中出 佳操
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
vol.10, pp.121-131, 2007

Obesity is a growing health problem in the United States. One fifth of the American suffer from it, and one third are overweight. As this is becoming a socio-economic problem resulting in a remarkable increase in health expenditure, Congress started to take measures to cope with the issue. In Japan obesity is also on the rise, though not as much as in the United States. In addition to that other problems such as unbalanced diet, extinction of traditional food culture and unsafe food products have been observed, which led to the enforcement of the Diet Education Law in 2005. In this paper, we discuss the reality of diet education for high school students in Japan, also paying attention to the diet problems of the United States.
中出 佳操
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
no.5, pp.85-92, 2002

イギリスの小学校で,いじめ問題を無くそうとしてるめられたのが,仲間同士の支え合い,すなわちピア・サポート活動である。名称はピア・カウンセリングであったり,ピア・ヘルピングであったりと,未だ定まってはいないが,今や諸外国でこの活動が教育の中に取り入れられ,その効果も既に立証されている。日本においても数年前に,ある中学校に取り入れられ,現在盛んに教育者の間で学習され活用され始められている。筆者は大学生の健康問題に取り組むうちに,大学生同士が,正しい知識を持ち,お互いに支え合うことの大切さを実感した。カナダでの研修を元に,今年度より本学の学生に,ピア・サポーター養成プログラムの実践を開始した。開始後4ヶ月間の成果については,既に報告済みである。今回は,その後の実践の成果とそれに対する考察をまとめ,今後の活動の基礎とするものである。今回のプログラムの中心テーマは,「ピア・サポーターの自己効力アップトレーニング」と,「健康生活についての学習会下である。It was peer support activity that was initiated by a British primary school to solve a problem of bullying. The activity is also sometimes called peer councelling or peer helping. While the naming is not yet established, this activity is now incorporated into education in many countries and has proved its effectiveness. In Japan, the activity was started by a junior high school several years ago, and now many more teachers have been keen on taking it into practice. Facing health problems among university student, the auther realizes the importance that students themselves need to gain correct knowledge and to support each other. Based on studies in Canada, the author started the peer supporter training program for our students this year. A report of the purogram for a period of the four months since beginning was already reported. This report summarizes a result after the earlier report and consideration on the result, leading to further studies. The main themes of the program are "training to enhance self efficacy as a peer supporter" and "study meeting about health life".
中出 佳操
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.7, pp.135-143, 2004-03-20

高橋 恭子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.5, pp.1-17, 2002

本論は,ソーシャルワーク実践における倫理的ディレンマについての研究の端緒とするために,この分野の研究が進んでいる欧米の研究動向を概観,考察するものである。欧米では,1980年代を契機として盛んに研究が行われていることから,本論では,雑誌「social work abstracts」の1980年から現在までの「ethics and values」の項目に掲載された論文,795件を対象として検討を行った。その結果,倫理的ディレンマを扱っているもの68件のうち,領域別では,医療の領域におけるものが24件で4割弱を占め,最も多かった。内容は,生命倫理に関するもの14件,退院計画に関するもの4件,その他のもの6件であった。この中で退院計画は現在の日本の医療ソーシャルワーカーにとっても主要な業務の一つとなっていることから,退院計画に関する倫理的ディレンマについて検討を行った。この分野での倫理的ディレンマはマクロとミクロのレベルが存在していた。倫理的ディレンマへ対処するためには分析モデルの活用が有効であると考えられているが,確立された方法は未だ存在していない。そのほか研究手法も試行錯誤で行われている。価値や倫理に関する教育も不十分であることがわかった。これらの研究を参考に,日本における現状分析をし,どのような手法で対処していくことができるのか研究を重ねていくことが必要である。
飯田 昭人 佐藤 祐基 新川 貴紀 川崎 直樹
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
vol.11, pp.159-170, 2008

