久保田 武
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.40, no.1, pp.3-12, 1992

The outline of this paper is to report how the author, as principal of Haneda High School in Tokyo, has managed to persuade the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Board authorities to build a new type of swimming pool which makes effective use of solar energy with the help of his geographical and meteorological background.<br>The more details are as follows:<br>By comparing the data of sensible temperature of the Haneda Air Port, only two kilometers from the author's high school, with those of AMeDAS station of Nerima which is located much more inland of Tokyo, the author found the fact that the level of sensible temperature of Haneda is substantially lower than that of Nerima in early summer and early autumn during 1985-1987 (cf. Fig. 3-Fig. 8)<br>This finding definitely influenced senior officials of the Tokyo Education Board, and they permit the school to build a pool with a movable and transparent roof.<br>As an indication of sensible temperature, the author used the cooling power originally derived from A, Hill (1923). It is given by the following equation.<br>Cooling Power=(0.13+0.47&radic;v)(36.5-t) for v&ge;1.0m/sec&hellip;&hellip;(1)<br>Cooling Power=(0.20+0.40&radic;v)(36.5-t) for v&ge;1.0m/sec&hellip;(2)<br>v: wind Velocity (m/sec)<br>t: temperature (&deg;C)<br>There are two reasons why the author used this equation. Firstly, it is relatively simple and is easy to calculate (cf. (1), (2)) Secondly, the grading of the cooling power is simple, too (cf. Table 1). The authorities concerned can easily understand what these data mean even without sound Knowledge of geography and meteorology.<br>As for the reason why sensible temperature at Haneda is much lower than at Nerima is very clear. It is mostly accounted for by wind velocity and not by temperature (cf. Table 5).<br>Finally, the author thinks it profitable and effective to have a roofed swimming pool for all schools in most parts of Japan, where the swimming season in schools coincides with two cool rainy seasons; the one is in early summer called &ldquo;Baiu&rdquo;, and another comes in early autumn called &ldquo;Shurin&rdquo;, On the other hand, the hottest season of mid-summer is the only suitable season for swimming, but it is unfortunately the period of school vacation.
柴田 祥彦
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.68, no.2, pp.26-30, 2020 (Released:2020-09-20)
中安 直子
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-10, 1997

Most of Japan's grasslands are thought to be the result of the human interruption of vegetational succession. In the Akiyoshidai National Park, a karstic plateau located in Yamaguchi pref., an artificial firing has long been set on every February to maintain its grassland landscape. The firing was one of the agricultural works done by the cattle breeders in old days. But recently, its agricultural importance has diminished as the decline of breeding, the firing is now carried out as the largest sightseeing event. About 1, 000 residents from 31 settlements take part in making firebreaks and firing itself.<br>The motivation of this paper is what emotional change has occurred to the residents in the stream of history. The history of Akiyoshidai is divided into following three stages:<br>1) Pre-modernization stage<br>Agricultural use was active. Residents who were mostly farmers used grasses as green mature and to feed cattle. They cultivated at dolines on the plateau.<br>2) Modernization stage<br>The post war rapid growth of economy caused the decline of agricultural importance of the grassland. On the other hand, the U. S. Army's maneuvers were planned to be done on the Akiyoshidai in 1956, and the opposition movement took place. This movement brought out the national interest on Akiyoshidai's landscape and its preservation.<br>3) Tourism prevailing stage<br>As Akiyoshidai became a famous sightseeing place, the number of tourists has much increased after new traffic methods like Shinkansen were available. Thus the firing became important sightseeing event.<br>From the interviews with residents, the author noticed several features as follows:<br>1) Although the importance of tourism has increased, they are not very interested in it. For some residents the Akiyoshidai is recognized not as a nature-preserved area, but still as the open field to gather some plants.<br>2) Although the firing work faces the excessive aging of residents and the lack of successors, they conservatively have no idea but that work must be done by them as long as possible.<br>3) They seem to be unconscious of the purpose of the firing. It is concluded that the firing is to no more than their custom kept from days when they were cattle breeders, and is now what reminds them what they were.
齋藤 之誉
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.53, no.3, pp.20-37, 2005

