植村 癸巳男
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.45, no.6, pp.279-282, 1933

佐藤 暢 谷口 英嗣 高橋 直樹 MOHIUDDIN Mia Mohammad 平野 直人 小川 勇二郎
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.3, pp.203-215, 1999-06-25
1 10

Geological, petrological, and biostratigraphical studies of Mineoka ophiolite and related rocks, Hayama and Mineoka Belts, central Japan, were reviewed, and the origin of ophiolite is summarized as follows. 1) Pelagic to hemipelagic sedimentary rocks occur from late Paleocene to middle Miocene. 2) Basaltic rocks in the Hayama Belt are mostly alkali basalts of hotspot origin, whereas those in the Mineoka Belt are mostly tholeiite of mid-ocean ridge origin. 3) Chemical compositions of gabbros and diorites indicate island arc origin. 4) Peridotites are residues after a medium degree of partial melting. These facts arenot consistent with previous ideas that the ophiolite is island arc or back arc originonly. “It is concluded that ophiolite is part of the Mineoka plate” in the Pacific Ocean side, not in the Philippine Sea as previously proposed. Reconstruction of plate motions of the Mineoka plate is proposed, as it was formed at mid-ocean ridge, was subducted by the Pacific plate, and obducted to the Honshu arc during Miocene age after the eastward motion of the triple junction.
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.123, no.2, pp.Cover02_1-Cover02_2, 2014

&emsp;この巨大都市模型は,六本木ヒルズなどおもに東京都心部の大規模な都市再開発(街づくり)を手がける森ビル(株)が,都市や景観を俯瞰的に捉えるためのツールとして独自に制作したもので(通常は一般に公開していない),港区を中心に東京都心部約 220 km<sup>2</sup>の範囲を1/1000のスケールで精巧に表現している.模型の大きさは17.0 m×15.3 mで,南北は大井競馬場から上野間,東西方向には葛西臨海公園から新宿までの範囲をカバーしている.この模型では建造物の外形や色が忠実に再現されているだけでなく,道路や鉄道などのインフラ施設も都市を構成する重要な要素として組み込まれている.<br>&emsp;巨大都市東京が抱えているさまざまな制約条件(インフラ施設の老朽化,景観のモザイク化,都市機能の過度な集中,大規模な自然災害リスクの増大など)を考慮した上で,将来的に都市全体としての機能向上を図るためには,実態を反映した3Dモデルの構築とそれに基づいた都市設計を進めることが不可欠である.近年の地理空間情報プラットフォームの整備にともない,建造物を含んだ3次元の空間情報数値モデルの構築とその利活用が推進されている.しかし,実際の都市開発計画の検討にあたっては,多くの人びとが同時に見ることができる都市模型(ジオラマ)が最も有用なツールの1つであることに変わりない.このジオラマも,東京のグランドデザインの構築や都市景観の検討に活用されることに期待されている.<br>(写真:森ビル株式会社提供;説明文:稲崎富士・菊地俊夫)
小山 拓志
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.6, pp.981-992, 2011-12-25

