西原 陽子 大澤 幸生
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.3, pp.485-493, 2010 (Released:2010-04-09)

We have developed a table game named Innovation Game that supports users in thinking up ideas by combining existing products. There are two kinds of players in the Innovation Game, innovators and investors. While the innovators think up ideas and propose them, the investors criticize the ideas and make decisions whether they invest money to the ideas or not. In the Innovation Game, the innovators do not only propose ideas, but also improve the ideas reflecting comments from investors that represent negative impression to the ideas. Although it has been considered that ideas invested much money might be related to negative comments from investors, the relation has not been validated. We analyzed the communications in the Innovation Game. We have found features of communication in which ideas were invested much money. After a proposal of idea by a innovator, investors give negative comments to the innovator. The innovator accepts the negative comments with positive comments and improve their ideas. Finally, the investors satisfy the idea with positive comments and invest much money to them.
松井 宏樹 東条 敏
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.1, pp.36-45, 2005

We propose a multi-agent system which learns intervention policies and evaluates the effect of interventions in an artificial foreign exchange market. Izumi et al. had presented a system called AGEDASI TOF to simulate artificial market, together with a support system for the government to decide foreign exchange policies. However, the system needed to fix the amount of governmental intervention prior to the simulation, and was not realistic. In addition, the interventions in the system did not affect supply and demand of currencies; thus we could not discuss the effect of intervention correctly. First, we improve the system so as to make much of the weights of influential factors. Thereafter, we introduce an intervention agent that has the role of the central bank to stabilize the market. We could show that the agent learned the effective intervention policies through the reinforcement learning, and that the exchange rate converged to a certain extent in the expected range. We could also estimate the amount of intervention, showing the efficacy of signaling. In this model, in order to investigate the aliasing of the perception of the intervention agent, we introduced a pseudo-agent who was supposed to be able to observe all the behaviors of dealer agents; with this super-agent, we discussed the adequate granularity for a market state description.
鈴木 義崇 東条 敏
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.19, no.1, pp.57-67, 2004

Belief fusion, instead of AGM belief revision, was first proposed to solve the problem of inconsistency, that arised from repetitive application of the operation when agents' knowledge were amalgamated. In the preceding work of Maynard-Reid II and Shoham, the fusion operator is applied to belief states, which is total preorders over possible worlds which is based on the semantics of belief revision. Moreover, they introduced the pedigreed belief state, which represented multiple sources of belief states, ordered by a credibility ranking. However in the theory, all the sources must be totally ordered and thus applicable area is quite restrictive. In this paper, we realize the fusion operator of multiple agents for partially ordered sources. When we consider such a partial ranking over sources, there is no need to restrict that each agent has total preorders over possible worlds. The preferential model, based on the semantics on nonmonotonic reasoning, allows each agent to have strict partial orders over possible worlds. Especially, such an order is called a preferential relation, that prescribes a world is more plausible than the other. Therefore, we introduce an operation which combines multiple preferential relations of agents. In addition, we show that our operation can properly include the ordinary belief fusion.
小作 浩美 内山 将夫 井佐原 均 河野 恭之 木戸出 正継
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.19, no.4, pp.225-233, 2004 (Released:2004-05-07)
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We have been developed a support system to interactively search certain articles of users' interest on the World Wide Web (WWW) without their hesitating over query choices. Especially we have been implementing an effective application system to enable tourists to easily find special event information of their interest and to enjoy their own tours. This system also enables developers of each system to provide them with the means of easily constructing an initial database and automatically updating it. As events are generally held cyclically, we have assumed events or keywords related to the events will appear in each term. If we can extract keywords that appear cyclically in a corpus including date information, we can obtain event keywords easily. The system can extract event information using the event keywords as queries for WWW information retrieval systems, and update the database automatically. In this paper, we introduce our support system with a focus on a concept to extract event keywords and event information through the appearance of keywords periodically. We found our approach effective by some experiments.
松尾 豊 福田 隼人 石塚 満
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.18, no.4, pp.203-211, 2003 (Released:2003-05-20)
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We develop a browsing support system which learns user's interests and highlights keywords based on a user's browsing history. Monitoring the user's access to the Web enables us to detect ``familiar words'' for the user. We extract keywords at the current page, which are relevant to the familiar words, and highlight them. The relevancy is measured by the biases of co-occurrence, called IRM (Interest Relevance Measure). Our system consists of three components; a proxy server which monitors access to the Web, a frequency server which stores frequency of words in the accessed Web pages, and a keyword extraction module. We show the effectiveness of our system by experiments.
平田 紀史 白松 俊 大囿 忠親 新谷 虎松
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.1, pp.228-236, 2011 (Released:2011-01-06)

