小田 匡保
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.38, pp.21-51, 2002-03

This paper makes a bibliography of geography of religion in Japan on the basis of Bibliography of Geography edited by the Human Geographical Society of Japan and attempts to analyze it statistically, so that it examines the research trend in the geography of religion in postwar Japan. Bibliography of Geography appeared ten times every five years after the Second World War. It covers extensively most of the geographical literature published in Japan. The number of books and articles related to the geography of religion collected from Bibliography amounts to 390, of which more than 360 items are written by geographers. Main points obtained through the analysis are as follows: 1. The volume of the items has increased steadily after the war. 2. In the second and the third stage (1957-1976) Ogoshi and Uchida wrote many papers. In the fourth stage (1977-1986) Nagano and Iwahana were productive, and in the fifth stage (1987-1996) other geographers such as T. Tanaka, Sekiguchi, Oda and Nakagawa were also active. 3. It is geographers born in the 1950s who published more works than any other. On the contrary there are somehow few scholars in the immediately earlier generations born in the 1930s and 1940s. 4. Mountain religion has often been studied by geographers in spite of its small number of believers and temples, whereas so-called new religions have received little attention. 5. Popular research subjects include religious city and settlement, pilgrimage, cemetery, distribution of religion, rural religious organization, pictorial map, and mountain sacred area. Many of them attract more interest recently, but the literature related to the religious city and settlement has decreased in number.
水谷 剛
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.38, pp.69-86, 2002-03

This paper was written to introduce in Japan Teleki Pal, who is little known in this country except to a small number of specialists in the history of cartography. In the first part, the author discusses the important role Teleki Pal played in the formation of modern academic Hungarian geography, focussing on his main works, including those on the history of the cartography of the Japanese archipelago, the history of geographical thought and the elaboration of the ethnographic map of Hungary. In the second part, the author focuses on the political activities of Teleki Pal, which ultimately led to his tragic end by suicide in the course of his opposition as prime minister to the pro-Nazi trends during World War II. As a geographer he attached great importance to cartography, but at the same time he was greatly preoccupied by the problem of Hungarian minorities in Transylvania, where his dukedom was located, and the territory of which passed to Rumania under the Paris Peace Treaty after World War I. Where these matters were concerned, his political geographical interests and his activities as a politician to revise Hungarian territorial problems were in a certain sense parallel. In this respect, his 1923 work "The Evolution of Hungary and Its Place in European History" is very important. The author wishes to express his appreciation to the Ministry of Education of Hungary for its grant of a scholarship and to the Department of Geography at Budapest University for its academic assistance in the work of research for this paper.
橋詰 直道
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.36, pp.55-78, 2000-03

The purpose of this study was to make clear the characteristics of garden villages and garden suburbs in England. Also, in this paper I discussed the question of the location of the first Garden Suburb. The results obtained from these studies are summarised as follows. The 'garden city' idea has many unique features that continue to be relevant today, not only in England, but also throughout the world. Bournville Village, Port Sunlight Village and New Earswick are traditionally known as industrial villages, but we can also say that they are garden villages. The original concept behind the villages was to provide a good living environment for all the people of the working class according to the founder's philanthropic tradition. It is an important fact that the garden villages were particularly responsible for the articulation of many important ideas to the garden city concept. The prime purpose of the garden suburb was to solve the problem of housing for the working class. The aims of the Co-Partnership Tenants Society were to construct housing for a socially mixed community in the garden suburb. Their incorporation of green open space and a site layout, which included adequate garden space and picturesque cottages, was a precursor of the garden suburb style of planning. Bedford Park (Acton) has started in 1875 and nowadays claims the title of 'the first garden suburb' (Bolsterli, 1977 and Greeves, 1983), and Merton Park (Wimbledon) begun in 1870, claims the title of 'the original garden suburb' (Woolfenden, 1979). Brentham, started in 1901, and Hampstead Garden Suburb, started in 1907, had been designed by Parker and Unwin as architect-planners under the garden suburb concept. Ealing Tenants Limited, the pioneer Co-Partnership organisation, was registered in 1901 to develop a site at Brentham on the northern outskirts of Ealing, west of London. However, Bedford Park and Merton Park were speculative development, which lacked any real social aim in its foundations therefore, the garden suburb concept had not yet emerged at the end of the 19th centuries. In this sense, Brentham is 'Ealing's Garden Suburb' with origins in the Co-Partnership movement as a garden suburb, and it is understood to be the first garden suburb in England. And we can say that Bedford Park or Merton Park is one of the Victorian Railway Suburbs (Hall, 1996), which means they rely on a railway station to take commuters from suburb to the city centre. This paper is the result of a study that I have been conducting as a visiting researcher in the Department of Geography, University College London (April 1999 to March 2000). The author would like to express thanks to Sir Professor Peter Hall and Dr. Richard Dennis, University College London, for their great help in the survey.
漆原 和子 喜納 宏之 新垣 和夫 佐々木 正和 ミオトケ フランツ-ディーター
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.33, pp.33-47, 1997-03

清水 善和
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.37, pp.17-35, 2001-03

小笠原諸島母島の主稜線部の雲霧帯にのみ産する小笠原固有属のキク科木本植物ワダンノキ(Dendrocacalia crepidifolia Nakai)の現状と,更新様式の調査を行った。母島の堺ヶ岳-石門と船木山-乳房山の稜線2か所でルートセンサスを行い,出現した全ワダンノキ個体(96個体と97個体)について,樹高,地際直径,幹本数,ツルダコの有無,活力度の測定・記録を行った。また,台風被害で明るくなった林床に芽生えた当年実生の追跡調査を行った。さらに堺ヶ岳と乳房山山頂付近の生育地の植生調査も行い,過去のデータと比較した。その結果,樹高や生育形にはばらつきがあるものの,地際直径は一山型の度数分布を示すこと,1980年代後半より枯死が急速に進み群落が失われつつあること,全域で稚樹がほとんど見られないこと,陽樹なので発芽・初期成長に十分な光が必要なこと,台風後の明るい林縁に芽生えた当年実生は1年後にほぼ全滅したことなどが明らかになった。以上の結果から,ワダンノキはガラパゴス諸島のスカレシア林で知られている一斉更新型(一斉枯死・一斉発芽)の更新様式を持つことが推定された。ワダンノキの更新に関わる事項として,ツルダコとの競合関係,帰化種アカギの生育地への侵入,返還後30年間の乾燥化傾向と旱魃の被害,台風による撹乱と樹冠の損傷,近年増加した蛾(モンシロモドキ)の食害,固有ハナバチ類から帰化種セイヨウミツバチへの訪花昆虫の交替,群落状態から点在状態への生育状況の変化などを挙げ,現在,正常な更新を妨げる要因が複数あることを議論した。現時点の総個体数は500を切っている可能性が高い。今後も個体数の減少が続くことが予想される一方,後継の稚樹がほとんど育っていないので絶滅の恐れも出てきた。ツルダコの刈り払いなど,積極的な保護策をとる必要がある。
no.4, 1968-03
安達 寛
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.10, pp.61-72, 1974-03
高木 正博 Jolivalt Sylvain
駒澤地理 (ISSN:0454241X)
vol.31, pp.1-13, 1995-03
