西谷 真稚子
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.4, pp.107-123, 2005-03

チャールズ一世が処刑前夜を過ごしたセント・ジェームズ宮殿に隣接するセント・ジェームズ・パークは、もともとヘンリー八世が鹿狩り専用の猟場として造営した御苑である。内乱後の空位時代には、損壊を受けた宮殿と同様荒廃の憂き目に合い、すんでのところで実行はされなかったものの議会によって樹木伐採の命まで下っていたという。王政復古がなってまもなく始められたこの苑の復興をうたったのがエドマンド・ウォラーの'On St James's Park, As Lately Improved by His Majesty'であるが、カントリーハウス・ポエムの中でも建造もしくは再建を旨とするいわゆるbuilding or reconstruction poemと呼ばれる詩群に属するこの詩についてまず特筆すべきことはふたつあるように思われる。ひとつは復興をうたわれているのが敷地部分を含めるにせよ建物である場合がほとんどである中、この詩で扱われているのが専ら外部空間である点である。建物の帯びる象徴性とはまた異なった表われかたをする象徴性がそこに見られると考えることができるだろう。もうひとつは、セント・ジェームズ・パークを再興する人物がチャールズ二世その人であることである。たとえば同詩人そしてエイブラハム・カウリーがうたうサマセット・ハウスの再建においてまずは再興者として称賛されているヘンリエッタ・マライアは新国王の母という立場で王権への近さは持つ。王政復古以前、以後に関わらず他の王党派の貴人たちの建物の再建・復興も含め、これらはもちろん間接的、時に直接的に国王を嘉するものではあるけれど、本詩のように王その人の手になる、いわばこれ以上直截な記号性を持つものはない営みはその称賛の仕方にかえって独特なものを持つかもしれない。以上のふたつの点が詩の展開にどのように作用しているかをたどりつつ、その展開をカントリーハウス・ポエムおよびトポグラフィカル・ポエムというジャンルと照らし合わせて考察することがここでの試みである。
任 利
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.27, pp.135-153, 2014

The purpose of this study is to reveal the existence of sexism hidden in the illustrative sentences in a modern Chinese dictionary. By analyzing the usage of male and female third personal pronouns appearing in the illustrative sentences, we found that a man and a woman tended to be depicted differently in stereotypical ways. Male third personal pronouns were used more frequently than female ones in the dictionary. Women were described negatively in the example sentences more often than men. In some examples, women were evaluated positively but only in a narrow range of criteria, such as in physical apprearance or personality.
早川 勇
言語と文化 (ISSN:13451642)
no.14, pp.1-20, 2006-01
八代 隆政
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
vol.10, pp.88-124, 1998-02

Ahmad Nadim Qasmi (1916—) is an effective Urdu short story writer as well as a poet and a journalist in Pakistan, who has generally maintained an unblemished personal reputation. The Urdu (and Hindi) short story as it exists today is a literary phenomenon of recent origin. Its present development owes much to the inspiration of the West. The short story in Urdu originated with Premchand (1880—1936), universally considered as one of the greatest fiction writers of modern India. Premchand brought it out of the world of dreamland and fantasy and introduced to this form the living truth of human existence. He portrayed the life of the Indian peasant in Uttar Pradesh in his novels and short stories with understanding and sympathy for their poverty and suffering, their superstitions and weakness.Only two years after the creation of the Union of Soviet Writers, Marxist intellectuals in India under the leadership of Sajjad Zahir called the first All-India Progressive Writers' Conference in Lucknow on April 10, 1936. Premchand, who imbibed the spirit of socialism in his final years, presided over the Progressive Writers' Movement's first session shortly before his death in 1936.The Urdu short story in the period after 1936 branched into two different lines: the sociological story, represented by Bedi, Krishan Chandar and Qasmi; and the psychological story, dominated by themes of sex, as best seen in the writings of Manto, Ismat Chughtai and Mumtaz Mufti. After Premchand, Ahmad Nadim Qasmi emerged as one of the best short story writers in Urdu. Imtiaz Ali Taj has rightly called Qasmi the "Premchand of Punjab." As a versatile writer, Ahmad Nadim Qasmi has written extensively both in prose and verse, depicting the rural life of the Punjabi with all its romance and poverty, and touchingly capturing the grandeur of nature in contrast with the sad plight of the village dweller. His interest in rural life sprang initially from his search for romance in the rustic, but later he began depicting rural actuality in all its beauty and misery, a fact which has tended to permeate his writing with a missionary zeal. Qasmi showed a deep sympathy for the peasant folk in their misery and poverty, for he saw beneath their rags a certain dignity, worth, and regard for humanity.In this paper an attempt has been made to describe Qasmi's life, thought and the process of his self-reformation, and to evaluate the characteristics of his works in the fifteenth collection of short stories "Nila patthar" (Blue stone) published in 1980.
中村 修也
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.27, pp.188-174, 2014

Tokijiku-no-Kakunokonomi is defined as immortal fruits, which were brought from the land of the dead by Tajimamori. So it was Tachibana fruit in the Heian period. But they are only legend because Tokijiku-no-Kakunokonomi were trees around the emperor's tomb. They symbolized eternal life because they are evergreen trees. Tajimamori is one of the clans that take care of the emperor's tomb. This legend teaches us that evergreen trees were planted around the Japanese ancient tomb.
城生 佰太郎
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.25, pp.24-45, 2012

There is one textbook with quite a low level about Japanese sounds. For example: (1)It doesn't distinguish even between the difference of the International Phonetic symbols and the Roman alphabet notation. (2)It doesn't understand the right accent of the Tokyo dialect. (3)It confuses a syllable and Mora. (4)It misunderstrands when shown like phonology and it ignores the level having to do with phonetics. Future Japanese sound education should make an effort to reconsider the education which leans on abstract phonological theory and teaching learners sound facts tightly from level having to do with phonetics.
谷守 正寛
言語と文化 (ISSN:13476610)
no.19, pp.137-150, 2015
小林 英信 KOBAYASHI Hidenobu
pp.165-182, 1993-03-20

大久保 由紀 八藤後 忠夫
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.17, pp.1-29, 2004

An investigation for 279 university students, resulted in the following conclusions.1) Resistance to "abusive language" was shown to be significantly higher in the control group than in the object group. The working hypothesis was formed from this result.2) High resistance in the object group was significantly shown only in the "the nursing family".3) Both object and control groups had a high resistance score of toward language on "physical region". A low resistance score was also confirmed both groups on language concerning "the region on the actions of the partners" and "the region on the inner matters of the partner".4) In all inter-group comparisons, Resistance to the language use concerning "people who are not so intimate with the subject" was significantly high. Especially in cases of "dispute".5) University students of nursing and psychology and welfare (the object group) had low resistance. However, it is be not appropriate to postulate their lack of their sensitivity toward "abusive language" from this.