木下 昭
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.52, no.2, pp.208-234, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-10-31)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze memoirs of Japanese teachers deployed to the Philippines in the Asia Pacific War. The Japanese military tried to teach Filipinos the Japanese language in order to make them accept the legitimacy of the Japanese invasion. Education was the basis of the occupation policy, with about 180 teachers being deployed all over the Philippines. Their students were not only children but also bureaucrats, police officers, and Filipino Japanese language teachers. After American forces came back to the archipelago, however, the Japanese language classes were gradually terminated and teachers struggled to survive in the mountain areas. Some survivors contributed articles about their war experiences to the journal Sampaguita after the war. This paper looks into their stories to understand what they thought about their work in the Philippines. Many of them gave themselves high marks for their education, even though they criticized the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. There are several reasons for their mindset, including the influence of US colonization policies and Japanese occupation policies on the Philippines, as well as teachers’ occupational identity. The teachers are proud of having worked at schools, because they engaged in education their entire lives and maintained good relationships with former students after the war. They considered the friendships to be evidence of their educational achievement.
寺内 大左
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.58, no.1, pp.33-76, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-07-31)

This article examines the reorganization of land-use practices and social relationships among members of an indigenous swidden society with the development of coal mining in East Kalimantan. Swiddeners develop large swidden fields using a paid labor system in the concession areas of mining companies to get compensation for their customary land rights. They also practice risk management through two methods. The first is to establish a paddy field and rubber garden on the same field after harvesting the rice, in case there is no compensation from the companies. The second is to oppose the development of coal mining near their village in order to maintain their swidden-based lifestyle. In this article social relationships are investigated with a primary focus on the paid labor system. This labor system is adopted by swiddeners to maintain their large swidden fields and on various other occasions, such as during an emergency. In addition, the paid labor system provides the economically disadvantaged members of the swidden society with a cash income. Moreover, although previous studies have suggested that exchanging commodities, including labor for money, depersonalizes social relationships, the paid labor system in this research is practiced within a social context. In conclusion, swiddeners take advantage of the development of coal mining and the intruding market economy while balancing existing land-use practices and social relationships.
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.48, no.1, pp.74-95, 2010-06-30

This paper traces the historical development of elephant conservation in Thailand through the exploration of two interrelated state organizations: the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) and the National Elephant Institute (NEI). By examining their ideological construction, policies and interactions with society, as well as their conflicts with other elephant-related communities, this paper argues that despite all the state’s attempts to take the lead in tackling elephantine problems, these organizations continuously faced the dilemma of elephant conservation during their development. Firstly, TECC struggled to sustain organizational survival while simultaneously concretizing their activities for internationally acclaimed elephant conservation in the 1990s. Secondly, NEI experienced difficulty in balancing its expected roles after 2002 in protecting elephants in collaboration with local communities, as well as functioning internationally as a lynchpin of the nation for elephant conservation.
五十嵐 忠孝
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.55, no.2, pp.111-138, 2018

<p>Periodical swarming of the polychaete species, named palolo in English, has been known as socially, culturally, and spiritually important event in Islands Southeast Asia and South Pacific. This study aims at exploring (1) taxonomy and ecology of the palolo and (2) mechanisms of traditional calendars in Indonesia, based on cross-cultural and transdisciplinary analyses of previous studies which have been published since the early 18th Century and the author's fieldwork data. As the results, cultural events relevant to the palolo swarming geographically existed only in Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, and New Guinea Island in Indonesia. It was also found that the swarming mostly occurred in February or March in these regions, but in October or November in South Pacific (e.g, Samoa). Local people predicted the time of the palolo swarming by observing celestial and lunar movements. Indigenous calendars were also based on these movements, especially heliacal rising of Pleiades or Antares. In case of Lombok Island, the palolo swarming corresponded to 20th day of 10th month in the indigenous system and people stopped counting next month after this month in waiting for the next heliacal rising. In the author's analyses, this is a sophisticated intercalation system under low astronomical technology. It is concluded that the non-conscious intercalation is the key technology and the palolo swarming is the best fitted natural phenomenon for traditional lunisolar calendrical systems in Eastern Indonesia.</p>
岡田 友和
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.52, no.2, pp.267-294, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-10-31)

