後藤 誠也 高森 裕子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.43, no.1, pp.119-134, 1994-11-25

The discussion of sexuality education has been the most controversial issue since 1990. The revision of the Course of Study has led to teach sexuality in the subjects of natural science and health education. There are many problems to solve what should be the content of sexuality education, how to teach and what extent we are supposed to teach to. Teaching sexual intercourse, as a matter of course, is the most embarrassing question for every teachers in primary schools. Now in Japan, sex-educationists' views of teaching of sexual intercourse are divided into two groups. Both groups agree that sexuality education is not only illustrating genitals and teaching their function, but respectively showing their own ideas about content and the way how to teach that. One group insists that they need not teach genitals because the mere teaching of genitals could not be sexuality education, while the others assert that without to teach genitals they could not give the true recognition of sexuality. According to those separate standpoints, the former asserts that we should not include the sexual intercourse in sexuality education, but the latter asserts that we must include the sexual intercourse as the essential item of sexuality education. Here we take the stand of the latter opinion. In the case of primary school children, we might sometimes feel embarrassed in teaching the sexual intercourse, but considering the circumstance around children, the harmful effects were instilled by mass media, of which we are afraid they can often be inadequate or unnecessary sorts of imformation. So we should throw a new light on the sex or sexuality and lead children to the right direction. We inquired into the prevailing state in primary schools in Nara Prefecture about the sexuality education (their teaching plans, method and content etc.). We knew the following facts. In 90% or more of schools inquired sexuality education is under way, and they refer to the teaching of sexual intercourse, 36% of the whole schools actually introduced it into their class, and 37% think about translating their plans into practice at an early stage. The teachers of such schools have tried to answer to childrens' questions correctly. However there are many ptoblems awaiting solution with our efforts. We have to press for the sexuality education including the item of sexual intercourse as the key matters. For that purpose we must research many problems; such as teachers' concern about sexuality, the decision upon more specified content of sexuality education, increasing the opportunity of teachers in-service training, the development of teaching materials or tools, the negotiation with parents about sexuality education, and all that.
玉瀬 耕治 相原 和雄
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.54, no.1, pp.49-61, 2005-10-31

Using a multi-dimensional Amae scale developed by Tamase and Aihara (2004), the relationships between interdependent Amae and sympathy, and distorted Amae and narcissism were explored. Seventy male undergraduates and a hundred and thirty-seven female undergraduates served as the subjects. They were instructed to rate each item of the four Likert-type rating scales: the multi-dimensionl Mmae scale, the sympathy scale (Uchida & Kitayama, 2001), the trust scale (Amagai, 1995), and the narcissism scale (Okada, 1999). As expected, it was found that (a) there was a significant correlation between interdependent Amae and sympathy (γ=.53), and also (b) there was a significant correlation between distorted Amae and narcissism (γ=50). Multiple regression analyses revealed that sympathy was relatively well explained by interdependent Amae (β=.49), while the egocentrism factor in narcissism was well explained by distorted Amae (β=.53). These results were discussed in line with Doi's Amae theory and multicultural perspective.
松元 忠士
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-15, 1982-11-25

Die mittelalterlichen Universitat Paris entstand allmahlich seit Ende des 12 Jhs. Als Einheit generale studium und universitas magistrorum. In der neuen Universitat wurde die wissenschaftlichen Methode und Philosophien, besonders Aristoteles zum Fundament und die Reform in der Artist-fakultat gefordert. Aber stand die immer mehr unter dem Schutz und der Aufsicht der katholische Kilche, und zwar noch wurde keine Prinzip der Wissenschaftsfreiheits gekannt. In dieser Arbeit wird es uber die Grenzen der Wissenschaftsfreiheit durch Reflektionen der Hochschulpolitik und der Wissenschaftskontrole untersucht, den die Kilche im 13 Jahrhundert getrieben hatte, und am Ende, uber den Sinn der Verdammungsfall von 1277 und die Niederlagesursachen der rationalistische Philosophic erlautert.
高橋 豪仁
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.51, no.1, pp.99-108, 2002-10

