黎 子椰 久保 敬司 川村 貞夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.38, no.11, pp.915-921, 2002-11-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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This study aims at clarifying the effects of internal force between human arms and a bicycle handle on the rotational stiffness of the bicycle handle. Rotational stiffness of the handle is determined by internal force stiffness and stiffness of human arms and body. We use the three-link model to analyze the rotational stiffness due to the internal force, and measure the rotational stiffness on level roads and slopes as a function of the internal force, Through theoretical calculation and experimental results, it is reveraled that the stiffness due to internal force is significantly large in comparison with the stiffness due to the muscle conrraction of arms and body. Moreover, the effective way to generate rotational stiffness of a bicycle handle by using internal force is proposed in this paper.
羽生 能行 牧川 方昭 石原 謙
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.32, no.5, pp.628-636, 1996-05-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

In this paper, we have tried to measure physiological responses under mental stress in some daily scenes with a portable digital biosignal memory device. The aim of this study is to search for the method to evaluate objectively the mental stress in daily life. Here we chose the heart rate and the respiratory rate as non-invasive measuring objects and have developed an ambulatory mental stress monitoring system. Daily life stress scenes used here was the graduation thesis presentation, an unexpected police checkup during a car driving and the getting on a roller coaster, and in addition the calculation experiment under the laboratory was done for the comparison with other previous results reported.As a result, the heart rate and the respiratory rate were getting higher, and the respiration was getting irregular under strong mental stress, that is, getting on a jet coaster, presenting a graduation thesis, and a police checkup while driving. Under weak stress, like the calculation in the laboratory and the car driving, the respiratory rate was getting higher and irregular, but the heart rate wasn't remarkably high. From these results, it was suggested that the heart rate, the respiratory rate, and the respiratory irregularity are effective to evaluate the mental stress in daily life.
鎌田 龍太 渡邊 亮
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.55, no.2, pp.92-99, 2019 (Released:2019-02-19)

A railway crew scheduling problem is an assignment problem of crews for a given operational schedule under the constraint on labor regulations. In this paper, we discuss an automatic railway crew scheduling method based on numerical optimization for a large-scale and complex railway route with branch lines and multiple bases. The proposed method makes the crew schedule automatically using step by step optimization based on a partial pairing, an elastic embedded set partitioning problem and a graph partitioning.
原 裕一郎 井口 征士
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.19, no.7, pp.551-556, 1983

In harmonic analysis of periodic wave, the discontinuity at the boundary of observation interval increases the spectral leakage. Several temporal windows have been developed to improve the spectral resolution. In Fourier transformation, input signal is transformed into complex data consisting of amplitude and phase. This paper describes the phase transmission characteristics of temporal windows. The phase preservability that the phase of input sinusoidal wave is preserved in peak component, can be improved by applying the windows. Phase error caused by the other harmonics depends on the amplitude transmission characteristics of windows, especially on their band-width. The spectral peak moves from <i>n</i>-th bin to (<i>n</i>+1)-th bin with the increase of input frequency. The frequency, at which the peak is shifted from <i>n</i> to <i>n</i>+1, becomes close to <i>n</i>+0.5 through temporal windows. Experiments of pitch-frequency detection using phase compensation method show that Hanning window and Cos window are more desirable than the others.<br>As a result, the temporal window improves the phase transmission characteristics.
土井 智晴 笹原 龍樹 三藤 大地 玉利 寿靖 金田 忠裕 梅本 敏孝 葭谷 安正
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.41, no.12, pp.1005-1012, 2005

