廣瀬 通孝 佐藤 慎一 横山 賢介 広田 光一
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.33, no.7, pp.716-722, 1997-07-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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This paper describes a telecommunication system that can provide realistic sensations of remote place. To minimize the time delay between head movement and displayed image, the system named “Virtual Dome” was developed. This system consists of a rotating camera head that gathers surrounding images of remote place and a graphics workstation in which a virtual spherical screen for looking around is held. In this paper, firstly, the concept and implementation of the Virtual Dome are stated. Next, an approach to improve the efficiency of acquiring images is discussed. Finally, an extension of the Virtual Dome is discussed from 3D sensation view point. Depth information of a scene was extracted using a pair of stereo panoramic image. By making the virtual screen uneven based on the depth information, 3D sensation was synthesized.
亀谷 均
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.37, no.7, pp.602-608, 2001-07-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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Optical computed tomography, optical CT, is the medical imaging modality in which near-infrared light is used to probe biological tissues. To investigate the inside of a highly scattering medium like biological tissue, we have developed the optical CT system which can measure an intensity distribution of light pulses transmitting through highly scattering medium by using the photon counting method. Intensity distributions of transmitted light pulses were measured by changing a concentration of Intralipid-10%, a highly scattering medium, in salt solution. This experiment makes it clear that the FWHM of the intensity distribution increases gradually and a peak existing in the distribution begins to lack with the increase of the concentration of Intralipid-10%. To reconstruct an image of an object, a peak channel and a weighted integral value of the intensity distribution of the transmitted light pulse were used as a projection data in this optical CT system. For instance, an optical CT image of an absorber in salt solution with 1.3% Intralipid-10% was reconstructed from the projection data taken by this method, so the comparatively good experimental result was obtained. Furthermore, image reconstructions of a gumbo and a boiled egg of a quail were performed using the projection data by our method. As a result, we could reconstruct five species in the gumbo and detect that the yolk inclines in the boiled egg.
高野 英彦
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.17, no.3, pp.381-388, 1981-06-30 (Released:2009-03-27)

This paper deals with a methodology and a system of the profile pattern recognition of a motorcar. The pattern is assumed to be a polygon constructed by simplifying a complicated shape pattern. In the methodology of the motorcar shape recognition, six kinds of parameters of feature extraction are adopted such as the numcer of corners, the number of separated concave corners, the number of continuous concave corners, the aspect ratio, the maximum edge ratio and the size of the pattern.Furthermore, it is proposed to apply the operation of simplifying the pattern when the complicated shape pattern such as a motorcar shape is subjected to the pattern recognition. An analysis of human being in the complicated shape pattern recognition has been executed and the experimental results showed two characteristic features of simplification. One is a character which simplifies a corner with respect to a corner angle. Another is a character with respect to a distance between adjacent corners. The stress of each corner is defined from these two characteristic features. If the stress of each corner is smaller than the given threshold stress value, the corner is simplified and neglected.Seven kinds of grouping patterns which are symbolized referring to the sectional profile pattern of a motorcar commonly encountered in the road are considered. The sectional profile pattern is selected as a side pattern of the motorcar. The grouping patterns are a bus, a micro-bus, a large-truck, a truck, a motorcar, a wagon-car and a mini-motorcar. The total number memorized in the minicomputer is 432 kinds of motorcar shapes. The number of the matching patterns as a truck is 36. These are similar and generated by neglecting the convex corners. The concave portion is not neglected, because this portion is a specific feature of the shape.The developed system is featured by the capability of recognizing in less than 3 seconds per one pattern and classifying the patterns into 7 kinds of grouping patterns.
今井 正和 井口 征士
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.20, no.5, pp.435-441, 1984-05-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In recent years, over one million loudspeakers are manufactured a month for TV sets, radio sets, etc.. The purpose of the loudspeaker is to produce high-fidelity sound. As abnormal sound is not permissible, all of them must be inspected at the end of production line. It is painful for human inspectors to listen to the fullpower sound.In this paper, a method to inspect the loudspeaker by acoustic signal processing techniques. The spectral map shows that it is not necessary to sweep the frequency of the driving signal but sufficient to fix it to the free air resonance frequency (f0). In this system, f0 is measured by a loudspeaker tester and a sine wave of frequency f0 is generated by a micro-computer and a DA converter. Every loudspeaker is driven by this sinusoidal wave of its full power. Its sound, acquired synchronously to the driving frequency, is emphasized with a high frequency band-pass filter and digitized into 12 bits. Its power spectral distribution, obtained by Fast Fourier Transform through an array processor, is inspected by a linear classification method. In the classification process, we use the distance from the average power spectrum of normal loudspeakers. The number of abnormal loudspeakers tested is 38, which has been extracted during two days in a production line.The result showed that the learning rate was 100% and the recognition rate was 89.5%. Misrecognized sounds were so critical that some human inspectors gave an undecisive classification. The automatic loudspeaker inspection method provides a better environment for human inspectors and is effective to quality control of the products.
堀内 道治 磯部 孝
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.28, no.5, pp.537-546, 1992-05-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

