山本 富美子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.8, no.3, pp.67-79, 2004-12-31 (Released:2017-08-31)

I hypothesized that plosive perception contributes to speech perception of Japanese. I have noted that Shanghai speakers with the voicing contrast yet with a modest knowledge of Japanese grammar are generally higher in listening comprehension than Mandarin speakers without the voicing contrast but with a higher knowledge of Japanese grammar. In order to verify this hypothesis, I examined the relationship between the plosive perception and speech perception of the two groups. Results indicate that confusion in plosive consonants is a factor contributing to the confusion of speech perception and, especially, that confusion in voiceless plosive [t] and [k], whose frequencies are the two highest in Japanese speech, is a significant factor preventing Mandarin speakers from perceiving Japanese speech.
新田 哲夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.15, no.1, pp.6-15, 2011-04-30

A special geminate like ff in maffa "pillow", which does not exist in the Standard Japanese (SJ), is found in the Antoh dialect in Fukui Prefecture. This paper deals with the synchronic and diachronic phenomena concerning the ff geminate in addition to bb and ss. This paper has the following purposes: (1) to illustrate the correspondence of geminates between the Antoh dialect and SJ, (2) to investigate the historical development of the geminates in the Antoh dialect, (3) to point out that the manifestation of the geminates in the Antoh dialect is similar to that of the Miyakojima dialect in the Ryukyuan language, and (4) to propose that the explanation for the process of the geminate in this dialect gives a suggestive source to the discussion on the processes of sound changes in the Ryukyuan language.
井下田 貴子 廣谷 定男 荒井 隆行
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.21, no.2, pp.53-60, 2017-08-30 (Released:2018-02-28)

This study investigated overlapping of /o/ and /u/ in young Seoul Korean speakers' lenis/aspirated CV syllables, and discusses its results with previous studies' observations of overlapping in speech units of different length. Male speakers showed no overlapping in the lenis CV context, but did in the aspirated CV context. Females showed overlapping in both contexts, with greater overlapping in the aspirated. By comparing with previous V and read speech studies, it suggests that overlapping may be related to coarticulation and clarity reduction for males. For females, there is a possibility that the presence of C reduces overlapping in V.
上野 善道
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.44-62, 2012-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

After defining an N-pattern accent as a system where only N oppositions exist irrespective of the length of the accentual unit, I examine four characteristics cross-dialectically and argue that: (1) The accentual unit is a bunsetsu, which is found pandialectally; (2) Serialization basically holds true for the system, but not, when a noun has an accent kernel specified from the end of the word; (3) Both the compound accent rule to the effect that the accent of a compound inherits the accent of its first member, and accent pattern congruity in conjugation have many exceptions. Both depend on how the dialect underwent historical changes, at least in Mainland Japanese. Finally, the histories of two-pattern accent systems in Kyushu and three-pattern accents in Oki-no-shima are considered.
杉藤 美代子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.9, no.3, pp.52-57, 2005-12-31 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper explains a speech database of prattle and chat of a female baby 'Emi' with her mother. They were recorded for about one hour almost every month since Emi was six months old until she became a child of forty-five months old. You can listen and analyze how she gradually develops her vowels and consonants, and after many repetitions of failure and success, she acquires words and sentences to chat fluently in her native language, Osaka Japanese.
久保 智之
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.5, no.3, pp.27-32, 2001-12-31

In the Fukuoka dialect, flat high pitch spreads between a WH-word and a [+WH] COMP which binds it. Two assumptions are made to explain this phenomenon: (i) there is a rule which forms a phonological phrase between a WH-word and a [+WH] COMP, (ii) only the underlying accent of lexical head will surface. These assumptions also hold for the Pusan dialect of Korean, which shows striking similarity to Fukuoka Japanese.
早田 輝洋
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.2, no.1, pp.25-33, 1998-04-30

