伊藤 明彦 郭 明毅 劉 嘉東 細川 隆司 永富 勝広 村上 繁樹 内田 康也 帆鷲 郷一 内山 長司
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.43, no.2, pp.351-359, 1989-04-25 (Released:2017-12-21)

In this study, we investigated the effects of the marginal surface configurations of different crown systems on the periodontal tissues. The morphology of the marginal surface of the crowns was examined by using a light- and a scanning electron microscope. In addition, biocompatibility of the materials used for crown margins was also examined by a subcutaneous implantation. The results were as follows : 1. The margins of the Ag-Pd-Au alloy full cast crowns fabricated by a conventional method were sharp and wavy with irregularities. 2. The modified method in which the margins of the Ag-Pd-Au alloy full cast crowns were rounded slightly with silicone rubber wheels was effective to make the margins smooth and round. 3. The glazed porcelain jacket crowns with metal foil copings produced sharp marginal openings because of the occurrence of a microfracture in a glass state of the ceramics. 4. The conventional ceramo-metal crowns displayed the irregularities of the surface adjacent to the boundary between metal collar and porcelain. One of the reason of this observation might be the exposure of a opaque porcelain of the crowns. 5. In the collarless ceramo-metal crowns, the marginal line configulations were totally rounded. 6. The DICOR crowns exhibited the smoothest marginal surfaces and the slightly rounded margins. 7. In the study of subcutaneous implantation, the porcelain (VMK 68) and the castable ceramic (DICOR) showed better histopathological findings than the gold alloy metal.
中村 勲
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.11, no.2, pp.163-178, 1957-09-30 (Released:2017-12-23)
古野 秀実
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.23, no.3, pp.221-233, 1969

The development of the teeth of Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis and its morphological and histological structures were studied. The total length of the fish ranged from 20mm to 174mm. The fishes in the present study were selected from the collection of Yamaguchi prefecture fishery laboratory. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Growth and development of tooth germs. Comb-like tooth germ was shown to grow in fishes of approximately 20mm length. Pterygoid tooth germ was shown to grow in fishes of 22-28mm, and premaxillary, dentary and glossohyal tooth germs were shown to grow in 30-34mm length. 2. Eruptions. Pterygoid and glossohyal teeth erupted in fishes of 36-38mm in length. Comb-like and dentary teeth erupted in fishes of 45-47mm. Premaxillary tooth erupted in fishes of 60-66mm. 3. Numbers of the teeth. Comb-like teeth groups counted 13-14 in one quadrant of jaw. There were seen 13-19 teeth on the premaxillary, and over 30 teeth were seen on the pterygoid. There were counted 13-18 teeth on the glossohyal, and counted maximum 5-7 teeth on the dentary. 4. Formation of tooth germs. The initial stage of growth as observed in tooth germs of comb-like, pterygoid, premaxillary, dentary and glossohyal teeth was similar to that seen in mammals. 5. Enamel pulp. In each tooth germs of enamel organ, inner and outer enamel epithelium always contacted one another, therefore there was been not observed such enamel pulp, as seen in the mammalian tooth germ. 6. Enamel. Comb-like and premaxillary teeth had tubular enamel which was nomally penetrated by tubules from the dentin. Pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth had hyaline enamel. 7. Dentin. Comb-like and premaxillary teeth had orthodentin. Pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth had homogenous dentin. 8. The attachment of teeth. Premaxillary tooth was fibrous attachment of tooth to bone. Comb-like, pterygoid, dentary and glossohyal teeth were attachment by ankylosis.
安細 敏弘 笠井 幸子 仲山 智恵 濱嵜 朋子 粟野 秀慈 秋房 住郎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.54, no.4, pp.321-325, 2000-08-25 (Released:2017-12-20)

