辻田 純三 伊藤 清臣 黛 誠 田中 信雄 堀 清記 小石 秀夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.46, no.1, pp.2-11, 1980 (Released:2011-10-21)

パプアニューギニア高地人の成人男子18名,日本人成人男子20名の身体計測およびパプアニューギニア現地での戸外および家屋内の環境温度の測定を行なって次の結果を得た。1)パプアニューギニア人の身長および体重の平均値は夫々,158.4cm,61.3kgで日本人の夫々の平均値,171.6cm,68.2kgより有意に小さかった。しかし,パプアニューギニア人のRohrer's indexおよびBrugsch's indexの平均値は逆に日本人の平均値より大きかった。2)パプアニューギニア人の胸囲,腹囲,上腕囲,大腿囲,下腿囲の平均値は,日本人の平均値よりやや小さいかその差はわずかであった。パプアニューギニア人の前腕囲の平均値は日本人の平均値より大きかった。パプアニューギニア人の上肢長の平均値は日本人の平均値よりわずかに小さかったが,手の長さ,下肢長,足の長さはパプアニューギニア人の方が日本人より長く,パプアニューギニア人の四肢長と身長との比は日本人の値より有意差をもって大きかった。3)パプアニューギニア人の皮下脂肪厚は日本人のそれより有意に薄かった。又,皮下脂肪厚より算出された体脂肪含有率は日本人のそれより有意に少なかった。4)パプアニューギニア人の足の形は,日本人と比べて足長に比し足巾が長く,足底面積が広く,親指と小指が長軸に対して扇形に開いており,山道の歩行に適応して変化していた。5)パプアニューギニア人のBushhouseは日本製木造家屋,スチール製建物に比べて日中の室内温が低く,環境温度の観点よりみると秀れた家である。6)パプアニューギニア人の身体的特徴は,彼等が日常生活において毎日山歩きの激運動を行なっていること,摂取カロリー量が少ないこと,および熱帯高山気候の影響によって形成されたものと思われる。

1 0 0 0 OA シンポジウム

民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.32, no.6, pp.234-246, 1966 (Released:2010-06-28)
下田 妙子 菅 淑江 斉藤 篤 藤野 武彦 迪利 巴尓 王 静雄
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.1, pp.23-32, 1996-01-31 (Released:2010-06-28)

We investigated the eating habits of the Uygur family living in kashgar, an oasis city in the western part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region, China. The results are as follows: 1. Lunch was full of variety, compared with the morning and evening meals; the former consist of rahmen, chuchura, poro, chinese-type rice dishes and so on, although the later was composed of only Nan-type bread and tea. The items of food were 13 to 18 per day. 2. As source of protein, mutton was most used but chicken and beaf were less consumed due to the high price. 3. Food was seasoned mainly with rock salt. Sugar was not used in cooking. 4. The average of daily intake of calcium, iron and vitamin B2 in men was less than the Chinese standard dietary allowance. 5. The comparative ratio of P : F : C was 9-12: 11-28 : 61-77.
左座 金藏
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.3, no.3, pp.179-206,en1, 1934-03-05 (Released:2010-11-19)

Verf. hat von 1521 Verbrechern 9 Fälle ausgewählt, die sich Lesonders gut als Schulbeispiele der die pathologische Amoralität abgebende amoralischen Habitualverbrecher eignen, d. h. als Musterbeispiele sog. krimineller Monstra von BOsartigkeit. Durch individuelle Beobachtung dieser Rälle bekam Er folgende Resultat:1) Kriminologisches: Bei alien Fällen ist die antisoziale Tendenz frühzeitig (seit dem 15. Lebensiahre im Mittel) hervorgetreten. Alle w_rden Rechtsbrecher und verharrfen sich in der kriminalpathologischen Eigenschaft. Ganzes Leben hindurch zeigten sie keine Besserung.2) Konstitutionelles.: Körperbau und Charakter stimmen in alien untersuchten Fällen überein. Namlich hypoplastisher Typ. mit pyknischer Färbung zeigt schizoiden Typ. mit zyklothymem Einschlag. Ihre Lebensweise ist unstetig und haltlos, parasittisch und vergnügungssüchtig.3) Psychiatrisches: Immer fanden sich eigentümliche Merkinal2 von “Moral insanity”. Nur ein Fall war schwachsinnig und zeigte Pseudologia phantastica, sonst wurd: n keine Intelligenzabnormitäten konstatiert.4) Genealogisches: Es wurden keine Verbrecher und Axnoralischen. in ihrer Aszenchnten, Deszendenten und unt'r den Geschwistern gefunden. Wenigstens liess sich keine gleichartige, direkte Vererbung nachweisen. Es scheint dem Verfasser wahrscheinlich, dass der Typus selbst, der dem amoralischen Habitualverbrecher charakteristsch ist, nicht erblich übertragbar ist.
上坪 加代子
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.6, pp.866-874,A54, 1959 (Released:2010-11-19)

