小山 順二 都筑 基博
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.76, pp.87-96, 2013-03-19

After the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake, we have proposed a hypothesis on the earthquake activity characterizing the distribution of earthquakes into Along-dip Double Segmentation (ADDS) and Along-strike Single Segmentation (ASSS): The apparent absence of earthquakes in the trench-ward segments as opposed to the Japan Island-ward segments that generate repeated smaller earthquakes (ADDS), where the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust occurred. In the mean time, a young and buoyant plate is subducting rapidly under the overriding plate where there is weak seismic activity before the main event all over the plate interface of the subduction zone (ASSS). The 1960 and 2010 Chile megathrusts occurred in ASSS. In and near Japan, ADDS earthquake activity is restrictively found along the Pacific side of Hokkaido and Tohoku regions and the Hyuganada, Kyushu. The rest of seismic activity near Japan is classified into ASSS. We found a distinct difference in tsunami excitations between earthquakes in ADDS and ASSS, comparing tsunami magnitude m from local tsunami heights and seismic moment Mo from long-period surface-waves. Tsunami wave heights of ASSS earthquakes are almost two times larger than those of ADDS's. This is also confirmed by studying tsunami magnitude Mt calculated from teleseismic tsunami wave heights. The reason of this different excitation of tsunamis is also considered.
村井 芳夫 東 龍介 篠原 雅直 町田 祐弥 山田 知朗 中東 和夫 真保 敬 望月 公廣 日野 亮太 伊藤 喜宏 佐藤 利典 塩原 肇 植平 賢司 八木原 寛 尾鼻 浩一郎 高橋 成実 小平 秀一 平田 賢治 対馬 弘晃 岩崎 貴哉
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.76, pp.147-158, 2013-03-19

諸井 孝文 武村 雅之
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.73, pp.101-116, 2010-03-19

Datasets of structural damage and regional damage due to past earthquakes are not only useful to know the actual state of each event but also effective for strong ground motion predictions and damage mitigations of future earthquakes. In this paper, several considerations are illustrated concerning strong ground motion research and data processing analysis. Especially, the activity to make research results contribute to society is discussed based on three examples of earthquake damage data analysis. The examples shown here describe that the well known notion in general, what is called common knowledge, does not necessarily have high reliability, and that the lack of confirmation of the data accuracy misleads the conclusion of research results beyond common sense. From these examples, the importance of an empirical research policy as well as a reasonable research policy is discussed. And it is pointed out that the information exchange among the researchers in various fields will be very effective for the development of the strong ground motion research.
村井 芳夫 東 龍介 篠原 雅尚 町田 祐弥 山田 知朗 中東 和夫 真保 敬 望月 公廣 日野 亮太 伊藤 喜宏 佐藤 利典 塩原 肇 植平 賢司 八木原 寛 尾鼻 浩一郎 高橋 成実 小平 秀一 平田 賢治 対馬 弘晃 岩崎 貴哉
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
no.76, pp.147-158, 2013-03

中西 一郎
北海道大学大学院理学研究院自然史科学部門(地球物理学) = Department of Natural History Sciences (Geophysics), Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.383-386, 2009-03-15

A record is found in the historical document of the Toudou family in relation to the 1596 Bungo-Iyo earthquake. The document was written about 180 years after the occurrence of the earthquake. The record shows that the castle Uwajima was damaged by the 1596 earthquake and provides us with an important constraint on the location of the earthquake.
勝俣 啓 山中 佳子
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
no.69, pp.23-39, 2006-03

We have investigated the source process and the aftershock distribution of a large earthquake with M=7.1 occurred on 29 November 2004 off the coast of Kushiro (or Shiranuka) in the eastern Hokkaido,Japan. The source parameters are summarized as follows:the total seismic moment M_0=3.4×10^{19}Nm,thatis,M_w=7.0;(strike,dip,ship)=(238°,33°,117°);depth of the initial break point=48 km;and source duration time =10sec. The aftershocks were relocated using the three-dimensional velocity structures of P-and S-waves,and we found that the aftershocks concentrated on a plane with the area of 30×15㎞^{2}dipping 22°toward the landside whose orientation agrees closely with that of the northwest-dipping nodal plane of the focal mechanism. The stress drop was estimated to be 89 bars. The aftershock area does not overlap with the asperity ruptured by the main shock,but outlined the asperity. These observations strongly suggest that the main shock itself is a very usual interplate event at depth of around 50 km in the Japan subduction zone. However,taking the tectonic circumstance into account,thisi is an outstanding event since the focal area was located between the five-years-lasting seismic quiescence area and the asperity ruptured by the 1973 Nemuro- Oki earthquake.
前田 宜浩 笠原 稔
北海道大学大学院理学研究院自然史科学部門(地球物理学) = Department of Natural History Sciences (Geophysics), Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.219-230, 2009-03-15

On August 2, 2007, a shallow crustal earthquake occurred at west off Sakhalin Island, far eastern Russia. Moment magnitude (MW) of this earthquake determined by Global CMT is 6.2. This earthquake generated severe damage to habitants and buildings at Nevelsk city near the epicenter. Visible large uplift was reported along the coast, and tsunami was observed even though its small magnitude. Teleseismic broadband waveforms from IRIS show long-duration P-wave pulse; the duration is comparable to that of MW 6.8 event. Teleseismic data also show later phases at some stations. Seismic source model is estimated using teleseismic data by applying the waveform inversion method. The estimated source model is compared with those from two earthquakes occurring in Sakhalin. The 2007 event is characterized by the slow slip event. Spectral ratio based on broadband strong-motion data between the 2007 event and MW 5.6 event shows that smaller excitation of short-period seismic waves by the 2007 event than the MW 5.6 event. This feature is also confirmed by the analysis of teleseismic waveforms. Theoretical source spectral ratio based on the ω^[-2] source model using source parameters estimated from the waveform inversion well explains the observed spectral ratio. Seismic moment derived from waveform inversion is smaller than those derived from the crustal deformation and tsunami data. An aseismic slip is considered as a possible cause of this discrepancy.