リチウム電池内蔵電子歯ブラシ, 逆の電流回路を形成する電子歯ブラシ, 電子歯ブラシから電池を除去した歯ブラシのプラーク除去効果を評価することを目的として, 27名を対象に6週間の臨床試験を行った.その結果, リチウム電池内蔵電子歯ブラシは, 対照とした電池のない歯ブラシに対して有意にプラーク除去効果が認められた.逆の電流回路を形成する電子歯ブラシには有意なプラーク除去効果は認められなかった.これらの結果は, リチウム電池内蔵電子歯ブラシの植毛部がマイナスに帯電することによりプラーク除去効果が得られることを示している.
堀尾 明秀
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.26, no.6, pp.400-409, 1973-03

Using a total of 30 samples of eel, Anguilla japonica, mode of blood supply in the head was studied, and detailed observations were made on the blood supply in the upper and lower jaw teeth, vomerine teeth and their surrounding tissues. Besides using conventional technics, the scanning electron microscope was used to observe the actual shape of individual teeth, their mode of standing and to know the three dimensional relationship between the blood supply and the teeth. Results were summarized as follows. 1. The main artery supplying the region is A. carotis communis that derives from A. branchalis efferentes I. This artery branches into A. carotis externa and A. carotis interna, and the latter branches into A. cerebri and A. ophthalmonasalis. The latter artery further branches into A. ophthalmica and A. maxillaris and finally turns into A. nasalis. A. carotis externa, on the other hand, makes a turn in the orbit and sends out A. facialis mandibularis, then, after further sending out R. dentalis superior posterior becomes to be A. mandibularis. A. mandibularis sends out two branches, A. dentalis inferior anterior that runs along the inside wall of the mandible, and A. dentalis inferior posterior that runs within the mandibular canal. 2. The vomerine teeth group is supplied by the arterial branches sent out from ventral side of A. nasalis and distributing there from outside. The maxillary teeth group is supplied by A. dentalis superior anterior steming from A. maxillaris and by A. dentalis superior posterior steming from A. nasalis. Besides, these teeth group is distributed by R. dentalis superior posterior coming from A. mandibularis. The mandibular teeth group is supplied by A. dentalis inferior anterior and A. dentalis inferior posterior, both stemed from A. mandibularis. 3. Observations on the mode of arterial distribution in the teeth and their surrounding tissues revealed that there are two kinds of distribution whereby some branches go directly to the periodontal tissues and others once enter into the bone and then proceed to the pulp of individual teeth for distribution. It was particularly noticed with the latter branches of artery that they are ramified at the intervals of every 5 to 6 teeth, and, on reaching near the dental pedicles, a part of the branches is distributed to the dental pulp and the rest enters into small pits between the bone and the pedicles to be distributed to the successive teeth and the surrounding tissues.
寺下 正道 庄野 庸雄 陳 克恭 北村 知昭 農蘇 千絵 諸冨 孝彦 矢野 淳也 河野 直博
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.56, no.6, pp.236-242, 2002

ハイドロキシアパタイト(HAP)を種々のフッ素濃度の溶液と反応させると, より耐酸性のフルオロアパタイト(FAP)やフッ化カルシウム(CaF_2)が生成される.CaF_2よりFAPの方がより安定した結晶構造を有し, 耐酸性を獲得するにはより有効である.HAPからFAPを生成させる至適フッ素濃度を求めるためにHAPから生成したFAPの量を測定することが必要である.この方法として現在用いられている電子スピン共鳴により測定する方法(ESR法)と1M KOHによりCaF_2を溶出させる方法(KOH法)とを比較した.ESR法ではフッ素濃度100 ppm以下の時にFAPの生成が最大を示し, 浸漬した溶液のフッ素濃度を増大させるにつれてCaF_2の生成が多くなり, FAP生成が抑制された.これは, X線回折による定性結果と一致していた.一方, KOH法では, フッ素濃度の増大とともにFAPの生成も増大するという結果が得られ, X線回折による定性結果とは異なっていた.以上の結果から, HAPから生成するFAPを定量する方法としてESR法の方がKOH法より有効であることが明らかとなった.
清末 徹治
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.54, no.6, pp.510-520, 2000
3 7