With regard to Japanese girls in Tokyo, we have surveyed menarche age and its correlations with their height, weight, circumference of the chest, width of shoulders (Breite zwischen den Akromien), pelvic width (Distantia Cristarum), and environmental elements annually for the period of three years.This time we report a notable tendency of accelerated menarche; girls who have shown accelerated menarches are found much in C body type which, compared with the average of their year, their height are extreme and their weight are considerable, and delayed menarche are found much in K type which, compared with the average of their year, their height are low and their weight are small.The correlation between the cube of pelvic width and days after menarche is high. But there is still room for investigation. The environmental factors stimulating the beginning of menarche are not found, nor can we gain any information to predict of menarche.
細田 きく子 纐纈 朋弥 石原 多佳子 後閑 容子
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.79, no.6, pp.159-178, 2013 (Released:2013-12-25)

Objectives : The experience and perception to support the intention of the female family caregivers living in the secluded heavy snowfall area who take care of their family at home and their characteristics seen in the community through analysis of the kinship type.Methods : The samples are from 7 caregivers living in A area. The research was analyzed quantity and inductively after picking up care perception.Result : From their experience, the caregivers have got perception of nursing care as follows.1, They came to the reality and love the caretakers more.2, They strengthened the family bond, hoping to spend time together and protect their family.3, They are helped by their neighbors and supporters and maintain balance between nursing care and their own life.4, Regardless of the kinship type differences, all caregivers deepened their family bond, love the caretakers and are supported by the community.Discussion : A area has established medical care service. Helped by their neighbors and supporters, the caretakers deepened the family bond and love the caretakers more.The analysis of the kinship of the caregivers shows that they have their concern as wife, daughter, or daughter-in-law, based on their family problems. The caretakers took a cognitive approach to take on nursing care.As a result, they deepened the family bond and their affection toward the caretakers through nursing care. Getting support from the professionals, they've developed their intention to continue nursing care.
青柳 直子 内山 有子 小林 正子 柴若 光昭 衞藤 隆
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.65, no.4, pp.173-181, 1999-07-31 (Released:2010-06-28)
1 2

Based on a questionnaire survey carried out in July 1996, this study aims to evaluate the effects of barefoot education of schoolchildren in elementary schools, with respect to behaviourmodification concerning safety and healthy lifestyle. The subjects were 571 schoolchildren, 420from a school which conducted barefoot education for seven months from April to October and151 from a school which did not. The 420 children in the former were divided into one group(N=289, 76.1%) who were always barefooted and another (N=91, 23.9%) who were not. The major findings were as follows. 1. The comparison between the two schoolchildren groups revealed that the barefoot educationgroup developed more safety and health behaviour such as avoidance against hazardous objects on the schoolyard and in the classroom, hand-washing, and cleaning of gymnastic wear. 2. Within the schoolchildren in the barefoot education school, the?galways berefooted" grouppaid more attention to hazardous objects and did hand-washing more frequently, though significantly different items between the two groups were fewer than those in the between-schoolcomparison. This study suggests advantageous effects of barefoot education on development of safety and healty behaviour in schoolchildren.
永井 潜
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.5, no.3-4, pp.401-414, 1936-09-05 (Released:2010-11-19)
1 2
仲村 薫 中田 福市 鈴木 儀弘 大城 健孝
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.54, no.2, pp.92-98, 1988-03-30 (Released:2010-06-28)
1 1

