奥脇 康夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.35, no.4, pp.330-344, 1969 (Released:2010-06-28)

Provincial prevalence of infectious hepatitis is increasing in Japan. Though the germ has been accepted to be a virus (or viruses), it has been able to test by neither virological technique nor immuno-serological method ; the diagnosis of the disease is subjected to the clinical, histopathological or biochemical researchs. As long as it is the infectious disease, however, there may be latent infection or incomplete symptoms, and there may be various types of the disease. Therefore, it may be questionable somehow to forecast the prevalence of such a disease depending on the judgement on the epidemiological phenomena in the early period of the disease. The author was happened fortunately to contribute to treatment of Sashima hepatitis and researched how the epidemiological aspects in the early period was varied depending on the continuous pursue of the disease, and what tests should be employed in the early period of the prevalence. As there are many diseases that cause disturvance of liver such as infectious hepatitis in farm villages in Japan, other factors such as mercury poisoning and filariasis should be considered. The author at first recognized frequent outbreak of liver diseases, and confirmed the infectious hepatitis. Then, the disease was researched as grouping on sex, age and district; there was found out that the levels of positive urine urobilinogen had a relation with the provincial outbreak, and many patients had not been found out even a precise research in the early period. The serum transaminase evaluation was found out to be effective in early research. Though in the group which was thought to be normal, sometimes, presented some patients following the progress of the epidemic, it may be recommended to consider those who showed S-GPT higher than 50(Karmen unit) would be abnormal.
泊 惇 柳橋 次雄 安藤 哲夫 脇阪 一郎 アサ ビルヒリオデ バティック フペンドラ
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.48, no.4, pp.189-199, 1982

本研究はフィジー諸島における人々の医療サービスの利用状況を疾病行動の視点から分析することを目的とした。 調査はCWM病院の外来患者365名を対象とし面接調査を実施し,なお一部フィジー政府の年報を参考に分析し,以下の結果を得た。 1) 病院の利用率がフィジー人よりもインド人に高いことから,フィジー人においてはむしろ伝統的な医療への依存が高く,病院で受ける医療サービスが潜在しているものと示唆された。 2) 薬草,祈とう,治療者などの伝統医療は近代医療と同様に,該国の医療サービスにおいて近代医療の代替ではなく,重要な役割を有し健康養護の為の重要な社会資源となっているものと考えられた。
多田 千代
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.45, no.5, pp.170-183, 1979

It is the purpose of this report to inform you the general state of the research of Japanese bed from the viewpoints of health. 1) The course of time in microclimate inside of the bed and skin temperatures distribution in sleep adequate to keep comfortable sleep were determined. 2) The weight distribution of mattresses and bedclothes which are being used at various places in Japan, were investigated. 3) Physical properties of nonhygroscopic mattresses and bedclothes which were developed one after the other owing to new techniques were tested in relation to the comfort and function in case of usage. 4) Recent research on bed has entered into a new-stage. The studies improving the recovery of functions in the brain and body during the sleep by the use of better mattress has become the central parts of interest.
斎藤 達郎
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.5, pp.649-669,A41, 1959 (Released:2010-11-19)

Shimoheii district, located in northern part of Japan, isolated from civilization by the high mountains and left in poverty, is known as “a Tibet of Japan”.The inhabitants in these area appear in the Japanese history as barbarians called “the Ezo” and some say that the district is one of the dwelling places of “Ainos” (the natives in northern part of Japan).The relation between the two is still the inconclusive subject.The present report is based on the biometric survey, conducted at Shimoheii district, in August, 1958, for 510 healthy male adults, from 20-50 years of age, of the families residing for more than three generations there.The synthetical comparison through the biometric records with people in other districts revealed that the inhabitants in this district have the close affinity to people in Bichu, Northern Shinshu and Kai districts and slight one to those in Echu district, North Korea and Ainos in Hokkaido.It is considered that the “Ezo” is not the name for the different race but the uncivilized tribe, and it has little relation with Ainos.
多田 千代
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.45, no.5, pp.170-183, 1979 (Released:2011-10-21)