Tooth crown traits of the Hui of Liao-ning province, China, were examined and compared with 23 East Asian populations in order to clarify the anthropological position of the Hui based on Mongoloid dental variation. Plaster models were taken from 81 male and 87 female students, 16 to 19 years of age, of the Hui tribe middle high school in Sheng-yang. Nineteen non-metric traits of tooth crown were classified using the Arizona State University dental anthropolpgical system and counted with the individual count method. The frequencies of 19 traits in the Hui were compared with 23 East Asian populations. On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated high frequencies were Double shoveling (UI1), Canine medial ridge (UC), Lingual cusp variation (LP2), Hypocone (UM2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Protosylid (LM1), Deflecting wrinkle (LM1) and Cusp 7 (LM1), and low frequencies Winging (UM1^2), Interruption groove (UI2), Tuberculum dentale (UI2), Cannine distal accessory groove (UC), Odontome (UP1), Cusp 5 (UM1), distal trigonid crest (UM1), Cusp 6 (LM1) and Y-groove pattern (LM2). On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated significant differences between Sinodonty which is typical of Northeast Asia, and Sundadonty which is typical of Southeast Asia, the Hui had six Sinodont-like traits : Shoveling, Double-shovel, Carabelli's trait, Cusp 5, Deflective wrinkle and Y-groove pattern, and two Sundadont-like traits : Winging and 4 Cusp. Two major clusters were obtained from a cluster analysis on the Ward method among 23 East Asian populations and the Hui, based 19 crown traits. One was Sinodonty cluster, and the other Sundodonty cluster. The Hui was included in the Sinodonty cluster. The Sinodonty cluster were divided into two subclusters, one was the Han and Japanese group, and the other the Chaoxian and the Man group. The Hui was included in the latter. Furthermore, the multidimensional scaling analysis showed that the Hui was closest to the Chaoxian and the Man, and nearest to Sundadonty as contrasted with typical Sinodonty. Judging from the above analysis, it was proved that the dentition of the Hui was characteristic of both Sinodonty and Sunndadonty, and the Hui was the closest to the Chaoxian and the Man in the East Asian Mongoloid populations.
中村 修一 河野 博之 松延 彰友 久保田 浩三 庄野 庸雄 冨永 和宏 牧 憲司 椎葉 俊司 小野 堅太郎 岡部 幸子 森本 泰宏
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.58, no.5, pp.178-186, 2004

The aim of this study was to elucidate the significance and problems of Kyushu Dental College Hospital as a key hospital for neighborhood dental offices. We sent out questionnaires to 322 dentists in neighboring dental offices. Within 2 weeks, we received the questionnaires by mail, and analyzed them. A total of 128 questionnaires were returned (response rate, 40%). Of the respondents, 89% had attended dental-related lectures within the previous year. A total of 95% of respondents had at least one patient a year for whom they could not carry out the care alone. The majority of these patients received care related to oral surgery, and 67% of these patients were transported to Kyushu Dental College Hospital. The major reason for choosing Kyushu Dental College Hospital was that the dentists working there had good skills and also had personal communication with the referring dentists. Systematic improvement and skill preparedness in all departments, and in particular, oral surgery, and establishment of personal communication between our hospital's dentists and dentists in neighborhood dental offices should lead to success for our hospital and for neighborhood dental offices.
永松 有紀
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.3, pp.515-531, 1996
13 8