Turf scarps and patch-shaped barelands are clearly observed on windy alpine ridges and wind-swept slopes of Japanese mountains. This study investigates the formation and retreat of turf scarps at the Daisyoujidaira site (2700 m a.s.l.) and Maru-yama site (3025 m a.s.l.), Southern Japanese Alps.<br> The average distances of scarp retreat are 2.2 cm/2 years (Daisyoujidaira site: 2006-2008), 0.5 cm/year (Maru-yama site: 2006-2007), and 3.6 cm/year (Maru-yama site: 2007-2008).<br> At the Daisyoujidaira site, generation of turf scarps started on the walls of trails or gullies. The retreat processes of turf scarps are considered to be a combination of frost-thaw action (needle ice creep), deflation, rain-splash erosion, and slope wash. However, at the Daisyoujidaira site, turf scarps with curtain-like exposure of plant roots are protected from deflation and rain-splash erosion during summer.<br> On the other hand, at the Maru-yama site, eave collapsing and turf plucking occur frequently, and turf scarps continue to retreat. As a result, patch-shaped barelands continue to expand on the wind-swept slope of Maru-yama.
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
vol.3, no.1, pp.19-27, 1891
石戸 経士
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.6, pp.885-900, 2005-12-25
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Characterizing the transport properties of reservoir-forming rocks is one of the most important tasks in reservoir engineering. We review the relationships among permeability, porosity, electrical formation factor, and electrokinetic coupling coefficient under saturated and unsaturated conditions on the basis of the capillary tube model of porous medium, by which one can relate the microscopic physics of the transport properties to the macroscopic behaviors described by Darcy's and Ohm's laws and the cross-coupling effects. These relationships together with the recent models of clay rich sandstones provide a useful guideline for interpreting core, logging, and geophysical survey data. Among various rock properties, permeability in particular needs in situ measurements such as pressure transient tests, because <I>in situ</I>i values are usually at least a few orders of magnitude larger than those measured for intact core samples due to the presence of discontinuities such as fractures in reservoirs. Concerning this topic, the concept of fractured rocks, <I>i.e.</I>, the double porosity medium and how to characterize fractured reservoirs are described.<BR>Even if the results of extensive field-wide pressure transient tests are available, in addition to drilling and various exploration data, numerical models of reservoirs are never precise, due to the problem of non-uniqueness. However, once exploitation begins in earnest, additional data become available such as temporal trends in downhole flowing pressure and enthalpy (in case of geothermal reservoirs), which may be used in history-matching studies. Because uncertainty in predictions of numerical reservoir models is directly related to the amount of field data available against which the models can be tested, it is clear that the addition of repeat geophysical survey data to the list of pertinent field measurements is likely to improve the reliability of these forecasts. Recently developed computational tools such as the EKP-postprocessor, which can calculate changes in self-potential distribution through electrokinetic coupling caused by changing underground conditions computed by reservoir simulation, enable us to use geophysical monitoring data in history-matching studies.
庄子 仁 Jin Young K. Obzhirov Anatoly SALOMATIN Alexander BARANOV Boris GLADYSH Vyacheslav 八久保 晶弘 南 尚嗣 山下 総 高橋 信夫
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.118, no.1, pp.175-193, 2009-03-25
5 10

Methane hydrates exist beneath the sea bottom near cold seeps NE off the Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. Multidisciplinary field operations were performed at a study area (approximately 16 × 20 km<sup>2</sup>) to investigate seepage characteristics and understand gas hydrate formation mechanisms. A continuous profiling survey was conducted to obtain a distribution map of seepage structures on the floor by using a deep-tow, side-scan-sonar equipment. The distribution map reveals that the dense area of seepage structures coincides with a sea-floor area of deformed sediments caused possibly by repeated sediment slumping and debris flows in the past. We speculate that this deformation may have created shallow faults that are suitable to conduits for the migration and discharge of gas and fluid.<br> Three seepage structures were selected to study about their fluid-seep conditions around the sea floor level. Hieroglyph seepage structure is located at the northern end of the dense area of the structures. Kitami and Chaos structures are located about 2 and 7 km respectively apart from the Hieroglyph structure within the dense area. Large plumes on echograms and higher methane contents in the water column confirm gas seepage activities at the three structures. There observed at least two and four plumes at the Hieroglyph and Chaos structures, respectively. Each gas chimney image in seismic reflection profiles was traced to connect each BSR and seepage structure. Both pull-up and disturbed structures of BSR around the gas chimney images were interpreted as to be indications of significant heat flows caused by ascending fluid at both Kitami and Chaos structures. On the other hand, almost no pull-up/disturbance of BSR was observed at the Hieroglyph structure, suggesting little water seepage.<br> The seep activity may vary with time off the Sakhalin. The Hieroglyph structure is located at the edge of a dense area of the seepage structures. It might serve as an indicator for the long-term activity of the fluid seepage system off the Sakhalin.

1 0 0 0 流星刀記事

榎本 武揚
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.14, no.1, pp.33-39_1, 1902
宇都宮 陽二朗
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.101, no.2, pp.117-126, 1992