The aim of this study is analyzing the process of making up a teaching method for regional geography education on Kanichi Kagawa, which includes his practices, to make clear fundamental principles of teaching method.<br>The contents of this paper are as follows;<br>I. Introduction<br>II. The essence of theory and practice for regional geography education on Kanichi Kagawa<br>III. The process of making up a teaching method for regional geography education<br>IV. Analyzing the practice for the Chugoku District as a geographical education unit on Kanichi Kagawa<br>V. Conclusion<br>The Teaching method on Kanichi Kagawa has four specific features. The first is to be developed a original immediate map-drawing method. The second is to be developed a teaching model to make students look at geographical regions. The third is to be developed a new method to construct contents to introduce the theory for teaching geographical region. The fourth is to be developed a new method to divide the geographical region in Japan for making up subject matter unit.
木谷 正夫
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.12, no.3, pp.1-15, 1964-12-25 (Released:2010-02-26)
天野 宏司
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.42, no.2, pp.1-11, 1994-09-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The purpose of this paper is to make clear the process of development of Tama region and the transportation cargo through the Tamagawa Waterway or Tamagawa-josui, which was originally used for the running water.The author, in this paper, made clear the function of the Tamagawa Waterway as a new canal connecting Tokyo with the Hachioji market area.Though the hinterland and forland of this canal was limited to narrow area along the canal, they used it actively to reduct the transportation cost, and finally competed with freight wagon.In Tama area, they imported mainly manure, and exported firewood, charcoal and bulks of limestone, which was transported from Nishitama area.Moreover, some cargo were came from Yamanashi prefecture via Ange-road.From this view point, the author, should insist that the Tamagawa Waterway as a canal, was included into Edo-metropolitan economic area, and even more extended it.At the beginning of opening of this canal, the enterprisers not only tried to make it inter-trasportation facilities between Tokyo and Western part of Kanto area, but also intended linkage Hachioji and Kawagoe market areas with Tokyo through this new canal.On the other hand, Meiji government intended to make the canal for new transportation facilities for construction materials to use for construction of Tokyo as new capital of Japan.
福田 行高
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.27, no.4, pp.51-55, 1980-03-25 (Released:2010-04-30)
加賀美 雅弘
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.42, no.4, pp.13-27, 1995-03-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

Nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands sind deutliche regionale Disparitäten zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland in den Vordergrund getreten, und die Migration zwischen den beiden Gebieten hat stark zugenommen. In diesem Artikel wird der regionale Aspekt der Zuwanderung von Ost nach West, insbesondere des Pendelwesens, diskutiert.In Westdeutschland, besonders im ehemaligen Zonenrandgebiet, das durch eine schwache Wirtschaftsstruktur charakterisiert ist, hat zur Zeit der Grenzöffnung sehr viele Zuwanderer und Pendler aus Ostdeutschland aufgenommen. Doch war dies ein kurzfristiges Phänomen, denn neuerdings orientieren sich die Zuwanderer bis zu vom Grenzgebiet weiter entfernten Großstädten. Daraus ergibt sich, daß die vor der Wende typische Tendenz, d. h. die Entwicklung der urbanen Zonen einerseits und die Stagnation der Peripherräume andererseits, sich weiter fortsetzt und die regionalen Zentrum-Peripherie-Disparitäten werden immer deutlicher hervortreten.Nach der enthusiastischen Zeit der Grenzöffnung und Wiedervereinigung erscheint die Enttäuschung und Unzufriedenheit umso größer. Für Westdeutsche sind die ökonomischen und materiellen Belastungen zugunsten des Wiederaufbaus Ostdeutschlands bedeutend, andererseits ist für Ostdeutsche der einseitige Verlauf der Vereinigung ohne Berücksichtigung der alten politischen, ökonomischen, sozialen sowie kulturellen Systeme Ostdeutschlands ebenso bedrückend. Es geht in diesem Aufsatz somit sowohl um die ökonomischen wie sozialen und psychologischen Wandel soll zwischen den beiden deutschen Gebieten, und ihr mittel- und langfristiger Disparitäten diskutiert werden.
中牧 崇
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.45, no.2, pp.20-34, 1997-09-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