This paper rejects Matsumoto's (1984, 1995) arguments that o_1 and o_2 in Old Japanese (OJ) are allophones of the phoneme /o/. Matsumoto claims that a restricted distribution of the phonetically unmarked o_1, its low frequency, and the anomalous direction of its merger with o_2 should be regarded as denoting their status as allophones, rather than two different phonemes. The phonological distinction of vowel quantity in OJ and pre-OJ, and Short-mid-vowel-raising in pre-OJ (Hattori 1976, 1979a, b) and Vowel-shortening, which shortens the vowel of the first syllable in a disyllabic morpheme containing two long vowels in pre-OJ, can explain all the alleged anomalies and serve to invalidate Matsumoto's arguments.
閔 光準
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.11, no.2, pp.16-27, 2007-08-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper presents an overview of the characteristics of intonation in Seoul Korean. After briefly reviewing previous studies on Korean accent and intonation, it describes the intonational characteristics of Seoul Korean with respect to intonational structure, accentual phrase, intonational phrase, declination, focus, syntactic structure, the relationship between accentual phrasing and their related phonological alternation, paralinguistic information and prosodic aspects of dialogue. This paper also introduces K-ToBI, a prosodic transcription convention for Seoul Korean. Finally, it identifies the intonation problems Japanese learners of Korean frequently have difficulty mastering.
五十嵐 陽介 田窪 行則 林 由華 ペラール トマ 久保 智之
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.134-148, 2012-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

In this paper we test the hypothesis that Ikema, a dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan, has a three-pattern accent system, where three accent classes, Types A, B, and C, are lexically distinguished, contra previous studies which have claimed that it has a two-pattern accent system. The results of our analysis confirm the existence of three distinct accent classes. The three-way distinction can only be observed in quite restricted conditions, including when nouns followed by one or more bimoraic particles precede a predicate. The results also reveal that Type A words are few in number, indicating that Type A words are in the process of merging with Type B.
新田 哲夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.1, pp.63-79, 2012-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

The Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, are considered the only area which has three-pattern accentuation in Mainland Japan, although it has been reported that several dialects of the Ryukyuan language have three-pattern accentuation. However, I have discovered three-pattern accentuation also exists in the Kokonogi dialect, Fukui Prefecture, which is located east of the Oki Islands. This paper will first describe the accent system of this dialect and verify that the dialect has some of the characteristics peculiar to N-pattern accent systems. However, the dialect does not have consistency of accent pattern in forms of the verb conjugation, something observed in some dialects with an N-pattern accent system. Finally, I will try to give a historical reason for this inconsistency by showing the correspondences between the verbal accentuation of the Kokonogi dialect and those of the Kochi dialect, which retains older accent forms than the Kyoto dialect.
那須 昭夫
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.9, no.1, pp.20-29, 2005-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

The phonological processes of mimetics have a close relationship to sound-symbolic, or iconic effects that accompany the segmental structure of mimetic forms. While iconicity is one of the most conspicuous properties of phonological processes underlying mimetic expressions, some of the phonological processes of mimetics show consistent and systematic patterns which cannot be explained other than with reference to the general grammar of a language. This article accounts for some of the asymmetries found in mimetic phonology in Japanese. The phonological asymmetry that emerges in the phonological patterns of mimetics frequently reflects a contrast between marked and unmarked structures observed in phonological processes that generate mimetics. Here we concern ourselves with three types of asymmetries, the first two of which relate to issues in segmental phonology: "Coronal syndrome" and rhotic exclusion - particularly focusing on the process of palatalization - and the asymmetry found in voicing patterns. In addition to these two issues of segmental phonology, we analyze syllable structure in the intensified forms of mimetics and discuss their prosodic asymmetry.
Shigeto Kawahara Gakuji Kumagai
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.23, pp.111-116, 2019-08-31 (Released:2019-08-31)