An orifice plate is provided in the midst of a flow tube about 30cm long. A reciprocating piston device with the cylinder coaxial with the meter run is located at about 5 flow tube diameters upstream of the orifice meter. On the downstream side, it forms a discharge flow tube and is open to the atmosphere at the end. This simple equipment enables us to obtain a particular type of pulsating air flow through the orifice under specified conditions, so that we attempted to formulate mathematically the changes of the state of air in the flow tube in an operating condition.In making formulation, it was found that the principle of conservation of energy furnishes a satisfactory basis for reasoning. The increasing rate of the total amount of energy income and expenditure in the air in each section of the flow tube separated by the orifice plate is equated with the increasing rate of the internal energy of the air in that section. A set of ordinary differential equations obtained as the result of formulation is numerically integrated on a personal computer. The instantaneous values of pressure calculated in the upstream section of the flow tube were found to be satisfactorily in agreement with those observed from the oscillogram.
藤本 博志 堀 洋一 河村 篤男
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.36, no.9, pp.766-772, 2000-09-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In this paper, a novel perfect tracking control method based on the multirate sampling control is proposed, in which the concept of the two-degree-of-freedom preview control is employed. In the proposed method, it is assumed that the usual single-rate robust feedback controller such as the disturbance observer or the H∞ controller already exists, and only the feedforward controller is designed by using the multirate sampling control. The advantages of the proposed method are that 1) the controller can be designed without considering the unstable zeros of the discrete-time plant, 2) the states of the plant match the desired trajectories at every sampling point, 3) high robust performance is assured by the robust feedback controller.An illustrative example of position control using a servo motor is presented, and the advantages of this approach are demonstrated.
池辺 洋 稲葉 清右衛門 伊藤 康平 南 潔 山口 文夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.1, no.1, pp.84-92, 1965-03-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

This paper presents the results of theoretical analysis and experiment of rotary hydraulic servomotor which consists of a pilot valve and an axial piston motor.It is well known that oil leakage problem can not be ignored in an axial piston motor. Unlike in a linear motor (e.g. cylinder-and-piston type motor), there is considerable oil leakage not only between high and low pressure sides (internal leakage) but also between shell and each side (external leakage).To the authors' knowledge, there have been few papers describing theoretical analysis of rotary hydraulic servomotor taking the external leakage into consideration.In this paper the authors analyze servomotor taking its external and internal leakages into consideration and in this analysis they introduce a new method of approximation for the “load pressure vs. load flow characteristics” of pilot valve.The result of this theoretical analysis fairly well coincides with that of experimental result.From the result of the above mentioned theoretical and experimental researches, it becomes evident that the existence of external leakage is equivalent to an increase in internal leakage.
佐野 佑子 神鳥 明彦 島 圭介 田村 康裕 高木 寛 辻 敏夫 野田 正文 東川 史子 横江 勝 佐古田 三郎
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.47, no.6, pp.272-281, 2011 (Released:2011-12-19)
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We tested the repeatability of a finger tapping device with magnetic sensors to determine its reliability. This device, which was developed to assist in the diagnosis of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and strokes, measures the distance between the first and index fingers during finger tapping movements (opening and closing the fingers repeatedly). We evaluated three types of repeatability based on ICC (interclass correlation coefficient) and Welch's test (test for equal means in a oneway layout): repeatability when measured at different times, when using different devices, and when using different measurers. We calculated these three types for three finger tapping tasks on both hands for 21 characteristics calculated from finger tapping waveforms. Results demonstrated that the repeatability when using different devices is high regardless of the task or hand. The repeatability when measuring at different times and when using different measurers is high at some tasks, but not all. One of the finger tapping tasks (finger tapping movement with the largest amplitude and highest velocity), which is used in a conventional PD diagnosis method (UPDRS), does not have enough repeatability, while other tasks show high repeatability. Results also showed that five characteristics have the highest repeatability (ICC ≥ 0.5 or significance probability of Welch's test ≥ 5% in all tasks): “total moving distance,” “average of local minimum acceleration in opening motion,” “average of local minimum acceleration in closing motion,” “average of local maximum distance” and “average of local minimum velocity”. These results clearly demonstrate the strong repeatability of this device and lead to more precise diagnosis of movement disorders.
山元 弘 茂木 正晴 大槻 崇 柳沢 雄二 野末 晃 山口 崇 油田 信一
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.48, no.8, pp.488-497, 2012 (Released:2012-09-01)
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Civil engineering work still involves many dangerous and grueling tasks. So improving work environments and ensuring safety are important challenges facing in this field. It is also essential to develop to prepare for the aging of construction workers and growing shortage of young skilled workers, which will occur in response to the falling birthrate and aging of the future population. This research project was undertaken as challenges to overcome these problems by developing the basic technologies for automated construction system using the three-dimensional information and achieving self-controlled operation by hydraulic excavators which is a typical general purpose construction machine. The developed prototype excavator has achieved the self-control of soil excavation and loading work, with the almost same speed and with the same precision in finished product to those of normal work by human worker.
幸村 貴臣 桐林 星河 永谷 圭司
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.53, no.1, pp.2-12, 2017