We propose a system to offer better understanding of news articles on the Web by arranging events. To understand an article, it is necessary to consider background knowledge, details of the article, and meaning of the words. We aim to provide with a better understanding of news articles according to news articles' background by event arrangement. An event arrangement is a graph of related events. We believe that it is difficult to read and understand a topic without knowledge of related events. Arranging events by considering user's interests is necessary to support understanding of the news because each user's interests are different. The system deals with that issue by interaction between user's input and the system output. Processing time and user's interest are important to achieve our goal. The system reduces the processing time by restriction of the processing range using user's input. Event arrangement according to user interest is realized by iterating over states of event presentation and user selection. The experimental results using actual news articles show that the proposed system is effective to detect useful events for understanding news articles.
田中 貴紘 松村 京平 藤田 欣也
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.6, pp.683-693, 2010
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In this paper, we proposed the user uninterruptibility estimation method based on focused Application-Switching (AS) during PC work for establishing information display timing control scheme with less intelligent activity disturbance for users. At first, we collected and analyzed the PC operation records and the subjective uninterruptibility of users. From the analysis, we selected features in AS timing that affect user uninterruptibility. Then, we provided the estimation method based on co-occurring features that are observed in AS timing, and confirmed the availability of our method.
グェン ミンティ 川村 隆浩 中川 博之 田原 康之 大須賀 昭彦
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.1, pp.166-178, 2011 (Released:2011-01-06)

In our definition, human activity can be expressed by five basic attributes: actor, action, object, time and location. The goal of this paper is describe a method to automatically extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities derived from sentences in Japanese web pages. However, previous work had some limitations, such as high setup costs, inability to extract all attributes, limitation on the types of sentences that can be handled, and insufficient consideration interdependency among attributes. To resolve these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that uses conditional random fields and self-supervised learning. Given a small corpus sample as input, it automatically makes its own training data and a feature model. Based on the feature model, it automatically extracts all of the attributes and the transition between the activities in each sentence retrieved from the Web corpus. This approach treats activity extraction as a sequence labeling problem, and has advantages such as domain-independence, scalability, and does not require any human input. Since it is unnecessary to fix the number of elements in a tuple, this approach can extract all of the basic attributes and the transition between activities by making only a single pass. Additionally, by converting to simpler sentences, the approach can deal with complex sentences retrieved from the Web. In an experiment, this approach achieves high precision (activity: 88.9%, attributes: over 90%, transition: 87.5%).
小川 泰右 山崎 友義 池田 満 鈴木 斎王 荒木 賢二 橋田 浩一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.3, pp.461-472, 2011 (Released:2011-04-07)

It is ideal to provide medical services as patient-oriented. The medical staff members share the final goals to recover patients. Toward the goals, each staff has practical knowledge to achieve patient-oriented medical services. But each medical staff has his/her own sense of value that comes from his/her expertness. Therefore the practical knowledge sometimes conflicts. The aim of this research is to develop an intelligent system to support externalizing practical knowledge, and sharing it among medical staff members. In this paper, the author propose a method to model the sense of value of each medical staff as his/her understanding about medical service workflow, and to obtain the practical knowledge using the models. The method was experimented by an implementation of knowledge-sharing system base on the method and by its trial use in Miyazaki University Hospital.
申 吉浩
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.6, pp.459-468, 2009 (Released:2009-08-07)

This paper proposes two frameworks to be used in engineering tree kernels. One is to ensure that the resulting tree kernels be positive semidefinite, while the other is for efficient algorithms to compute the kernels based on the dynamic programming. The first framework provides a method to construct tree kernels using primitive kernels for simpler structures (e.g. for labels, strings) as building blocks and a easy-to-check sufficient condition for the resultant tree kernels to be positive semidefinite. The second framework provides a set of templates of algorithms to calculate a wide range of tree kernels in O(|X|3) or O(|X|2)-time, where |X| denotes the number of vertices of trees.
宮崎 林太郎 塚原 裕常 西村 純 前田 直人 森 辰則 小林 寛之 石川 雄介 田中 裕也 翁 松齢
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.2, pp.376-386, 2011 (Released:2011-02-08)