How have the narratives about high-school baseball been generated? It is assumed that Tobita Suisyu (1886-1986) is an important person to answer the question because of his career. He was famous for his "Senbon Nokku" when he was the first coach of the baseball club of Waseda University, and he had been writing about student baseball for 40 years as a journalist. That is why he has been called the Father of Student Baseball. The purpose of this study is to clarify his principles about baseball by studying the contents of his selected masterpieces. As a result we found the following principles of his baseball philosophy: vengeance, unselfishness, moral cultivation, hard training based on the code of the samurai, amateurism, communal spirit, Yakyu-dou as religious belief, spirit of fortitude and manliness, frugal life, carelessness about appearance and so on. When we classify the media of sport by the scale of hotness and coolness, the hottest media are printing ones and the coolest media are sport events that are the actual sport plays in stadiums. TVs and radios are located midway between them. According to this scheme, it can be said that Tobita's narratives had been spread through the hot media such as newspapers and magazines. Though all of his narratives do not exist as ideology of the student of baseball, some of them are still alive nowadays. Some narratives are deposited in people's mind, and those narratives are reinforced when people see the "events" based on the existing narratives in their mind. It may be suggested that the narratives of sport are generated through circulation between "narratives" and "events.
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.61, no.1, pp.183-190, 2012-11

This paper presents a discourse analytical study of interlanguage pragmatics regarding the politeness strategies used in three elicited business emails by an advanced non-native English speaker (NNES), and evaluates them according to politeness theory as developed from Brown and Levinson (1987). First, the paper outlines politeness theory and the notion of face-threatening acts (FTAs). Then, it profiles and summarizes extant research into the three face-threating illocutionary acts studied - requests, apologies, and refusals - as well as contemporary research into the English, Japanese, and interlanguage pragmatics of politeness in writing, focusing on emails and business contexts. The participants, experimental setting, and results of the current study are then described, with the participant responding by email to three role-play vignettes, and her responses compared to a native speaker (NS) control. The three research questions posed in this study are: whether the participant would show more Negative Politeness (Brown and Levinson, 1987) than the NS control; whether the participant would show greater politeness overall than the control; and whether the participant can be said to conform to English-language pragmatic norms for each of the three illocutionary acts performed. Only the last of these questions was answered partially negative; overall, however, the advanced level of the learner's English pragmatic competence was confirmed. Although limited by its small scale and other factors, this study suggests that Brown and Levinson' s (1987) politeness theory retains validity, and indicates possible directions for further studies into the pragmatics of NNES emails.これは、ポライトネスストラテジーに関する言語間の語用論の調査で、ある上級ノンネイティヴ英語話者の3つのビジネスメールを用いたものである。考察にはBrown and Levinson(1987)のポライトネス理論を使った。本論文ではまずFace-threatening acts(FTA)の理論の概要を述べている。次に、近年の3つのFTA発語内行為(「依頼」「謝罪」「拒否」)に関する研究、更に、ビジネスに焦点を当てたライティングにおけるポライトネスの語用論についての概要を述べている。続いて参加者、設定、現段階の研究結果が述べられている。3つのビジネスロールプレイタスクを参加者に提示し、参加者のEメールによる回答を母語話者のものと比較した。この研究で明らかにしたい3つの点は、上級ノンネイティヴの参加者が母語話者よりもネガティブポライトネスを使う傾向にあるか、上級ノンネイティヴ参加者が全体的に母語話者に比べポライトネスをより使うか、ノンネイティヴの参加者が、英語の3つの発語内行為規範に従っているのか、という点である。全体的に見て、参加者の英語における語用論的言語能力も進んでいることが明らかになった。今回は、被験者の数が少ないが、本研究はポライトネスの理論の妥当性と、今後のノンネイティヴ英語話者のEメールにける語用論研究の可能性を示唆したものであると言えよう。
森本 弘一 島原 宏文 谷 純子 辻 靖子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.46, no.1, pp.91-102, 1997-11-10

Recently, there is a problem that insurance companies reject applications of genetic disease carriers in the USA. It is said that the educational content in a primary school should contain genetic content as there is a genetic teaching material in the USA. It is "You, Me, & Others' In the future, we predict that these situations will happen in Japan. So, we have developed genetic teaching material as worksheets for elementary schools. In order to examine the potency, of developed worksheets, we taught the students in an elementary school attached to Nara University of Education using these worksheets. The titles of the worksheets used in this practice are "Similarity and Difference between us" and "Continuity of Life". The response of children was good. From this result, we confirm that these worksheets are useful for elementary school eduation. We hope that many elementary schools will use the genetic teaching material which we developed.
澤田 田津子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.147-157, 2001-10

