本多 壮太郎
Japanese Academy of Budo
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.39, no.1, pp.23-33, 2006

本稿は、イングランド南西部に位置するグロースター州の中等教育機関(セカンダリスクール)に導入された剣道の活動・発展状況について報告する。2003年1月に英国では初となるセカンダリスクールでの剣道クラブがグロースター州チェルトナムで発足した。2005年1月には、同州サイレンセスターにて、剣道が体育カリキュラムとして採用されることとなった。さらに、同年夏には、セカンダリースクールの生徒達が、初等教育機関(プライマリースクール)を訪問し、生徒達自らの手で、プライマリスクールの生徒を対象に、剣道の授業の計画・準備・指導を行い、その成果により、政府関連団体公認のJunior Leaders Awardという資格を得ることができるというプロジェクトが始まった。<br>本稿では、上記の報告とともに、学校剣道の活動の継続・発展を支える重要な要因と、学校剣道がもたらす英国剣道の新たな発展のあり方の可能性についても考察する。クラブとしての剣道、体育カリキュラムとしての剣道共に、その活動は、セカンダリスクールとパートナーシップを結ぶスポーツ奨励団体のサポートを受けている。これにより、学校剣道は、経済的支援だけでなく、剣道をより多くの人に知ってもらう機会を得たり、資格コースを実施することで、学習者のやる気を引き出したり、また学習者の理解を深めたりすることができる授業展開を行うことができる。<br>グロースター州の学校剣道は、英国の一般のクラブではよく見られるジュニアに適切な稽古の環境面、安全面の課題、保護者の経済的、時間的負担の問題などを解決するものであり、今後英国剣道の新たな発展のあり方の可能性として注目される。学校剣道の発展のためにも、英国剣道の発展のためにも、今後は学校、スポーツ奨励団体に英国剣道協会を加えたより強固なパートナシップが形成されることが期待される。
有川 一 吉田 貫司 久保 あゆみ 坂本 太一 渡邉 孝士郎 今井 一
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-9, 2020 (Released:2020-09-19)

Research suggests that psychological stress due to competing against opponents of different skill levels affects exercise intensity during kendo gokaku-geiko. However, few studies have clarified the relationship between psychological stress measured using objective indices and exercise intensity. In this study, we measured psychological stress, exercise intensity, and physical activity in players during kendo gokaku-geiko with opponents of different skill levels using objective, non-invasive, simple measures.Six male members of the university kendo team participated in this study. They performed kendo gokaku-geiko for 3 minutes with highly skilled, equivalently skilled, and non-highly skilled opponents. We measured psychological stress indices (salivary amylase activity and autonomic balance [LF/HF]), exercise intensity indices (heart rate [HR], peripheral oxygen saturation [SpO2], rate of perceived exertion [RPE]), and physical activity indices (number of steps and strikes) during keiko.We observed an increasing tendency of salivary amylase activity, HR, RPE, and physical activity indices during keiko with highly, but not with non-highly, skilled opponents. On the other hand, we detected an increasing tendency of LF/HF with both types of opponents.These results suggest that in keiko with highly skilled opponents, the participants experienced tension (i.e. a “fight-or-flight response”) caused by strong pressure and attacks from their opponents; thus, they increased their physical activity and exercise intensity and were likely to experience high stress. On the other hand, in keiko with non-highly skilled opponents, the participants experienced low stress due to a lack of exercise intensity and low physical activity.
豊嶋 建広 井上 一男
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.18, no.2, pp.71-72, 1985-11-30 (Released:2012-11-27)
山内 洋一 水月 晃 遠藤 雅子 福岡 義之
Japanese Academy of Budo
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.34, no.1, pp.43-49, 2001

Our aim was to investigate aerobic and anaerobic power, correctly measuring metabolic response during graded maximal exercise testing and short-term high power testing continuously for four years, from 1996 to 1999. The subject, who was twice the male national karate champion, was recruited to participate the experiments. The subject underwent the incremental exercise test every 30 watts/3 min until exhaustion to measure the peak oxygen uptake (VO<sub>2</sub>peak), CO<sub>2</sub> production, (VCO<sub>2</sub>peak) and ventilation (VEpeak) as an index of the aerobic power, and to determine capillary blood lactate concentration ( [La]b) VO<sub>2</sub>peak were 50.6, 45.2, 52.1, and 53.0 ml/kg/min, respectively. Peak [La] b increased 4.40, 6.15, 7.10, and 6.51 mM/L, respectively, and the delayed onset of blood lactate accumulation during incremental exercise was also observed, being due to higher buffering capacity which is associated with glycolytic enzymes in the muscles. Anaerobic power as measured by the total power for 10 sec on a high-power bicycle ergometer also increased from 936 to 1053 watts, which revealed a much higher anaerobic power compared with competitors in other sports. These results suggest that the karate champion in the heavy weight class had relatively average aerobic power and additionally greater anaerobic power, which may be due to glycolytic potential in the skeletal muscles.
藤田 英二 濱田 初幸 中村 勇 小山田 和行 野口 博之 松崎 守利 森﨑 由理江 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.50, no.3, pp.159-164, 2018