In order to perform surveillance missions in case of natural/human-caused disasters, all-terrain mobile manipulators are useful tools for rescue crews' safety. It has a capability to traverse on rough terrain, and to handle objects with the mounted manipulator. For example, the mobile manipulator “Packbot” opened a door in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear accident in 2011. However, it is well-known that it requires a lot of skill for its teleoperation, particularly in case of missions in narrow and rough terrain. Based on our ex-researches, we found the following issues: (1) According to the rough terrain, the pose of the manipulator is not fitted with the inertial frame of reference, and it prevents an intuitive teleoperation. (2) In narrow areas, the manipulator contacts with the environment because of the lack of environmental information. (3) Communication delay makes more difficult for teleoperation. To solve the above issues, in this research, we implemented a base-altitude synchronous type master-slave controller for the issue (1), teleoperation system with vision and 3D information for the issue (2), and anti-communication-delay-system with 3D point cloud information for the issue (3). To evaluate the above system, we conducted some experiments with non-skilled operators. In this paper, we describe the above system implementation, and report the experimental results to evaluate the above system.
サウット ウメルジャン トフティ ハイレット 中野 和司
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.39, no.12, pp.1150-1155, 2003

With increasing demand for high fuel efficiency, better exhaust control measures, comfort and high performance on current vehicles, electronic control of the throttle chamber, which decides the engine output, is getting advanced day by day. This trend is expected to continue for future as well. Highly accurate and high performance systems can be constructed by the use of electronic control of the throttle chamber, in idle air quantity control, torque control, traction control, etc.<br>In this paper, precise modeling, identification, and position control of an electronically controlled throttle system, that has heavy nonlinear characteristics of gear, negative pressure, and spring, was shown. System identification was carried out using GA, and using disturbance VSS observers. Sliding mode nonlinear control was proposed for stable and better control of the identified system considering the practical application. The effectiveness of the control method was verified using simulation and experimental results on an experimental system.
浅田 春比古
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.22, no.8, pp.891-896, 1986-08-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In a direct-drive arm, motors are directly coupled to their arm linkages without reducers. This eliminates some defects of traditional gearing such as backlash, friction and deflection, and therfore enables the drive system to have improved control accuracy. The D.C. motors used for the direct-drive arm, however, have a significant amount of torque ripples and deadband, which limits the control accuracy, particularly for compliance and force control.In this paper, a method for the torque feedback control of a direct-drive joint is presented. The motor output torque is directly measured by a strain gage sensor built into the motor. It is found that closed loop torque control can compensate for the complicated nonlinearities and improve the overall control accuracy.First, the design of the torque sensor is presented. The effect of the structural vibration mode which results from the insertion of the flexible torque sensor is analysed, and a design method to place the natural frequency of this mode far above the operating frequencies is shown. Torque feedback control using the sensor is then discussed. The sensor design is verified experimentally, and the control performance using the direct torque feedback is evaluated.
田中 正吾
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.36, no.3, pp.227-233, 2000-03-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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In attaining a high-aged and high-welfare society, various demands have been raised on health monitoring. One demand is to develop an unconstrained and noninvasive measurement instrument for respiration and heart rates. This is because they are the most basic information in monitoring the health of high-aged persons or patients in daily lives. Along this objective, several methods have been studied. But, the methods not only aimed to measure only one signal of the respiration and heart rates, but also were not the methods to assure a complete unconstrained measurement. Moreover, the methods needed much cost in making the equipment.The paper thus proposes a convenient measurement system which makes use of a wire-type respiration pick-up pasted on an air-mat (or water-mat), on which the subjects are laid down, and extracts the respiration and heart rates by applying low-pass and high-pass filters, respectively, to the data. Experiments show that the method offers accurate measurement of respiration and heart rates except for the duration of body movement. The measurement system is thus not only effective, but also easy to use for the cost, the size and the usage of the unconstrained and noninvasive type.
大塚 敏之
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.36, no.7, pp.569-574, 2000-07-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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State equations that are at most quadratic with respect to the states are considered as a universal model structure for various classes of nonlinear systems. A necessary and sufficient condition is shown for existence of such quadratic-in-the-state representation for a given nonlinear system. Furthermore, the constructive proof of that necessary and sufficient condition gives an algorithm to obtain the quadratic-in-the-state representation. Illustrative examples demonstrate the algorithm to construct the quadratic-in-the-state representation. The quadratic-in-the-state representation is expected to be useful in identification and control system design.
井上 慎太郎 川嶋 健嗣 舩木 達也 香川 利春
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.42, no.7, pp.837-843, 2006-07-31 (Released:2009-03-27)

