和知 剛 土井 宣夫 越谷 信
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.42, no.1, pp.17-34, 1997-03-07

The Akita-Komagatake, located in the central part of the Ou Back-Bone Range, northeast Japan, is a Quaternary volcano with two calderas. The tephra, younger than 13,500 y.B.P., erupted from this volcano, are stratigraphically divided into thirteen formations, namely AK-13 to AK-1 in ascending order, on the basis of buried soil and loess intercalated. The tephra consists of three types of lithologies: such coarse-grained essential materials as pumice and scoria (type 1), well-sorted black to brown sandy ash (type 2), and fine-grained ash frequently including accretionary lapilli (type 3). These lithologic types are resulted from different styles of volcanic eruption: Plinian to subplinian style eruption (type 1), vulcanian to phreatoplinian style eruption (type 2) and phreatoplinian style eruption (type 3). ^<14>C measurements on humic soil or woods just below or above the tephra reveal the tendency that the explosive eruptions at the Akita-Komagatake volcano occured during three stages; 13,500 to 11,600 y.B,P., 10,000 to 7,100 y.B.P. and 4,000 to 1,000 y.B.P. In the first stage, AK-13, main part of which is called the Koiwai Pumice, and AK-12, the Yanagisawa Pumice, were erupted. During the eruption of the Koiwai Pumice, the Obonai Pyroclasitic Flow Deposits was produced. The volumes of erupted materials for the tephra including the pyroclastic flow deposit are more than 0-6 km^3, and two calderas are thought to have been formed in this stage. In the second stage, AK-11 to AK-6 were erupted. AK-9, the Arasawa Pumice (newly named in this paper), and AK-8, the Horikiri Pumice, are dominated by pumice and scoria (lithologic type 1), and their volumes of erupted materials are more than 0.1 km^3. The volumes for other tephra in this stage is more than 0.046km^3. Through the second stage to the last stage, the volumes of erupted materials tend to become smaller than 0.046km^3.
植田 義夫 小野寺 建英 大谷 康弘 鈴木 晃
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.46, no.4, pp.175-185, 2001-08-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

The Myojin-sho volcano is one of the active submarine volcanos in the northern part of the Izu-Ogasawara arc about 400 km south of Tokyo. This volcano is a somma edifice of the Myojin-sho caldera, 6.5 km×8 km in diameter and 1000 m deep. The topography, seismic profiler, magnetic and gravity surveys around the Myojin-sho caldera were conducted by the Hydrographic Department, Japan (JHD) in 1998 and 1999. The geophysical structures of the caldera were derived, and the possible cause of the caldera formation is discussed. The residual gravity anomalies were calculated from the observed free-air anomalies by subtracting the gravity effect of 2-layer subbottom model structure, which amounts to 10 m Gals in a localized zone from the caldera to the northern somma. Bouguer gravity anomalies with the assumed density of 2.0 and 2.4 g/cm3 also show the positive anomaly over the same zone, which is accompanied by the acoustic and magnetic basement depression. Moreover, it seems that the sediment volume nearby Myojin-sho caldera cannot compensate the volume loss of caldera (20 to 41 km3). These features insist that the Myojin-sho caldera is caused by the collapse of the pre-caldera edifice rather than the explosion. The origin of the high gravity caldera may be ascribed to the magma pocket causing the depression, instead of the high density erupted material filling the caldera floor. The magnetization intensity of 4.8-5.3 A/m at the Myojin-sho volcano is derived from the magnetic anomaly, which may claim that the Myojin-sho volcano consists of andesitic to basaltic rock rather than dacitic rock. On the other hand, magnetization of the central cone of Takane-sho volcano is estimated to be 1.1-1.9 A/m, which is consistent with the fact that dacite pumices were sampled.
須藤 靖明 筒井 智樹 中坊 真 吉川 美由紀 吉川 慎 井上 寛之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.51, no.5, pp.291-309, 2006-10-31 (Released:2017-03-20)

