菅波 盛雄 川村 禎三 石島 繁 井浦 吉彦 浅見 高明
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.15, no.1, pp.21-31, 1982-10-30 (Released:2012-11-27)

It is a common knowledge that the motion of the head plays an important role in applying the Judo throwing techniques. It greatly influences the retention of the posture in the process of the applying the techniques, and also affects the making full use of the power which is needed in the throwing.In this study, we regard the motion of the head, the shoulders, and the hip, which affect very much the throwing, as the rotary motion against the median line; and we try to explain in what way the head, the shoulders, and the hip move and how thiw rotary motion affects the motion of the head in the throwing.The following results was obtained.1) It was observed that in the case of well-trained the body had turned round before the head began to turn at the completion of “Taisabaki” (body turning) and the motion of the head was restrained; but in the case of middle-trained and untrained, the head had turned round before the shoulders at the completion of “Taisabaki” (body turning).2) In the phase of “Kake” (attack) of well-trained, the head turned round at a time, and a angle difference could be observed between the head, the shoulders and the hip; i. e. the head had turned first, the followed the shoulders, and the hip: and this angle difference between the head and the body was smaller than the case of middletrained and untrained. Therefore we could say that the head, the shoulders, and the hip co-ordinated well in this case. But in the case of middle-trained and untrained the angle difference which was observed at the completion of “Taisabaki” (body turning)continued, and it became even larger than it was at the completion of “Taisabaki”(body turning). So in the case of middle-trained and untrained, it was observed that only the head turned round too much in the throwing.3) In the case of middle-trained and untrained, it was observed at the phase of “Kake”(attack) that the position of the hip was too high, so therefore the direction of “Hikite”(pulling hand) was not correct, and “Tsurite” (lifting hand) did not work well, so that the motion of the shoulders was restricted. The motion of the shoulders is important to the effective motion of the head. This motion of the shoulders is influenced by the correct position of the hip and the correct direction of “Hikite” (pulling hand)and the correct way of “Tsurite” (lifting hand).
菅波 盛雄 斉藤 仁 廣瀬 伸良 中村 充 林 弘典 増地 克之
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005

小菅 亨 岡田 隆 増田 敦子 石井 孝法 山田 利彦 金丸 雄介 菅波 盛雄
了德寺大学研究紀要 = The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University (ISSN:18819796)
no.9, pp.183-191, 2015

柔道の競技力強化の現場で行われている「ロープトレーニング」とは上肢と体幹を主に用いて局所筋持久力と全身持久力の向上を目的に行われるものである.この方法が柔道競技において普及しているのは柔道には上肢と体幹を多く用いるという競技特性があるためである.本研究ではロープトレーニングの生理学的反応を明らかにし,ロープトレーニングのトレーニング効果に関する知見を得ることを目的とした.大学男子柔道部員10名を対象とし,ロープトレーニングをTabata protocolに模倣したロープトレーニングで行わせた.測定項目は酸素摂取量,血中乳酸濃度,心拍数とした.また,自転車ペダリング運動によって測定される仮定最大値(VO2max ,Lamax, HRmax)との相対値を算出した.結果はVO2max に対してロープトレーニング中のpeakVO2は有意に低く,Lamax に対し,ロープトレーニング中のpeakLaは有意に高かった.peakHRはロープトレーニング中ほぼHRmaxに近い値で推移し,有意差はなかった.上記によりロープトレーニングは解糖系に最大の負荷をかけるが,酸化機構には最大の半分程度の負荷しかけることができないということになる.これは,上肢などの局所筋における解糖系に大きな負荷がかかることで酸化機構への負荷が十分に高まる前にオールアウトしたことが原因であると考えられる.今後は,ロープトレーニングで負荷をかけることができなかった酸化機構に最大負荷をかけることができるプロトコルを探索していくことが課題の1つである.
田村 昌大 廣瀬 伸良 中村 充 齊藤 仁 山内 直人 田中 力 鈴木 桂治 菅波 盛雄
vol.45, no.2, pp.143-149, 2012

菅波 盛雄 斉藤 仁 廣瀬 伸良 中村 充 林 弘典 増地 克之
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

菅波 盛雄 川村 禎三 石島 繁 井浦 吉彦 浅見 高明
Japanese Academy of Budo
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.15, no.1, pp.21-31, 1982

