仲井 勘 野田 哲男
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.50, no.1, pp.24-29, 2014 (Released:2014-02-05)

Programmable logic controller (PLC) is widely used for sequence control in industrial automation system, and its program is mostly written in ladder diagram. In recent years, as processing performance of PLC has improved remarkably, ladder diagram becomes larger and more complex so that it is not easy to analyze and find the bugs or cause of unexpected control. To solve this problem, this paper describes how to apply a technique of program slicing to ladder diagram. In ladder diagram, data dependence almost represents control dependence, and we define slicing of ladder diagram as extracting directed graph of data dependence. But normally it tends to be divergent because ladder diagram is large and complex. So we focus on the directed graph composed only by frequently referenced data, which expresses the core of control structure, and we divide ladder slicing into three phases; extracting directed graph of data dependence only among frequently referenced data, slicing from start data to core structure, and slicing from core structure to the end destination data. The efficiency of this proposed method is shown through applying to actual ladder diagram analysis.
志水 清孝 本城 仰太 山口 毅
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.38, no.8, pp.686-693, 2002-08-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In this paper, a new tuning method for PID control is proposed. We set the controlled system to be a controllable and observable SISO system. In the first half, we consider optimal servo problems by 2 methods. For each method, the optimal state feedback rule is obtained by the theory of optimal regulator, and the optimal poles of this closed-loop system are calculated. In the second half, we consider the problem that the poles of closed-loop system by PID control are approximated to the optimal poles as much as possible. This technique is called quasi pole placement. The problem becomes a nonlinear planning problem with some equality constraints, and solved by exterior penalty function method. Finally, the simulation results for the 5 order system are reported, and the effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated.
木村 周平 松村 幸輝
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.42, no.6, pp.659-667, 2006-06-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

The random number generator is one of the important components of evolutionary algorithms. Therefore, when we try to solve function optimization problems using the evolutionary algorithms, we must carefully choose a good pseudo-random number generator. In the evolutionary algorithms, the pseudo-random number generator is often used for creating uniformly distributed individuals. In this study, as the low-discrepancy sequences allow us to create individuals more uniformly than the random number sequences, we apply the low-discrepancy sequence generator, instead of the pseudo-random number generator, to the evolutionary algorithms. Since it was difficult for some evolutionary algorithms, such as binary-coded genetic algorithms, to utilize the uniformity of the sequences, the low-discrepancy sequence generator was applied to real-coded genetic algorithms. The numerical experiments show that the low-discrepancy sequence generator improves the search performances of the real-coded genetic algorithms.
近野 敦 内山 勝 貴答 豊 村上 真人
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.32, no.1, pp.78-86, 1996-01-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

In some spatial flexible arm manipulators, the structural vibration controllability is configuration-dependent. Therefore, the flexible arm manipulator might have some vibration uncontrollable configurations. In order to understand the physical interpretation of vibration uncontrollable configurations, we propose the “modal accessibility” concept which indicates how well the actuators can affect the structural vibration modes. The configuration in which all actuators cannot affect at least one of the vibration modes of the manipulator is vibration uncontrollable. Main contributions of the paper are the following two points: First, interesting structural vibration uncontrollable configurations are found within the 2-link 3-joint type manipulator's workspace. Some of these vibration uncontrollable configurations are shown with experimental results. Secondly, the modal accessibility index is introduced to indicate how well the corresponding vibration mode is controllable. Experimental results show that even in the controllable configurations, it becomes difficult to suppress some vibration modes if their modal accessibility indices are small.
間所 洋和 井上 誠 永吉 武志 千葉 崇 芳賀 ゆうみ 木口 倫 佐藤 和人
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.56, no.2, pp.37-44, 2020 (Released:2020-02-15)
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This paper presents a novel drone system used for in-situ measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of greenhouse gases. To obtain a vertical profile of atmospheric CO2 concentration, a Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) analyzer was equipped on an off-the-shelf industrial drone. We designed and assembled an original mount which consists of carbon plates, hollow aluminum pipes, and resinous adapters created using a 3D printer. We obtained vertical CO2 profiles up to the 500m level through a flight test of five different dates after getting the flight permissions at an altitude of more than 150m above the ground and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. It is shown that CO2 concentration generally increases with altitude, though the feature of CO2 profiles varies with observation dates. Based on the five profiles from September 2017 to January 2018, we revealed a seasonality of CO2 concentration over Akita. We suggest that this system is useful for in-situ CO2 measurement and enables to conduct frequent and easy observations.
岡島 寛 中林 佑多 松永 信智
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.54, no.1, pp.146-152, 2018 (Released:2018-02-23)
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In this paper, we propose a filter to satisfy velocity and acceleration limits for arbitrary input signals. The shapes of input signals are sometimes converted into trapezoidal wave in order to prevent an overload on the robot in FA field. Generally, physical protection of equipments, safety and ride quality are achieved with limitations for input signals about some properties. For achieving such limitation, the filters which limit some signal properties are widely used. A filter structure to satisfy velocity and acceleration limits was designed only simple feedback control with the saturation function. However, this structure had a problem that time-lag between the input signal and modified signal is occurred. To solve this problem, we propose a filter structure which is based on the model error compensator. Modified signal which is generated by the proposed filter satisfies the desired signal constraints for any input signals. By the proposed structure, time-lag can be smaller than the signals obtained by the previous method. The effectiveness of the proposed filter is shown by the numerical examples.
徳弘 龍太郎 出口 弘
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.52, no.12, pp.678-689, 2016 (Released:2016-12-28)