The measurement-integrated simulation (MI-simulation) is a numerical simulation which feedbacks information of experimental results in order to perform simulations under real conditions. Even if using rough grids, the calculation results become closer to those of experiments. Therefore, the reduction of the calculation time is expected. In this paper, we proposed a monitoring system for pipe flow including unsteady condition using the simulation. The MI-simulation was applied to airflows passed an orifice plate in the pipeline. Firstly, the measured velocities at the downstream of the orifice plate under steady condition were feedback to the simulation. Secondly, the effect of the points and number of velocities to the simulation were investigated. Then, the MI-simulation was applied to an oscillatory flow. The effectiveness of the method was confirmed compared with the experimental results. The calculation time could be much shortened compared with general simulations.
山本 知仁 阿部 浩幸 武藤 ゆみ子 三宅 美博
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.45, no.10, pp.522-529, 2009 (Released:2011-11-03)
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In this research, we analyzed the dialogue that consisted of an instruction and a response utterance to clarify the relation between cognitive process and timing structure of utterance. The results showed that correlation coefficient between duration of instruction utterance and switching pause had diverse values when fluctuation of instruction utterance duration was too small to be recognized. However, the correlation coefficient between them had positive and high value when fluctuation of instruction utterance was explicitly big. From these results, we discussed that there are two types of utterance structure in human dialogue.
山田 克彦
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.29, no.4, pp.447-454, 1993-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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Attitude control of a space robot by the manipulator arm is considered in this paper. For the purpose, we give an effective algorithm to find the arm trajectory from the initial posture of the arm to the final posture identical to the initial one. The criterion of the algorithm is to suppress the arm motion. From the algorithm, we introduce a measure to evaluate the easiness of the attitude control by the arm motion. Numerical study is executed to examine the value of the measure for every direction of the attitude change. The result shows that there is no direction where the attitude change is extremely difficult. Numerical simulation is also executed to verify that the proposed trajectory gives the desired attitude change.
中島 利郎 仲嶋 一 的場 修
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 = Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (ISSN:04534654)
vol.45, no.6, pp.291-297, 2009-06-30

This paper reports a sensor for the plant inspections to detect leaking vapor. Plants are usually inspected by patrolling inspectors. It requires high level skills to selectively detect abnormal phenomena occurring in various types of equipment under the complicated environments. In this research, we developed a remote detecting sensor for the vapor leaking from piping, which is one of the priority control items inside plants. The basic principle of the sensor is specifically to sense the scattered light when laser beam is illuminated on the vapor. It is also discovered in our basic experiments that there is big difference in the polarization property between the light scattered by vapor and surface structures inside plants. The sensor can discriminate the light scattered by vapor from other types of scattered light utilizing the difference of the polarization property, then detecting the light scattered by vapor only. A prototype model is fabricated for substantiating the basic property of leaking vapor detection. As a result, it is confirmed that the prototype model not only has sufficient detecting capability, but can selectively detect vapor only. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the developed sensor satisfies the requirements for the plant inspection sensors, and has sufficient capability for practical usage.
阿部 直人 市原 裕之
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.36, no.7, pp.563-568, 2000

This paper deals with an iterative approach of closed-loop identification and IMC (internal model control) design for input time delay systems. IMC is one of simple design methods for systems with time delay, however, IMC requires system parameters exactly. In this paper, a joint design method of closed-loop identification and IMC structure for input time delay systems is proposed. The control purpose, which is similar to the windsurfer approach, is to achieve the increase in the bandwidth of the closed-loop system. A multiplicative uncertainty of input time delay systems becomes smaller, when an IMC filter time constant is chosen smaller. A simulation example is shown to illustrate these results.
木村 駿介 中村 文一 伊吹 竜也 三平 満司
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.53, no.6, pp.337-345, 2017 (Released:2017-06-15)

Coordinates transformation is a fundamental tool for nonlinear system control. Particularly, the transformation is also applied to state constrained problems. This paper investigates a coordinates and input transformation method, and proposes a new transformation method named “system revival transformation.” The system revival transformation generates a virtual system having the same state equation as an original system. By the proposed transformation, a controller for state constrained systems can be designed by using a controller for unconstrained systems. For general nonlinear systems, the paper provides a mathematical definition of the system revival transformation and proves global asymptotic stability. Moreover, a system revival transformation design method is also presented for control affine nonlinear systems. The effectiveness of the system revival transformation is confirmed through a stabilization problem of a two-wheeled mobile robot.