Environmental weather and dietary life exist within the same aspect throughout the Okinawa Prefecture. However on the farming population rates and the nature of drinking water there were regional differences. The correlations between above factors and the mortality from cerebro-vascular disease (CVD) were investigated. Interrelationships between CVD and several trace elements in drinking water were found to be strong and complex, especially water hardness and silicon seemed to make an important contribution to mortality from CVD. The mortality from CVD indicated the highest negative correlation coefficient (r=-0.86) for drinking water hardness. In our research regions, silicon concentration in drinking water was lower levels (6-14 mg/l) in Japan and correlated negatively with the mortality from CVD (r=-0.76). On the correlation with mortality from CVD, silicon concentration is considered to have a threshold value, which is presumed to about 10 mg/l. The mortality from CVD and farming population rate showed positive correlation (r=0.75). The mortality rate and Ca2+/SO4-2 are represented as the negative correlation.
姫野 友美
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.60, no.6, pp.299-314, 1994-11-30 (Released:2010-06-28)

The prevalence of essential hypotention was cross-Sectionally surveyed among 58, 000 adult workers in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and differences in hemodynamics were analyzed between hypotensive patients with subjective symptoms and those who were asymptomatic. The overall prevalence of hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure of less than 100 mmHg, was 8.9%. By sex, the prevalence was 1.4% in males and 14.7% in females. Males were thus outnumbered by females by ratio of 1:10. The prevalence of essential hypotension, accounting for 74.7% of all forms of essential hypotension, was 6.7%. By age, the prevalence of essential hypotension was high in the younger age groups and decreased with age. One or more of subjective symptoms out of seven symptoms prepared were observed in 27 .5% of all the essential hypotensive patients. By sex, the prevalence of subjective symptoms was higher in females (28.3%) than in males (20.0%). The prevalence of symptoms tended to increase with age, but declined after the sixth age decade. The prevalence of symptoms in essential hypotensive patients was significantly higher than that in normotesive subjects and patients with borderline to definitive hypertension . The main symptoms in essential hypotensive patients were general malaise/ fatigue (14.6%), vertigo and dizziness (8.5%), and headache/forgetfulness (6.9%). The prevalence of the these three major complaints declined with a rise in blood pressure, suggesting their usefulness in the diagnosis of hypotension. Hemodynamic variables were compared in the group of hypotensive patients with symptoms versus that without symptoms. Although there were no intergroup differences in supine hemodynamics, the group with symptoms showed a classical hypotonic form of orthostatic dysregulation, corresponding to the?gdysdynamische Syndrome?hof the classification of Deilus, in the tiliting test. The prevalence of small hearts did not differ between the two groups.
甲田 光雄 飯淵 康雄 丸山 博
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.39, no.3, pp.54-62, 1973 (Released:2011-10-21)

Beginning on April 15, 1973, at the Yao-Kenko-Kaikan (Director, Mitsuo Kouda) in Yao City, Osaka, at the wish of a myasthenia gravis patient, we applied to him the health-recovery- and-promoting method of eating ?gperfect raw vegetable food?h, taking cold-and-hot bath taken one minute alternately, a special kind of physical excercise, etc., and could ob tain a strikingly good result. About two weeks later the patient started practising the method, ocular symptoms such as blepharoptosis and double vision symptoms, bulbar symptoms such as the weakening of digestive power, and generalized symptoms such as the stiffness of the neck and shoulders and the feeling of general fatigue took a turn for the better daily, and in 40 days all the symptoms peculiar to mysthenia gravis disappeared. He kept taking ?g"perfect raw vegetable food?h for 75 days, and then he returned to nor mal sidedishes with unpolished rice as the staple food. He continued taking cold-and-hot bath taken one minute alternately, a special kind of physical exercise, etc., He is now engaged in his former job. As of August 30, 1973, he enjoys good health and has no symptoms peculiar to myasthenia gravis.
吉益 脩夫
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.6, no.5-6, pp.386-394, 1938-05-30 (Released:2010-11-19)
1 1
古川 竹二
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.1, no.3, pp.324-340, 1931-08-13 (Released:2010-11-19)