The appearance of the symptoms of excess cancer incidence and non-carcinogenic by pollutant is found in many people by a wide variety of degree. This reason is the difference of per day of pollutant exposure to risk indicators and sensitivity by age and sex. In particular, infants and school children in a growth phase, is called “the environment weakness”. In this study, we analysis exposure assessment representing the individual's lifestyle with different life action in every generation. Among them, we construct “lifestyle exposure model”. And this study focus Benzene and PM2.5 in specific area. Then we are explicit about exposure by breathing in generation and lifestyle.
仲谷 真太朗 伊達 央
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.56, no.3, pp.116-123, 2020 (Released:2020-03-18)

This paper describes the application of Monte Carlo model predictive control (MCMPC) to systems with collision phenomena. In general, a physical quantity related to velocity discontinuously changes at the moment of a collision. Gradient-based model predictive control that requires gradient information of the cost function can not handle the collision phenomena directly. On the other hand, MCMPC can calculate local optimal solutions and stationary solutions needed each time as far as the forward simulation is feasible. Therefore, we examined the problem of swing up and stabilizing the cart type inverted pendulum with the collision of the cart. If the controller can properly handle the discontinuity, faster swing-up may be realized by exploiting impact force caused by the collision of a cart within the evaluation function. In this paper, we show the result of simulations and real experiments, and report that we can realize speeding up of swing-up using collision.
佐々木 和也 岡崎 忠胤
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.54, no.3, pp.357-364, 2018 (Released:2018-03-16)

Nowadays shipping industry has problems such as reduction of mariners and aging of mariners. In order to solve the problems, One Person Bridge Operation was developed as navigation supporting system. However, One Person Bridge Operation remained one man error and technological problems. Therefore, in this paper, remote maneuvering between land and ship was proposed by using satellite communication. In this remote maneuvering system, navigation officer works on ship as usual and helmsman supports ship from land. In this study, remote maneuvering system was developed by using satellite communication. For evaluating the remote maneuvering system, ship experiment of remote maneuvering was carried out by navigation officer and helmsman. From the result, navigation officer and helmsman could maneuver a ship accurately between land and ship.
岡本 浩行 三好 健文 船田 悟史
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.57, no.7, pp.334-336, 2021 (Released:2021-07-17)

To operate trail running safely while reducing costs, we considered a system that quickly detects participants who are off course or need urgent rescue. The system adopts long short-term memory for the prediction of the trail running participant time.
谷口 充 藤本 健治
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.47, no.3, pp.141-149, 2011 (Released:2011-12-19)

