鉄口 真理子 Mariko TETSUGUCHI
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.36, pp.291-301, 2021-03-10

The purpose of this study is to clarify the continuity between living experience and expression in music class using local folk music as educational materials with a focus on physical activities. Firstly, we organized the positioning of physical activities in this study, with reference to "Experience and Nature" by Dewey as prior research on "quality". Then, we planned and practiced an instrumental music class for the fourth-grade elementary students using "Danjiri-bayashi", a local folk musical piece of Osaka Prefecture, and analyzed it with a focus on the relation between the physical activities and instrumental musical expressions by the students. Lastly, we examined the influence of physical activities on the continuity between life experience and expression. As a result of our practical analysis, it was observed that the qualities received by the children through their physical activities in their past living experiences and the qualities newly received in their learning on the foundation of their living experiences were embodied and exhibited in their musical expressions in continuity. This result has revealed that the continuity between students' living experiences and expressions in a music class using local folk music as educational materials can be perceived in their reception and embodiment of qualities, and that physical activities play the role of enhancing such continuity. Moreover, we found the following two effects of physical activities. Physical activities evoke the qualities unconsciously received by children in their life experiences, and let them exhibit their individual sensitivity bringing out their potential to inherit their culture with reconstruction.
金児 正史 成川 公昭 平野 康之
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.30, pp.90-100, 2015

The contents of the lectures and the learner's reaction in the pre master's course in a mathematical domain are reported here. Two contents in the lectures are designed, the area of a circle and an isoperimetric problem. All learners were middle school students and have got high motivation for mathematics. Although the learners know the formula of the area of a circle well, they have little experiences which make them realize that the formula does really hold. In the first lecture, an argument − to compare the areas of inscribed regular polygons with the one of a unit circle, whose idea comes to the usual measure theory in the future, was explained. Through the process of calculating the areas of various kind of inscribed regular polygons to a unit circle, the learners appreciated that the area of a unit circle is really equal to π and convinced themselves of the fact. In the latter lecture, they have considered an isoperimetric problem and showed that the equilateral triangle has the largest area among the triangles with constant perimeter. Although a few mathematical concepts and treatments have been required to follow the procedure of the arguments, they overcame these difficulties eagerly and recognized two contents of mathematics in the pre master's course. Through the program in the pre master's course in a mathematical domain, we noticed that learners with high motivation for mathematics study many advanced contents extensively and extend their interests for themselves only with the help of introducing well−suited orientations and with the proper support to give some necessary concepts.
山嵜 洋子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.21, pp.140-150, 2006

This paper is concerned with elucidating the origin and meaning of the concept of Creativity as new forms of knowledge in the philosophy of progressive education, and focuses on a case study in Frensham Heights School (1925-), which was a typical new school in New Education Movement internationally. In this paper, I discuss the concept of Creativity using an analytical structure, using the viewpoints of insiders and outsiders as a way of attempting to illuminate the polysemous aspects of Creativity from the intersection of these two perspectives. The primary data to be used in this analysis is related to published observations of Frensham Heights School expressed by two Japanese visitors, Sumie Kobayashi (1886-1971) and Munetoshi Irisawa (1885-1945), who were renowned professors and leaders in Progressive Education in Japan; and observations of an insider, the school's founder Beatrice Ensor (1885-1974), who was a theosophist and a creator of the New Education Fellowship (1921-) which advocated the International New Education Movement, taken from some of her published articles. I make clear following three points; firstly Kobayashi in 1927 and Irisawa in 1929 did not refer to the broader concept of Creativity, or show their awareness of the school's concern for children as human-beings or the importance of the need to recognize the principle of the unity of spirit/mind/body development of children. Secondly they could never understand Ensor's idea of the supremacy of spirit over matter as expressed indaily life, which she believed was brought about by the creative instinct and creative energy that was in every human being. Thirdly several key notions underpinned the concept of Creativity in Ensor's New Education thinking, in which creative faculty in children as a manifestation of God or as the immanence of God, and therefore the concepts of differences, freedom and spirituality related to the concept of Creativity were recognized as crucial features of the philosophy of education. Differences as well as freedom to express it in aharmonious context are seen as essential to the creation of anything: nothing is born where there are no differences. Finally because Creativity is identified with the special/instinctual/vital inner abilities of children and related to equality as the individual child, current schools which emphasize child-centered education implement the value of creative education in their daily practice of education. We need to recognize how education isshaped by new forms of knowledge and we should recognize the important concept of Creativity. This paper consists of the following five sections; 1. Introduction 2. What Impression did Visitors have of the Frensham Hights School? 3. How did the Concept of Creativity in Insiders Perspective emerge? 4. How did the Concept of Creativity become Central to the Theoretical Framework of the School Curriculum? What was the Origin of the Idea of Creativity? 5. Conclusion: What was the Concept of Creativity of New Education introduced by Outsiders and Insiderspresent?
金児 正史 成川 公昭 宮口 智成 平野 康之 Masafumi KANEKO Kimiaki NARUKAWA Tomoshige MIYAGUCHI Yasuyuki HIRANO
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.34, pp.97-108, 2019-03-11