It is a common knowledge that the motion of the head plays an important role in applying the Judo throwing techniques. It greatly influences the retention of the posture in the process of the applying the techniques, and also affects the making full use of the power which is needed in the throwing.<br>In this study, we regard the motion of the head, the shoulders, and the hip, which affect very much the throwing, as the rotary motion against the median line; and we try to explain in what way the head, the shoulders, and the hip move and how thiw rotary motion affects the motion of the head in the throwing.<br>The following results was obtained.<br>1) It was observed that in the case of well-trained the body had turned round before the head began to turn at the completion of &ldquo;Taisabaki&rdquo; (body turning) and the motion of the head was restrained; but in the case of middle-trained and untrained, the head had turned round before the shoulders at the completion of &ldquo;Taisabaki&rdquo; (body turning).<br>2) In the phase of &ldquo;Kake&rdquo; (attack) of well-trained, the head turned round at a time, and a angle difference could be observed between the head, the shoulders and the hip; i. e. the head had turned first, the followed the shoulders, and the hip: and this angle difference between the head and the body was smaller than the case of middletrained and untrained. Therefore we could say that the head, the shoulders, and the hip co-ordinated well in this case. But in the case of middle-trained and untrained the angle difference which was observed at the completion of &ldquo;Taisabaki&rdquo; (body turning)continued, and it became even larger than it was at the completion of &ldquo;Taisabaki&rdquo;(body turning). So in the case of middle-trained and untrained, it was observed that only the head turned round too much in the throwing.<br>3) In the case of middle-trained and untrained, it was observed at the phase of &ldquo;Kake&rdquo;(attack) that the position of the hip was too high, so therefore the direction of &ldquo;Hikite&rdquo;(pulling hand) was not correct, and &ldquo;Tsurite&rdquo; (lifting hand) did not work well, so that the motion of the shoulders was restricted. The motion of the shoulders is important to the effective motion of the head. This motion of the shoulders is influenced by the correct position of the hip and the correct direction of &ldquo;Hikite&rdquo; (pulling hand)and the correct way of &ldquo;Tsurite&rdquo; (lifting hand).
中村 充 菅波 盛雄 廣瀬 伸良
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.31, no.3, pp.26-34, 1999-05-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this research is to do the detailed game analysis of the 45th all-Japan kendo championship.As the method, we made a new program, to collect information by using a personal computer and video. We collected the movement of the contents and player of all the techniques in the games as data by utilizing this system. And we analyzed the trend and present condition of the convention.We got the following result by this research.1. Such time when gets IPPON was long more before.2. Way of attacking which used the movement of the straight line furthermore and make the movement of small of a/the bamboo sword in, the present game is effective.3. The trend that attacks by the shock action like that and strike KOTE, this research was observed.4. The result that does and watch important that many players defend the shock of a partner even from that responds was seen.5. The game analysis program that we made was effective to do data input in detail and quickly. And, we think that we are effective in the comparison of the data and convention in terms of contestants.
廣瀬 伸良 菅波 盛雄 中村 充 菅原 秀二
順天堂大学スポーツ健康科学研究 (ISSN:13430327)
no.1, pp.36-50, 1997-03

The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference performance between European judo contests and Japanese judo contests. We try to analyze between Kodokan cup and Europe judo championships in the 95 kg category.Results are as follows; 1) Concerning detail of contests, Ippon or Yusei-gachi frequently found in Europe Judo Championships. On the contrary, Hantei-gachi which has no detail points, is frequently found in Kodokan Cup Judo Championships. 2) In competition, Te-waza and Ashi-waza are frequently found in Both Judo Championships. 3) Among Te-waza, the techniques of reaping, catching or scooping directly by own hands, were frequently found in Europe Judo Championship. In Kodokan Cup Judo Championship, Seoinage was the most famous techniques of all. 4) Among Ashi-waza, the Japanese competitors used the big-movement technique. On the contrary the small-movement techniques frequently found in Europe Judo Championship. 5) The European Competitors tried to attack with the circumstance of incompletely grips. 6) The numbers of infringements in Kodokan Judo Championships are 2.6 times as many as in Europe Judo Championships. Europe Judo Championships found serious infringements more than Kodokan Cup Judo Championships.
菅波 盛雄 廣瀬 伸良 白木 祐美 比留間 政太郎 池田 志斈
The Japanese Society for Medical Mycology
日本医真菌学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of medical mycology (ISSN:09164804)
vol.47, no.4, pp.319-324, 2006-10-31
11 17

<i>Trichophyton tonsurans</i> 感染症は, 高校, 大学生の柔道・レスリング選手を中心に拡大していることは知られているが, 中学校柔道選手へも感染が拡大しているか否かは不明である. 本研究では, 平成17年度の全国中学校柔道大会において調査を行った. 対象は全参加1,039名のうち, 本調査の検査に同意した男子218名, 女子278名の計496名であった. 調査は質問紙法とhairbrush法を用いた. 結果は, 496例中45例 (9.1%) がhairbrush法陽性で, 1陽性例あたりの陽性ブラシ棘の集落数は1~126集落 (平均36.1±48.9) であった. 陽性例が多いのは, (1) 男子選手, (2) 他校および高校, 近隣の道場などで頻繁に練習を行う者, (3) 友人に体部白癬「有り」との回答をした者, (4) 体部白癬既往「有り」との回答をした者であった. また, (1) 体重の軽いクラスの者, (2) 戦績上位入賞者, (3) 関東と九州地区在住者に陽性例が多い傾向があった. 次にhairbrush法で陽性であった45名に検査結果を通知し, 治療を受けるように指示した. 3ヶ月後のhairbrush法再検査では, ブラシを返却した者は45例中33例 (ブラシは返却してきたが未治療9例を含む) であった. 治療による菌の陰性化率は, ミコナゾールシャンプー治療群では12例中12例 (100%) で, 経口抗真菌剤治療群では12例中6例 (50.0%) であった. 以上より, 中学生柔道選手における<i>T. tonsurans</i> 感染者が確認された (9.1%) ことより, 本症の感染拡大の阻止が急務であると考えられた.