田中 雅人
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.38, no.1, pp.31-60, 2022-08-31 (Released:2023-09-10)

This article examines the rise of Muṣṭafā Arslān (1848/49–1914) and his family in late nineteenth-century Ottoman Mount Lebanon. While scholars have substantiated the overall integration of the Arab provincial leaders into the late Ottoman bureaucracy, they have often emphasized the initiative of the reforming state, and neglected the changing nature of these local elites in their community during this period. The present analysis traces the Arslān family’s meteoric rise from their status as a noble but uninfluential local family to holding a dominant position in the politics of Mount Lebanon. Unlike the tax-farming local gentry of the previous era, such as the Junblāṭs, they secured their power by actively cooperating with the central government and pursuing their career in the bureaucracy. Moreover, they could extend their influence outside their locality through the network of the Ottoman administration, as manifested in the Arslāns’ greater control over the Druze community of the Ḥawrān district. Their political ascension reached its zenith in the wake of the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. However, as these new political elites were raised by the bureaucracy, the chief members of the family, most notably Shakīb Arslān (1869–1946), increasingly acted as agencies of the central state, and were often in conflict with the local forces in Mount Lebanon.
田中 雅人
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.102, no.4, pp.01-032, 2021-03-15

In 1861, the Ottoman Government established a special district in Mount Lebanon, which embodied the principle of proportionate-sectarian representation as opposed to the conventional mode of rule by the local Druze lords. However, the details of the complex process of reintegrating the autonomous local ruler into the new regime remain uncertain, and need to be closely reexamined. Overdue discussion of the sectarian land survey of 1862 to 1869 thus offers excellent insights into this question. The communal conflict of 1841–60, being the crucial background for the new administration in Mount Lebanon, broke out as the tension between the local Druze lords and the Maronite clergy-led peasants peaked following a proclamation to abolish tax-farming in the Ottoman State. The debates of the representatives of the Ottoman Government and the Five European Powers who interfered in the conflict reveals that they saw the establishing of a new order in Mount Lebanon as entailing the separation of the Druze and Maronite sects. To achieve this, the Government and the European Powers deemed the individualization of land ownership as a prerequisite since they understood that the existing unequal share of land revenue between the two sects was the main reason for the unrest. Analysis of the locally preserved land records of the sectarian mixed village in the Shūf sub-district shows that although the calculation and assessment of the land revenue relied on native methods, every land plot and its revenues in the village are listed by sect (Druze, Maronite, and Greek-Catholic), and are recorded under the names of the proprietors. However, the fact that the land tax remained to be collected in each village en bloc indicates the incomplete individualization of property rights. Nevertheless, the unification of tax collection to each village signifies that they became independent administrative units, and it was a pragmatic measure to retract the hereditary rights of powerful local lords as tax-farmers. This point is particularly evident in the successive failures of the earlier efforts of land surveys in the 1840s, which attempted to register each property individually. Therefore, by designating each village a sole collector of the land tax, and allocating the burden by sect, the sectarian land survey dismantled the established rule of the local lords under the tax-farming system and envisaged an independent sectarian entity in return for taxation. It was at this point that even the Druze notables, who had claimed their ancestral right during the conflict of 1841–60, readily applied sectarian language to their political discourse.
押谷 一 田中 雅人
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演集 第31回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会
pp.207, 2020 (Released:2020-11-30)

抗生物質は、ペニシリンの出現以来、感染症に対する劇的な治療薬として広く使用されてきました。 しかしながら、抗生物質の投与が容易であることから、抗生物質に耐性を有する抗生物質耐性菌が出現している。 特に、難治性の多剤耐性菌感染症の切り札と言われているコリスチン耐性菌の出現は、感染症の治療に大きな影響を与えている。 家畜に使用される抗生物質は人間よりも多いため、家畜に動物用抗生物質を使用する薬剤耐性菌は、食品を介して人間に伝染する可能性がある。 循環型社会として家畜ふん等を堆肥化する場合、抗生物質や薬剤耐性菌に注意する必要がある。
中田 節也 田中 雅人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.1, pp.113-121, 1991