The purpose of this study was to clarify the structure of the "Pain of living" among undergraduate students. A questionnaire was administered to 117 students (36 males, 81 female; mean age 20.4 years; SD=1.13 years). The results indicated that the structure of Pain of living among undergraduate students comprised of 3 categories with five subgroups in each category. The three categories were : "Pain of living that originates in own thinking and feelings," "Pain of living that originates in relations between self and others," and "Pain of living that originates in relations between society and environment and the self." The three categories were found to influence each other. These findings suggest that it is helpful to know the structure of Pain of living, in order to determine how students can be supported.
西山 薫
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
vol.6, pp.137-148, 2003-03-20

In this paper, the relationships among proactive personality, two kinds of self-efficacy, and employment anxiety were explored. Participants were 454 Japanese college women. It was found that proactive personality, general self-efficacy, and career decision-making self-efficacy were negatively correlated with the three factors of employment anxiety, i. e. employment seeking activity, vocational aptitude, and workplace. The results of multiple regression analyses between these three dependent variables and the three factors of employment anxiety indicated three different regression patterns. Proactive personality and career decision-making self-efficacy related to vocational aptitude anxiety, and general self-efficacy, while at lower levels, related to all three. The results relations to proactive personality were discussed based on a 'demands-control model'. In addition, employment anxiety was discussed in relation to specific depelopmental tasks in adolescence.
木下 眞二 小田切 正
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.5, pp.147-158, 2002

サッポロ・オリンピックの直前に完成した,札幌の地下鉄「南北線」も,30周年を迎えた(2001年12月)。その頃は,札幌の人たちは皆,「なんぽく」線と呼んでいた。地下鉄の標識も"Nanpoku Line"であったと思っている。ところが,二年ほど前,地下鉄大通駅の標識が"Nanboku Line"となっていることに,偶然気付いて,びっくりした。初めは,交通局の間違いと思ったが,こちらの間違いであることが,分かった。何十年も,疑うことなく「なんぼく」と信じ,その間違いに気が付かないことに,二度びっくりしたのである。私だけの錯覚なのか。そこで,周りの同年輩の札幌出身の人たちに聞いてみる。皆,「なんぽく」である。しかも,私と同様に,何十年も「なんぽく」と信じて疑うことがなかった。この,まことに不可思議な,札幌の方言「なんぽく線」のことを,同窓会誌などに(資料1, 2),エッセーとして載せたところ,札幌だけでなく北海道,東北地方,関東,関西の,沢山の方々から,意見をいただいた。とくに,俳人の嵩文彦氏,国文学の工藤芳雄氏,英文学の久末弘氏,ケセン語研究者の山浦玄嗣氏,文筆家の遠間昌平氏からは,貴重な資料が寄せられた。ここに,これらの資料の一部と,私たちのその後の調査を記録しておきたい。この「方言」の不思議な現象の実体が,かなり見えてきたように思う。しかし,まだ分からないことが沢山あるようである。以下に述べることは,これらの資料をもとに,私たちの考えをまとめたものである。間違っているところは,また,ご指摘いただきたい。(資料の中で,[]の部分は,私たちが後から加えたものである。)
相内 眞子 幅崎 麻紀子
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
vol.14, pp.1-15, 2011

相内 真子
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
no.1, pp.85-100, 1998

This paper explores the background of the changes in welfare policy in the United States, focusing on "Wisconsin Works," known as W-2, which is a culmination of the long-time tinkering of the welfare policy in the State of Wisconsin. Along with the federal law of "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" signed by President Bill Clinton, W-2 declared the end of the 61-year history of welfare as a cash benefit in the United States. Taking its place is a more market-oriented philosophy of "welfare-to-work," and the changed policy again pits the "safety net" advocates against the critics of the "perennial welfare dependency." The "welfare-to-work" sentiment has been permeating among advanced nations since the late 80s, and the policy change in the U.S. and Wisconsin is a manifestation to follow the global tendency towards a more incentive-oriented assistance than on income maintenance in terms of welfare. The question, however, is just as Neil Gilbert puts it, "whether the changing philosophy of social protection will lead to a society that is not only fairer but also gentle enough to permit an honorable dependence for its frailest members."This paper explores the background of the changes in welfare policy in the United States, focusing on "Wisconsin Works," known as W-2, which is a culmination of the long-time tinkering of the welfare policy in the State of Wisconsin. Along with the federal law of "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" signed by President Bill Clinton, W-2 declared the end of the 61-year history of welfare as a cash benefit in the United States. Taking its place is a more market-oriented philosophy of "welfare-to-work," and the changed policy again pits the "safety net" advocates against the critics of the "perennial welfare dependency." The "welfare-to-work" sentiment has been permeating among advanced nations since the late 80s, and the policy change in the U.S. and Wisconsin is a manifestation to follow the global tendency towards a more incentive-oriented assistance than on income maintenance in terms of welfare. The question, however, is just as Neil Gilbert puts it, "whether the changing philosophy of social protection will lead to a society that is not only fairer but also gentle enough to permit an honorable dependence for its frailest members."
相内 真子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.3, pp.81-94, 2000