This research aims to clarify the inhabitants' response after discontinuance of the local bus line service in Sakamoto, Hosono and Tsukumo districts of Matsuida-ma-chi, Gunma Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows;As to the use of the local bus line service directly before the discontinuance in 1980's, it can be said that the number of users was not so many, since frequency of per-capita use was generally low.As the local bus line service was discontinued, many inhabitants came to depend on private car sharing. But not only persons getting a ride but also persons giving a ride are reluctant to use this system. Persons getting a ride have difficulties to adjust to persons giving a ride, feeling ill at ease in many cases.As soon as the local bus line service was discontinued, the local authority introduced the taxi ticket system, with upper limits, for the mobility handicapped, especially the elder. But this system is hardly to function well, because 1) it is only applied to taxi companies within Matsuida-machi, 2) some settlements are far from the town center, where taxi companies are located, requiring higher fares, and 3) the subsidies for this system are limited.Especially the elder are reluctant to receive both private car sharing and taxi ticket systems. As a result, activity opportunities and spheres of the elder have been reduced.The inhabitants of settlements need the local bus line service more as distance grows since the distant settlements tend to have a higher rate of unlicensed inhabitants, mostly elder, the main users of the local bus line service. Many of them now feel nagative influence on their daily life affected by discontinuance of the local bus line service. The anxiety also includes uneasiness of the future mobility handicapped.Most inhabitants recognize the need of public transportation. But they tend to rely on the local authority. The author thinks that all inhabitants must consider this matter as their own problem since everyone is or will be involved in this current issue.
佐藤 甚次郎
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.11, no.1, pp.25-38, 1963-06-25 (Released:2010-02-26)
篠原 重則
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.39, no.4, pp.20-33, 1992

The purpose of this study is to make clear what the mechanism is which form the likes-and-dislikes tendency toward studies of geography in elementary school and junior high school. The basic data of this research are: a questionnaire to junior high school, high school and university students; interviewal investigation to university students; the reminiscences of university students. As a result of analyzing the data following points are turned out.<br>The extent of disliking studies of geography in elementary school pupils is extremely strong. Its most reason is, &ldquo;The content of studies does not rouse their interests&rdquo;. When it comes to junior high school students, the extent of dislikes fairly decrease. But still there are many students who maintain their dilikes tendency. &ldquo;Too much study items and necessity of memorizing&rdquo; mainly accounts for the reasons of this fact. However it is also turned out that the concern and interest in geography of elementary school and junior high school is not small so much. Especially students not only in junior high school but also in elementary school have a great interest in foreign countries. Consequently it becomes clear that being carried out the studies of geography which does not correspond with the level of students' intelligence; inappropriate study guidance of teachers themselves, these two facts are attributed to the dislikes tendency in elementary school and junior high school.<br>In order to convert studies of geography to more attractive one, two points below should be attached importance. The first point is to revise the curriculum of geography in elementary school and junior high school and adapt it to the interest of students. Especially it is necessary for fifth and sixth year elementary school pupils who have rich desire to learn, to restore the studies of World Geography. The second point is to train teachers who have enough ground of geography and teachingship for promoting interesting classes. The later point should be resolved with the consideration of the system of elective subject for geography in high school and what a training for teachers in university should be.
池 俊介 有賀 さつき
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.47, no.2, pp.1-22, 1999-09-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