Interest has grown in the potential application of robot technology at accident and disaster sites where there exists the possibility of secondary disasters, and much effort is being channeled into research in this area. Yet, much of this effort has been directed at advanced, expensive robot technologies. We have been looking at ways of realizing a readily applicable robot technology for such disaster sites, and propose a relatively low-cost rescue robot with simple, intuitive operation, that does not require power supply lines. We report on a simple search device based on a human-powered generator, an improved version of an earlier device using a direct mechanical drive for mobility.
香川 利治
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.18, no.6, pp.617-621, 1982
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A pneumatic nozzle flapper is widely used in pneumatic control systems and is one of the important converting elements. Its transient pressure response has been investigated in several papers, but the case with small time constant has not been reported so far. This paper shows experimentally that the time constant of pneumatic nozzle flapper varies with the direction of pressure step and the position of load capacitor.<br>In the case with steady flow through the load capacitor, the time constant is larger in general than that of side-capacitor, and the time constant of negative pressure response is smaller than that of positive one. These differences are considered to be caused by the heat conduction between air and the capacitor wall.
細川 民樹 山下 裕 島 公脩
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.26, no.4, pp.467-473, 1990-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

In this paper, we study the stabilization problem of a spacecraft with three independent torque actuators via state feedback. We describe its attitude with the quaternion q_??_(q1, q2, q3, q4), ||q||2_??_q12+q22+q32+q42=1, instead of the rotation matrix R∈SO(3), which is known to have the manifold structure. The purpose of this paper is to derive a global static feedback law such that quaternion q converges to (0, 0, 0, 1).First of all, we cover the manifold SO(3) with four local co-ordinates A: (q1, q2, q3), B: (q1, q2, q4-1), C: (q1, q2, q4-1), D: (q2, q3, q4-1). And, by means of the nonlinear control theory, we obtain four local control laws u=uA(x), u=uB(x), u=uC(x), u=uD(x) corresponding to them. But, each control law has singular points where the inputs diverge. If we adopt an idea that the control laws are switched according to the value of the quaternion in order to avoid the problem of the singular points, the control inputs are not smooth at the switching point. So, we synthesize a new control law u=q42uA+q32uB+q22uC+q12uD from local control laws. The new control law, of which each term is equal to zero at the singular points, is smooth and gives globally stable closed-loop system. Furthermore, its structure is much simpler than four local control laws. This method is applicable to both gas-jet actuators and reaction wheel actuators. The control law for gas-jet actuators is the special case of the control law derived in Ref. 5).
岡本 裕幸 山田 勝紀 米澤 洋
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.26, no.6, pp.620-625, 1990-06-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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An Image Processing System (IPS) for an automatic Surface Plate (SP) scraper system has been studied. First, the SP was took a red lead print, then the IPS made two images of the SP using a monochromatic ITV camera. One image was photographed through a blue filter glass, another was photographed through an orange filter glass. Secondly, values of densities of the image was subtracted from another. And the subtracted image was binalized at a threshold level which was determined by the new preprocess and OTSU method. Thus the red lead area was separated with a base area of the SP. Thirdly, the IPS calculated positions to be scrape in consideration of characteristics of a scrape unit and a robot control system.Before introduction of the IPS, it took 3 days to determine the scrape positions, but now it takes only 20min (max). As the IPS automatically processes all jobs except photographing, a beginner can treat the IPS.
村田 忠彦 石渕 久生 田中 英夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.31, no.5, pp.583-590, 1995-05-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In this paper, we apply a genetic algorithm to flowshop scheduling problems and examine two hybridizations of a genetic algorithm with other search algorithms. We also propose a genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization problems. First we examine various genetic operators for the flowshop scheduling problem for minimizing the makespan. By computer simulations, we show that a two-point crossover and a shift change mutation are effective for this problem. Next we compare the genetic algorithm with other search algorithms such as local search, taboo search and simulated annealing. By computer simulations, it is shown that the genetic algorithm is a bit inferior to the others. In order to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm, we examine the hybridization of the genetic algorithm with other search algorithms. Finally, we propose a selection operator and an elitist strategy of the genetic algorithm for multi-objective problems. The high performance of our multi-objective genetic algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulations.
安部 祐一 青井 伸也 土屋 和雄 松野 文俊
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.52, no.11, pp.639-652, 2016 (Released:2016-11-23)