So far the ground deformation associated with a magma supply system of Aso Volcano had not been discussed because any clear signals in ground deformations and volcanic earthquake activity had been hardly observed near the Nakadake active crater during its activity enhancement cycles. In this article, however, the deflation source and magma supply system is investigated by the long-term geodetic surveys. The secular subsidence is observed in the Kusasenri area about 3km west of the Nakadake active crater from the 1951’s levelling survey in compiled levelling surveys along the Bouchuu-line since 1937. While the ground deformation near the active crater has been obscure. The source of this deflation near the Kusasenri area is estimated on the basis of the spherical pressure source model through the non-linear least square method with using recent survey data which include the Bouchuu-line and an extended survey route. The deflation source is located beneath the Kusasenri area at about 5km depth. However, recent volume changes at the spherical deflation source are smaller than before 1959. The location of the deflation source coincides with the low P- and S-wave velocity body in the 3D seismic velocity structure. This fact supports a hypothesis that the low seismic wave velocity body represents a magma reservoir. Therefore this magma reservoir beneath the Kusasenri area must be connected to the Nakadake active crater. We inferred a rigid conduit in the magma supply system from the obscure ground deformation in the vicinity of the Nakadake crater.
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.5, pp.297-321, 1998

The purpose of this paper is to give an analysis of the spreading of disaster information in the case of 1888 A.D. eruption of Bandai Volcano. A socio-historical approach focusing on newspaper articles, magazines, and other printed matters is adopted to analyze the disaster process. The 1888 eruption of Bandai Volcano was the first experience of a great natural disaster for the Meiji government, which was just under the process of developing the modern nation. The social structure of information in the transit time and its relation to the modernization process in the educational field of physical geography, will be discussed. The newspaper articles about the Bandai Eruption can be characterized into the following three stages in chronological order; l) Reports on the outbreak of the disaster, the initial damage, and the dispatch of the government officials for investigations of the volcano. 2) Further reports on the damage and the donation campaign raised by the newspapers. 3) More on donation campaigns for much more donations among the general public. These three stages clearly show that the social background had changed from the pre-modern society. Having gone through the contemporary understandings about volcanic eruptions and earthquakes with the age of Bandai eruption, and taking the modernization of educational system into consideration, the following reasons for the changes can be pointed out; (a) After the Meiji Restoration accompanied with the so-called "Scientific Revolution" of Japan, the young generation raised under the modern educational system had more scientific attitude to natural phenomena than those of previous generations. (b) The combined effect of the traditional system of charity activities and the new type of donation which was raised by newspapers and other media, such as disaster photographs or charity performances were quite effective in helping the people struck with the disaster under the conditions of the insufficient governmental relief.
渡辺 一徳 本田 圭一 原 浩太郎 宮縁 育夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.1, pp.21-34, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-25)

Aso Volcano in central Kyushu, SW Japan, is one of the largest caldera volcanoes in the world. Aso caldera, 25 km north-south and 18 km east-west, was formed by four gigantic ignimbrite eruptions: Aso-1 (270 ka), Aso-2 (140 ka), Aso-3 (120 ka) and Aso-4 (90 ka). The only outlet of the caldera, named as Tateno gorge, is located at the western edge of the caldera. Since the gorge’s formation history remains poorly studied, a detailed geologic study has been conducted to clarify the stratigraphic relationships between lavas and Aso ignimbrites, and evaluate the formation age of the gorge. The gorge walls are composed mainly of pre-Aso volcanic rocks (0.8-0.4 Ma), and densely welded Aso-2 pyroclastic flow deposits occur on both northern and southern walls of the gorge. Andesitic lava flows (Hokamaki lava) are found between the Aso-1 and Aso-2 ignimbrites in the gorge, and the lavas show potassium-rich characteristics that are indicative of the whole-rock chemistry of magmatic products from Aso Volcano. Additionally, welded Aso-1 blocks were observed in the gravel beds (lahar deposits) underlying the Hokamaki lava from borehole cores. The evidences suggest that the origin of Tateno gorge, which was draining a pre-existing caldera, formed after the Aso-1 ignimbrite eruption (270 ka), and thereafter Hokamaki lavas and the Aso-2 pyroclastic flows (140 ka) passed through the gorge.
山科 健一郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.44, no.2, pp.71-82, 1999-04-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