In recent years, coastal regions in Japan have been used as not only sea bathing resorts, but also as spaces for marine sports. This study clarifies processes and factors that lead to the formation of the tourist resort in the settlement of Osezaki in Numazu-shi, Shizuoka prefecture, as a typical case of the tourist resort for divers that located around the metropolitan area. The results are as follows.1. Scuba diving was introduced into Japan in 1947, and has become widespread rapidly after 1980's. With the increase of divers, 178 diving spots have been opened until now. They can be classified into two types; the first type locates near the metropolitan area and the second type locates on islands in low latitudes. Osezaki as a diving spot is the typical case of the first type.2. The inhabitants on Enashi-ku have depended upon coastal fishery, farming and production of firewood until 1950's. But with the rapid development of orange farming in 1960's, most of inhabitants became more dependant upon farming which utilized on terraced fields and made a comfortable income. For that reason, most of inhabitants were not interested in the operation of recreational industry on Osezaki in 1960's.3. With the improvement of traffic means and the decline of orange farming that was caused by the sudden fall of the price of oranges, some inhabitants of Enashi-ku started to operate the minsyuku (cheap lodging house in tourist resorts) as a principal occupation after 1970's. Enashi-ku as the community also started to operate the car park for tourists, using their common land.4. After the opening of diving spot of Osezaki in 1985, the number of divers has rapidly increased. And now, divers who visit to Osezaki amount to 85000 a year. As a results most of minshuku come to put diving service shops in their buildings and the settlement of Osezaki as the minshuku region changed to the tourist resort for divers.5. The superiority as a diving area (shortness of the time distance from Tokyo, beautiful landscape under the sea etc.) is important as fundamental conditions of the formation of the tourist resort for divers. On the other hand, managers of minshuku have positively offered special services for divers, because of maintaining their stability of operation. Divers who visit to Osezaki throughout the year were attractive for managers of minshuku as customers.6. The fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura has levied the charge (330yen per day) on each of divers since 1985, and about 50 percent of their income have distributed to Enashi-ku. Enashi-ku also has gained some income by the operation of the car park. These profits have been distributed to inhabitants of Enashi-ku directly or indirectly. But one of divers entered a lawsuit against the fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura on the grounds that levying of the charge by the fishermen's cooperative was unfair (it is pending in court now.) Local inhabitants are apprehensive that it may be a menace to the base of the enormous income. The desirable relationship between local inhabitants and divers is groped now.
沈 正輔
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.51, no.2, pp.1-19, 2003-09-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the similarities and differences between “The Observation of Local Community” and “The Observation of Environment”, which were established by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Japan and the Chosen Governor Seat (CGS) in Occupied Korea respectively in geography education in national schools at the fourth grade level during the Pacific War (1941-1945).The results of the research can be summarized as follows:The purpose of geography education at national schools established in 1941 by the MOE and the CGS was the same. However, there were three differences between them. First, the content of geography education differed in different grade levels. Second, geography education at the fourth grade level was called “The Observation of Local Community” in Japan and “The Observation of Environment” in Occupied Korea. Finally, the contents of the teachers' guide were also different. This is because the CGS accepted the educational system and contents of the MOE, but modified them, taking colonial Chosen's situation into consideration.The MOE and the CGS organized geography curriculum based on the “expanding horizon” theory, by taking children's psychological development into account, and they did not publish textbooks for children in order to avoid standardized geography education. This was a positive aspect in the history of geography education in Japan and Korea. However, there was a limitation to the geography education of the Local Community during the Pacific War, because the MOE and the CGS associated “The Observation of Local Community” and “The Observation of Environment” with the upbringing of a narrow-minded, territory-loving spirit, in order to realize the mission of “the consciousness of the empire”, the ultimate purpose of geography education during the Pacific War.
天井 勝海
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.20, no.4, pp.51-61, 1973

