田中 武夫 岡田 次郎
凍結及び乾燥研究会会誌 (ISSN:02888297)
vol.15, pp.71-75, 1969-09-30

神田 啓史
凍結及び乾燥研究会会誌 (ISSN:02888297)
vol.38, pp.99-103, 1992-10-20

Aquatic mosses in Antarctic lakes were first recorded when Russian biologists carried out Antarctic studies in the International Geophysical Year (IGY), 1957-1958. Then some aquatic mosses were collected at a depth of over 30m in lakes. In Syowa Station area, two aquatic mosses Bryum pseudotriquetrum and Dicranella sp. were known, of which the latter moss with peculiar globose gemmae was found from lake beds at 3-5m depth in Skarvsnes region. Joining the 29th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-29, 1987-89) for a botanical study as one of the over-wintering members, the present investigator collected and determined the species of some aquatic mosses occurring on the lake beds near the Syowa Station area: i. e. Skarvsnes,Byvagasane, Breidvagnipa and Langhovde. Consequently, most specimens were a submerged form of Bryum pseudotriquetrum, but others included species of Dicranella sp. and submerged forms of Pottia heimii and Bryum amblyodon. The Dicranella sp. should be assigned to cosmopolitan species Leptobryum pyriforme on examination of cultural characters in this study. There are two theories to account for the origin of the Antarctic moss flora. One suggests that they are remnants of a preglacial climax vegetation, the other that they were carried to Antarctic by air current or sea birds from other continents. Since most terrestrial and aquatic mosses in the Syowa Station area are cosmopolitan species, the latter theory seems more reasonable.
征矢野 清 泉田 大介
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.61, no.1, pp.27-30, 2015-04-15 (Released:2017-06-15)

Water temperature directly affects the physiological phenomena of fish categorized into heterothermic animal. In particular, the water temperature has been known as a major factor that controls the reproductive phenomena, such as sexual differentiation, gametogenesis, spawning, etc. In the present paper, we describe about the effects of water temperature on the reproductive phenomena in fish.
平康 博章 因野 要一 西村 和彦
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.60, no.2, pp.73-77, 2014-10-15 (Released:2017-06-15)

Pulse combustion drying was used for dry preservation of lactic acid bacteria. An antioxidant i.e., 0.01% ascorbic acid or 1.0% glutathione was added to skimmed milk (5%) and trehalose (5%) to protect against desiccation of bacterial cells. The survival rate of dried lactic acid bacteria was > 90% on addition of the antioxidants, while addition of only skimmed milk and trehalose resulted in a 27% survival rate. Neither oxidized ascorbic acid nor glycine demonstrated this effect. Therefore, addition of an antioxidant to prevent peroxidation of the lipid membrane of microorganisms is effective in maintaining the viability of lactic acid bacteria subjected to pulse combustion drying. This the first study to achieve a sufficiently high survival rate of lactic acid bacteria in order to develop a microbiological agent using pulse combustion dryer.
安達 秀雄 斉藤 勝 沢井 芳男 有田 峰生 松本 稔
凍結および乾燥研究会記録 (ISSN:02888289)
vol.11, pp.118-125, 1965-04-05 (Released:2017-08-01)

奥山 綏夫 島田 敏雄 亀谷 寿彦
凍結及び乾燥研究会会誌 (ISSN:02888297)
vol.16, pp.95-99, 1970-08-30

われわれは1965年10月から冷凍血液を実際に臨床に使用しており,今年3月までに108症例に総計426単位(1単位=200ml, ACD血に相当)を輸血している.まだ凍結洗浄処理方法が完成されたとは云えないが,臨床上では何らの支障なしに安全に使用し得る段階になっている.ここにわれわれの1970年3月までの輸血成績ならびに最近若干の改良を加えたのでその成績を,また血液の供給源として屍体血に着目し,その凍結保存の可能性を実験的に認めているので合わせて報告する.
山口 良文
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.66, no.1, pp.11-15, 2020 (Released:2020-09-01)

Mammalian hibernation is a strategy to survive during harsh winter with severe hypothermia and immobility state. It has attracted many researchers for a long time but still remains to be elucidated. Studies in obligate hibernators such as ground squirrels, chipmunk, and bears have revealed that they undergo systemic body remodeling in a season-dependent manner prior to hibernation. By contrast, a facultative hibernator, Syrian hamster, can hibernate in an environment-dependent manner; when they are exposed cold and short photoperiod condition for several months, they begin to hibernate. This inducible hibernation allows researchers to study mechanisms and significance of hibernation under a laboratory condition, whereas exact nature of systemic body remodeling for hibernation in Syrian hamsters remain unclear yet. Using histology and exhaustive gene expression analyses, we compared summer-like hamsters and winter-like hamsters and found that Syrian hamsters extensively remodel white adipose tissues during a pre-hibernation period. Particularly, simultaneous up-regulation of gene expression in both lipid catabolisms and lipid anabolisms takes place in winter-like hamsters, which is a unique property of Syrian hamsters, a“food-storing” hibernator who ingests food stored in the nest during hibernation season.
春日 純
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-6, 2019 (Released:2019-09-01)

