菊間 信良 安西 睦 小川 勝 山田 幸一 稲垣 直樹 キクマ ノブヨシ Kikuma Nobuyoshi
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B-(0xF9C2) 通信 (0xF9C2) (ISSN:09151885)
vol.73, no.11, pp.p786-795, 1990-11

近年,ビル内における高速ディジタル無線通信方式の実現が強く期待されている.これにはまず現実のビル内における多重波伝搬環境の把握が必要となるが,これまで簡便かつ有効な測定法がないため,高速ディジタル通信の可能性を評価するのに十分な測定が行われていないのが現状である.そこで本論文では室内多重波伝搬構造を解明するためにMUSIC法を用いた簡便かつ高分解能な多重波到来方向推定法および多重波伝搬遅延時間推定法を提案し,その有効性を計算機シミュレーションおよび実験により確認した.多重波到来方向推定法に関してはダイポールを用いた半径 0.75から1波長程度の回転走査により10°以上離れて到来する波について正確に推定が行え,5°の場合にも若干誤差が大きくなるが2波の分離が可能であることが示された.多重波伝搬遅延時間推定法に関しては使用周波数帯域幅が100MHzの場合に,3ns以上の遅延時間差を正確に推定することができ,2nsの場合にもその推定値に多少の誤差が見られるものの2波の分離はできることが示された.また,実際に室内で測定を行った結果,10波程度の多重波が観測でき,非常に複雑な伝搬環境であることが確認された.
小川 勝 Masaru OGAWA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.36, pp.302-311, 2021-03-10

Parietal art was discovered at Vallon Pont'dArc, Ardeche, France on December 18th 1994, called Chauvet Cave after the name of leader for this extraordinary find. Since then, 25 years have passed, its investigation has been continued only with a single group of researchers organized by French Government. Facilities of conservation have been installed almost perfectly for the future generations, and for more hundred years we will learn the artistic values from Prehistoric Ancestors. As a Japanese scholar of cave art, I, with other 3 Japanese Professors, could enter the cave for the first time, at last, March 2nd 2020. In this writing, I am to show the background of 25 years researches, and, above all, to critic the mutable problem of dating, according to another information from Germany. Spain and so on. Lastly. I would do confirm my theory of Integration formed by Chauvet examples with magnificent artworks thorough all the ages of Homo Sapiens.
小川 勝 Masaru OGAWA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 = Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education (ISSN:18807194)
vol.21, pp.314-322, 2006-03-03

For recent years, I have studied an artistic phenomenon of Parietal Art, Integration. It might be defined as coincidence between the natural form of rock surface and contour line of realistic animal figure. In this paper, I try to interpret Cave Art based on my consideration of Integration. Since the discovery of Cave Art at Altamira in late 19th Century, so many hypotheses to interpret motives and themes of the magnificent art in darkness have been presented. Among them, <magic> theory has been recognized as a common sense for those that are interested in Prehistoric Art. But other interpretations are possible from the viewpoint of my Integration investigation. As I estimate that Integration might be possible with human's capacity of Representation, my quest for its significance would lead me to interpret Parietal Art in my own way. Representation should have several meanings such as pleasure, possession=control, pre-being, signs and so on. Considering these aspects, I have come to think that the Palaeolithic might find out realistic animal images on the natural rock surface with simple lamps in darkness under the plural reasons of <l'art pour l'art>=autonomies, <magic> efficiency, <religious> belief, <constructionist> approach, and others. Here I would like to add my own interpretation of Parietal Art according to my research of Integration. Judging from my phenomenological methodology, the people would make sense to the world by looking out their image of animal on the natural rock surface in darkness of caves, with simple lamps. And I will continue my own way to the full understanding of Parietal Art.
諏訪 正義 渡部 茂 菅川 勝次 小川 勝美
北日本病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:0368623X)
vol.1983, no.34, pp.104-106, 1983