This paper is devoted to path following control for port-Hamiltonian systems whose desired path is time-varying. Most of the existing results on path following can only take care of time invariant paths, hence they cannot be applied to control systems whose environments change, e.g., path following control with a path crossing itself or with moving obstacle avoidance. The proposed method solves this problem by employing decoupling control of three particular directions in the phase space which allows one to assign time-varying potential functions and vector fields.
川口 拓海 山本 茂 上野 敏幸
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.59, no.1, pp.19-25, 2023 (Released:2023-01-21)

Vibration power generation utilizing environmental vibrations to generate electricity has been attracting attention as a sustainable independent power source for such as wireless sensors placed under vibration. For efficient power generation, the resonant frequency of the vibration power generation device must be automatically adjusted to the environmental vibrations. To achieve it, the author's group proposes a method of installing a variable capacitance in the device and adjusting its capacitance by extremum seeking control. In the case of damped vibration applied, even if the amplitude and frequency of the vibration vary randomly if their distributions can be regarded as stationary and identical, an effective extremum seeking control method and its effectiveness are demonstrated using experiments.
林 里奈
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.59, no.1, pp.48-50, 2023 (Released:2023-01-21)

I surveyed of the actual conditions of robot users' cleaning for their robots for proposing a cleaning method that can be continued daily. As a result, I confirmed that it is important for manufacturers to provide a cleaning method.
渡邉 航 鈴木 翔太 加納 剛史 石黒 章夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.49, no.1, pp.48-53, 2013 (Released:2013-02-08)

Our objective is to understand behavioral versatility of animals from the perspective of well-coordinated rhythmic and non-rhythmic movements. To this end, we focus on an ophiuroid as a simple good model living organism that exhibits self-organized role assignment of rhythmic and non-rhythmic arm movements in locomotion. Although we have reproduced such versatile arm movements by using an active rotator model that can describe both oscillatory and excitatory properties, coordination of movements has been achieved in a specifically limited situation. In order to overcome this issue, we reexamine the model so that the role assignment of arm movements is realized in more general situations. Simulation results show that the ophiuroid omnidirectional locomotion in response to an attractant or repellent stimulus is successfully realized by using the proposed model.
鈴木 彰真 伊与田 健敏 宇佐美 信也 渡辺 一弘
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.46, no.7, pp.357-364, 2010 (Released:2011-11-03)
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This paper describes a real-time processing of indoor positioning system using SS (spread spectrum) ultra sonic waves. For code acquisition, it is required to obtain correlation values between the received ultra sonic signals and replica signals. Moreover a real-time processor for correlation values is indispensable part to build a positioning system for practical use. In our case, the real-time processing means that 16000 data of received signals must be processed in only 6 micro seconds (one sampling cycle time). Under such limited conditions, even if a dedicated hardware is constructed on a FPGA, a real time processing to obtain correlation values is hard to be realized without new algorithm ideas. Therefore, a real-time processing hardware utilizing the new algorithm named Stored Partial Correlation Method was developed in this paper. The paper also conducts experiments of range measurements to compare results by Stored Partial Correlation Method and ordinary off-line processing. As a result, outputs with real-time correlator have almost the same values as those with ordinary off-line processing. Furthermore, the real-time processing of correlation calculation is achieved within 5.76 micro seconds .
山内 仁 福田 忠生 小枝 正直 太田 俊介
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.57, no.1, pp.11-18, 2021 (Released:2021-01-21)

In the Rescue Robot Contest (ResCon), rescue dummies, which is called as ‘Damiyan’, are employed for competition evaluation. Rescue teams are required to rescue Damiyan gently and quickly. In addition, it is also required to identify the signs that are presented, and these are the evaluation items. Therefore, Damiyan needs various sensors to quantify “neck bending”, “pressure on body”, “posture” and “impact” as evaluation indicators of gentleness. In addition, the functions of “presenting color”, “uttering sound” and “presenting two-dimensional code” are implemented as the presentation of signs to be identified. To achieve this, we have developed a new Damiyan that incorporates the microprocessor BlueNinja as a core system for sensing, communication, and overall system control. In addition, an airtight body was manufactured to measure the grip strength, which measures the pressure on the body. The body is molded using a 3D printer and flexible filaments, and the surface is coated with a solvent to ensure airtightness. By using this new Damiyan, we achieved stable operation and reduction of management operations. In this report, details of the concept, the policy and the process of developing this newer Damiyan are described.
岡島 寛 藤浪 翔
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.57, no.6, pp.267-275, 2021 (Released:2021-06-16)