Since the late 1980s, more and more attention has been paid to gender as factor in electoral politics in the United States. Studies have shown that women and men differ in their policy preferences, policy priorities, candidate choices and so on. Thus in order to best represent women's interest in politics, more women run for political offices and more women activists and voters work hard for their electoral successes, although women have not yet achieved political parity with men. This paper explores how women as candidates, activists and voters could affect American politics through the electoral processes. The "gender effect," both positive and negative, is explored focusing on the past three elections of 1992, 94 and 96, and this paper explains why elections in the 1990s are "gendered," and how the so-called "gender gap" has come to have significance in American politics.Since the late 1980s, more and more attention has been paid to gender as factor in electoral politics in the United States. Studies have shown that women and men differ in their policy preferences, policy priorities, candidate choices and so on. Thus in order to best represent women's interest in politics, more women run for political offices and more women activists and voters work hard for their electoral successes, although women have not yet achieved political parity with men. This paper explores how women as candidates, activists and voters could affect American politics through the electoral processes. The "gender effect," both positive and negative, is explored focusing on the past three elections of 1992, 94 and 96, and this paper explains why elections in the 1990s are "gendered," and how the so-called "gender gap" has come to have significance in American politics.
コンウェイ M.マーガレット パーリー マリアン・リーフ 相内 真子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.6, pp.179-192, 2003-03-20

This paper argues that women's leadership affects welfare policy-making in the United States. Referring to the function of the social security system as "a safety net" in the United States, this paper also clarifies the fact that more women than men are targeted for welfare services in American society since women live longer and are poorer than men. Women have been key players in the welfare policy-making process, both through joining social movements and through entering the legislative, executive and judicial branches in American government. Women's power, however, will be more effective when they comprise a considerable proportion in those branches. This paper also introduces a strategy that American women have employed to gain broader public and political support for welfare programs by avoiding being targeted as a population in need.This paper argues that women's leadership affects welfare policy-making in the United States. Referring to the function of the social security system as "a safety net" in the United States, this paper also clarifies the fact that more women than men are targeted for welfare services in American society since women live longer and are poorer than men. Women have been key players in the welfare policy-making process, both through joining social movements and through entering the legislative, executive and judicial branches in American government. Women's power, however, will be more effective when they comprise a considerable proportion in those branches. This paper also introduces a strategy that American women have employed to gain broader public and political support for welfare programs by avoiding being targeted as a population in need.
相内 眞子 幅崎 麻紀子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
vol.14, pp.1-15, 2011

