鈴木 英明
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2011, no.79, pp.13-25, 2011

松下 周二
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1981, no.20, pp.90-113, 1981
島田 周平
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1981, no.20, pp.33-52, 1981

It is widely known that not only Lord Lugard who had not hesitate to say about quasi &ldquo;heaven-born&rdquo; superiority of the Northern Nigeria, but also many British administrators had acknowledged their preference for the northern Nigeria than southern Nigeria. It is discussed in this paper what the origin of this &ldquo;British administrators' preference for the north (Nothern Nigeria)&rdquo; is.<br>Before the year of 1830 when the River Niger's mouth was discovered, the main British people who were active on the coast of the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra were slave traders and explorers. Slave traders overwhelmed explorers in number, but as far as information is concern which they had brought in to the Britain, their cotribution was nominal. In contrast to this, explorers had brought many kinds of and large quantities of information about both of the South (coastal area) and the North (inland area). They wrote many reports and books, in which they depicted the northern area as highly organized Mahomedan countries where people were modest.<br>About ten years after the discovery, many kinds of peoples began to come to both coastal and inland areas. Among those groups, the most important groups were non-slave traders, missionaries, and administrators. All these new-comers arrived to Nigeria with the information and knowledge which was available in Britain. That is; continual political coflicts in the south, and well organized Mahomedan Emirates in the north; wild &ldquo;pagan&rdquo; people in the south, and polite and honest islamic people in the north; highly humid weather in the south, and dry and relatively comfortable weather in the north.<br>But as missionaries in the north had experienced failure of missionary work because of strong resistance by islamic people and they had succeeded in the south, they began to change their image of Nigerian people. Contrary to this, administrators whose main interest was to find the means to secure their country's economic and political interest over the new territory, felt no need to change their image of Nigeria. For them well organized society in the north seemed to be favorable for their future rule. And this is one of the most important reasons why British administrators in the north concentrated their attention upon establishment of administrative and taxation systems in the first stage of British administration, and the British administrators in the south did not.
椎野 若菜
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2001, no.59, pp.71-84, 2001-12-10 (Released:2010-04-30)

ルオ村落社会では, 既婚の男が死んだあと, 残された妻は「墓の妻 (chi liel)」とよばれ, 亡夫の代理になる男と「テール (ter)」関係を結ばねばならない。寡婦は亡夫の妻であり続けながらジャテール (jater) とばれる代理夫を選択し, 彼と亡夫の土地で「夫婦」生活を送る。従来の多くの研究における寡婦に関する慣行は, 夫の集団が彼の死後もその妻に対し保持しうる権利として解釈されてきた。寡婦と性関係を結ぶ男たちとのかけひきをも描いた, 寡婦の生活実践を究明するものは極めて少なかった。そこで本稿では, 寡婦が夫の死後, 新たな男との関係を築きそれを維持していく過程に注目した。まず慣習的規範や信念などと絡み合う, 寡婦をめぐる人間関係を抽出したうえで, そのなかにおける寡婦の生活の社会的側面と, 性生活におよぶ寡婦の個人的側面を支える, テール関係の様々な局面についての考察を試みた。その結果, このテール関係は父系的土地慣行を前提としているだけでなく, 性に関する細かな慣習的規範,「娼婦」のレッテルなど, 寡婦にとって圧力になりうる諸要素の影響下に成り立っていることが判明した。一方で寡婦は, そうした社会的な圧力と人間関係の絡み合いのなかで生じる力のバランスを巧みに利用し, 不都合があれば逆に慣習的規範を関係解消の理由づけとして使い, 代理夫を頻繁に変え得ることが明らかになった。つまりルオの寡婦は, 個々のもつ社会的状況に応じて策略を練り, 男たちとかけひきしながら自由に代理夫を選択するという, 実践を続けているのである。
島田 周平
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1981, no.20, pp.33-52, 1981-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

It is widely known that not only Lord Lugard who had not hesitate to say about quasi “heaven-born” superiority of the Northern Nigeria, but also many British administrators had acknowledged their preference for the northern Nigeria than southern Nigeria. It is discussed in this paper what the origin of this “British administrators' preference for the north (Nothern Nigeria)” is.Before the year of 1830 when the River Niger's mouth was discovered, the main British people who were active on the coast of the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra were slave traders and explorers. Slave traders overwhelmed explorers in number, but as far as information is concern which they had brought in to the Britain, their cotribution was nominal. In contrast to this, explorers had brought many kinds of and large quantities of information about both of the South (coastal area) and the North (inland area). They wrote many reports and books, in which they depicted the northern area as highly organized Mahomedan countries where people were modest.About ten years after the discovery, many kinds of peoples began to come to both coastal and inland areas. Among those groups, the most important groups were non-slave traders, missionaries, and administrators. All these new-comers arrived to Nigeria with the information and knowledge which was available in Britain. That is; continual political coflicts in the south, and well organized Mahomedan Emirates in the north; wild “pagan” people in the south, and polite and honest islamic people in the north; highly humid weather in the south, and dry and relatively comfortable weather in the north.But as missionaries in the north had experienced failure of missionary work because of strong resistance by islamic people and they had succeeded in the south, they began to change their image of Nigerian people. Contrary to this, administrators whose main interest was to find the means to secure their country's economic and political interest over the new territory, felt no need to change their image of Nigeria. For them well organized society in the north seemed to be favorable for their future rule. And this is one of the most important reasons why British administrators in the north concentrated their attention upon establishment of administrative and taxation systems in the first stage of British administration, and the British administrators in the south did not.
安田 章人
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2008, no.73, pp.1-15, 2008