In order to survive severe winters without snow cover, boreal tree species have evolved superior freezing adaptation mechanisms. The freezing resistance of living cells in their aerial parts is well-controlled seasonally and exceeds -30°C in mid-winter. Although freeze–thawing can cause functional failure of their water transport system, boreal tree species have abilities to solve the problem and resume growth in spring. In this review, I introduce two topics on freezing responses of boreal tree species: (1) freezing adaptation mechanisms of xylem parenchyma cells which avoid intracellular freezing by deep supercooling, and (2) winter embolism formation mechanisms by which hydraulic architectures, vessels and tracheids, lose their function. In addition, possible relationship between freezing behavior of xylem parenchyma and their roles in embolism repair in early-spring is discussed.
阿部 周司 遠藤 優人 阿部 洋一 村上 由里子 北上 誠一 朝倉 一好 梶原 一人
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.61, no.1, pp.45-53, 2015-04-15 (Released:2017-06-15)

The effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the gelation of heat-induced gel from frozen surimi were studied. The rheological properties of the heated gel were measured by rheometer. The kinds of bands between the proteins of gel were estimated by solubilities of the gel for various solvents. Freeze-thaw cycles caused decreasing in breaking strength and breaking strain of the gel. The protein solubility rates of heated gel showed that rates of ionic bond and hydrogen bond were increased, whereas hydrophobic interaction, S-S bonding and more intensive bonding interaction were decreased by freeze-thaw cycles. From these results, it was suggested that the changes of protein solubility rates caused rheological property deterioration of the heated gel.
津田 みどり
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.61, no.1, pp.9-11, 2015-04-15 (Released:2017-06-15)

Utilization of dry food and generation/conservation of body water plays a principal role in the tolerance of organisms against various environmental stresses such as aridity and high temperature. Here, I review two topics: evolution of dry bean use and bound water in stored bean pest. A large proportion of Callosobruchus seed beetle species are pests of stored, dry postharvest beans (i.e., seeds of legumes). However, the evolution of this feeding habit is poorly understood. We reconstructed the phylogeny of Callosobruchus and assessed which traits have been associated with the evolutionary origin or gain/loss of ability to use dry beans. Dry-bean use was phylogenetically constrained and associated with adaptation to arid climate. Thus, physiological adaptation to an arid climate renders beetles predisposed to become pests of dry beans. Body water conditions, associated with water conservation, at different life stages of insects under heat are yet to be understood. We compared loosely bound water (LBW) in seed beetles' body among life stages and between stored and non-stored bean pests at high temperatures, using ^1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. LBW was lowest in pupae. A non-stored bean pest retained higher LBW than a stored bean pest. I suggest an interpretation of the results.
片桐 千仭 金子文俊 金子文俊 長嶋 剣 剣 佐﨑 元 元
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.67, no.1, pp.23-29, 2021 (Released:2021-06-18)

In this short review, we introduce various aspects of insect body lipids, which have been progressively found to have many crucial physiological roles. The body-surface of insects is covered with cuticular lipids, mainly hydrocarbons. The cuticular hydrocarbons are synthesized in specialized cells called oenocytes residing beneath the epidermis. The hydrocarbons synthesized are transported to the outermost layer, wax layer, by the circulating lipoprotein, lipophorin. Although the principal role of the wax layer is the protection of internal body from desiccation, the essential features vary depending on insect species and development stage. The diapausing pupae of large and small cabbage white butterflies change the thickness and unsaturation of their cuticular hydrocarbons from their non-diapausing ones. The cuticular hydrocarbons also contribute to chemical communications. The unsaturated hydrocarbons of male crickets play an important role for sex discrimination before copulation. Modern in-situ surface analytical methods have a potential to provide more abundant and precise information about the structure and physicochemical properties of the cuticular hydrocarbons. Recent ATR FTIR spectroscopic studies indicated the necessity of correction in the phase-separation model of cuticular hydrocarbons proposed by A. G. Gibbs.
出原 信大 桑原 慎子 鈴木 伸吾 小髙 優子 藤川 清三 荒川 圭太
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.63, no.2, pp.155-160, 2017 (Released:2018-04-14)