Numajiri Bokusen invented an epochal terrestrial globe made from wood, bamboo nd Japanese paper in 1800 and published details of it in 1855. The globe was similar to a coarse Japanese oilpaper umbrella, and in fact was called the "umberlla-like globe" later. Previously, the author has described the form of this globe.<BR>The present paper describes the geometrical features of Bokusen's globe, especially, the shapes of shorelines and national boundaries. The world map on the 1855 globe had obviously been revised since that appearing on the globe invented in 1800, based on the latest information on the shorelines available at the time.<BR>Since the Japan Archipelago was set in the center of the world, the axis of the globe was declined at 36 degrees. Therefore, the ground level sinusoidally rounds the globe according to its declination.<BR>Lines of latitude were shown every 10 degrees. The interval of the lines of longitude was also 10 degrees. While the value of latitude was written, that of longitude was not shown anywhere on the globe. Between the lines of longitude, marks were inserted every one degree along the equator, resembling the symbol used for railways in recent maps.<BR>Despite the lack of a base for the median line of the globe, the base was expected to pass through Ferro Island in the Canary Islands. Thus, it is assumed that values were intended to be written every 10 degrees according to the distance from the Island. The location of the Japan Archipelago at the center, and the declination of the earth's axis seem to have been important political matters influenced by attitudes such as reverence for the Emperor and exclusion of foreigners during the late Edo period in Japan.<BR>On this globe, the center of the Japan Archipelago was intended to be just under the zenith, and set at 130°(actual value 132° in recent maps) E and 36 N. This location was selected as the place nearest to Miyako (Kyoto), which is placed at 135°46'E and 35°00'N. On the other hand, Edo is at 139°40'E and 35°42'N (almost equal to 36 degrees) based on values in recent maps. Therefore, the base of latitude at the center of the 1855 map seems to have been unchanged since that on the 1800 globe. If Bokusen used the value of Miyako, the inclination of the earth's axis was set at 35 degrees.<BR>On the other hand, the base of longitude was altered to a new location near Miyako. Ne-vertheless, Bokusen could not help including some of the base of the median line of the world maps established in the western Europe. Thus, the center was not set in Miyako, but was moved to the west.<BR>Some compass lines drawn from the center were made on assumptions, and some remarks about astronomical phenomena such as sunrise and sunset at the winter/summer solstices and the vernal/autumnal equinoxes were written on these lines and assumed lines.<BR>Most of the shapes of the shorelines closely resembled those on recent maps. Although the Australian continent was correctly shaped, the Antarctic continent was not shown. In the Arctic region, the shape of the northern coast of the Eurasian continent was relatively correct compared with that of the North American continent. Especially, the areas in the vicinity of Hudson's Bay and the District of Franklin were obscure, and their shapes were expressed using broken lines. This seems to reflect Bokusen's scientific standpoint, which excluded any uncertainty.<BR>Between 80°N and 80°S, the coast lines including Korea and the California Peninsula and other continents were correctly shown. On the other hand, the shapes of national boundaries of inland areas were drawn as rough lines framed by colors including blue, red, violet, yellow and black. Some of the shapes appear to be scribbled. Therefore, the decisions regarding boundaries seem to have been less confident.
松本 剛 宮下 純夫 荒井 章司 森下 知晃 前田 仁一郎 熊谷 英憲 大友 幸子 DICK Henry J. B.
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.5, pp.705-719, 2003-10-25
6 4

To characterise the crust-mantle boundary (petrological Moho) and to find evidence of ophiolite model, we investigated the lithology and the development process of the oceanic crust. We carried out geological and geophysical studies of Atlantis Bank core complex located at the eastern margin of the Atlantis-II active transform in the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) using deep sea submersibles and remotely operated vehicles. Unaltered lower crust and uppermost mantle rocks were observed at the southwestern slope of Atlantis Bank. The lower crust of this part of Atlantis Bank is similar to the ophiolite exposed ashore. On the other hand, a large number of dike intrusions into gabbroic massifs were observed at the eastern wall and at the southern slope of the bank. This corresponds to the dike-gabbro transition in the ophiolite model. Dike intrusions were also observed in the mantle peridotite domains. This may, however, suggest melt intrusions into the bank near the spreading axis posterior to the mantle peridotite that was dragged out along the detachment faults, or may suggest possible horizontal melt intrusion from the segment centre to the segment edge characterised by a thin plutonic layer. The northern ridge-transform intersection RTI of the Atlantis-II active transform presents an L-shaped nodal basin, while the southern RTI presents a V-shaped one. The difference between northern and southern RTI types suggests differences in the structure and basement rock types. A fossil transform fault and RTI relics at the northern side of the spreading axis west of the Atlantis-II active transform were observed, suggesting a sudden change of the spreading direction in SWIR from 20 Ma
吉村 稔
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.102, no.2, pp.131-143, 1993-04-25
7 14