It is the purpose of this report to inform you the general state of the research of Japanese bed from the viewpoints of health. 1) The course of time in microclimate inside of the bed and skin temperatures distribution in sleep adequate to keep comfortable sleep were determined. 2) The weight distribution of mattresses and bedclothes which are being used at various places in Japan, were investigated. 3) Physical properties of nonhygroscopic mattresses and bedclothes which were developed one after the other owing to new techniques were tested in relation to the comfort and function in case of usage. 4) Recent research on bed has entered into a new-stage. The studies improving the recovery of functions in the brain and body during the sleep by the use of better mattress has become the central parts of interest.
諏訪 久
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.26, no.1, pp.130-137,A9, 1960

理想的な気候, 安価で栄養の多い食物, 高給は在留邦人のもつ好条件であるが, 大部分の邦人はこれらの好条件を有効に使つて楽しむ能力がなく, 能率を下げている場合が多い. 又多くは1,2年の短期間の滞在のため, この国の事情に通じアフガン人に対しよい影響を与えるには至らない.<BR>肉体的にはこれら邦人は大部分健康であるが, 精神的には極めて不安定で精神異常を呈するものもある. 日本人は家族を伴なうべきであり, 強い意志をもち, この国に於ける生活を楽しむことが出来て, 個人の生活を互いにみだすことなく, 物事を本質的に考えることが出来る日本人を送るべきである. 英語, 独語, 仏語, ペルシヤ語等が自由に話せることは望ましく, 精神衛生上から言つても必要なる条件である.
谷口 彌三郎
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.26, no.6, pp.477-541, 1960 (Released:2010-11-19)
1 1
戸部 秀之
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.59, no.4, pp.158-167, 1993-07-30 (Released:2011-10-21)
2 1

The monthly body weight data of school children in different regions, the school A in urban area of Tokyo, the school B and C in rural areas of Gunma and Tochigi prefectures, were investigated in order to compare the regional patterns of seasonal variation in weight growth. The seasonal factors of each region and those of each children were calculated by a time-series analysis. The results obtained were as follows. 1) In all regional groups, the highly significant seasonality (p<0.0001) were observed. The seasonal patterns of low in summer, especially in July, were the same in all regional groups. However, the months in which the high values appeared were different among the groups. The amplitudes of seasonal variation were smaller in the children of school A than in the children of school B or C. 2) From the analysis of the seasonal patterns of each child, the minimum values in seasonal factor appeared in July in many children, and it was remarkable in the children of school B and C. 3) The effects of months on variation in weight growth were different between sexes, from the fact that the F-values in the stable seasonality test were much higher in boys than in girls.
守山 正樹 鈴木 継美
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.39, no.1-2, pp.13-25, 1973 (Released:2011-10-21)

The gap between the accerelated physical growth and the stayed or relatively delayed mental development has become common in many countries. In this sense, the study on sexual maturation has to cover not only the physical but also the mental aspects. Age at menarche, the knowledge of sexual phenomena, and the behavioural pattern at counselling of sexual problems were the content of questionnaire. The subjects were girl students at Eiwa Junior and Senior High School in Yamanashi Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Age at menarche has become younger annually. (2) Psychological reaction toward menarche differed dependent upon the age at it. (3) After menarche, students became more conscious to sexual phenomena, and tended to select persons other than parent as the counseller. (4) The amount of knowledge on sexual phenomena increased with the chronological age, but the understanding of underlying mechanism did not show a simply increasing pattern. (5) The age at menarche and the feeling invited by the menarche seemed to influence the increase of knowledge and the deepening of understanding. (6) By the content analysis of the answer to questionnaire, the development in intelligence was supposed to relate closely to the advancement of knowledge on sexual matters.
趙 南勲 洪 文植 林 謙治
民族衞生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.62, no.5, pp.298-314, 1996-09-30