常温倉庫内に保管した着色米混入玄米の, 保管中における着色程度の進行の有無および着色米関与菌の動向について検討し次のことが明らかとなった。(1) 着色米は, 紅変米, 背黒米, 茶米の3種類に類別された。これらの混入率は保管中に変化しなかった。(2) 玄米の白度も保管中に変化せず, 着色程度の進行は認められなかった。(3) 着色米からは<I>E.purprascens, Alternaria</I> spp., <I>Fusarium</I> spp.が分離され, 特に前者が高率に分離された。(4) これら関与菌は保管中に経時的に死滅した。また接触感染しなかった。
山崎 勤 小川 勝比古 山川 宗位 山中 昇 白戸 勝 柳内 統 吉田 真子 山本 一男 福田 勝洋
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.34, no.4, pp.987-1007, 1988-07-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

The clinical effect of isosorbide (TYS) for patients with Ménière's disease was first reported in 1981. Long-term treatment by TYS produced considerable symptomatic relief in many patients during the active stage of the disease. In the present study, the effect of TYS for patients with Ménière's disease was evaluated by a multi-centered double blind trial using betahistine meyslate (MR) as a reference drug over a period of 8 weeks. The indices that reflect global improvement and utility showed, by the Wilcoxon rank sum test (one-tailed), that the TYS was significantly (P<0.05) superior to the MR in the effectiveness of the control of Ménière's disease at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8weeks after administration. There was no particular difference in the frequencies of side effects or abnormal clinical laboratory findings between groups treated with TYS and with MR. From the above results, it was concluded that TYS was an effective and useful drug for the treatment of Ménière's disease.
安藤 繁 篠田 裕之 小川 勝也 光山 訓
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.29, no.5, pp.520-528, 1993-05-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
5 21

This paper describes a theory, algorithm, and experimental results of a new 3-D sound source localization system which is based on the spatio-temporal derivative method applied to acoustic signals.The principle is outlined as follows. We observe the sound field through amplitude f and its spatiotemporal gradients fx, fy, ft of a single point. An instantaneous distribution of time-varying vectors fx, fy, ft, f in a 4-D gradient space is classified according to its degree of orderness. Each orderness is theoretically related to constraints on possible source locations. Under this classification, we obtain an unambiguous 3-D location of a single source under a second degree of orderness and a co-existing line or plane of double sources under a first degree of orderness.We applied the principle to a sound source visualizer system by which a possibility map of the source locale is accumulated and superposed realtimely on TV images. By several experiments, this system is shown to be able to localize multiple wideband sources such as white noises and human voices while discriminating a number of them.
小川 勝 松沢 晋一郎 佐藤 和夫
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. A・P, アンテナ・伝播 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.203, pp.17-20, 2013-09-05

ADAS (先進運転支援システム)とは,ドライバの認知/判断/操作を繰り返し支援してドライバを危険な状況に近づけないためのシステムである.そのシステムのいくつかには77GHz,24GHz帯のミリ波,準ミリ波レーダ(以下,ミリ波レーダ)が主要なセンサとして利用されており,ADASのさらなる高機能化にはミリ波レーダの性能向上が重要と考えている.ミリ波レーダの課題の1つとして方位分解能の向上に着目し,その実現方法の提案と動作確認を行った結果について報告する.
小川 勝
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.23, pp.325-335, 2008

As for interpretation of Parietal Art, Magic theory has been the most prominent hypothesis since the begging of 20th Century when the academic research started. Though Magic Theory has been accepted as established motive among the amateurs of prehistoric art, almost specialists have insisted alternative thinking, that is, the interpretation by structuralism. In this paper, the author points out some problems of Magic Theory, for example, signs of arrow, shamanism, devotional image and so on. Above all, the author criticizes the method of ethnographic parallels for its racist base. In any way, the author recognizes theoretical possibilities of Magic Theory, and continues to discuss the problem of integration as basis of Magic Theory.
小川 勝
一橋論叢 (ISSN:00182818)
vol.135, no.2, pp.236-257, 2006-02-01