B型肝炎ならびにエイズの知識が広まるに伴って, 院内感染対策に大きな関心がもたれるようになった.印象は血液あるいは唾液の混入による感染の危険性が高いため確実に滅菌する必要があるが, 消毒・滅菌方法の中には, 印象および模型の寸法ならびに表面性状に影響をおよぼすものがある.本実験では, 顕著な殺菌効果であり, 歯科臨床においても広く用いられるようになった電解酸性水のアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に対する適切な滅菌方法を考察するために, 種々の処理を施した場合の殺菌効果を調べた.印象採得時に, プラスチック原板(1.0×10^6個の生菌を塗布)からアルジネート印象に4.0×10^5個(40.0%), シリコーンゴム印象表面には2.1×10^5個(21.0%)の生菌が付着した.蒸留水によりこれらを処理した場合に, シリコーンゴム印象では物理的作用により4.5×10^2個(0.2%)まで除菌可能であった.電解酸性水は, アルジネート印象に対して浸漬・超音波洗浄あるいは洗浄後浸漬の処理で, シリコーンゴム印象ではこれらに洗浄・スプレー噴霧およびガーゼによる拭き取りを加えたすべての処理により100個以下に生菌数は低下しており, 顕著な殺菌効果を示した.電解酸性水によるアルジネート印象材の練和を行った場合には殺菌効果はまったくみられなかった.印象の採得時に, ほとんどの菌はアルジネート印象の表面から1mm深さまで浸入しており, 1∿3mm深さではわずかな菌が点在しているだけであった.一方, シリコーンゴム印象では菌の浸入は認められなかった.電解酸性水への単純な浸漬はわずか1分間で被検菌を数個までに減少させており, 超音波洗浄の物理的効果を付加した場合と比較して有意差はみられなかった.浸漬処理を行う前に洗浄による前処理を行うことで, いずれの印象でも菌は検出されず, この組合わせ処理により印象表面を無菌状態にできた.以上の結果より, 電解酸性水はアルジネートおよびシリコーンゴム印象に高い殺菌効果を示すことが示唆された.
伊東 励 金 晧 久保 博英 金子 政則 小林 繁 富 成志 張 庭〓 王 文奎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.50, no.6, pp.947-956, 1996

In August to September of 1995 the authors conducted an anthropometry of the head and face and measurement of the dental arch on Chinese Liao-Ning (66 males and 83 females), and the results were discussed. Furthermore, the correlations between the measurements of head and face, and those of dental arches and palate height were studied. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Head length : the mean value for the male is 181.0mm and for the female 170.4mm. Both belong to Middle type. 2) Head breadth : the mean value for the male is 155.3mm and for the female 151.6mm. Male belong to Middle type and females belong to Wide type. 3) Bizygomatic breadth : the mean value for the male is 140.3mm and for the female 133.5mm. Both belong to Middle type. 4) Morphological face height : the mean value for the male is 124.0mm and for the female 114.6mm. Both belong to High type. 5) The head-type of the Chinese Liao-Ning belongs to Hyperbrachycephalic type and the face-type to Leptoprosopic type. 6) Correlation : The significant positive correlation is noted between the morphological face height and lower dental arch length only in the male, while that between morphological face height and palate heght is noted in both male and female.
堤 直文
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.23, no.3, pp.297-303, 1969-09

The author produced a measuring apparatus to determine the rate of tongue extension, which could show numerically the degree abnormality. Since the apparatus measures objectively, each observer could make comparative observations. By using this apparatus, investigations were made on the rate of occurrence of Tongue-tie among various groups of male and female junior high school pupils in Kumamoto Pref. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. A measuring apparatus for the tongue extension degree was produced, which could measure the value of both maximum spontaneous open mouth and maximum spontaneous tongue extension. (a) The value of maximum spontaneous tongue extension given by the measuring apparatus for tongue extension divided by the value of maximum spontaneous open mouth is the degree of Tongue-tie. (b) The degree of Tongue-tie is as follows. Male … less than 0.40. Female … less than 0.43. (c) Tongue-tie is classified into three degrees, 1°, 2°, 3° according to the relative severity. 2. The rate of occurrence of Tongue-tie is 9.7%. Out of 8767 pupils tested, 852 were founded to have the deformity. (a) There is no difference in the rate of occurrence between the sexes in each district. (b) There is no difference in the rate of occurrence among districts. (c) The rate of occurrence according to the degrees are as follows. 1°…8.77% 2°…0.86% 3°…0.09%