This study used a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method to investigate how body weight relates to fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in male college judo players. The whole-body fat-free mass and fat mass of 59 male college judo players were measured to the nearest 0.1 g using a DXA method. The fat-free mass and fat mass thus obtained were each divided by the square of the height (m) to give the FFMI and FMI, respectively. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) was then calculated. The relationship between body weight and the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) can be interpreted as two straight lines with a break point. The break point can be determined by a regression analysis of these two straight lines using the plots of the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) by the least squares method. Using this method, the break point of two straight lines was obtained with the minimum square sum of the residual. The results showed the break point of the plots of percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI against body weight was 87.6 kg for both FFMI and FMI, and that as body weight increased, the proportion of FFMI in BMI decreased and the proportion of FMI in BMI increased. This break point indicates that the limit up to which it is possible to increase weight without worsening the body composition in male college judo players is around 90 kg, and any weight gain above this will depend on an increase in fat more than an increase in muscle.
入江 康平
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.5, no.1, pp.9, 1972-10-30 (Released:2012-11-27)
藤田 英二 中村 勇 濱田 初幸 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.42, no.2, pp.2_11-2_17, 2009

村松 常司 高橋 邦郎 竹内 外夫 長谷川 優
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.19, no.1, pp.59-68, 1986-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

A quentionnaire survey was conducted to clear the smoking habits among male university athletes. 425 male students aged 18-23 responded to the questions of their smoking habits, daily dietary life and sleeping anonymously. The differences of smoking habits among athletes are analyzed in this report.The results are as follows;.1) Among the male university athletes,45.2% have smoking habits..2) The percentages of the smokers among Kendoists, Ruggers and Gymnasts are high (82.7%,73.4%,61.9%, respectively), and those among Soccer players, Judoists and Swimmers are low (8.1%,11.5%,18.2%, respectively)..3) There is a remarkable difference of daily diet and sleep between the smokers and the nonsmokers. The Nonsmokers have more desirable diet and enough sleep, and also, there is a remarkable difference between events of athlete..4) Volleyballers, Track and Field athletes and Swimmers obtain higher scores of Dietary Index more than players of other events.
数馬 広二
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.28, no.3, pp.23-39, 1996-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

Zensin-Mukei-Ryu Kenjutsu School (literally Zen Meditation-Intangible swardsmanship School)was founded by Shichirozaemon Minamoto-no Takesato Tajima (Takesato Tajima). a headman of Ogose Village (presently Ogose Town, Saitama Prefecture), influenced by Ohyama-Shinko (a Kind of mountainous folk belief) in AD 1800. The School had been prospering until 1830.This study aimed at clarifying the plan made by the disseminators (mentors) of Ohyama belief who took advantage of Zensin-Mukei Ryu.The results are summarized as follows:1. In the middle of the Edo Period, many farmers of middle or upper class in the Bushu District (presently Saitama Pref. and its vicinity) wanted to practice Kogen-Itto-Ryo Kenjutsu School that had been established in the same district. Then, Takesato Tajima, one of the studens of Kogen-Itto-Ryu. founded another new school, Zensin-Mukei-Ryu in 1800, a branch split from Kogen-Itto-Ryu. It (Zensin-Mukei-Ryu) spread in Ogose Village and its vicinity.2. Takesato Tajima and his 114 students dedicated a tablet to Kasuga Shrine of Ogose Village, on which the names of the members of Zensin-Mukei-Ryu were writen. On the Tablet we can also find the names of 21 disseminators of Ohyama belief in the Soshu District (presently Kanagawa Pref. and its vicinity), mixed with those of other students in the neighborhood.3. Mt. Ohyama in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is located 1252 meters above sea level. The faith in Mt. Ohyama was born in ancient days when farmers and fishermen in the Kanto District prayed for rain and good harvest. The disseminators of Ohyama had been propagating their belief around the kanto District for acquiring their followers. They organized “Ohyama-Ko”, a pilgrim association of having the same faith. They climbed together Mt. Ohyama and made a monetary contribution to Ohyama Shrine.4. Then there had been several “Ohyama-Ko” around the Ogose Village. Takesato Tajima and his students also had faith in Mt. Ohyama. They had made a pilgrimage to Mt. Ohyama, and stayed with Sato Ohsumi, one of the disseminators, who was also one of the students of Takesato Tajima.5. The disseminators of Mt. Ohyama had come to resort to force for protecting themselves from enemies whom they came across while spreading their belief. Before AD 1800, they had been the students of Kogen-Itto-Ryu. After 1800, however, they were converted to Zensin-Mukei-Ryu. This shows how the disseminators came to be affiliated with Zensin-Mukei-Ryu.6. In short, the disseminators conceived that being the students of Takesato Tajima would help them to increase the number of their believers. On the other hand, Takesato Tajima, saw to it that he could take advantage of Mt. Ohyama's religious influence in order to expand Zensin-Mukei-Ryu. Thus, Zensin-Mukei-Ryu was established to promote mutual benefit with the disseminators of Ohyama belief.
藤田 英二 濱田 初幸 中村 勇 小山田 和行 野口 博之 松崎 守利 森﨑 由理江 安河内 春彦
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.50, no.3, pp.159-164, 2018 (Released:2019-03-31)

This study used a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method to investigate how body weight relates to fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in male college judo players. The whole-body fat-free mass and fat mass of 59 male college judo players were measured to the nearest 0.1 g using a DXA method. The fat-free mass and fat mass thus obtained were each divided by the square of the height (m) to give the FFMI and FMI, respectively. The percentage of body mass index (BMI) accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) was then calculated. The relationship between body weight and the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) can be interpreted as two straight lines with a break point. The break point can be determined by a regression analysis of these two straight lines using the plots of the percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI (%) by the least squares method. Using this method, the break point of two straight lines was obtained with the minimum square sum of the residual. The results showed the break point of the plots of percentage of BMI accounted for by FFMI and by FMI against body weight was 87.6 kg for both FFMI and FMI, and that as body weight increased, the proportion of FFMI in BMI decreased and the proportion of FMI in BMI increased. This break point indicates that the limit up to which it is possible to increase weight without worsening the body composition in male college judo players is around 90 kg, and any weight gain above this will depend on an increase in fat more than an increase in muscle.