佐古 秀一 大林 正史 藤井 伊佐子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.31, pp.99-111, 2016

The purposes of this study were to verify educational procedures and their effects which aimed to facilitate reflection on pre−exiting knowledge and framework about school management in school managerial staff training setting. In this study, the case which showed characteristics of management style relied almost entirely on teachers' personal ability, was adopted. Trainees were 42 headteachers. After trainees discussed the case, trainer question trainees' in−use concepts and address the fundamental reason for trainees' evaluation of managerial style of the case. Some results of these reflective training about school management were as follows.1)25(59%)trainees made reference to their finding of their own conventional way of school management in post session assessment.2)Frequently−appearing words of trainees' post session assessment, were the words which were introduced to explain organizational characteristics of school organization, and limitation of the conventional managerial way of school.3)Trainees' evaluation for degree of understanding and degree of availability were both relatively high.
今田 雄三
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.307-320, 2013-03-15

In this paper, the author analysed the difficulties and its reasons of beginners in the training of therapists, and tried to find out their concrete and effective methods. On the results of investigation, the beginners appeared to have problems of the decline in communication skills and imagination, and of the lack of awareness as experts and self−affirmation. As the suggestions for solving these issues, the trainers are necessary to ease the student's anxieties with communications in giving the ideas of therapists and clear−cut training goals before the practice.
立岡 裕士
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.30, pp.326-340, 2015-03-13

In 1936-1948, Koyama−shoten published 8 books under the title of Sin−Hudoki Sosyo(New Chorography Series). Koyama had confidence that this series aiming at Heimatdichtung would gain popularity. Finally this series suffered a setback by the War. It is said that the series succeeded to a certain extent. This author survey the posession of public libraries to make clear whether the books of this series were read everywhere in Japan. The survey reveals that the distribution of the books has spatial partiality, but that the partiality is not so keen.
葛西 真記子 大倉 江里奈
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.29, pp.184-198, 2014-03-14

We used a longitudinal design to study the changes in participants' empathy level during their clinical psychology graduate school. We used the multi−dimensional empathy scale, four emotion description tasks, the self−introspection scale, and two questions requiring written responses, which focused on participants' experiences of supervision. A total of 87 clinical psychology graduate students completed these scales four times during their training years. Results showed that students with a higher caseload, aged older than 30, had higher in the "empathic interests" subscale. The level of empathy and emotional awareness, however, did not change significantly during the period. First−year clinical psychology students scored higher on self −introspection than second−year students. Students with a higher caseload also scored higher on self−introspection than those with a lower caseload. The written responses showed that there is a flow of change, which begins when participants write up the case summary ; followed by thinking back to their own reactions, respective situations, and contexts ; adopting an objective perspective, and understanding issues relating to the case ; these lead to the tasks that are undertaken in the following session. Furthermore, based on their supervision experiences, participants gain new perspectives, comparing these with their own views, subsequently expanding their way of understanding.
山下 一夫 中野 秀美 中津 郁子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.25, pp.65-72, 2010

The purposes of this study were to collect awareness and learning that author experience in the day nursery, and to examine the concern with clinical psychology. The case took up two people who belong to the one year old child class and two year old child class that author was concerned a lot. As a result, about relations with infants, there were some common features with a psychology clinical scene, especially the importance of relationship was found. Moreover, it was suggested that sociality, common sense, a flexible attitude, snuggling up to a heart, and fostering sensitivity that is necessary for person who aimed at the clinical psychologist is obtained. In addition, the one that led to psychology clinical activity in the future was obtained.
久我 直人
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.26, pp.144-159, 2011

The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability and the effect of "the Autonomously?Integrated?Organization(AIO)theory of teachers". For the purpose, I introduced this program into the organization of school. In addition, I inspected the application and the result on the construction of organized intention and the educational improvement. The results by qualitative and quantitative analysis were the following : 1)"the utonomously?Integrated?Organization(AIO)theory of teachers" was applicable to the organization of school 2)"the Autonomously?Integrated?Organization(AIO)theory of teachers" constructed organized intention formation and collaboration. 3)"the Autonomously?Integrated?Organization(AIO)theory of teachers" produced educational improvement.
小川 勝
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.23, pp.325-335, 2008