In order to achieve faceted search in net auction system, several researchers have dealt with the automated extraction of attributes and their values from descriptions of exhibits. In this paper, we propose a two-staged method to improve the performance of the extraction. The proposed method is based on the following two assumptions. 1) Identifying whether or not each sentence includes the target information is easier than extracting the target information from raw plain text. 2) Extracting the target information from the sentences selected in the first stage is easier than extracting the target information from the entire raw plain text. In the first stage, the method selects each sentence in a description that is judged to have attributes and/or values. In this stage, each sentence is represented a bag-of-words-styled feature vector, and is labeled as selected or not by a classifier derived by SVM. In the second stage, the extraction of attributes and values are performed on the cleaned text that does not contain parts of description irrelevant to exhibits, like descriptions for the postage, other exhibits, and so on. In the second stage, we adopt a sequential labeling method similar to named entity recognizers. The experimental result shows that the proposed method improves both the precision and the recall in the attribute-value extraction than only using second-stage extraction method. This fact supports our assumptions.
浅野 優 田中 譲
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.26, no.1, pp.248-261, 2011 (Released:2011-01-06)

This paper describes a new framework for querying the Semantic Web using a rich vocabulary. This framework consists of two mechanisms; one for building a rich vocabulary based on lexicographic semantics, and the other for evaluating queries using such a vocabulary. A vocabulary built by the former mechanism has the following two features: (a) its richness because of its expandability and (b) the lexicographic-semantic definition of its words. Query expressions using such a rich vocabulary satisfy the following two properties: (c) no need to use nested query structures, and (d) no need to use variables. In our framework, a new word, i.e., a derived word, can be defined as a character string label given to an expression that combines already defined words with operators. This expression, or phrase, works as a lexicographic definition of this derived word. Each vocabulary consists of basic words and derived words. A lexicon of a vocabulary denotes a set of lexicographic definitions of all of its derived words. Once someone defines a lexicon of a large vocabulary with all of its basic words being mapped to an ontology of the Semantic Web, users can query this Semantic Web using this vocabulary. The same lexicon can be reused for the Semantic Web that has a different ontology if all of its basic words are newly mapped to its ontology. Use of a rich vocabulary in querying a Semantic Web simplifies the query sentence structure and removes the necessity of using variables from each query, which makes it much easier for users to query the Semantic Web. This framework provides query evaluation rules based on the proposed lexicographic semantics, which guarantees that each query using such a rich vocabulary is correctly evaluated over the underlying Semantic Web.
鶴田 雅信 増山 繁
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.6, pp.742-756, 2010 (Released:2010-09-22)

We propose an informative DOM node extraction method from a Web page for preprocessing of Web content mining. Our proposed method LM uses layout data of DOM nodes generated by a generic Web browser, and the learning set consists of hundreds of Web pages and the annotations of informative DOM nodes of those Web pages. Our method does not require large scale crawling of the whole Web site to which the target Web page belongs. We design LM so that it uses the information of the learning set more efficiently in comparison to the existing method that uses the same learning set. By experiments, we evaluate the methods obtained by combining one that consists of the method for extracting the informative DOM node both the proposed method and the existing methods, and the existing noise elimination methods: Heur removes advertisements and link-lists by some heuristics and CE removes the DOM nodes existing in the Web pages in the same Web site to which the target Web page belongs. Experimental results show that 1) LM outperforms other methods for extracting the informative DOM node, 2) the combination method (LM, {CE(10), Heur}) based on LM (precision: 0.755, recall: 0.826, F-measure: 0.746) outperforms other combination methods.
小西 克巳 遠山 敏章 渡辺 明日香
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.25-36, 2010

This paper proposes a fashion-related image gathering algorithm and a retrieval system. Since it is difficult to define the fashion-related image exactly in mathematical sense, computers can not recognize whether given images are fashion-related even if they use computer vision techniques. It is also difficult to gather and search only fashion-related images on the Internet automatically for the same reason. In order to overcome these difficulties, we focus on human computing power, which helps computers to find fashion-related images from tons of images on the Internet. This paper provides an algorithm to gather high quality fashion-related images and propses a fashion-related image retrieval system, both of which utilize the information and meta data obtained in a fashion-related image sharing site. Evaluation experiments show that the proposed algorithm can gather fashion-related images efficiently and that the proposed retrival system can find desired images more effectively than Google Image Search.
尾崎 知伸 大川 剛直
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.23, no.6, pp.514-525, 2008