In the textbooks of Japanese for intermediate level, some sentences are difficult for students to understand because they do not have enough knowledge abour Japanese cultural background. Where and when do students acquire knowledge about Japanese culture? Usually, cultural background is taught in NIHON-JIJO classes. What topics in Japanese culture -especially modern culture- should be taught to students? Those suitable for elementary level, have been already discussed in SAWADA(1999). The purpose of this paper is to select topics concerning modern Japanese culture that 1 think it is better to introduce in NIHON-JIJO intermediate level classes. With this aim, the following procedure is used. The cultural topics in 7 different intermediate language textbooks and 3 different NIHON-JIJO textbooks are listed and compared. This comparison shows that there are some ditferences between language textbooks and NIHON-JIJO textbooks conecerning cultural topics. I come to the conclusion that modern Japanese culture should be introduced to students in NIHON-JIJO classes, and then, they will easily understand all the sentences in language textbooks. For this purpose, a syllabus of NIHON-JIJO for students studying intermediate Japanese is introduced in this paper.
李 協京 田渕 五十生
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.46, no.1, pp.21-35, 1997-11-10

The main purpose of this article is to make a comparative study of situations of Chinese students who lived before and after the war in Japan with special focus on the policy pertaining to the sending of students abroad, especially during China's reform. It is a hard known fact that the war caused sentiments among the Chinese students against Japan, however, these negative feelings gradually changed for the better. Since new policies had been implemented, which would strongly support the Chinese in developing their country, it has triggered the Japanese to promote peace and friendship with the Chinese.
片岡 弘勝
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-19, 2016-11-30

The purpose of this article is to clarify the base and moment for generating “subjectivity” in UEHARA Senroku’s “The Dead Person and the living person” theroy, by focussing the “imminency” and “responsibility” for “The Dead Person”. This study analyzed UEHARA’s works texts and clarified the following five points.1. UEHARA proposed the idea of “subjectivity of the living person as media of The Dead Person”. This idea rinks to criticism to religion, that implies to find out the human abilities which have been preserved in the form of religion in histroy.2. In the case of being imminet by message of “The Dead Person” who was killed unjustly, “the living person” is stimulated and roaded to must to check and direct own’s living styles and standpoints of valuing. According to this UEHARA’s theory context, “subjectivity of the living person” is founded by listening the wording of “The Dead Person” intently and correctly.3. This study examined to compare UEHARA’s “subjectivity” theory with Emmanuel Lévinas’s “subjectivity” theory(discussed by UCHIDA Tatsuru). Then this study indicated the following two common factors and two different factors in both theories. One factor of the common factors is the idea that wording of “The Dead Person” directs “the living person”. The other factor is the strong intention for recognizing something”(“etwas”) that is cannot be described by present academic methods, namely “extremly complex realties” and “the dynamics and chaos of human mind”.4. One factor of the different factors is following point. Lévinas used wordings of “withdrawing one’s previous statesments”. However UEHARA used wordings of “checking and bounding one’s previous statesments relatively”. The other factor is following point. Lévinas supposed the “subjectivity” to responsibility for “The Dead Person” in relation to absolute “God”. However UEHARA supposed the “subjectivity” to responsibility for “The Dead Person” in relation to historical recognition to the oath of Shakyamuni and Nichiren in Buddhism thoughts.5. On this discussion context, the momnet of UEHARA’s “subjectivity” is “responsibility” for “The Dead Person” as absolute “The Other Being”. Further, the base of UEHARA’s “subjectivity” is the one’s recognition and standpoints for attaching importance to “reverence to human life” in severe situation that all persons are fronted the risk of being killed and becoming assistants of killers.
牧野 英三
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.33, no.1, pp.69-85, 1984-11-26

