほぼ一定に保たれ,またチラツキの出現点の判別に大きな誤差がなければ,FFは知覚皮質領域の興奮水準,あるいは意識の機能水準を示す生理学的指標とみることができ,また労働生理学や精神生理学の重要な研究手段として利用することができると考える。 FFは,疲労時に測定しても低下しないことがある。もし作業終了時のような,興奮が一時的に高まる時期に測定するとか,あるいはtestが被検者に興奮刺激を与えるようなことがあれば,FFの低下は陰蔽されて測定値に現われぬことも当然である。FFの測定が他の生理学的測定と最も異なる点は,testが被検者の意識状態を刺激し,それがFFを変化させること,つまり測定が不確定だということである。測定の物理的条件を一定にするだけではこの不確定性は解決されない。ここにflicker testの難かしさと意味が存在することを指摘し,測定の具体的な進め方について筆者の見解を述べた。
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 石須 哲也
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.10, no.10, pp.489-495, 1968-10-20

The majority of the famale workers in the spinning industries in Japan live in their boading-houses. Therefore, the new-comers have need of adjustment to both the labour and the new mode of living. In this report, the psychological adjustment to the new mode of living in their boading-house was investigated. As new-comers come from all the provinces in Japan, their wordings (dialects) are diverse. This was troublesome for them. Other perplexities for them were: how to spend money well, living with many boaders in a room, etc. The majority of them had adjusted themselves to these within three months. But, workers from Ryukyu had different appearances. They had been afflicted with association with workers from other provinces. After the Second World War, Ryukyu was separated from the mainland of Japan and was shifted under the rule of U.S.A. The state of affairs in the mainland was teached in the school of Ryukyu, but, in the mainland, the state of affairs in Ryukyu was faded away in the school education. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu have extensive knowledge concerming the mainland. They have passion and nostalgia to the mainland. On the other hand, the workers from the mainland have little knowledge of Ryukyu, and they have not recognized the workers from Ryukyu as compatriots. The workers from Ryukyu were distressed by these dislocation in their consciousness. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu took aggressive group action occasionally, and then several cases of neurosis or psychosomatic diseases were observed among them. An industrial effort on the mental health of the new-comers were made, i.e. the head of roommates was educated as an opinion-leader in their daily life. Then, though the adjustment to their daily superficial life has been made smooth, the above mentioned dislocation in their consciousness between the workers from the mainland and those from Ryukyu could not be solved. In these problems of adjustment of the newcomers the industrial mental health may be closely related to the school education.