Associated with the 1914 great eruption at Sakurajima volcano, southwestern Japan, the maximum height of volcanic cloud is discussed based on collected documents, sketches and photographs in those days. A series of photographs up to around 10 : 40 on January 12 (in Japanese Standard Time) represents that the volcanic cloud height attained to 7,000 to 8,000 m above sea level. After then, it proved that several documents reported the height to be 9,500-15,000 m, or even more than 18,000 m a.s.l, although it is difficult to obtain reliable evidences. Considering these reports and other observations from a distance, the height of 15,000 m is tentatively proposed here as a possible maximum value. According to an empirical relation, an eruption rate of small pyroclastic materials is suggested as, roughly speaking, 5,000 tons per second or 20 millions of tons per hour, if the volcanic cloud was 15,000 m in height.
綿貫 陽子 鎌田 浩毅 味喜 大介 石原 和弘
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.48, no.6, pp.513-518, 2003

During the Taisho Eruption (1914-1915) of Sakurajima Volcano, the Secondary Lava Flows drained out from the front of the primary lava flows after a certain pause from their settlement. We investigate distribution, timing and conditions of the effusion of the Secondary Lava Flows which have not been clarified yet. We define the features of the Secondary Lava Flows by means of geomorphological interpretation using aerial photographs and field survey. More than 200 landscape photographs, which were taken at the time of the Taisho Eruption, indicate that the earliest Secondary Lava Flows effused on 14 February 1914; this date was several months earlier than those previously considered. The effusing of the Secondary Lava Flows did not occur as a single event but as several events in different areas. Based on volumetric estimation of the individual Secondary Lava Flows, the volume of the Secondary Lava Flows tend to have increased as time passed after the eruption. The Secondary Lava Flows effused from the underlying tip of river valleys.
宮城 磯治 圦本 尚義
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.40, no.5, pp.349-355, 1995-10-31 (Released:2017-03-20)

山科 健一郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.5, pp.385-401, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

Various suggestive documents and associated sketehes are collected for understanding the pre-eruptive and the earliest stages of the 1914 great eruption of Sakurajima volcano, southwestern Japan, in Taisho era. Based on these records, the premonitory process to the eruption was reviewed especially with respect to the occurrence of many earthquakes which resulted in repeated rock falls with dust clouds, unusual upwelling of water and hot spring, and emission of volcanic smoke in the morning of January 12. Although there are many descriptions on the beginning of the remarkable eruption, they are sometimes inconsistent with each other. In the present paper, it is proposed that the valcano started to erupt around 09 : 58 on January 12 (Japanese Standard Time) at 200 m in height in the western slope of the mountain. In several minutes, a line of craterlets was formed between 200-500 m in height in the WNW-ESE direction. The development of a subsurface fissure in this direction resulted in another outbreak in the southeastern slope probably around 10 : 05. For the better understanding of this important eruptive event, discoveries of additional references are still desired.
長宗 留男 横山 博文 福留 篤男
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-8, 1992-04-01 (Released:2017-03-20)

Earthquake swarms which have frequently occurred off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula since 1978 are investigated, and the relationships between the swarms and the submarine volcanic eruption at Teisi Knoll in 1989 are discussed. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Shapes of epicentral areas of the earthquake swarms can be classified into the following two types, Type I and Type II. The former is an ellipse elongated NE-SW; the latler, an eilipse elongated approximately NW-SE. The swarms in the early years are of Type I, and those in the later stage (in particular, since 1984), for the most part, are of Type II.2) The largest earthquakes in the respective swarms for Type I are located along a straight line in the NE-SW direction, and those for Type II, along a curve line in the E-W to NW-SE directions. These two lines are probably indicative of active tectonic lines. 3) The epicentral areas for Type I and Type II, migrate periodically with a recurrece time of 6-7 years along the tectonic line in the NE-SW direction, and with a recurrence time of about 3.7 years along the tectonic line in the E-W to NW-SE directions, respectively. 4) Teisi Knoll where the submarine volcanic eruption took place on July 13, 1989, is situated in the northwestern part of the tectonic line trending E-W to NW-SE. The eruption was triggerd by the largest shock in the swarm which occurred around the northwestern end of the line.
井村 隆介
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.43, no.5, pp.419-421, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-03-20)
小屋口 剛博
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.50, pp.S151-S166, 2005

About thirty years ago Walker (1973) proposed a diagram to classify explosive volcanic eruptions producing pyroclastic falls on the basis of extensive field data. This diagram has provided us a framework to quantitatively describe explosive eruptions in terms of the characteristics of fall deposits and has also motivated us to develop theoretical models of explosive eruptions. Some of the universal relationships observed in this diagram, such as the positive correlation between the degree of tephra dispersal and the degree of magma fragmentation from sub-plinian to ultra-plinian eruptions may be useful as criteria to verify existing theoretical models. Recent progress in theoretical models of eruption columns, conduit flow, bubble nucleation and growth and magma fragmentation is reviewed from the viewpoint how these models are verified by field data of pyroclastic fall deposits.
鈴木 雄治郎
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.2, pp.385-397, 2016-06-30 (Released:2016-09-12)