It is contemplated in this issue to research into the constitution of the rhythm and intonation of the reciting or chanting of the latter half of the Kakocho, which could not afford to be referred to in the article of 1983 (XII-a), and that of the Fujumon, recital of the Kakocho chanted by the officiating priest, Daidoshi, in the early-evening period, Shoya, every day during the fortnight's ritual. The recital of the Kakocho, proceeding to the third section, gives way to a monotonous reading, one item after another read out rapidly in a monotone. The List of departed persons from the first to the 671st is recited in proper order, while the 672nd to the 3314th are read off at a stretch, some of them skipped over according to the reciter's judgment. For the part from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) up to date, covering the 3716th to the latest, all-of the departed are mentioned in proper order. The Fujumon is recited by the officiating priest, who describes what are purported by those who wish the dead the repose of their souls. It is recited in a tone peculiar but monotonous as well. What are contained in the Fujumon are prayers for both of the alive and the dead offered by all the priests participating in the religious performance, Shunie, or individuals devoting themselves to the religious service for the departed. It is a matter of interest to observe through the prayers that each of the times has Its own religious way of thikmg.
清水 貞夫 玉村 公二彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.64, no.1, pp.41-54, 2015-11-30

In this article we analyzed the sociological labeling theory, especially focusing on Jane R. Mercer and also including the social climate of 1960s. According to Mercer, there are two perspectives in which mental retardation can be considered: (1) the clinical perspective and (2) the social system perspective. The clinical perspective is characterized by the simultaneous use of a medical model and a statistical model though these two models are frequently confused. She contends it is not appropriate to apply a medical model to mild mental retardation, but it is more appropriate to adopt a social system model for analyzing problems that people with mild retardation would meet in a community. She argues that from a social system perspective, mental retardation is a sociocultural phenomenon, That means that mental retardation is an achieved status in a social system and persons holding that status plays the social role designated by the social system. From Mercer’s researches at Riversides, she found that there were a disproportionately large number of black persons and Mexican American persons labeled by community agencies. She also discovered that the schools were the chief labelers. From these and other findings Mercer came to three major conclusions. The first one is that clinicians and psychologists in the community were not measuring adaptive behavior only because there were no adaptive scales available for them to use. This meant that they judged persons as persons with mental retardation almost entirely on the basis of an IQ test score. The second one is that the cut-off point of an IQ score should be lowered to 2SD below, though public schools were using the cut-off point of IQ 79 or below. Third one is that tremendous cultural biases exists in the IQ test and the test is not appropriate when used with lower class persons who do not share the same cultural traditions as the dominant Anglo American society. These conclusions lead her to develop an improved assessment test called the System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). SOMPA includes an extensive battery of measures. SOMPA has extensively reviewed and debated, so it has not recognized as a valid assessment tool for children yet. Mercer's social system approach, however, provides us with the new perspective about intellectual disability. According to Mercer intellectual disability is not mental defect or deficiency, but a kind of devalued deviancy which is determined to be deviant by other people in the social system.
小笠原 真
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.41, no.1, pp.39-60, 1992-11-25

In this paper I examine some major works of Robert K. Merton (1910- ), who is not only America's but also world's leading theorist of sociology. After a brief overview of Merton's life and achievements, I take up his concept of the "theories of the middle range", a concept which he advocated as a product of his critical reconsideration of the main achievements in sociology. I also consider Merton's methodology, particularly his "functional analysis", and his "Social Structure and Anomie" on which he concentrated with all of his youthful enthusiasm. Finally, I make a few critical remarks on Merton's theory.
前田 則子 多田 純一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.147-162, 2007-10-31

Works of Chopin (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, 1810~1849) have been loved by and familiar with many people. Those whoever aim at pianists have also studied his works. Actually his music has been numerously published until now. In his lifetime, there are both his autographs and copies by his pupils. His first editions were published in France, German and Great Britain. After his death, many manuscripts have been edited in the world. Thus these editions brought about differences in various ways. As for fingering, revisers often added numbering to play well. The fingering is important for players since it influences their playing. There are several ways of fingering in a passage, and it changes not only quality and vibration of a sound but also expression of the fraise. Furthermore, it is necessary to propose suitable fingering for each person since individual hands and fingers are different in size. In the last autumn, we happened to obtain a photocopy of "Etudes op.10" in Warsaw that is one of the autographs of Chopin on which he himself made notes. In this study, we examined the fingering presented by Chopin himself and revisers in the entire parts of "Etudes op.10", and followed the alterations. From these verifications, we discuss relevancy between the fingering and piano-playing, and also significance of the fingering by Chopin.
森 伸宏
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.47, no.1, pp.23-32, 1998-11-10

