松縄 信太 石田 求
vol.37, no.203, pp.125-131, 1934-03-01

宮脇 将志 竹内 伸和 松田 和子
vol.2003, pp.18-19, 2003

複雑化するビルの情報化を切り口にしたより使いやすいエレベーター操作盤の開発に関して, 昨年製品化したタッチディスプレイ搭載のエレベーター操作盤(グラフィックパネル)を例に紹介する。
Hiroyuki YOSHIDA Taku NAGATAKE Kazuyuki TAKASE Akiko KANEKO Hideaki MONJI Yutaka ABE
Mechanical Engineering Journal (ISSN:21879745)
vol.1, no.4, pp.TEP0025-TEP0025, 2014 (Released:2014-08-15)
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In this study, to develop the predictive technology of two-phase flow dynamics under earthquake acceleration, a detailed two-phase flow simulation code with an advanced interface tracking method TPFIT was expanded to perform two-phase flow simulations under seismic conditions. In the expansion of the TPFIT, the oscillating acceleration attributed to the earthquake motion was introduced into the momentum equation of the two-phase flow as body force. Moreover, to simulate fluctuation of the flow rate and a shear force on a pipe wall, time dependent boundary conditions can be added in the numerical simulations. The bubbly flow in a horizontal pipe excited by oscillation acceleration and under the fluctuation of the liquid flow was simulated by using the modified TPFIT. Furthermore, predicted velocity distribution around the bubbles and shapes of bubbles were compared with measured results under flow rate fluctuation and structure vibration. In the results of numerical simulation, periodical change of shapes of bubbles was observed. In addition, velocity distribution around bubbles also changed in accordance with flow rate fluctuation or structure vibration. Predicted results almost agreed with measured results. In the results, it was confirmed that the modified TPFIT can predict time dependent velocity distribution around the bubbles and shapes of bubbles qualitatively. The main cause of bubble deformation observed from the measured and predicted results is large shear stress at the lower part of the bubble, and this large shear stress is induced by the velocity difference between the liquid phase and bubble. Moreover, by using the predicted results, we discussed about the difference between both effects of flow rate fluctuation and structure vibration on two-phase flow. In the results, bubble acceleration of the structure vibration case was larger than that of the flow rate fluctuation case. Finally, it was concluded that unsteady shear stress induced by vibration of the pipe wall was one of the main driving forces of bubble motion in structure vibration case.
ラクシンチャラーンサク ポンサトーン 小竹 元基 永井 正夫
日本機械学会論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.72, no.715, pp.795-801, 2006-03-25
5 4

This paper examines the feasibility of Direct Yaw-moment Control (DYC) in the context of lane keeping system. The DYC, which is generated by differential traction force distribution, is designed with, consideration of the road image information to assist the driver's steering maneuver for lane keeping task. Consequently, the controller is designed to regulate the lateral deviation based on the lane marker position acquired via CCD camera with on-board image processing system. The effectiveness of the proposed control system was verified by actual driving test with micro electric vehicle equipped with two independent in-wheel-motors for generating DYC.
佐藤 文宣 蘆田 浩規 鳴尾 丈司
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.65, no.630, pp.572-579, 1999-02-25

In this paper, dynamic behavior of golf club shafts before impact is analyzed. Firstly, we have established the measuring system of bending stiffness distribution of the shafts. Then we measure bending strain of the shafts on swinging. We model the shaft as a cantilever beam and we calculate deflection of the shaft before impact with data of bending stiffness distribution and data of bending strain. Additionally, we estimate "Kick Point" of golf shafts. We calculate changing curvature of shafts before impact, so that we make clear which part of shafts are bended and changed curvature exceedingly on swinging. We have proposed the share of this changing ratio in cach a third of overall shaft and we call it "Dynamic Flexible Ratio". The resuits are summarized as follows: (1)It is possible to classify the type of golfers by comparing deflections of the shaft before impact, and to calculate velocity of golf club head and angle at the tip of shaft by deflection. (2)"Dynamic Flexible Ratio" is closely related to angle at the tip of shaft by deflection.
楊 基明 目黒 俊勝 小野寺 収 高山 和喜
日本機械学会論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.591, pp.4031-4038, 1995-11-25

In the previous paper, the design and performance of a diaphragmless shock tube which could generate, with a higher degree of repeatability, weak shock waves up to shock Mach number of 1.2 were reported. In the present paper, an experimental improvement of the facility, by which the pressure difference between the driver chamber and the driven channel can be increased to about 4 times higher than the previous system, was achieved so that the attainable shock Mach number was extended to M_s=1.6 at the initial atmospheric pressure. Higher shock Mach number up to 3 can also be readily obtained by decreasing the pressure in the driven channel. A numerical simulation and a theoretical analysis were perfomed in order to clarify the characteristics of this diaphragmess shock tube. Although the numerical simulation revealed that the flow near the rubber membrane is very complicated, however, with the help of simplified one-dimensional model, in which the varying cross-section is taken into account, shock Mach numbers achievable in this shock tube were well predicted as a function of the pressure ratio between the high-pressure chamber and low-pressure channel. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and theoretical prediction.
酒井 達雄 中間 好信
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.563, pp.1656-1662, 1993-07-25
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Many kinds of engineering ceramics have been developed and used as parts of mechanical structures. These ceramics are often used as machine parts which are exposed to elevated temperatures. The strength distribution of those materials significantly depends upon the temperature. In this study, distribution characteristics of the flexural strength for alumina ceramics were examined at the temperatures of room temperature (RT), 800℃, 1000℃ and 1200℃, respectively. Based on the temperature dependence of distribution parameters, the Probability-Strength-Temperature characteristics were quantitatively analysed. An analytical model for the temperature dependence of the strength distribution was finally proposed by introducing the defect sensitivity and its temperature dependence. Analytical results thus obtained were in good agreement with the experimental aspect of the strength distributions.
壁井 信之 小須田 昌之 鏡淵 英紀 田代 良一 水野 均 植田 康弘 土屋 喜一
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.62, no.604, pp.4624-4629, 1996-12-25