We have taken a class on an isoperimetric problem for lower secondary school students who have high motivation to mathematics. In this paper, we have considered the lesson plan on an isoperimetric problem for the students and decided the goal of this class is to prove the theorem as below. 'A polygon which has the biggest area with same constant perimeter is a regular polygon.' After the class on an isoperimetric problem, we have realized the goal of isoperimetric problem for lower secondary school students will be suitable and have recognized strongly the mathematical experiments will be an important impact for this class.
小島 明子 Akiko KOJIMA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.35, pp.198-208, 2020

Eiga Monogatari is a tale that depicts the story of Fujiwara no Michinaga in detail as he wielded his political power and ushered in extreme prosperity. However, the background of the tale also contains vivid descriptions of people sinking into despair after being defeated by Michinaga. This is represented by the 'Nakano Kanpaku family', namely, the family of Michinaga's eldest brother, Michitaka. There are a considerable number of accounts that depict Michitaka's sons, Korechika and Takaie, in particular, as well as Michitaka's daughter, Teishi, who became the Empress to Emperor Ichijo and the Imperial prince and princesses that Teishi gave birth to; it can be perceived that the author of Eiga Monogatari was greatly interested in the Nakano Kanpaku family. This paper extracts and analyses the depiction of the Nakano Kanpaku family in Eiga Monogatari and clarifies the characteristics that can be found in the descriptions therein. Moreover, there are areas in Eiga Monogatari where accounts thought to have been written in relation to this family are missing, and I also include a study of the possible intentions behind this aspect. By considering both 'what is written' and 'what is not written' in relation to the Nakano Kanpaku family, I attempt to bring an orientation of the historical descriptions of Eiga Monogatari to the surface.
寺島 幸生 Yukio TERASHIMA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.35, pp.74-80, 2020-03-10

In order to understand about actual learning situations of pre-service teachers, we investigated preference in university education and learning attitudes for 108 undergraduate students at a national university of education (NUE) in 2017. As a result, we found that the NUE students prefer to acquire credits easily and surely, similar to the case of nationwide university students in 2012 and 2016. As a characteristic of the NUE students, most of them tend to determine their future careers before learning at university and to keep the independence of school life. The NUE students' learning attitude is also approximately similar to that of nationwide university students. Although most of them try to study hard to get a good grade evaluation, there are few students who study by themselves in well-planned way and do a preparation and review of lessons other than compulsory assignments. As a characteristic of the NUE students' learning attitudes, they are better at interactive learning in group work and discussions than nationwide university students, but they rarely do a preparation and review of lessons and ask teachers about learning. In the future, it is important to consider more effective university education and teacher training based on actual students' preference and learning situations.
原 卓志 Takuji HARA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.34, pp.153-197, 2019

Kokudenzan Jizoji Temple in Komatsushima City, Tokushima was a large head temple during the Edo period. It has held "Isen ichijyo awasete Dai-syomyo-to syoji denbun uwasa nomino ki" since the Edo period. "Isen ichijyo awasete Dai-syomyo-to syoji denbun uwasa nomino ki" is document which one priest Yugi recorded rumors from 1863 to 1868.The rumors almost happened in the big time reformation Japanese feudal lords were involved that coming by foreign ships caused. It is a precious data to know how Yugi who was a priest lived in the country and the common people understood and caught the time reformation. All analyses of this document will be still left from now on. I wish many people analyze this document through I reprinted and released this book.
黒田 俊太郎 Shuntaro KURODA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.34, pp.198-208, 2019