アフリカにおける自然保護政策の原型である「原生自然保護」は, 植民地時代におけるスポーツハンティングのための猟獣を保護することを主たる動機の1つとして始まった。しかし, そのための地域住民への強権的な対応に対する批判などから, 1980年代に「住民参加型保全」へとモデルシフトし, 住民への高圧的な対応の克服が目指された。また動物に対する環境倫理思想と野生動物の非消費的な利用の隆盛も関係し, スポーツハンティングは過去のものとされがちであった。しかし, スポーツハンティングは現存するばかりでなく, 多くのアフリカ諸国でその活動を活発化させている。本稿は, カメルーン共和国のベヌエ国立公園を調査地として, 現代のスポーツハンティングの実態に注目し, 自然保護政策における位置づけと, 地域住民との相互関係を分析する。その結果, スポーツハンティングを,「自然保護政策を経済的に支えうるツール」として現実的に評価しつつも, それがもつ「地域住民を犠牲にしたうえでおこなわれる欧米富裕層の娯楽」という時代錯誤的な性格を是正する必要性があることを指摘する
安田 章人
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.73, no.1, pp.1-15, 2008-12-31

アフリカにおける自然保護政策の原型である「原生自然保護」は, 植民地時代におけるスポーツハンティングのための猟獣を保護することを主たる動機の1つとして始まった。しかし, そのための地域住民への強権的な対応に対する批判などから, 1980年代に「住民参加型保全」へとモデルシフトし, 住民への高圧的な対応の克服が目指された。また動物に対する環境倫理思想と野生動物の非消費的な利用の隆盛も関係し, スポーツハンティングは過去のものとされがちであった。しかし, スポーツハンティングは現存するばかりでなく, 多くのアフリカ諸国でその活動を活発化させている。本稿は ,カメルーン共和国のべヌエ国立公園を調査地として,現代のスポーツハンティングの実態に注目し,自然保護政策における位置づけと,地域住民との相互関係を分析する。その結果,スポーツハンティングを,「自然保護政策を経済的に支えうるツール」として現実的に評価しつつも,それがもつ「地域住民を犠牲にしたうえでおこなわれる欧米富裕層の娯楽」という時代錯誤的な性格を是正する必要性があることを指摘するThe early wildlife conservation policy in Africa called "Protectionism" was introduced in order to protect wild animals that played an important role in sport hunting. However in the 1980's, the heavy hand of policy enforcers towards local people was criticized, leading to this policy model shifting from "Protectionism" to "Community-based conservation". Two changes were expected from this shift in policy, namely, an exclusion of the colonialistic practices of conservation and a shift to a community based bottom-up approach. Moreover, with the greater observance of environmental ethics and more widespread non-consumeristic use of wildlife, such as ecotourism, sport hunting has become inconspicuous. This study focuses on the Bénoué National Park in Cameroon and describes the present condition of sport hunting as an activity that is not talked of and explores the position in the conservation project, along with its relationship with local people. The government has leased the area located around the national park to the Western capital and earmarked it as a "hunting zone". Sport hunting in that area is the centerpiece of the tourism that provides financial support for the management of the national park. Further, the local labor force and the income generated result in a reciprocal relationship between the industry, the government, and the local people. On the other hand, local hunting has been regulated in cooperation with international conservation institutes. This has resulted in the creation of tension between the concerned parties. One of the expected results of this case study, i.e., the bottom-up approach, was not observed. This is not the expected outcome of the model shift to communitybased conservation. Moreover, it was evident that the conservation structure and the methodologies adopted, which are reminiscent of colonialism, still remain strong. I also highlight the fact that sport hunting can be considered as an economic support for the implementation of the conservation policy. However, in my opinion, sport hunting should change its character from the present colonialistic mindset of the amusement of Western wealthy class with an exclusion of local people.