Recently, pattern mining in structured domain, such as sequences, trees and graphs, is becoming increasingly abundant and several algorithms for especially frequent pattern mining have been developed. On the other hand, the research area of correlation mining in transaction databases, that extracts the underlying dependency among objects, attracts a big attention and extensive studies have been reported. Although we can easily expect to get a more powerful tool for structured data by introducing correlation mining, the most of current research on correlation mining are designed for transaction databases and little attention is paid to mining correlations from structured data. Motivated by these backgrounds, in this paper, we bring the concept of hyperclique pattern in transaction databases into the graph mining and consider the discovery of sets of highly-correlated subgraphs in graph-structured databases. To achieve this objective, a novel algorithm named HSG is proposed. By considering the generality ordering on sets of subgraphs, HSG employs the depth-first/breadth-first search strategy with powerful pruning techniques based on both of the anti-monotone property of support value and the upper bound of h-confidence measure. Experiments with artificial and real world datasets were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results of experiments show that HSG succeeds in discovering sets of highly-correlated subgraphs within reasonable computation time.
田中 一晶 尾関 基行 荒木 雅弘 岡 夏樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.6, pp.703-711, 2010 (Released:2010-09-14)

In the future, robots will support our work in our daily life. We believe that robots should learn desirable behavior through human-robot interaction. However, it is hard for humans to instruct the robots on all actions. It therefore is important that the robots can utilize rewards (evaluations) as well as instructions to reduce humans' efforts. Additionally, ``intervals'' which allow humans to give instructions and evaluations are also important because there are delays in giving them. We hence focused on ``delays in initiating actions of a robot'' and proposed a method of changing them according to the progress of learning: long delays at early stages, and short at later stages. In other words, if a robot is not sure about its action, it initiates the action laggardly, but if it is confident about its action, it initiates the action immediately. In this work, we conducted experiments on teaching AIBO to shake hands using instructions and evaluations under two conditions: Varying Condition under which the delays vary in accordance with the progress of learning, and Constant Condition under which the delays are set at medium constant. The result demonstrated that Varying Condition improves learning efficiency significantly and impresses humans as teachable.
田口 亮 岩橋 直人 船越 孝太郎 中野 幹生 能勢 隆 新田 恒雄
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.4, pp.549-559, 2010 (Released:2010-06-30)
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This paper proposes a method for the unsupervised learning of lexicons from pairs of a spoken utterance and an object as its meaning under the condition that any priori linguistic knowledge other than acoustic models of Japanese phonemes is not used. The main problems are the word segmentation of spoken utterances and the learning of the phoneme sequences of the words. To obtain a lexicon, a statistical model, which represents the joint probability of an utterance and an object, is learned based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle. The model consists of three parts: a word list in which each word is represented by a phoneme sequence, a word-bigram model, and a word-meaning model. Through alternate learning processes of these parts, acoustically, grammatically, and semantically appropriate units of phoneme sequences that cover all utterances are acquired as words. Experimental results show that our model can acquire phoneme sequences of object words with about 83.6% accuracy.
鈴木 佑輔 横田 隼 酒井 浩之 増山 繁
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.168-173, 2010 (Released:2010-01-06)

We propose a method to extract a lot of correspondences between questions and answers from a Web message board automatically. We use Web message boards as information sources because Web messasge boards have a lot of articles posted by general users. We extract correspondences between questions and answers that can be used in question answering systems to support natural language sentence input. At first, our proposed method classifies messages of a Web message board into either questions or others. Next, our method extracts a set of root-node pairs from the thread tree of a Web message board, where we define the thread tree when the root is an article classified as a question, and nodes are articles classified as answer candidates. Our method finds correspondences between questions and answers using two clues, (1)similarity between their articles, (2)link count between their articles. We experimented the proposed method, discussed results, and analyzed errors.
井上 誠 高木 英行
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.24, no.1, pp.25-33, 2009 (Released:2009-01-06)
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Firstly, we propose a spatial planning algorithm inspired by cellar automaton and spatial growth rules for spatial planning support, i.e. generating multiple subspaces and making their layouts. Their features are that there is less restrictions in the shapes, sizes, and positions of the generated subspaces and gap sizes among the subspaces are controllable. We also show the framework of our final spatial planning support system that consists of (1) a spatial layout generator including the mentioned algorithm and rules as main parts and a visualization part generating layout diagrams and (2) an optimization part which main components, i.e. evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) and interactive evolutionary computation, optimize the generated spatial plans. Secondly, we make a concrete architectural room planning support system based on some parts of the said framework and confirm that the EMO makes the generated architectural room plans converge, experimentally. We confirm the performance of the system using two EMO's with four and six objectives, respectively. We also evaluate the effect of introducing a niche technique into the EMO to obtain the variety of architectural room plans. The experiments showed that the convergence of each objective over generations and variety of architectural room plans among individuals of higher scores. This experimental evaluation implies that the combination of our proposed spatial planning algorithms and spatial growth rules is applicable to spatial planning support systems.