韓国における家族計画プログラムの全国的な展開により,避妊の実行が普及すると共に出生率が低下してきた.こうした初期の目標が達成された中で,人工妊娠中絶は依然に高率であり,また,出生性比も増加する傾向にある.性比の歪み伝統的な男子選好に起因するものと思われる.本論文では妊娠結果の経年的変化を調査し,人工妊娠中絶の決定要因を分析すると共に中絶と男子選好が性比の歪みどのように影響を与えているかを検討した. 人工妊娠中絶率は1980年代前半まで急激に増加しており,中絶と出生はほぼ同数であった.その後,中絶率は高い水準で推移し,出生回数が多いほど中絶率が高い傾向を示している.第1子出産後の次の妊娠結果は前子の性別により強い影響を受けることが判明した.すでに男児を得ている場合妊娠が中絶になる確率はきわめて高い.希望子供数の減少と男子選好のために既存の子供の性構成が妊娠結果を左右することにおいてより重要な因子となっている.女性の教育水準も中絶の確率に対して常に影響を与えているが,最近ではその影響度は弱まっている.婚姻外妊娠と都市化も中絶の増加の方向で影響を与えている. 本研究から得られた結果により,今後韓:国における家族計画プログラムは性比の歪みをもたらす男子選好の価値観を弱めると同時に,人工妊娠中絶を予防すべく社会政策の強化を打ち出す必要があることを示唆している.
水野 徳美 岡本 学 有泉 誠 野原 聖一 岡田 晃
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.4, pp.158-164, 1978 (Released:2010-06-28)

Shiramine is an isolated mountain village located in Ishikawa prefecture. The study was done to find the relationship of the geographical distribution of marriage on traffic development and other factors. The results were as follows. 1) The rates of marriages between the same villagers about 80% showed little change from 1868 to 1925. After 1926 they decreased slowly, and after 1955 they markedly decreased. 2) The spread of the geographical distribution of marriages took about thirty years after traffic development. And it was almost in parallel with the spread of newspapers and telephones from 1955 to 1965. 3) In Kuwajima district of Shiramine village there is a high rate of marriage between the same villagers, while in Shiramine distrct there is a low rate of marriage between the same villagers. It meant that Shiramine and Kuwajima district people did not marry with each other. But after 1955 when marriages between the same villagers decreased, marriages between the same district residents also decreased rapidly after 1971. The two district people then began to marry with each other after 1971. 4) The geographical distribution of marriage of old traditional well established families expanded earlier than the poor working class.
松山 恒明 飯野 正光 竹本 泰一郎 鈴木 継美
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.45, no.2, pp.62-68, 1979 (Released:2010-06-28)

The record of family registration of 776 couples who were legally registered(HONSEKI) in Sendai city were analyzed. The couples whose grooms were born in 1926 and later who had got married between 1945 to 1974 in first marriage and who had at least two children were randomly selected from a regional frame in Sendai city. The period between the date of registration of wedding and that of notification of birth of first child is determined by the duration of de facto but not de jure marriage (NAIEN). In Japan the period of temporary informal marriage tended to be prolonged in many couples, keeping under the juridical and customary restraint, before the new civil law enacted 1948. The period between the date of registration of wedding and that of notification of birth of first child is determined by the duration of de facto but not de jure marriage (NAIEN). In Japan the period of temporary informal marriage tended to be prolonged in many couples, keeping under the juridical and customary restraint, before the new civil law enacted 1948. Though the majority of our samples had got married after the establishment of the law, some of them might do all that were required by the conventionalities. Under these social circumstances, our results of survey are as follows: 1) The intervals between date of registration of wedding and occurence of birth of first child of two age groups were compared with cumulative percentage of duration. The interval from registration of marriage to birth of the first child was shorter for the couples whose grooms were under age 25 at the time of wedding than those whosegrooms were age 25 and over throughout the observation periods. 2) When the couples were classified by the periods, 1945-54, 1955-64, 1965-74 of their date of registration of wedding, the said intervals had been prolonged through the descent periods successively. 3) In the form of notification of birth, it is requested to fill up the date of start of cohabitation. With the view of comparing the length of informal marriage, 352 notifications of first birth in 1974 were examined. Parents of these children were dwellers in Sendai city, and their fathers were born in 1926 and later. It was shown that the intervals from the beginning of cohabitation to birth in these 352 couples were longer than the intervals derived from the couples of legal registration(HONSEKI)
守山 正樹 柏崎 浩 鈴木 継美
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.46, no.1, pp.22-32, 1980
4 4