Novelist Nakagawa Yoichi (1897-1994) published his most popular novel, Ten-no Yugao [A Moonflower in Heaven], in 1938, during the Japanese-Chinese War. The novel was a great success, and its popularity lasted even after World War II ended in 1945. Ten-no Yugao was adapted to film in 1948 and became a box-office hit. The film featured Mieko Takamine, a big star who belonged to the Shochiku Co., Ltd. film company, and was directed by Yutaka Abe, a master director at the time. Whilst this film achieved commercial success, it was severely criticized by reviewers mainly because Nakagawa was purged from public service by the General Headquarters of the Allied Forces (GHQ) after World War II. Nakagawa was accused of having advocated totalitarianism and praised the war. This paper discusses the purge of Nakagawa after World War II, referring to discussions on his war guilt from the period.
小川 勝 Masaru OGAWA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.21, pp.314-322, 2006-03-03

For recent years, I have studied an artistic phenomenon of Parietal Art, Integration. It might be defined as coincidence between the natural form of rock surface and contour line of realistic animal figure. In this paper, I try to interpret Cave Art based on my consideration of Integration. Since the discovery of Cave Art at Altamira in late 19th Century, so many hypotheses to interpret motives and themes of the magnificent art in darkness have been presented. Among them, <magic> theory has been recognized as a common sense for those that are interested in Prehistoric Art. But other interpretations are possible from the viewpoint of my Integration investigation. As I estimate that Integration might be possible with human's capacity of Representation, my quest for its significance would lead me to interpret Parietal Art in my own way. Representation should have several meanings such as pleasure, possession=control, pre-being, signs and so on. Considering these aspects, I have come to think that the Palaeolithic might find out realistic animal images on the natural rock surface with simple lamps in darkness under the plural reasons of <l'art pour l'art>=autonomies, <magic> efficiency, <religious> belief, <constructionist> approach, and others. Here I would like to add my own interpretation of Parietal Art according to my research of Integration. Judging from my phenomenological methodology, the people would make sense to the world by looking out their image of animal on the natural rock surface in darkness of caves, with simple lamps. And I will continue my own way to the full understanding of Parietal Art.
八幡 ゆかり Yukari YAWATA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.23, pp.128-141, 2008-03-03

The meaning of the mental retardation special class is asked with the shift to the special support education from special education.Then, it set for the purpose of clarifying meaning of a mental retardation special class, and decided to investigate the history.The result was as follows.That it was common in prewar days and the postwar period suited meaning's of a special class securing the place of entering school.As the reason, it became a problem that mental retardation children have not usually received suitable education in a class.In prewar days, the government set special class installation for the purpose of being useful for a country.Teachers considered special class installation soon prewar days and after the war formental retardation children.Then, parents and the educational persons concerned developed movement which demands special class installation to the government in the1950s.Deterioration of a teacher's quality became a problem about the educational contents with extension of a special class in the1969s.Moreover, integrated education was proposed in order to solve the discrimination and prejudice to the disabled in the1970s.It was thought that meaning was in a special class having a role which abolishes the discrimination and prejudice to the disabled to a school or a community at the same time.The meaning of a special class is in the place which receives suitable education as a place of entering school also in special support education.Therefore, the teachers of the special class concern themselves positively with parents, the school, andthe community.
浜崎 隆司 田村 隆宏 吉田 和樹 吉田 美奈 岡本 かおり 安藤 ときわ 倉成 正宗
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.25-31, 2012

The purpose of this study is to make a scale of parent−child confidential relationship and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. 47 items questionnaire survey was administered to 287 university and graduate students. Cronbach's alpha for 7 subscales ranged from .70 to .92, and that showed enough reliability of this scales. The results of correlational analysis of the parent−child confidential relationship with the Parent −Child Relation scales(2 subscales 30 items)by Ochiai and Satoh(1996)suggested that had enough construct validity. Finally, the implications of this study was discussed.
八幡 ゆかり
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.39-48, 2013-03-15

Activities to promote independent are areas important for disabilities. But, it is one of the practice subjects of schools for special needs education. Then, the history of activities to promote independent was analyzed and it decided to clarify the factor from which the subject arose. And it decided to examine the contemporary meaning of activities to promote independent. The history of activities to promote independent was divided roughly into the name change to activities to promote independent "care and therapeutic training" foundation front and after foundation. As a result of analyzing disabilities, the educational purpose, and an independence view about those time, it turns out that this area was set up for the severely and multiply for disabilities. Moreover, although paying one's attention not only to disabilities but to complete development was emphasized. But, since the practice which focused on the disability continued, it was thought that practical use of the individualized education program of activities to promote independent had been a subject. And "the special curriculum" was able to practice activities to promote independent in special classes after "care and therapeutic training" foundation. But, since these things were not established, activities to promote independent did not practice in special classes etc. From now on, it will be necessary to practice activities to promote independent with careful attention to the independence view and disabilities view which were raised through history.
西園 芳信
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.311-318, 2012