Private banks are required to hold as the legal reserve a fixed portion of the deposit that they accepted from the private sector during a given month. This reserve must be held as the sum of the daily deposit at the central bank during the following month. This is called the lagged reserve requirement. The officials of the Bank of Japan insist that they can control the shorトterm interest rate by using this requirement, especially by adjusting the pace at which banks accumulate the reserve. There are some studies which aim to make clear this mechanism of controlling the short-term interest rate, but they do not seem to have succeeded. The aim of this paper is to examine whether the central bank can control the short-term interest rate by adjusting the speed at which banks accumulate the required reserve under the lagged reserve requirement system. We assume that the total amount of reserve during the two consecutive periods must be equal to the required one. The model can be constructed as a game played between the central bank and a private bank. The central bank supplies the reserve while a private bank demands that. In the first period, the central bank sets the target value of the interest rate of which a private bank is not informed, and decides how much reserve she supplies and declares it. After gaining that information, a private bank decides how much reserve she demands. Then the supply and demand of reserve determine the interest rate in the first period. In the second period, as a private bank must hold the remaining part of the reserve no matter how much it costs, she demands it at the rate that the central bank decides whenever she needs, so the interest rate is fixed at thatlevel. The results are the following. The central bank can control the short-term interest rate by adjusting the speed at which a private bank accumulates the required reserve during the period, but she can succeed only when the target value of the interest rate is within some range. The central bank cannot set the interest rate too low or high.
丹 敦 渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.165-180, 2004-10-31

Deer in Nara - "Nara-no-Shika"- inhabit the area in and around Nara Park in Nara City, the capital of Nara prefecture. In Nara, they have been protected as sacred animals of the Kasuga shrine for a long time. On the other hand, damage to crops caused by them was so serious that the villages in Nara built "Shikagaki" (Shishigaki) during the Edo period. "Shikagaki" is a piece of equipment which is made of wood, stones and mud to prevent damage to crops caused by wild animals, especially deer in the case of Nara. According to our fieldwork, ruins of "Shikagaki" still exist around Nara Park. However, there has been no study to prove where they are located. We would like to propose that the rums of "Shikagaki" are very precious reminders of Nara's heritage in the sense that they are the products of local villagers' hard work. The purpose of this study is to clarify the distribution of the "Shikagaki" and their present situation.
劉 麟玉
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.60, no.1, pp.95-105, 2011-11

GAO Yi-Sheng, who was an aborigine of Tsuou tribe in Taiwan, was born in 1908. His native name was Uyongu Yatauyungana, and he also had a Japanese name, Issei Yada, because Taiwan was ruled by Japan around the time. When Taiwan became a territory of Republic of China in 1945, he again changed his name to a Chinese name, GAO Yi-Sheng. Although he was arrested on a false charge as a revolter against the government in 1952 and executed in 1954, Taiwanese and Japanese scholars have considered him as one of the elite in Tsuou tribe, not only because he attempted to build an autonomous society for Taiwanese aborigines, but also because he had considerable talents for literature and music. Even when he was in prison, GAO Yi-Sheng composed many songs, as thinking of his own children and people of Tsuou tribe. It is undoubted that he was a tragic figure in the history of politics, but I would like to shed more light on his music talent. We all know that music composition needs knowledge of organizing the notes and writing them on the staves. So where and why did GAO learn the knowledge about music composition? What is characteristic of his music? In order to answer the questions, in this paper, I will examine GAO's progress in music education during his school years and analyze his compositions as well.
松元 忠士
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.32, no.1, pp.59-69, 1983-11-25

Aus Bruno's Wendung "Libertas philosophica" in dem letzte 16 Jhr. stammt die Idee "Libertas Philosophandi", welche durch Chr. Wolff in Deutschland in 18 Jhr. allgemein wurde. Sie war damals nur ein Protestidee gegen die religious Unterdrucken. Neuere Wissenschaft, vor allem Copernicanische Kosmologie war noch wegen der Ubertretung der Bibel der Gegenstand der Unterdrdcken durch Romkirche. Nach die Galileos Verteidigung ihrer Theorie erleidet die Kondemnation in Rom in 1616, zuerst rechtfertigte sich Tommasso Gampanella theoretisch "Libertas philosophandi" in Apologia pro Galileo. Unsere Schrift analysiert den historischen Prozess der Gestaltung deren Idee seit dem letzte 16 Jhr..
大山 明彦
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.75-90, 2001-10-15