相内 真子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.4, pp.93-107, 2001

In the latest election for the House of Representatives (Lower House) in June 2000, there were 202 women who ran, and 35 were elected. This was a record high, other than the 39 women who were elected soon after World War II under the old Constitution. Reflecting the spirit of the new law, "Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society" in 1999, major political parties in Japan recruited more women than before for the election to show their support to women and to women's causes. Unlike in local level elections where many candidates tend to run as independents, Japanese political parties have power all through the electoral process, including the selection of their candidates in national level elections. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), is a relatively new party founded in 1998 as a result of the amalgamation of some factions and the division of other parties. Although it is the largest opposition party against the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which is conservative, the DPJ represents a wide spectrum of ideologies from liberal-conservative to very leftist. The party is still underway in unification, but lack of strong leadership somewhat works for incorporating aspiring groups such as women and the younger generation. This essay focuses on three women running as official candidates of the DPJ and tries to explore the role of the party through the examination of factors in their respective campaigns that led two DPJ women to success but another woman to failure.In the latest election for the House of Representatives (Lower House) in June 2000, there were 202 women who ran, and 35 were elected. This was a record high, other than the 39 women who were elected soon after World War II under the old Constitution. Reflecting the spirit of the new law, "Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society" in 1999, major political parties in Japan recruited more women than before for the election to show their support to women and to women's causes. Unlike in local level elections where many candidates tend to run as independents, Japanese political parties have power all through the electoral process, including the selection of their candidates in national level elections. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), is a relatively new party founded in 1998 as a result of the amalgamation of some factions and the division of other parties. Although it is the largest opposition party against the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, which is conservative, the DPJ represents a wide spectrum of ideologies from liberal-conservative to very leftist. The party is still underway in unification, but lack of strong leadership somewhat works for incorporating aspiring groups such as women and the younger generation. This essay focuses on three women running as official candidates of the DPJ and tries to explore the role of the party through the examination of factors in their respective campaigns that led two DPJ women to success but another woman to failure.
今野 洋子
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
no.6, pp.101-116, 2003-03-20

相内 眞子
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
vol.11, pp.1-12, 2008

高橋 恵子
人間福祉研究 (ISSN:13440039)
vol.8, pp.189-200, 2005-03-20

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of psychological factors in influencing life-style. We examined the relationships among emotion, stress-coping, and life-style. A survey of the health consciousness of university students reveals that most of the students feel that their life-style is undesirable and suffer much stress. However they are not conscious of their life-style. Students who have negative emotions (depression, anxiety, anger and languor) report that they do not sleep very well. Languorous students who suffer chronic stress report having an uncontrolled life-style. In regard to coping behavior, students who have good social support (consulting with friends and other persons) report having a good life-style. Students who have a positive thinking style and feel relaxed ordinarily report good control of their life-style and students who make use of a problem focused coping style exercise more and show good control of their intake of alcohol. Poor sleeping habits were found to be related to suppressions of emotions. Students who are less aggressive report well-controlled food intake as part of their life-style. It takes a long time to construct one's own life-style. The university student years are an important stage to establish the life-style. This study reveals some important roles of stress to life-style, however it is needed to study more widely about the relationships between psychological factors and life-style.
田中 耕一郎
人間福祉研究 = Human welfare studies (ISSN:13440039)
vol.6, pp.1-14, 2003-03-20

The disability movement has struggled hard to gain acceptance for the 'big idea' that disability can be considered as a form of institutional discrimination or social oppression. As these 'social model' have gained political currency so they have engendered a profound reexamination of British social policy. Disability movements has been emphasized rights of disabled people, futhermore, they has been proposed that self-assessment and self-management in human services. Disability movements promoted a sustained campaign for direct payments legislation. Community Care (Direct Payments) Bill was published in November 1995. The legislation came into force the following year, permitting local authorities to make direct payments to people assessed as needing community care services. Consumerism formed the major basis of this new legislation. But Important value conflicts were apparent in discussion about direct payments in disability mevement. The purpose of this paper is to consider the relationship between consumerism and disabled people's sovereignty of their lives from the discussion in disability mevement.The disability movement has struggled hard to gain acceptance for the 'big idea' that disability can be considered as a form of institutional discrimination or social oppression. As these 'social model' have gained political currency so they have engendered a profound reexamination of British social policy. Disability movements has been emphasized rights of disabled people, futhermore, they has been proposed that self-assessment and self-management in human services. Disability movements promoted a sustained campaign for direct payments legislation. Community Care (Direct Payments) Bill was published in November 1995. The legislation came into force the following year, permitting local authorities to make direct payments to people assessed as needing community care services. Consumerism formed the major basis of this new legislation. But Important value conflicts were apparent in discussion about direct payments in disability mevement. The purpose of this paper is to consider the relationship between consumerism and disabled people's sovereignty of their lives from the discussion in disability mevement.