It is known that some polyphenols with anti-ice nucleation activity decrease freezing temperature of the solution containing ice nucleators, resulting in maintenance of supercooling state of the solution for a long periods. In the previous study, recombinant proteins of Erwinia ananas ice nucleation protein, inaA with histidine-tag (His-inaA) were expressed in Escherichia coli cells and ice nucleation activity was detected in the cell suspension. In the present study, the purification and the characterization of His-inaA proteins from transformed E. coli cells were done to study the mechanism of anti-ice nucleation of these polyphenols in solutions containing inaA. When the extracts of E. coli cells expressing His-inaA were fractionated into soluble, membrane and inclusion body fractions, ice nucleation activities were detected in all three fractions. Then, His-inaA was purified from the soluble fraction by affinity column chromatography and ice nucleation activity of the purified His-inaA fraction was detected. Further, it is confirmed that anti-ice nucleation activity of polyphenols was detected in solutions containing His-inaA.
大林 容二 太田 淳 新井 四郎
凍結および乾燥研究会記録 (ISSN:02888289)
vol.3, pp.92-104, 1960-07-17 (Released:2017-08-01)

凍結乾燥された細菌の保存性,ことに高い温度における保存の成績から,乾燥条件や保存条件の適否を検討した。使用した菌は乳酸菌,BCGおよびYeast等である。成績の重要な点は以下のようであつた。1)媒質としてのグルタミン酸ソーダの至適濃度は菌の濃度によつて異なり菌濃度を下げれば,媒質の至適濃度も低下する。また以上の至適濃度は被乾燥体の保存期間によつても左右される。すなわち,短期間保存の場合の至適濃度は必ずしも長期間保存の際の至適濃度と同一ではない。2)高温度の保存に堪える媒質として,BCGの場合およびL. bifidusの場合にグルタミン酸ソーダの優秀性が報告されたが,今回L. bifidusについての実験で,グルタミン酸ソーダに可溶性澱粉を加えることにより保存性が著しく高められることを認めた。3)乾燥面を真空中に保存する方が空気中に保存するよりも生菌の低下が少ないことは,従来,凍結乾燥についての定説となつているが,L. bifidusやL. bulgaricus等の嫌気性菌については,常圧の空気中に保存する場合の生残率は真空保存の場合の生残率に劣らぬ成績が得られた。
近藤 皓介 原 賢二 阿部 周司 梶原 一人
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.65, no.2, pp.71-74, 2019 (Released:2020-01-06)

Hexagonal and cubic phases have been observed under atmospheric pressure as an ice crystalline phase. No study has reported the preparation of a cubic phase by directly freezing bulk water or by directly cooling the hexagonal phase. We hypothesize that the cubic phase is initially formed upon the crystallization of water and that it subsequently transitions to a hexagonal phase at a momentary rate. When pure water was used, it was not possible to capture the process of transferring to the hexagonal phase through the cubic phase at an integration interval of one second. However, when a 40 wt% aqueous glucose solution was used, it was possible to capture the process of transitioning from the supercooled liquid to the hexagonal phase through the cubic phase with an integration time of one second. This result is considered to indicate that the pure water may be instantaneously transferred from the supercooled liquid through the cubic phase to the hexagonal phase.
村上 文哉 阿部 周司 梶原 一人
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.65, no.2, pp.67-70, 2019 (Released:2020-01-06)

Raffinose pentahydrate (R5W) was dehydrated at 30oC under a KOH saturated solution environment to prepare raffinose tetrahydrate (R4W). During the dehydration, the sample was measured by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and peak distortion was observed. Thus, an intermediate between R5W and R4W was detected. Even during the water absorption of R4W to R5W, DSC peak distortion was observed, indicating that an intermediate between R5W and R4W was generated. However, the intermediates of the dehydration and water absorption processes were considered to be different hydrates, named R4'W and R5'W, respectively. Moreover, the melting points of the hydrates from R5W to raffinose low hydrate were measured. These results suggest the existence of raffinose hydrate lower than R3W.
高井 隆雄 鈴木 徹 佐藤 雄二 山田 有紀子
低温生物工学会誌 (ISSN:13407902)
vol.43, no.2, pp.118-123, 1997-12-29 (Released:2017-06-19)

Recrystallization phenomena in frozen foods hurt the quality. In this study, rates of recrystallization of ice in frozen foods were determined for red meats of tuna and tofu cakes. These samples were frozen in methanol brine at -50℃ and stored at -50, -30, -20, -5℃ for maximum 80 days. Mean diameter of ice crystals in frozen foods were observed by microscope after these samples were fixed by freeze-substitution method and then sliced to very thin samples. The rates of recrystallization were k=135×10^3exp(-18.69/RT) and k=26×10^3exp(-1.6/RT) for tuna fish meat and tofu cake, respectively. These values were smaller by thousand times than the Zaritky's results. Zaritky's results were obtained at -20℃ final freezing temperature. The difference of final freezing temperature caused large difference in the recrystallization rates. The lower the final freezing temperature make the better storage conditions for frozen foods.