1 0 0 0 OA 神をつくる

田中 正隆
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2004, no.65, pp.1-18, 2004-12-22 (Released:2010-04-30)

南部ベナンには多様な神々を物質にして祀る信仰 (ヴォドゥン) が広がっている。ヴォドゥンとは神格化された祖霊であるが, 人々はそれを物質に置き換える。こうした神である物質を, 人々は日常品などの単なるものエヌenuと区別してヌワヌnuwanu (手を加えたもの) と説明する。こうしたもの一神は, 歴史を通じて人々が他地域から購入することで移動や混合がすすんできた。それは現在にいたるまで続いており, そうした神の流通には伝統医が深く関わっている。伝統医 (ボコノ) にとってこれは信仰活動でありつつ, 経済活動の一つでもある。本稿は伝統医の活動のうち, 薬, 呪物, 霊でもある「もの」の売買にかかわる面に着目し, 彼らの経済原理を明らかにする。近年の人類学におけるモダニティ論では, しばしば従来商品となることはなかった (個別化された) ものまでが売買される状況をさして, オカルトや過剰な自由主義経済化として解釈する。しかしアジャ社会における物質化された神は個人の要求に応えるという意味で個別的でありながら雑多な商品によって構成され, 貨幣と交換される。これらは個別性―商品性を対極におく, 物質文化論や交換論の枠組みでは理解できない。そこで本稿では伝統医の経済事情と作成儀礼, 彼らの語りを分析するなかで, 人々がむしろ作成過程と取引の持続性, 反復性を重視していることに注目した。このような取引にたずさわることはボコノにとって重要な信仰実践である。神々をめぐる取引はきわめて貨幣―商品経済的でありながら, 利潤の最大化が唯一の目的ではなく, 社会関係の構築を重視することを, 本稿は明らかにする。
清水 貴夫 中尾 世治 伊東 未来 小林 広英 亀井 哲也
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2016, no.90, pp.97-107, 2016-12-31 (Released:2017-12-31)

報告1 フォーラムの趣旨とカッセーナの屋敷地の構造 清水貴夫/報告2 村長の屋敷の不均衡な変容 中尾世治/報告3 家屋の装飾と住まいかたの変遷 伊東未来/報告4 伝統住居の在来建築技術とその継承 小林広英/コメント 亀井哲也
和田 正平
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1972, no.12, pp.38-54, 1972-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

Over a six-month period during 1971-1972, I was able to revisit Hanang District in northern Tanzania and carry out an extensive survey in order to compare the Iraqw with the surrounding tribes, particularly the Gorowa (Southern Cushitic), the Datoga (Nilotic), the Mbugwe (Bantu). As result of this field work, for the purpose of understanding contemporary African tribes, it has been found necessary to throw light on their past. Generally speaking, the history of the Southern Cushities, Nitotes, and other related groups, has been reconstructed mainly from archaeology and linguistics, with the utilization of oral history hitherto largely neglected.The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to illustrate the process of tribal expansion and mixing through the medicine men's struggle for power, by using oral tradition as a useful tool. According to traditions, I think there are four historical stages of expansion of Southern Cushities as follows.first stage: Integrated as Southern Cushities, locating in the vicinity of Kondoa-Irangi.second stage: divided into four tribes (Iraqw, Gorowa, Burunge, Alawa) at the foot of Mt. Hanang.....The Datoga attacked them.....third stage: confined to an extremely restricted region (for example, Mamaisara for the Iraqw, or Gallapo for the Gorowa)....The Masai cattle raids occured frequently.....fourth stage: extened to the neighbouring land occupied by the pastoral peoples.....German rule was established....In each stage, peoples have been territorially organized and politically ruled, through the relation of the giving and receiving of medicines with various rituals, by foreign medicine men-the Datoga, the Isanzu, the Irangi-except in first stage. It is most remarkable, in the third stage, that a rainmaker of Isanzu origin was welcomed into the Iraqw and Gorowa also. The clans known as Manda Hay Irqa or Manda Hay Bayo and Haryambi in the Gorowa althouth originally from the same area and having the same ancesters, have gradually widened the spheres of their influence with the expansion of these cushitic peoples. The process went on throughout the German period and continued under the British colonial administration.Expansion areas of the Iraqw had, by about 1900, included nearly the entire Dongobeshi area regarded as being primarily the country of the Gisamijanga (subtribe of the Datoga) and perhaps by 1920 had reached to the Barabaiga region (the most territorially defined subtribe of the Datoga) in the vicinity of Mt. Hanang. These settlers have established regional compound communities together with the Datoga, and have vital common interests. More important, the peripheral Iraqw has begun to be linked with foreign medicine men-Geragendo Gidamowsa of the Datoga, Muna Sora of the Gorowa-both organizationally and ritually, due to the background of social interaction. The social character of medicine men has been steadily changing, though the peak of ritual leadership has been based on tribal bonds, in northern Tanzania.