As for interpretation of Parietal Art, Magic theory has been the most prominent hypothesis since the begging of 20th Century when the academic research started. Though Magic Theory has been accepted as established motive among the amateurs of prehistoric art, almost specialists have insisted alternative thinking, that is, the interpretation by structuralism. In this paper, the author points out some problems of Magic Theory, for example, signs of arrow, shamanism, devotional image and so on. Above all, the author criticizes the method of ethnographic parallels for its racist base. In any way, the author recognizes theoretical possibilities of Magic Theory, and continues to discuss the problem of integration as basis of Magic Theory.
前田 一平
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.23, pp.247-258, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls has long been regarded as one of the major novels of Ernest Hemingway, but almost no critics of the 80's and 90's, when the drastic revising of Hemingway's works took place, seem to have paid much attention to it. Still, two small critical movements supporting this novel can be recognized. One is a discussion presented from Spanish scholars : Edward F. Stanton and Allen Josephs are versed in the language, tradition, and culture of Spain and try, for example, to find the models of Pilar and Maria in the history and culture of Spain, not of the US of America. They maintain that what Hemingway had learned in Spain in the course of eighteen years, especially the primordial Spain which was the other world to him, is realized in this novel. The other movement is made by the critics who highly praise the organically united structure of the novel. The point of their argument is that the plural narrative voices, interior monologues, and recollections which form the multiple narrative structure of For Whom the Bell Tolls are all united with the simple and single action of blowing the bridge. This paper critically examines and denies the reliability of those two movements and concludes that the most convincing reading so far presented of For Whom the Bell Tolls could be found in Edmund Wilson's review published as early as in 1940, where he criticized the defects of the form and the story development of the novel.
岩永 定 柏木 智子 藤岡 恭子 芝山 明義 橋本 洋治
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.22, pp.37-50, 2007

There are many problem behavior of children in Japan such as bullying, juvenile delinquency, school violence, vandalism, drug etc. Many factors cause such problems, but we set up a hypothesis that the decline of self-esteem of children is very important factor. From this hypothesis and the examination of the precedence research regarding self-esteem, we set the following 3 points as the aim of this paper; 1) to review the history of Project Adventure (PA) program and to grasp of its definition and contents, 2) to grasp present conditions and problems of PA program in Miyagi Prefecture that firstly introduced it in Japan, 3) to search possibilities and limits of Miyagi PA program in the formation of the self-esteem of children. As a result of research, we conclude next three points: 1) PA is defined as the formalized process of experiential learning that makes a series of adventurous and challenge activities as the means for intending the change of the consciousness and behavior of students. PA program have been advanced the wide use and qualitative change in the process of the occurrence and diffusion in USA. It diffused partially after PAJ (Project Adventure Japan) is established in 1995 in Japan. 2) PA in Miyagi Pref. is being carried out as MAP (Miyagi Adventure Program) under the guidance of PAJ and the fundamental thought is expressed as the 'cycle of experiential learning'. Miyagi Pref. is the only one prefecture which tackles with PA by the board of education as a whole, and promote the program in the cooperation of school education and social education. The program is developed on 4 contents; (1) training of leaders, (2) enlightenment activities, (3) upgrading of the institutions and equipments, and (4) introduction of PA to the school education activities. However, the training of the leader is restrictive, and training activities are relying on PAJ now. Also, it is very difficult to measure the educational effects of PA program to students. 3) The board of education try to introduce the PA program to all public schools, but some teachers and principals reject the PA program because they doubt its effect. The staffs of board of education think that such teachers and principals do not participate the training and do not understand significance of PA program. But we think there is other reason. In the process of introducing PA program to school education, it decreased elements of adventure that improve the self-esteem of children.