In this paper, we analyze robust invariant set for peak-constrained disturbances. In the case of the periodically time-varying system, its performance is more difficult to analyze the robust invariant set accurately than that of the linear time-invariant system. We propose a method to improve the accuracy of estimating robust invariant set by using a combination of sequential state updates and invariant ellipses in a previous study. In this paper, we apply the method to a periodically time-varying system and verify its effectiveness.
岡島 寛 細江 陽平 萩原 朋道
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.55, no.12, pp.792-799, 2019 (Released:2019-12-14)

A multi-rate state observer with a periodically time-varying gain is proposed in this paper. The proposed observer can be regarded as a periodically time-varying system. By using the cycling technique, the periodically time-varying system can be dealt with as a time-invariant system. This paper presents a method to design a multi-rate state observer using the cycling technique. Then, analysis about the l2-induced norm of the estimation error by the proposed observer is reduced to an LMI optimization problem. Then, the design problem of the time-varying gain is also described as an LMI optimization problem. The effectiveness of the multi-rate state observer is shown by numerical examples.
田淵 敏明 古本 奈奈代 古本 博孝 岡久 俊郎
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.28, no.7, pp.854-863, 1992-07-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

This paper deals with the improvement of convergence rate or estimation accuracy of the estimates in ARMA parameter estimation by Recursive Pseudo Linear Regression (RPLR) method. For the improvement of the convergence rate, Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) is used as a measure of the estimation accuracy. Then the proposed estimator is constructed so as to absorb as many as possible computable part in the FIM. Using this plan gives the following two features. First, it is that the pseudo regression vector φ(t-1) instead of the true regression vector φ(t-1) is related to the filtered estimate of the state vector in a state space representation of ARMA model. Thus the Kalman Filter (KF) is used to produce the φ(t-1). Second, it is that the information for the error vector φ(t-1)=φ(t-1)-φ(t-1) is used. This plays the role recovering the loss of information in the substitution to φ(t-1) by φ(t-1). The resultant estimator is given in the form of linkage with KF. Numerical experiment indicates that convergence rate or the estimation accuracy of parameter estimates is much more improved compared with standard RPLR method.As an application of the proposed method to real data processing, the modeling on a day evolution of some medical time-series data is dealt. The feature of this data is that the data number is scant. Thus the convergence rate of the estimator must be acclerated to obtain the more accurate estimates. In such the case, the proposed method is useful.
江村 超 熊谷 正朗 王 磊 郷古 倫央
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.35, no.1, pp.17-23, 1999-01-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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Dynamically walking robots require attitude sensors of high resolution and wide-band frequency response. If these characteristics are not good enough, it is difficult to control the robots stably. Rate gyros are widely used attitude sensors in walking robots, but the rate gyro which has both characteristics of sufficiently high resolution and wide-band frequency response is heavy and expensive. Therefore, the authors tried to get a small, light and low-cost rate gyro which has excellent characteristics both in resolution and response frequency by using multiple sensors and subtraction type of filters.In this paper, first, a method to expand response frequency of rate gyros without reducing their resolution and an idea of subtraction type of filters which are useful for expanding frequency range are presented. The subtraction type of filter means the filter that has a transfer function obtained by subtracting another transfer function from 1 (unity). This filter provides flat response after composing two signals whose response frequency ranges are different each other. In this case, one is a signal obtained from a rate gyro whose resolution is high enough but response frequency is low, and the other is a signal obtained from a rate gyro whose resolution is low but response frequency is high enough.If we use an inclinometer together with rate gyros, we can sufficiently decrease zero-drift of gyros, because the inclinometer senses angular displacement by referencing gravity direction and its zero stability is high enough. However, the inclinometer is influenced by horizontal acceleration. This means that we have to use a low-pass filter whose cutoff frequency is extremely low to eliminate signal component induced by horizontal acceleration. Attitude sensor using two rate gyros mentioned above and one inclinometer showed good characteristics concerning zero stability, resolution and response frequency range.