松村 稔 伊藤 喜宏 木村 尚紀 小原 一成 関口 渉次 堀 貞喜 笠原 敬司
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.59, no.2, pp.167-184, 2006-12-15 (Released:2013-08-05)
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We have developed an automatic system called the Accurate and QUick Analysis System for source parameters (AQUA System) that provides rapid estimates of hypocenter location, magnitude, and moment tensor for medium to large-scale earthquakes that occur near or underneath Japan. The AQUA System monitors high-sensitive real-time seismic waveform output from the Hi-net operated by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). Upon detecting an earthquake, the AQUA System provides an estimate of the event’s hypocenter and magnitude within 15-30 seconds. Within a further 2-10 minutes, the system provides centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution by inversion technique using broadband seismic waveform of NIED F-net. To assess the accuracy of the new system, we compared hypocenter and magnitude data derived from the AQUA System over the period from September 2004 to August 2005 with catalog data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). We also compared CMT solutions derived from the AQUA System with corresponding values from the NIED F-net and catalog data of Harvard University’s CMT Project. A total of 339 seismic events were detected during the period of analysis. The AQUA System determined hypocenters for 324 of these events and CMT solutions for 224 events. The estimated hypocenters are within 10km horizontally and 20km vertically of the hypocenters calculated by the JMA in 80% of cases, and the CMT solutions were approximately the same as those obtained from other systems. The results of analyses by the AQUA System are published on the website of NIED Hi-net.
松本 拓己 伊藤 喜宏 松林 弘智
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.4, pp.427-443, 2006-03-31 (Released:2010-03-11)
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The 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture earthquake (MJ6.8) that occurred on October 23, 2004 is the 2nd largest intra-plate earthquake after F-net, the broadband seismograph network of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) was established with a dense and homogeneous distribution all over Japan. We determined moment tensor solutions of the main shock, aftershocks, and earthquakes occurred around mid Niigata prefecture from January 1997 to October 22, 2004, using a surface wave with an extended method of the NIED F-net routine processing. The horizontal distance to the station is rounded to the nearest interval of 1km, and the variance reduction approach is applied to a focal depth from 2km with an interval of 1km. We obtain the moment tensors of 117 events with MJ exceeding 2.8 and spatial distribution of these moment tensors. The focal mechanism of main shock, aftershocks, earthquakes before main shock, is mainly of the reverse fault type with P axes trending WNW-ESE. But the focal mechanism of 15 percent aftershocks is the strike-slip type. There are high dip angle reverse faults, in deep part, and low dip angle reverse faults in shallow part.
古賀 祥子 伊藤 喜宏 日野 亮太 篠原 雅尚 海野 徳仁
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.64, no.2, pp.75-90, 2012-01-25 (Released:2012-02-20)
2 4

A double-planed shallow seismic zone has been found in the northeastern Japan forearc region. However, the characterizations of the focal mechanisms of earthquakes in this zone, especially the lower plane events, cannot be carried out adequately due to low seismicity and poor station coverage on the focal sphere of the onshore P-wave polarity data. In this study, we determine the focal depth using the sP depth phase and the focal mechanisms using the P-wave initial motions observed by the ocean bottom cabled seismic stations and temporary autonomous ocean bottom seismic networks off Miyagi, as well as the onshore seismic networks. Seven focal mechanism solutions of events were precisely determined. Using the classification based on the dip angles of the T, B and P axes, we classified 21 weakly constrained focal mechanisms of other events having poor station coverage. All the determined solutions were of the thrust-faulting type regardless of the focal depth. The offshore observations helped considerably in constraining the focal mechanisms of these far-offshore earthquakes, especially their rake angles. Although previous studies had reported that the focal mechanisms of the upper and lower plane events show predominantly normal and reverse faulting respectively, our result showed that the thrust events in the upper plane seem to occur on the plate boundary. We found that the focal mechanisms change from normal faulting in the upper plane to reverse faulting in the lower plane at a depth of 15km from the plate boundary, possibly defining the depth of the neutral plane in the northeastern Japan forearc region included in the source area of the 1933 Mw8.4 Sanriku earthquake. The western edge of the normal faulting events along the upper plane is located about 70km inward from the trench axis. These results suggest that the earthquake-generating stress field in the double-planed shallow and deep seismic zone in the northeastern Japan arc can be explained by the bending-unbending model of the subducting Pacific plate.
岡田 知巳 海野 徳仁 伊藤 喜宏
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.76, no.1, pp.61-74, 2001