In order to reconstruct the march of climate before instrumental observations in Japan, Historical Weather Data Base has been constructed. Weather descriptions in historical documents, such as official diaries of Feudal Clans in Edo Era, or of local offices in each clan, are objects of the data base. Other descriptions are in those diaries of large temples, large shrines and large farmers, and in some of private diaries Considering the description of weather phenomena in old diaries, they were grouped into 13 weather conditions In this data base, "weather range" means weather conditions in a day. A rough tendency of the weather in a day (HN), or remarkable conditions such as hot, cold, dry and wet (HT), are also important to understand weather conditions for each day. Accompanied phenomena (TK) and wind conditions (KT, TT, KH) are also objects to encode. Daily weather records for the years from 1700 to 1889 are mainly under collections. So far, more than 2, 500 years weather records have been inputted in the daily data base. The main files of the system are PC-DA (paleo climatic data), and PC-REC (paleo climatic record). The former consists of encoded weather data which will be used chiefly to retrieve weather conditions and to draw maps or to make tables. The latter contains weather descriptions in each day with Katakana, one of the Japanese characters. This will support detailed investigation<BR>As an index of wet or dry condition for each month, "PI" is proposed. Weather conditions having some relations with precipitation are grouped to three kinds. Monthly frequencies of each type are multiplied by constants. These are 1 for "little rain", 2 for "rain" and 5 for "much rain". The total value in each month in each day is "PI", which is useful for the comparison within the same daily series. The scatter diagrams of PI in Kokura Kita Kyushu City and Precipitation at Moji for each season are shown in Fig. 4. Time series of PI in 6 cities show the existence of different march in summer precipitations over Japan (Fig. 5). The monthly conditions in summer months from 1781 to 1789 are reconstructed in Fig. 6.
都司 嘉宣
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.4, pp.486-502, 1997-08-25
2 7

A field survey of the damage of the Amami-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake (<I>M</I><SUB>w</SUB> 7.1) and its tsunami of October 18, 1995 was conducted for four days from the next day of the main shock. A large aftershock (<I>M</I><SUB>w</SUB> 6.8) occurred in the next day and was also accompanied with a small tsunami. We conducted interviews of the inhabitants, and measured heights of the both tsunamis. The maximum height of the tsunami of the main shock was 3.0 m at Urahara Port on the south coast of Kikai-jima. Earthquake damage mainly occurred on Kikai-jima, where stone walls were fallen down at 91 places, the water supply facility of the island was disordered, and several concrete slabs slid down at Wan Port. Several fishing boats were wrecked due to the both tsunamis at ports on Kikai-jima and Amami-Oshima. Imamura-Hatori's magnitudes of the main shock and the large aftershock are <I>m</I>=1.0 and <I>m</I>=0.0, respectively. Abe's magnitude of the tsunamis the main shock is estimated to be <I>M</I><SUB>t</SUB>=7.6 and is large for the earthquake magnitude. A gigantic earthquake (<I>M</I>8.0) with a larger tsunami occurred on June 15, 1911 in the sea region close to the present event, and its folktale is handed down by the inhabitants of Kikai-jima.
漆原 和子 鹿島 愛彦 榎本 浩之 庫本 正 フランツ ディーター ミオトケ 仲程 正 比嘉 正弘
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.1, pp.45-58, 1999
2 3

Observations of the solution rate of limestone tablets from 1993 to 1997 have been utilized to clarify the degree of karstification from northern to southern Japan.<BR>Limestone tablets were placed at seven observation points stretching from northern to southern Japan : Toma, Abukuma, Chichibu, Akiyoshidai, Shikoku Onogahara, Ryugado, and Minamidaito. Three groups of four limestone tablets from Slovenia, Guilin (China), Chichibu, and the fourth tablet from limestone indigenous to the obsevation point, were arranged on three levels at each observation point : 1.5m above the ground, the A3 horizon, and the B<SUB>2</SUB> horizon. Measurements were taken of the solution rates of the tablets at each observation point from 1993 to 1997. Thornthwaite's method was used for calculating water balance to ascertain the relation between solution rate and water balance factors. The solution rates of limestone tablets placed 1.5m above the ground show a high correlation coefficient between (water surplus (WS) minus water deficit (WD)). On the other hand, limestone tablets planted in the soil had a solution rate from two to three times higher than those suspended in the air. The solution rates of limestone tablets located in the A<SUB>3</SUB> and B<SUB>2</SUB> horizons exhibited the highest annual precipitation correlation coefficient. The high CO<SUB>2</SUB>values under warm, humid conditions may account for the higher solution rates of the tablets planted in the soil.<BR>The solution rate tendency curve achieved its greatest range during the five years in direct proportion to the WS-WD ratio in 1993, when a cool, humid summer prevailed throughout most of Japan. The solution rate tendency curve marked its smallest range during the five years in proportion to the WS-WD ratio at all locations for limestone tablets suspended in air in 1994, under conditions of an extremely hot and dry summer, such as occurs only once in a hundred years. In general, however, the solution rates of the limestone tablets were high when the WS-WD ratio ranged between 1, 000 to 1, 600mm. Within this range, the solution rates at each observation point decreased slightly as the WS-WD ratio decreased.