Recent studies show that sound symbolic principles are operative in Pokémon characters’ names; e.g., those characters with names that contain more voiced obstruents tend to be larger and heavier (Kawahara et al. 2018b). One question that arose from this line of research is whether other attributes of Pokémon—specifically their types—show any tangible effects of sound symbolism. This question is related to the more general issue of what kinds of semantic attributes/dimensions can be signaled by sound symbolism. In answer to this question, Hosokawa et al. (2018) showed that the dark type characters are more likely to contain voiced stops and less likely to contain labial consonants in their names than the fairy type characters. The current judgment experiment shows that these associations are productive. Moreover, the effect sizes of sound symbolism were not correlated with each participant’s familiarity with Pokémon, suggesting that the sound symbolic knowledge is more abstract than what can be gleaned from the Pokémon lexicon.
浅田 健太朗
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.8, no.2, pp.35-45, 2004-08-31 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper describes a change in the degree of the independence of the postpositional mora by taking notice of the position of kana in the scores of shomyo, Japanese Buddhist chants. An investigation into the scores of the Nanzan-shin School, the Soo-in School and the Tendai School revealed that the postpositional mora acquired its independence as a unit of syllabication during the Medieval Japanese and Early Modern Japanese periods.
重松 淳
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.11, no.2, pp.5-15, 2007-08-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

The last quarter of the 20th century saw epoc-making changes for both of phonological and phonetic researches of Chinese language. Since the ancient time, numerous descriptive researches had certainly been done according to the traditional method, when the new wave which arrived from the western world in the 20th century made them obsolete all of a sudden. In this paper I introduce two subjects which have aroused discussion in the new trends, that is, firstly how the internal rhythm of Chinese synchronizes with the system of stress accents, and secondly how the Chinese tone leads to the pitch contour.
前川 喜久雄 五十嵐 陽介
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.2, pp.33-42, 2006-08-30

In Tokyo Japanese, bimoraic accented particles like /ma'de/ and /su'ra/ are believed to lose their lexical accent when they are coupled with accented content words like /kyo'Hto made/. The deletion of particle accent, however, does not occur regularly. There are cases where particles constitute independent accentual phrases of their own, thereby preserving their lexical accents like in /kyo'Hto ma'de/. This paper examines this prosodic phenomenon by analyzing the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ). Analysis of CSJ revealed that none of ten particles examined in this study showed perfectly regular accent deletion. It also turned out that there were four factors that favored independence of particles, viz., 1) semantic property of particles, 2) distance between preceding lexical accent and that of particles, 3) presence of BPM tones in the particles, and, 4) speaking style. Various analyses suggested consistently that it was the semantic property of particles that was the most influential. Particles of contrast and/or limitation (toritate nojoshi) like /ko'so/, /su'ra/, /sa'e/, /no'mi/ tend to retain their accent and prosodic independence much more frequently when compared to other particles including /na'do/, /ma'de/, /yo'ri/, /de'wa/, and /de'mo/.
高山 倫明
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.7, no.1, pp.35-46, 2003-04-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper reviews the previous studies on important topics in Japanese historical phonology, introducing both classic works and newer publications. The paper then points out some of the significant issues requiring further elaboration, e.g., (1) distinctive features of /g, z, d, b/ in Old Japanese (OJ), (2) historical development of Modern Japanese /h/, (3) merging process of */di/ vs. */zi/ and */du/ vs. */zu/, (4) phonotactic constraints avoiding hiatus or word-initial /g, z, d, b, r/ in OJ. The reasons why these topics represent particularly important questions, especially with regard to the phonetic naturalness of sound change, are then explored.
松森 晶子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.4, no.1, pp.61-71, 2000-04-28 (Released:2017-08-31)

Based on the regular correspondence between the Kindaichi tonal classes, originally developed for mainland Japanese dialects, and those of Ryukyuan dialects, this study proposes that the accentual system of proto-Ryukyuan had at most a three-way tonal distinction for words of up to three syllables. Then, assuming that these tonal classes in proto-Ryukyuan can be categorized into at least three large groups, each being supposed to share certain common characteristics in the proto-Ryukyuan accentual system, these are referred to as Pattern Categories (Keiretsu) A, B, and C in this paper. This study then proposes lists of words belonging to each category, based on research conducted on Okinoerabu Island in the Amami region, where the dialect system is known to retain the maximum numbers of tonal distinctions within the Ryukyuan dialect area.