In Japan, the decline in the age at menarche after the Second World War has been repeatedly reported, but the observed period in the reports has not been long enough to evaluate the secular trend of it. More than a hundred reports of age at menarche of Japanese have been published from the year of 1886. More than half of these populations in the reports consisted of students or young workers, some of whom had not attained menarche at the survey, and the menarcheal ages were represented by the arithmetric mean for the menarche attained girls. Thus, ages at menarche of these reports have biases toward younger menarcheal ages which depend on the proportion of non-menstruating girls. The authors aimed to correct these biased menarcheal ages on the assumption that (1) menarcheal ages of a population distributes normally when all of the girls are menstruating; (2) when some girls are not menstruating, the distribution is censored sample of normal distribution. After eliminating these biases of historical sources, the trend of the menarcheal age in Japan (from the late 19th century to the present) was analysed.
平川 達
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.2, pp.126-132,A11, 1959

4. A survey of birth and birth-control; The average numberof birth of a woman was 3.5, which is not so high. The number of birth tended to decrease in younger generation. According to the survey on birth-control, among 48 ansewers of whom used to practice birth-control, the economical reason proved 27.1 %. Besides, it was remarkable that artificial abortion was popular
平川 達
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.25, no.2, pp.133-139,A11, 1959

5. Consanguineous marriage; The frequency of consanguineous marriage was 11.9 per cent, among which the marriage between consins were the most. The 1.62 per cent of the whole population were psychotic. This percentage is rather high comparing with other island of Izu. It was also noticed that there would be some consanguineous relations among these psychotics.<BR>Using Prof. Koike's classification, it was recognized that finger-prints were frequent in the type S and in the type OW in hand.
新福 祐子
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.35, no.4, pp.285-293, 1969

In this report, the statistics of infant deaths are analysed and some hygienic subjects and discussed. The results obtained are as follows: 1) After the War, the peak birth rate was reached in the year 1948 with 30-40 births per 1, 000 population. In Eigenji-cho and Shigaraki-ch&ocirc; the rate of birth has more or less been stabilized at 12 by 1957, while in the other districts the rate still shows the tendency to a gentle decline. 2) The infant death rate, which has been calculated since 1947, decreased from 100 per 1, 000 in 1947 to 20 per 1, 000 in 1965, the last year in these data. In Kutsuki-mura this rate is slightly higher. 3) The ratio of infant deaths to the population has remarkably decreased since 1955, but it is still high in Kutsuki-mura. 4) In these districts, over 85 per cent of infant deaths were caused by pneumonia, gastroenteritis and deseases of early infancy. This percentage is somewhat higher than average. 5) The seasonal variation of infant mortality has also been observed. In Eigenji-ch&ocirc; and Shigaraki-ch&ocirc;, there is a greater concentration of deaths in the months of January, February and March. In Kutsuki-mura and Yogo-mura this is the case with the months of March and April. 6) On the months-of-age distribution of infant deaths, the percentage of neonatal deaths is always maximum and becomes larger and larger. 7) The ratio of neonatal deaths to the other infant deaths and the ratio of infant deaths to the deaths of age-group 1-4 years show that the improvement of hygiene and health services has a great influence on infants, but in Kutsuki-mura, utmost efforts must be made to decrease infant deaths.
野瀬 善勝
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.38, no.6, pp.253-271, 1972 (Released:2011-10-21)

The author has observed the suicide rate and homicide rate of the past 60 years (1900-'60) not only in Japan but also in many foreign countries from the standpoint of epidemiological statistics and has synthetically studies the relationship of specific qualities of its biological (sex, age), geographical (distribution) and time (yearly trend, seasonal variation) phenomena, with life-environment (chemicophysical, biological, social), and an epidemiological study clears it out that soil aggregation may be found both in suicide rate and in homicide rate. The outstanding features are as follows. 1) The geographical distribution of suicide rate has keen connection with the chemical constituents of river water. Where pH-value is in neutral or alkalic and Ca/K ratio is also large, and Na+K/Ca+Mg ratio is high, suicide rate is high. 2) The geographical distribution of homicide rate has keen connection with the chemical constituents of river water. Where pH-value is slightly acidic, and Ca/K ratio is also small, and Na+K/Ca+Mg ratio is high, homicide rate is high. 3) Therefore, geographical distribution of suicide rate and homiside rate is in reverse order fundamentally. 4) In short, how electrelytic balance with K and Ca as their central figure may be suposed greately to have relation with postnatal disposition that apt to go to suicide or formation of postnatal disposition that apt to go to homicide.