「修学旅行否定論」にみられるように, 遠足, 林間学校, 修学旅行などの校外学習に対する批判の声は依然として強く残されている。 これは, 校外学習の教育的効果が, 期待したほど上らず, 教育的計画になればなるほど生徒はなじまなくなるといった傾向がみられるためでもある。<br>本校 (東京都立羽田高等学校) では, このような校外学習に対して, 校外学習の意義を, 再確認して, 活発化されたホームルーム活動を通して, 現地で学習する校外学習を計画した。 現地での学習は, いわゆるフィールドワークであり, 授業の中で実施されているフィールドワークとは, 違った地域 (今回は, 山口県萩市と長野県白馬村塩島) でのものであり生徒の関心も高かった。<br>この計画では, 多くの問題を残しつつも, とくに, 事前の準備に相当の時間をかけて実施されるように計画した。 そのため, 生徒一人一人は現地の理解には, 大いに役立ったし, 地理の教科からこの計画を評価すれば, 地理的見方, 考え方を伸ばすのに, 大いに効果があった。<br>また, 班活動, ホームルーム活動を通しての事前の準備-実施-事後の処理にあたったため, 各ホームルームでの協力体制や友情を深めるとか, 集団で調査や行動してみる経験などを得ることができ, ホームルーム経営といった面からの評価も見のがせない。
淡野 明彦
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.25, no.4, pp.29-53, 1978-03-25 (Released:2010-02-26)

In Japan, recently activities of sightseeing have been growing rapidly and so geographical studies on sightseeing and tourism are increasing in number. It is reported that big private railway companies exert their capital powers on development and growth in sightseeing places. We can see some such cases in Nikko-Kinugawa area (in Tochigi pref.), Izu-Hakone area (in Shizuoka pref.), Ise-Shima area (in Mie pref.) and so on.The author is interested in regional changes caused by the march of capital. So this paper is aimed at the investigation of the march of big private railway companies into famous sightseeing places. The results of this study can be found in the following passage.Big private railway companies keep many local transport facilities (buses, ropeways, cablecars and boats) in famous sightseeing places under their subjection. Their markets are extended from Hokkaido to Kyusyu. it is a remarkable fact that they have their markets not only in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka, where their main offices and railway and bus lines are located, but also other domestic areas, where middle or small-scale transport companies have been managing before. (Fig 1. 2. 3. 4. Table 2) Particularly 3 out of 14 big private railway companies-Tokyu, Meitetsu and Kintetsu-are positively extending their markets to local areas as largely as possible.Hereafter this tendency will be remarkable more and more.
山田 志乃布
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.41, no.3, pp.1-11, 1993-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The purpose of this paper is to contribute for curriculum development in education of the area of students' residence in Japanese overseas school for geographical education attached importance to Students' “international understanding education”. In order to get this purpose the auther caught what students of Japanese school in Bangkok talked about thinking of the area of their residence, 1) living in Bangkok, 2) image of Thailand (about Thai culture—Thai cooking, Thai language), 3) image of South East Asia.The results were as follows, 1) Having lived in Sukhumvit Road, the students have hardly come in contact with Thai culture and people. They have lived in only Japanese community in Bangkok. 2) There is their individual difference whether they have taste for Thai cooking. But they all feel very hot in Thailand. And studying Thai language is difficult for almost Japanese students, except some of Thailand-born Japanese. 3) They show a friendly feeling for the countries around Thailand, Malaysia, Shingapore, Indonesia, in the friendly relations between Japan and South East Asia.It is nessesary for all Japanese people in Bangkok to try to understand culture and society about the area of their residence, because Japanese students are menber of Japanese community in Bangkok, which exerts a influence upon their understanding of the area of residence. The other hand, in Japanese school, the teacher should develop instructional materials for education about culture and society of the area of their residence positively. Besides it is effecitve to take up such their cross cultural experience as they employ Thai maid or Thai driver at home.Japanese school's curriculum and practice, developed in difffferent regions all over the world, will be good for curriculum development in geographical education coped with “internationalization”
原 眞
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.8, no.3, pp.153-166, 1960-03-31 (Released:2010-02-26)

The writer has tried a short review of geography education of middle schools in the Soviet Union using Russian materials including the course of study prepared by the Ministry of Education, textbooks and teaching manuals on geography. The contents of geography course consist of two main parts, physical and economic geography. Both of them are discussed in terms of systematic and regional aspects through the whole course of the middle school. This fact is, in one sense, a refleation of the todays dominant trend of science of geography in general in the Soviet Union.The chief cause which underlies this trend in both academic and educational fields is considered as the present politico-economic demand in order to facilitate the nation-wide development of the natural resources and the rapid industrialization of the country.