The intention of this study is to reconstruct the designs of 16 sorts of textiles in the Shoso-in whose techniques are various such as twill weave silk, brocade, and painting in colors, on the basis of close investigation. In the course of this research, some inportant points are clarified. For instance, it is clarified that the coloring of Bakufu-Saieno- Hanpi jacket corresponds to a typical Ungen coloring of the Japanese Nara era.
三原 和子 北村 陽英
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.50, no.1, pp.97-111, 2001-10-15

Right after World War II , the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the allied forces occupation conducted a drastic reform of the Japanese education systenr. As part of this reform, 8 Institutes for Educational Leadership (IFEL) were held for 9.374 educators from 4 October 1948 to 28 March 1952. The Civil Information and Education Section (CIE) of the GHQ had expressed sharp criticism of past Japanese school education in the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan (United States Government Printing Office,1946). In that report it stated that "Instruction in health appcars to be seriously lacking in the elementary school. There is practically no teaching either of physiology or of hygiene"--a scrious omission. Three IFEL sessions on school nursing were held, in which 84 school nursing teachers participated. How these courses and workshops on school nursing functioned was not known up to now, and there have been no major research reports about the IFEL school nursing program. We recently fotrnd mineographed copies of Study Reports issued by the Institute for Educational Leadership's 5th Session, XXⅢ School Nursing, edited by the IFEL in 1950 - 1951, which we have analyzed. It closely resembles the content of today's Japanese school nursing teacher's duties. Today's Japanese school nursing teacher system is considered to be better than the systen used in the USA and that the School Education Law should be revised so that in school affairs the school nursing teacher should have charge not only of school nursing but of health education as well.
上村 盛人
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.28, no.1, pp.35-53, 1979-11-15

Tennyson had been greatly interested in the legends of King Arthur since his boyhood, because he had always felt the "passion of the past" even from a boy. However, when he wrote "Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere," the first treating of Arthurian theme, he had probably no intention of enlarging it into a longer poem. The germ of Idylls of the King was "Morte d'Arthur" started in 1833. and the final complete edition of the Idylls was published in 1888. Thus for more than fifty years Tennyson had been engaged in completing the work. Yet, his version of the Arthurian legends is quite uniquely his own since he seems to have inserted his own ambiguous and rather pessimistic vision towards the Victorian society into the framework of the Arthurian story. In 1872 Swinburne harshly attacked Tennyson's Idylls in his critical pamphlet, "Under the Microscope." According to Swinburne, "the moral tone of the Arthurian story has been lowered and degraded by Mr.Tennyson's mode of treatment." Swinburne had found in the legends of King Arthur "something almost of Hellenic dignity and significance" just like Aeschylus' Oresteian tragedy. Tennyson degraded the original noble story, Swinburne said, by making Arthur into a "wittol", Guenevere into a "woman of intrigue", Launcelot into a "co-espondent", and Vivien into "the most base and repulsive person". Swinburne regarded Tennyson's representation of Tristram and Iseult as an outrageous fiction which was "perilously akin to lying." Tennyson and Swinburne are seemingly contrastive and antagonistic. In the skilful management of poetical technique, however, both poets were equally excellent as "word-musician." And the two poets had almost the same view of the "changing world of changeless law." Living in such a world of changeless change, both poets sought for something changeless and everlasting. Tennyson found it in the "principle of immortal Love" as is embodied by King Arthur himself in the Idylls. However, as the last book of the Idylls implies, Tennyson's faith in "immortal Love" was rather precarious, living as he was in the transitional Victorian era. On the other hand, Swinburne who was one of the leading advocates of "art for art's sake" thought that only the great work done by the great artist was immortal. Strongly opposed to Tennyson's degradation of the legendary story, Swinburne, true to "the dear old story," produced his own version and published it as Tristram of Lyonesse in 1882, though in Swinburne's poem Wagnerian 'Liebestod'and the existence of Fate were idiosyncratically emphasized. It was somewhat ironical that Tennyson, a conservative poet as a spokesman of the Victorian society, was rather radical in his interpretation of the Arthurian story and that Swinburne, a radical aesthete, was rather conservative in his treatment of the story of King Arthur. Tennyson stressed the Christian element of the legends, implying his own ambiguous sentiment towards his own society at the same time, while Swinburne emphasized the tragic element with characteristically Swinburnian touch.