Unzen Volcano, Kyushu, Japan, has grown since about 0.5 Ma in a graben where N-S tensile stress is dominant. It contains three volcanic cones with individual life times of 10<sup>5</sup>y. Historical eruptions occurred at intervals of several hundred years. The products with the total volume of 103 km<sup>3</sup> are composed mainly of thick lava flows/domes of hornblende biotite dacite and their collapsed deposits. Seismological data indicated relatively low-density materials at 8 to 18 km depth under the youngest volcanic cone, although there is no direct evidence showing a large magma chamber. A focal solution for an earthquake suggested that a vertical, open crack formed in an EW direction at about 10 km depth, implying magma intrusion. These facts give an idea that multiple, small, vertically standing magma plates (lenticular batches) oriented in an EW direction have existed beneath Unzen Volcano like dike swarm. The Unzen volcanic rocks show the evidence for mixing of felsic and mafic magmas just before or during eruption. The phenocryst assemblages estimated for mixing-endmember magmas were not uniform among lavas. The bulk compositions of rocks do not show a simple trend of mixing between two endmembers. It is likely that lavas of Unzen Volcano erupted from separate magma batches in that felsic magmas overlay high-alumina basaltic magmas. The felsic magmas may have been produced both by partial melting of crustal materials and by fractional crystallization of the mafic magmas. As a mass of magma in a small, separate lenticular batch can cool easily in the uppermost crust, the life time of each magma batch may have been as short as several hundred years. Probably, any large, shallow magma chamber has not formed beneath Unzen Volcano. However, magmas rising from the upper mantle may have been tapped successively in a large, flat chamber between the upper and lower crusts, where they evolved into high-alumina basaltic magma through fractional crystallization, mixing, and contamination processes.
田中 雅人 高橋 嘉夫
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2016年度日本地球化学会第63回年会講演要旨集
pp.5, 2016 (Released:2016-11-09)

ゲルマニウムの同位体比は地球化学的な過程を反映し、δ74/70Ge ~ -40/00‐40/00程度の幅広いの同位体比をとることが報告されている。Pokrovskyらは鉄水酸化鉱物への吸着および共沈によって、水溶液に比べて1.7-4.40/00程度軽い同位体に富むことを報告している。我々は、これまでに6族元素の鉄およびマンガン(水)酸化鉱物への吸着に伴う四配位から六配位構造への変化によって大きな同位体分別を生じることを、X線吸収端微細構造(XAFS)法と量子化学計算により明らかにしてきた。本研究では、ゲルマニウムの吸着に伴う構造変化をXAFS法により調べ、量子化学計算により同位体分別を見積もり、構造変化と同位体分別の関係を明らかにすることを目的とする。
田中 雅人 高橋 嘉夫
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第38回ケモインフォマティクス討論会 東京
pp.18-19, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

有害元素化合物の鉱物への吸着挙動は、環境中における有害元素化合物の移行挙動を支配していると考えられる。従って、ヒ素化合物の鉱物への吸 着挙動を調べることは、ヒ素化合物の移行挙動の理解や汚染予測に繋がると考えられる。本研究では有機ヒ素化合物の鉱物への吸着構造や吸着量に 及ぼす置換基の影響を吸着実験、X線吸収微細構造(XAFS)法および量子化学計算を用いて調べた。その結果、置換基の嵩高さが有機 ヒ素化合物の吸着挙動を決めていることが示唆された。
齋藤 大輔 田中 雅人 齋藤 恵一 納富 一宏 東 吉彦 犬井 正男 斎藤 正男
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 (ISSN:13451510)
vol.25, pp.175-178, 2012

The approach of the accessibility is necessary for all the people to be able to use the Internet. As the visual elements are very important factors in the Internet, in our previous study, the visibilities of young adults, the elderly and dichromatic vision persons were evaluated on white background using the simulation filters. In this report, we evaluated the visibilities between black background and 21 foreground colors, and developed the expression for visibility prediction by the multiple regression analysis using color brightness difference and color difference which was derived from RGB value. As the results, as is the case in the white background, the visibility was correlated with color difference. Moreover, it was shown that all group's visibility is judged high when the range for color brightness difference is 120.3 or more.
田中 雅人 高橋 嘉夫
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2013年度日本地球化学会第60回年会講演要旨集
pp.35, 2013 (Released:2013-08-31)

相田 美砂子 田中 雅人
低温科学 (Low temperature science) (ISSN:18807593)
vol.64, pp.21-30, 2006-03-22

The distribution of solvent water molecules around an alkali metal ion is calculated using Monte Carlo method and compared with the optimal configuration. The analysis of the orbital interaction between an alkali metal ion and the surrounding solvent molecules is performed for aqueous solutions of Li+, Na+ and K+, by means of ab initio MO method,with the aid of QM/MM method. The effect of alkali metal ion orbitals reaches as far as 6Å,7Å and 9Å for Li+, Na+ and K+, respectively. This effect is caused by the orbital interactions between the valence orbitals of an alkali metal ion and of the surrounding water molecules. Not only the electrostatic interaction but also the orbital interaction must not be neglected. The difference in the effect between the alkali metal ions is originated from the difference in the valence orbital extensions of the alkali metal ions.
田中 雅人 尾崎 敏文 沖原 巧 渡邉 典行 瀧川 朋亨 塩崎 泰之