What began as a series of small labor strikes in Hanoi in the fall of 1936 had developed into a major movement by the beginning of 1937. According to police investigations, it was members of the small newspaper company Le Travail who incited Hanoi labor to strike. But why was the Le Travail group concerned in this movement? What was the Le Travail group? What was its purpose? We analyze this social movement in the worldwide context of the economic crisis after1930 and the application of the labor law of Indochina in 1936—which was an indirect cause of the labor strike that broke out in Hanoi in 1936-37 and triggered the implementation of social policies on the same level as in metropolitan France—and also in the context of “legal” or “ illegal” policies of the Indochinese Communist Party. In conclusion, this strike had the effect of creating “a new indigenous social network” grouping management and workers into professions in Hanoi. This article examines the social structure of colonial cities in French Indochina. Its focal point is the influence of colonization on society and urban inhabitants in Vietnam, based on the case of Hanoi during the first half of the twentieth century.
藤田 幸一
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.58, no.2, pp.241-268, 2021-01-31 (Released:2021-01-29)

The development of the Para rubber sector in Myanmar was slow for a long time from the early 1960s, mainly due to policy failures under the “Burmese Way to Socialism.” However, with the rubber boom around 2005–12, the sector started developing rapidly, as in other Asian tropical countries. The development of the sector is expected to be an important base for economic development in Myanmar through industrialization. This paper, based on information and data collected in Mon State in 2013 and 2014, clarifies the current status (with historical background) of various actors—including rubber estates (both private and government), smallholders, traders/processors, and tire factories—and investigates major problems they face. The rapid expansion of rubber plantation by smallholders in Mon State is particularly noteworthy, based on the study of two villages. It is found that the smallholders’ major source of investment is remittances from migrants working in the rubber sector in Southern Thailand. The migrants’ work experiences in Thailand, which expose them to technology and knowledge about supporting institutions, are expected to offer good potential for the future development of Myanmar’s rubber sector.
山口 元樹
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.58, no.2, pp.141-163, 2021-01-31 (Released:2021-01-29)

Jawi, the Arabic script of the Malay language, is one of the cultural components historically shared in the Malay-Islamic world. Indonesia experienced a shift to the Roman alphabet during the early twentieth century, before Malaya did. However, in the 1950s, immediately after Indonesia’s independence, Islamic leaders from West Sumatra initiated a discourse to revive the use of Jawi. This article examines the background of the discourse as well as its relationship to Malaya.Two factors can be identified as forming this background. First, Indonesian Islamic forces demanded the Islamization of the state and society. The discourse on Jawi was related to the emphasis on the significance of Islam in Indonesian culture. Second, regional dissatisfaction was heightened with the predominance of Java, the center of the state. As Jawi is called “the script of Malay” in Indonesia, the revivalist discourse can be understood as demanding respect for the regional Malay culture.From the discourse, it is evident that the unity of the Malay-Islamic world was recognized to some degree after Indonesia’s independence. However, it was principally limited to the framework of the Indonesian nation-state and never developed into an idea that united the Malay-Islamic world politically. This indicates that Indonesian Islamic movements of that period—although their activities based on Islamism have attracted scholars’ attention—had firmly adopted the idea of the Indonesian nation-state.
中田 友子
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.42, no.1, pp.74-103, 2004-06-30 (Released:2017-10-31)

This paper focuses on a village festival in Southern Laos in which a water buffalo is sacrificed to the village guardian spirit. The village in which fieldwork was conducted in 1998-99 was established by six families from Ngae, a Mon-Khmer group. In 1966, they fled the bombardment around their village, which was located in a remote area, and resettled in their present location near a big town. Since the establishment of the new village, people with different religious customs, not only Lao, but other Mon-Khmer people from groups such as Alak and Talieng, have moved into the village. Younger generations of Ngae villagers have been influenced by Lao culture and are becoming less attached to the Ngae traditional customs. In this multi-cultural setting, maintaining the village's annual festival as one based simply on Ngae tradition has become difficult. In some respects, this festival has come to substitute for the Lao New Year festival pi:may. In addition, when the village elders and leaders mobilize the village to participate in the festival, they adopt the Lao word sa:makki. This term, meaning solidarity, was originally used by the government of the Lao PDR in the propagation of its socialist policies. Through the examination of these various aspects, this article discusses the complexities of traditional ritual and authority among minority groups living in multi-ethnic environments.
大野 徹
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.8, no.4, pp.534-565, 1971-03