Multi-legged animals show several types of ipsilateral interlimb coordination. Millipedes show the direct wave gait in which the swing leg movements propagate from posterior to anterior. On the other hand, some centipedes show the retrograde wave gait in which the swing leg movements propagate from anterior to posterior. Interestingly, when some millipede walks in a specific way, it is reported that both direct and retrograde waves of the leg movements can coexist with a source part of the waves (we call it as source wave gaits). However, the mechanism behind the gait generation is still unclear because of the complex nature of the interaction between neural control and body dynamic systems. In this paper, we propose a simple model to gain a better understanding of the mechanism, especially how a local sensory feedback affects multi-legged locomotion. We design a planar multi-legged model and its locomotion control system based on biologically-inspired oscillators with a local sensory feedback, phase resetting. Each oscillator controls each leg, and there are no direct interactions among oscillators. Our simulation results reveal three types of gaits, which have different ipsilateral phase relationships (Direct, retrograde and source wave gaits like animals). These gaits are neither predesigned or predetermined, but emerge through the interaction between the neural control and body dynamic systems through phase resetting. These results suggest that the local sensory feedback is important to form proper interlimb coordination and thereby effectively generates multi-legged gaits. In addition, our mathematical analysis with the simple model successfully extracts the essential feature of these gaits, and suggests that these types of locomotion can exist regardless of the number of legs in our system.
舟橋 康行 加藤 久雄
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.27, no.6, pp.640-646, 1991

In this paper, a design method for the deadbeat compensator with optimal robustness for MIMO systems is presented. As the compensator is decided among the class of two-degree-of-freedom robust tracking compensators, it is guaranteed that the deadbeat control and internal stability of the whole system is achieved for nominal process. Zero offset is also achieved for the perturbed process which does not disturb internal stability.<br>Using the Hermite form, the design procedure of this paper is much simpler than the one, proposed in the past, that uses the Smith-McMillan form.<br>And robustness criterion, which is <i>L</i><sub>2</sub>-norm of sensitivity function, is optimized. So it is hoped that the stability region for process perturbation is enlarged and that the influence of process perturbation on the output gets smaller. The minimization of deadbeat steps and the optimization of robustness are achieved simultaneously. It is a merit of two-degree-of-freedom compensation scheme.
渡辺 桂吾
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.31, no.8, pp.1106-1113, 1995

The functional reasoning and the simplified reasoning, which are special cases of the so-called min-max-centroidal method, have been applied to construct a fuzzy controller or to model a system. It is not necessary known, however, for control engineers to rationally and easily design the conclusion part or any parameters in the conclusion part. In this paper, a new fuzzy reasoning is proposed so that the conclusion consists of a function of mean-values on each membership function in the antecedent. It is then shown that any parameters except for the mean-values in the conclusion can be rationally and easily designed as a slope of stable switching plane (or line) which is basically independent of the control rule, if the conclusion is formally regarded as a VSS (variable structure system) controller with the meanvalues in the antecedent as states. Thus, the laber required for designing the conclusion part can be reduced drastically by using the proposed method, compared with the traditional methods. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by simulating a fuzzy controller with two inputs-single output reasoning or a fuzzy controller with three inputs-single output reasoning.
渡辺 桂吾
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.31, no.8, pp.1106-1113, 1995-08-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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The functional reasoning and the simplified reasoning, which are special cases of the so-called min-max-centroidal method, have been applied to construct a fuzzy controller or to model a system. It is not necessary known, however, for control engineers to rationally and easily design the conclusion part or any parameters in the conclusion part. In this paper, a new fuzzy reasoning is proposed so that the conclusion consists of a function of mean-values on each membership function in the antecedent. It is then shown that any parameters except for the mean-values in the conclusion can be rationally and easily designed as a slope of stable switching plane (or line) which is basically independent of the control rule, if the conclusion is formally regarded as a VSS (variable structure system) controller with the meanvalues in the antecedent as states. Thus, the laber required for designing the conclusion part can be reduced drastically by using the proposed method, compared with the traditional methods. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by simulating a fuzzy controller with two inputs-single output reasoning or a fuzzy controller with three inputs-single output reasoning.
奥村 光平 石井 将人 巽 瑛理 奥 寛雅 石川 正俊
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.49, no.9, pp.855-864, 2013 (Released:2013-10-16)
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In spite of high demands in a lot of industrial fields, it is viewed as difficult to capture a stuff flying at the speed of hundreds [m/s] order same as acoustic velocity. A high-frame-rate camera (≈10000 [fps]) is often adopted to observe it. However, this method gives us only a short-lasting recorded data. Furthermore, a quite short exposure time (≈ 5 [µs]) and regionally concentrated illumination are required in order to cut down a motion blur. In this paper, a measurement means specialized for such a high-speed object is proposed. A high-speed gaze controller, called Saccade Mirror keeps its camera gaze casting the matter while soaring. We successfully obtained the longer images with brightness and a little motion blur.
岡田 徳次 佐藤 秀幸 三富 堅太郎
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.37, no.1, pp.13-20, 2001-01-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