The dimensions of volcanic plumes (i.e., heights and spreading area) are the key observable data to estimate the intensity of eruptions, and they are commonly used as an initial input for the calculation of tephra dispersal models. The relationship between these observed data and the eruption conditions such as mass eruption rate in the various atmospheric conditions has been investigated by analytical methods, simple numerical models, and large numerical simulations. In this paper, we have overviewed the recent progress of these numerical models. The latest three-dimensional fluid-dynamics model of eruption clouds has been tested from a viewpoint of comparison with the observed data of the Pinatubo 1991 eruption, the Shinmoe-dake 2011 eruption, and the Kelud 2014 eruption. To develop an operational model of eruption clouds, the effective values of the empirical constants used in the simple numerical models are estimated on the basis of the simulation results of the three-dimensional model. We propose the diagrams to quickly estimate the plume height when the eruption and atmospheric conditions (e.g., mass eruption rate and wind velocity) are given.
中田 節也 田中 雅人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.1, pp.113-121, 1991

Unzen Volcano, Kyushu, Japan, has grown since about 0.5 Ma in a graben where N-S tensile stress is dominant. It contains three volcanic cones with individual life times of 10<sup>5</sup>y. Historical eruptions occurred at intervals of several hundred years. The products with the total volume of 103 km<sup>3</sup> are composed mainly of thick lava flows/domes of hornblende biotite dacite and their collapsed deposits. Seismological data indicated relatively low-density materials at 8 to 18 km depth under the youngest volcanic cone, although there is no direct evidence showing a large magma chamber. A focal solution for an earthquake suggested that a vertical, open crack formed in an EW direction at about 10 km depth, implying magma intrusion. These facts give an idea that multiple, small, vertically standing magma plates (lenticular batches) oriented in an EW direction have existed beneath Unzen Volcano like dike swarm. The Unzen volcanic rocks show the evidence for mixing of felsic and mafic magmas just before or during eruption. The phenocryst assemblages estimated for mixing-endmember magmas were not uniform among lavas. The bulk compositions of rocks do not show a simple trend of mixing between two endmembers. It is likely that lavas of Unzen Volcano erupted from separate magma batches in that felsic magmas overlay high-alumina basaltic magmas. The felsic magmas may have been produced both by partial melting of crustal materials and by fractional crystallization of the mafic magmas. As a mass of magma in a small, separate lenticular batch can cool easily in the uppermost crust, the life time of each magma batch may have been as short as several hundred years. Probably, any large, shallow magma chamber has not formed beneath Unzen Volcano. However, magmas rising from the upper mantle may have been tapped successively in a large, flat chamber between the upper and lower crusts, where they evolved into high-alumina basaltic magma through fractional crystallization, mixing, and contamination processes.
下司 信夫 嶋野 岳人 長井 雅史 中田 節也
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.47, no.5, pp.419-434, 2002

Erupted magma of the 2000 eruption of the Miyakejima volcano changed from basaltic andesite to basalt during the caldera formation, from aphyric basaltic andesite with SiO<sub>2</sub>=54 wt.% to plagioclase-phyric basalt with SiO<sub>2</sub>=51.5 wt.%. Whole-rock compositions of the basaltic andesite of the June and July eruptions are plotted on the extension of the temporal variation of the previous eruptive materials, suggesting that the andesitic magma erupted in June and July eruptions were driven from the magma system worked for the last 500 years. Petrological character of the basalt in the eruptive materials of August, by contrast, is different from the previous lavas of the Miyakejima volcano. This shows that a new basaltic magma ascended to the shallow magma system after the caldera collapse. Identical ratio of the incompatible elements among the eruptive materials of the 2000 eruption and the recent eruptions suggests that they were driven from a common parental magma.
山本 圭吾 園田 忠臣 高山 鐵朗 市川 信夫 大倉 敬宏 吉川 慎 井上 寛之 松島 健 内田 和也 中元 真美
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.58, no.1, pp.137-151, 2013-03-29 (Released:2017-03-20)