中村 重久
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.15, no.1, pp.95-109, 1977-06

この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The southern part of Mindanao, the Philippines, was affected by an earthquake and tsunami on 17th August, 1976. In Japan, the earthquake was recorded by the Japan Meteorological Agency, but no effect were experienced. In the Philippines, a PAGASA (Philippines Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) team commenced a survey just after the occurrence of the earthquake. Several private foreign teams also assisted, but there was no Japanese team. A preliminary report on the earthquake has been completed by Dr. Roman L. Kintanar, Administrator of PAGASA. Using this report, "The Moro Gulf Earthquake of August 17th, 1976," I will give the survey results. This is followed by a statistical analysis aimed at estimating the risk of tsunamis and obtaining criteria for countermeasures, referring to the detailed catalogs of tsunamis presented by Iida et al. (1967) and by Soloviev and Gao (1973).
中村 重久
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.15, no.1, pp.95-109, 1977-06

桜井 由躬雄
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.17, no.4, pp.597-632, 1980-03

白石 愛子
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.13, no.4, pp.535-558, 1976-03

西島 薫
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.57, no.2, pp.109-135, 2020

<p>The Bosi Koling Tongkat Raya'at, a sacred heirloom of the Ulu Ai', a Dayak king in western Kalimantan, plays an essential role in shaping an indigenous polity. Previous studies on kingship in Southeast Asia tend to explain the institutional structures of kingships by identifying them with structures of kinship groups. However, many indigenous polities of Southeast Asia, including the Ulu Ai', track their origins back to incestuous marriages of mythical primordial siblings, which clearly contradicts kinship norms. This paper examines the two predominant variations of the origin myths, both indicating that the office of the Ulu Ai' cannot be understood in relation to kinship groups. Second, this paper shows that the polity of the Ulu Ai' consists of face-to-face networks connecting the sacred heirloom and the people worshipping its paramount sacredness. This polity becomes tangible only when worshippers congregate at the house of the Ulu Ai' for the heirloom purification ritual. This paper concludes that the polity of the Ulu Ai' consists not of kinship groups but rather of dormant networks of the heirloom, Ulu Ai', and the worshippers, which take the form of active polity only when the king conducts the ritual.</p>
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.25, no.3, pp.517-518, 1987-12

鬼丸 武士
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.43, no.3, pp.303-318, 2005-12-31

笹岡 正俊
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.46, no.3, pp.377-419, 2008

This paper examines the social and cultural meanings of the subsistence consumption of game animals among mountain villagers in Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. The community under study is highly dependent on <i>sago</i> (starch extracted from sago palm) as staple food. Sago is rich in carbohydrate but contains little protein. Game animals therefore provide an essential protein complement. Field research was carried out in a remote mountain village located in Manusela valley in central Seram where Cuscus (<i>Phalanger orientalis, Spilocuscus maculates</i>), Celebes wild boar (<i>Sus celebensis</i>) and Timor deer (<i>Cervus timorensis</i>) account for almost 90% of the protein resources consumed by villagers.<br>&emsp;The meat of these wild mammals is usually shared by close relatives and adjoining villages. The field data suggests that about 30% of cuscus and 60% of large mammals (Celebes wild boar and Timor deer) are often distributed to others. An "ethics of sharing" encourages villages to distribute wild meat since it enhances the enjoyment of consumption and brings about feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. This sense of contentment over having intimate and good inter-relationships is regarded by villagers as the ideal and desirable way of life. Moreover wild meat sharing also strengthens their collective identity as a mountain people that distinguishes them from those living in coastal areas. Failure to share leads to apprehensions of sorcery arising from jealousy and the fear of <i>malahau</i>, a kind of sanction given by ancestor spirits.