Northeastern (NE) Japan is located at a typical subduction zone, and many shallow inland earthquakes occur in this region. In recent years, several moderate earthquakes have occurred in the land area of NE Japan. The characteristics of these earthquakes are strongly related to tectonic features in this region. We investigated source processes of these earthquakes using empirical Green's function method. In Sendai city, a moderate (M5.0) earthquake occurred on 15 September, 1998. It was located at the deepest portion of an active fault-Nagamachi-Rifu fault. We used data observed by nearby strong motion arrays. The spatial extent of the rupture area corresponds to that of the aftershock area, and the aftershock activity was high in the area with a relatively small amount of slip of the main shock rupture. We also investigated the source process of the largest foreshock (M3.8). The rupture area of the foreshock does not strongly overlap the asperities of the main shock. Three earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 5 (M5.9 event at 3: 12, M5.4 event at 3: 54 and M5.7 event at 8: 10) occurred on 11 August, 1996 in the Onikobe area near the border of Akita and Miyagi prefectures. Two days after these events, a M4.9 event occurred in an adjacent region. These events were located close to each other, but their mechanism solutions are quite different; thrust-type faults for M 5.9 and M 5.4 events and strike-slip faults for M 5.7 and M 4.9 events. We used waveform data observed by the regional strong motion network (Kyoshin-net, NIED, Japan) and the broadband station network of Tohoku Univ. and JMA. The rupture areas of these earthquakes do not overlap and the areas with high activity of aftershocks are located at the edge of the rupture areas and in areas with little slip.
村井 芳夫 東 龍介 篠原 雅直 町田 祐弥 山田 知朗 中東 和夫 真保 敬 望月 公廣 日野 亮太 伊藤 喜宏 佐藤 利典 塩原 肇 植平 賢司 八木原 寛 尾鼻 浩一郎 高橋 成実 小平 秀一 平田 賢治 対馬 弘晃 岩崎 貴哉
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.76, pp.147-158, 2013-03-19

村井 芳夫 東 龍介 篠原 雅尚 町田 祐弥 山田 知朗 中東 和夫 真保 敬 望月 公廣 日野 亮太 伊藤 喜宏 佐藤 利典 塩原 肇 植平 賢司 八木原 寛 尾鼻 浩一郎 高橋 成実 小平 秀一 平田 賢治 対馬 弘晃 岩崎 貴哉
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
no.76, pp.147-158, 2013-03

堀 貞喜 石田 瑞穂 青井 真 井上 公 大久保 正 岡田 義光 小原 一成 笠原 敬司 木村 尚紀 熊谷 博之 汐見 勝彦 関口 渉次 根岸 弘明 野口 伸一 松本 拓己 山水 史生 藤原 広行 功刀 卓 浅野 陽一 関根 秀太郎 廣瀬 仁 松原 誠 安逹 繁樹 伊藤 喜宏 針生 義勝 松林 弘智 松村 稔 宮川 幸治 山品 匡史 坂無 雅子 雷 楓 伊東 明彦 岩田 知孝 ト部 卓 川勝 均 木下 繁夫 工藤 一嘉 纐纈 一起 佐藤 春夫 佐藤 比呂志 武井 恵雄 中尾 茂 平田 直 平原 和朗 堀家 正則 松澤 暢 山北 聡 綿田 辰吾 山野 誠
防災科学技術研究所年報 (ISSN:09186441)
vol.15, pp."I-12"-"I-16", 2004-09-06