Our aim is to develop a microactuator to be used for endoscopic surgery. The purpose of this study was to construct cylinder-piston-type microactuators that are actuated by thermal expansion of paraffin. We use a paraffin as the material for expansion because paraffin has a large coefficient of expansion in the temperature range of 35 to 45 degrees of centigrade. For smooth actuation of the piston, we must prevent the paraffin from sticking on to the inside surface of the cylinder. Thus the paraffin is enclosed in a silastic tube. The cavity between the cylinder and the tube is filled with silicone oil for lubrication and prevention of expansion loss. The outer diameter of the actuator is 2.5mm and its length is 130mm. The actuator can generate a stroke of 8mm against a load of 1kg.
松岡 寛憲 甲木 昭 小野 肇 津田 吉広
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.61, no.581, pp.273-280, 1995-01-25

It has been already reported that EP additives used in cutting oil for hobbing exert a notable influence on hob wear. However, systematic studies on the effect of the viscosity for cutting oil and on the effect of the viscosity of base oil on action of additives are rather rare. Since there exist generally interactions between an additive and a base oil, the difference in the viscosity of base oil should affect action of an additive. Therefore, finding optimum viscosity conditions in which hob wear and finished surface roughness of gear are minimized, will be necessary for obtaining a standard for selecting or designing an appropriate base oil for additive. From this viewpoint, the effect of viscosity of base oil, moreover, the effect of additive in base oil with a variety of viscosity on hob wear and finished surface were investigated in this paper. Experiments were carried out with a single fly tool. Hob wear tends to be smaller with higher viscosity of base oil. The viscosity of base oil hardly affected finished surface roughness. Among the additives used, the chlorinated fatty acid ester added to the high viscosity base oil showed a best performance and the optimal content of chlorine was 3%.
中川 博文 北村 純一 近藤 徹 飯沼 和三 高橋 賞
日本機械学会論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.61, no.582, pp.466-471, 1995-02-25

The efficiency of visual biofeedback (VFB) training method using a Photoelastic imaging system on restoring and stabilizing a standing position of stroke patients was investigated. As a stroke group, seven hemiplegics were selected with the mean of 57 year-old. Twelve age-matched healthy subjects were selected as controls. The subjects were asked to stand upright on the photoelastic apparatus and to gaze at a marker 1.5M distant on the wall. Then, VFB training was performed for ten minutes by self recognition of his own pressure patterns which were produced by photoelastic system and were monitored on a TV screen. The patterns were photographed in each different condition such as in a standing position with eyes open or closed before and after l0-minute-training with VFB, and were comparatively analysed. The results showed that (1) the ratio of affected side to unaffected definded by the number of first fringes produced increased significantly after VFB up to the control level, (2) the ratio of body weight loading on the affected side to unaffected was significantly increased after VFB, and (3) the position of center of contact pressure on the longitudinal axis of an affected sole was found to be significantly more posteriorly sifted than in the control and was remained unchanged after VFB. In conclusion, the VFB method using a photoelastic imaging system may be useful to enhance visual-contact motor balancing functions in patients with hemiplegics and also to study a restoring process of neurological impairment leading to a postural problem.
大室 健 森田 寿郎
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.766, pp.1503-1513, 2010-06-25

Movable structures can change their shape because each of the components are connected by hinges. This paper discussed a mechanism design method that can relocate hinges based on a fourbar linkage mechanism. In this paper, "structural fabric" is defined as the arrangement of the hinges, and "shape" is also defined as the structural externals made from the arrangement of the hinges. By this definition, changes of the shape by the hinge's angle without changing the hinge arrangement is different from changes in the structural fabric. On the other hand, origami can transform by changing its structural fabric because it can freely relocate creases as hinges. However, there have been no rigid body structures that have origami-like characteristics, since there has been no mechanism that can relocate hinges. So we have designed HDRM (Hinge Double Relocation Mechanism) which can relocate hinges, and have constructed movable structures by combining the HDRM. Contents of this paper is as follows; First, a mechanism design requirement that can relocate hinges by the planar linkage have became clear. The design requirement has been expanded to spatial linkage mechanisms which have been named HRM (Hinge Relocation Mechanism), through the mechanical analysis of the spherical quadric crank chain mechanism. Next, the HDRM that relocates hinges in a singular configuration has been invented by adapting the mentioned requirement. The requirement of making movable structures from HDRM has been cleared by solving the Hamiltonian path problem. Finally, from evaluations using kinematical and interference analysis on the 3D-CAD, it has been confirmed that the constructed movable structures can change into various shapes by changing the structural fabric.