The aim of this paper is to suggest a curriculum or guidance method for art education materials in schools through making the way of thinking in Dewey's Art Experience classification clear. Dewey takes a classification way of thinking through the medium of art. From this standpoint, there are two main groups : the automatic arts which use the medium of the body(e.g. dancing, singing, etc.)and the shaping art(e.g. sculpture, architecture, etc.)which mainly exist outside of the body. Then, Dewey says that quality shown through the differences in the artistic medium will be unique, however, the quality shown is not classed in black and white, but has continuity. Following this, taking a continuous way of thinking as an artistic experience is important in the music and art materials of schools.
村井 万里子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.31, pp.56-75, 2016

Yamaguchi(1943)proposed a model of language acquisition called Taiwa−kan(Discussion Loop). We incorporated Kaito's(1934)theory of Keisho−no−kozo−soujyo−ron(Shape of mechanism and sequence)with Taiwa−kan and developed the Language Activities Mechanism in 1981 creating several models. This newer model we continued to call Taiwa−kan has been used for many years as a base of fundamental language teaching. However, the function of the model was not described using relevant language acquisition theory thus far. This study is an attempt to solve this problem applying Hiromatsu, and Ide's Mono, Koto, Kotoba(things, matters, words)theory to describe the function of Taiwa−kan. Although Hiromatsu and Ide's theory has various commonalities with Taiwa−kan, Ide investigates in the area of semantics, whereas Hiromatsu examines the syntax of a proposition. Both argue that Mono is the unification after analysis and the vagueness before division by analysis. They also agree that Koto is a concept in which Mono are divided or split into. When this theory is combined with Taiwa−kan, the circularity of the loop's centripetal force and unified function represents the power to create the former. The loop's connotations of centrifugal force and development symbolizes the divide and analyzing of the proposition. Taiwa−kan embodies Mono and Koto into its model. Additionally, results suggest the figures of the Taiwa−kan and Sanjyu−kan(Triple Loop)differ in expression from Hiromatsu's Nijyu−no−Nishi(double separation)theory which warrants future investigation. This study provides the Taiwa−kan model with explanatory power and is suggested to be effective and fundamental for language education and language arts education.
藤田 雅文 佐藤 安通
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.32, pp.506-513, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of high school baseball manager's talks to players who participated in the KOSHIEN tournament (national high school baseball championship).The subjects were 73 managers of high school baseball clubs in Japan. The investigations were performed from October to December in 2014. Manager's talks were classified by 2 categories, "affirmative" and "negative". The details of manager's talks were classified by 13 categories, "praise", "raise the morale", "cheer up", "advise", "give thanks", "change player's feelings", "praise", "appreciate the pains", "admit", "run down", "abuse", "blame" and "the others". The 7 situations, "hard training", "meetings before games", "the pinch with playing games", "the chance for coming from behind", "the poor fielding in a pinch", "the strikeout in a big chance" and "meetings after games" in which managers talked to players were set up.The results were picked out as follows.1) Most of managers talked affirmatively to players on all of the situations (82.5%~100%).2) Many managers raised the morale on "hard training" (51.9%) and "meetings before games" (57.1%) .3) Many managers raised the morale (42.0%) and advised on the pitching and defense (31.4%) on "the pinch with playing games".4) Many managers advised on the batting (50.0%) and raised the morale (31.8%) on "the chance for coming from behind".5) Many managers changed player's feelings (63.5%) on "the poor fielding in a pinch". 6) Many managers changed player's feelings (40.0%) and advised on the batting (22.0%) on "the strikeout in a big chance".7) Managers talked diversely to players in "meetings after games". They raised the morale (18.9%),cheered up (16.2%),advised (13.5%),changed player's feelings (13.5%),praised (13.5%) in the scene.
葛西 真記子 松本 麻里
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.25, pp.189-203, 2010