This paper proposes the measurement principle of a sound source direction in the three-dimensional space. Such kind of differences like the transferring time, phase shift, and level of the sound wave are treated for the measurement in general. Our approach is to use the differences of sound levels by taking the advantage of unidirectional characteristics of the condenser microphone's sensitivity so that the direction is obtained by the simple signal processing. Basically the minimum number of the microphone set is four for composing a tetrapod arrangement. Formulation of the relations among the differences of the sound levels is shown. Also, the logical processing is introduced to remove the affect of the microphone's backside undesirable irregular sensitivity. The calculation procedure for determining the direction is extracted, and experimental results are shown to verify the validity of the measurement.
久保 和良 青島 伸治
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.31, no.6, pp.712-721, 1995-06-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

Piano and guitar tone decay analysis has been carried out using reverberation responses calculated by Wigner distributions. The responses are investigated in comparison with record of the conventional short time spectra. The reverberation responses which are intimately related with the internal energy of instrumens represent 1) the envelope of tone decay without fluctuation induced by interference, reflect 2) mutual load effect associated with the oscillators, thus, clearly show 3) the gradients of energy decay curves, and are 4) less influenced by window function length. A guitar under investigation is shown to provide 1) two-step tone decay curve not caused by difference between decay rates of horizontal and vertical vibration modes of the strings (single string tone), and 2) multi-step energy curve with each step having much longer duration than the interference period (two string tone).On the other hand, the analysis of a grand piano reveals the following features:1) two power peaks in the spectra of aftersound are caused by different reasons from each other, 2) multistep energy decay curve is altered by performance style or piano condition, and 3) the partials are exhausted after absorbing energy of the other vibration modes.
松田 守弘 鬼頭 完爾
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.17, no.6, pp.645-649, 1981-09-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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With an aim to develop a gloss meter which measures optical quantities closely associated with psychological gloss, several factors prescribing gloss were studied.Thirty steel sheets were coated with different paints, in which 4 vehicles and 3 pigments are appropriately combined. Sensory gloss evaluation by the ranking method was made of those samples by 27 observers. Correlations among the average ranking and the refractive index, surface roughness and color were studied.It is found that factors prescribing the gloss are refractive index, roughness, lightness value and chroma of painted surfaces, among which roughness is the most important factor. Relationships among the gloss, these elemental factors, and the optical characteristics of painted surfaces such as specular and diffuse reflectances are also clarified.
浅井 徹 原 辰次
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.32, no.1, pp.35-44, 1996-01-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

In this paper, we consider a problem of the simultaneous controller synthesis and modeling for robust control against parametric perturbations. The model is formulated by an LFT representation of a norm bounded uncertainty matrix and a coefficient matrix which represents the uncertainty bound. The modeling of the uncertainty bound is based on the performance of the closed-loop system, while the robust stability and the robust performance is attained by an H∞ control.A sufficient condition for the existence of a robust controller and the corresponding uncertainty bound is proposed in terms of matrix inequalities. Moreover, we show that those inequalities are reduced to be LMIs in some special cases. An application to a linear AC motor verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.