This study was conducted to examine instances of conformity behavior, anxiety, public self?consciousness, and approval motivation in adolescent friendships. First, a conformity behavior scale was constructed based on 6 ifferent scales that measure conformity motivation, conformity tendency, conformity orientation and conformity behavior. The subjects comprised 83 male and 72 female university students. They were exposed to item analysis and factor analysis exercises, and a twenty?four?items conformity behavior scale was developed. Second, the hypothesis that adolescents with high anxiety, high public consciousness and high approval motivation have a tendency to conform to others was tested. A total of 57 items were tested on 123 male and 171 female high school students. The results showed that both the internal conformity factor and the external conformity factor are related to anxiety and approval motivation. Therefore, a part of the hypothesis that says that high school students tend to conform to others because of their anxiety and motivation to secure the approval of others was verified in this study. Some studies, however, showed that conforming behavior causes stress in adolescents. In our conclusion, with the view to releasing adolescents from such stress, we suggested that they practice self?assertive behavior.
速水 多佳子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.111-119, 2012

As society undergoes sweeping changes, the circumstances surrounding school education are also changing. Issues such as the deterioration of children's desire to learn and academic ability, bullying, and nonattendance have emerged. To appropriately respond to these issues, improvement of teacher qualifications and skills is required now more than ever. Because teacher qualifications and skills are formed continuously during the stages of teacher development, hiring, and training, the present study focuses on university, which represents the "development" stage. Using case examples of practical teaching, we consider the potential for improvement of the qualifications and skills cultivated at university. We continuously conducted group discussions on various education issues with volunteers, primarily graduate students. The findings of a questionnaire study administered to the participants indicated that group discussion had high effectiveness for the items "The social skill of trying to cooperate with others," "The ethical perspective of awareness of behavior that serves as a model," and "Sense of mission as a teacher," suggesting that discussion can result in improvement in teacher qualifications and skills. In addition, 95% of students answered that they were able to acquire "Ability to speak in front of people" and "Listening skills." These findings suggest that group discussion is effective. In the future, we intend to further examine the nature of practical teaching that takes advantage of the characteristics of students at teaching colleges.
木原 資裕
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.22, pp.341-349, 2007

Now, there are coexisted in KENDO which to develop of the championship in sports and the elements of the martial arts. And KENDO has the elements of performance as Japanese traditional exercise culture. The purpose of this study was to deepen the consideration about performance of KENDO from some examples. The results were summarized as follows; 1) In KENDO, "BU" as art of casualties lost the utility. The operation method was different from the bamboo sword with the sword greatly. "BU" as art of casualties was developed in the idea. 2) "BU" as accomplishments became the problem of the core of KENDO. In particular the element of accomplishments was been conscious of more powerfully by evaluating contents of ascetic practices in the KENDO promotion examination system. Motivation of the exercisers rose with the system, and it was led to the stage that matured furthermore by continuing to old and middle age. 3) Development of "BU" as sports could consider a lot of examples as the mental substantiality in the match of KENDO. Through the lessons, It was get the hold of the innocent skill.
橋川 喜美代
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.12-24, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the teachers understand the children's inner world and their way of expression, and share the world together, analyzing the practical reports in our time and in history by Te Whãriki and the learning story. The teachers recover the live body which can understand the children's inner world, from the stage of watching the children's play, to the stage of predicting their move. The teacher and the children share the place that they live, the relationship between two grow flexibility widely, and the form of education and care change. The change of their relationship created many results of learning in which children enjoyed the play. Te Whãriki and the learning story speak of the inter−subjective relation, are the scale of the results of the learning which it creates. By Te Whãriki and the learning story, the teacher understands the gap in environment of child care and education, and learning and growth of children, realize again the children life.
廣瀬 政雄
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.28, pp.461-495, 2013-03-15

It is closely related to a success of a lesson whether students are interested in a content of health, since the students of a teachers college do not necessarily become medical specialists. While the number of times of a lesson is restricted, it is impossible to follow in footsteps and to perform the lecture system currently performed in the medical school. Therefore, it is necessary in quality and quantity to build the health education from a viewpoint of differing. Moreover, although students are considered to be interested in medical research, an education effect will not be acquired if the level of a lecture is high superfluously. On the contrary, even if a practical lesson like home medicine is performed, it is not expectable for the students to reach sufficient level in an understanding and applicable side without a medical base. Moreover, it is difficult to pull a participant's interest too in the content which is completely unrelated to the actual condition of a healthy level or a sick tendency of our country. Therefore, it is necessary to build a content combined rudimentary medicine bases such as human body structure and physiology metabolism with practical health education, in order that the participants can use it for the improvement of their health. The health information reported to an ordinary person can be useful level of health information for the students. Because they are based on current events and the contents of a report are also processed by the level which can be understood by an ordinary person, it is expectable that they bring up a student's interest and are helpful for a better understanding. Then, the latest health information reported on the websites was analyzed by the medical standpoint, and the tendency and usefulness of the report were considered.