中山 昭彦 井上 喜洋 田原 陽三 小林 正三 横山 雅仁
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.64, no.4, pp.636-644, 1998-07-15 (Released:2008-02-29)

It is said that lines could be still made with silk as used to be done in Japan as a countermeasure against pollution by nylon fishing lines. However, it is not clear whether or not silk fishing lines would be decomposed biologically in marine environments. To answer this question, seawater was collected at six stations at the entrance of Tokyo Bay and sterile raw silk threads (27-denier) were added to these seawaters. The final concentrations of raw silk threads in the seawaters were 0.5%. The six seawaters with raw silk threads [silk-decomposing seawater media (SDS media)] were incubated for 2 months at 20°C. The tensile strengths of the raw silk threads in the three SDS media were clearly decreased at least after 2-month incubation. The degree of decomposition of the raw silk threads, which were observed visually, correlated approximately with the ammonia contents of the SDS media. When the incubated raw silk threads were examined microscopically, it was shown that the raw silk threads were split into more and finer filaments after 1-and 2-month incubation. These results suggest the possibility of decomposition of raw silk threads in marine environments.
中田 和義 中岡 利泰 五嶋 聖治
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.3, pp.447-449, 2006 (Released:2006-06-07)
3 2

移入種ブラウントラウトの捕食による在来生物に対する影響を調べるため,北海道日高支庁の豊似湖でブラウントラウト 3 尾を捕獲し,胃内容物を観察した。その結果,3 尾中 2 尾の胃内容物から,水産庁と環境省からそれぞれ危急種と絶滅危惧II類に指定されているニホンザリガニが発見された。1 尾あたりのブラウントラウトの胃内容物からは,1~4 個体のニホンザリガニが確認され,ブラウントラウトがニホンザリガニの個体群に及ぼす影響は強いと考えられた。潜在的な定着域においては,他の淡水産甲殻類に対する捕食の影響が危惧される。
鷹見 達也 吉原 拓志 宮腰 靖之 桑原 連
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.68, no.1, pp.24-28, 2002-01-15 (Released:2008-02-01)
23 35

中込 淳
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.24, no.3, pp.165-168, 1958-07-25 (Released:2008-02-29)

There are reports on the morphometric comparison of the yellowfin tuna obtained between the middle and eastern parts of the Indian Oceanl)2), but none is found on the comparison of the specimens taken among the western and other divisions of the Ocean. This paper deals with the investigative results of the Sagamimaru, research boat of the Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station. The measurements of body parts were compared among four areas in the western part of the Indian Ocean, and also among the western, middle and eastern divisions of the Ocean (Table 1). The lengths from the tip of snout to insertions of pectoral fin, the lst dorsal fin and ventral fin differ considerably for respective areas, but those from there to insertions of the 2 nd dorsal fin and anal fin and depths do not differ for respective divisions. This means that the anterior parts of the body differ for respective areas. The anterior body parts of fishes obtained from the middle and eastern divisions of the Indian Ocean are longer, those parts of them taken from the areas W1, W2 and W5 are shorter and those of fishes from the area W4 are median length between the two groups. The area of W4 is situated in the southern of 3°30'-4°00'S., and more westward than the area of W5 and the areas of W1, W2 and W5 are located in the northern of 1°00'-2°30'.. Accordingly, it may be considered that the anterior body parts of fish, obtained from the middle and eastern divisions of the Indian Ocean, are long, those lengths of fish from the southern of 3°30'-4°00'S., median, and those of fish from the northern of 1°00'-2°30'S., short.
伊藤 智幸
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.3, pp.412-418, 2009 (Released:2009-08-17)
9 30

クロマグロ 0 歳魚資源への産卵期別寄与率を推定した。477 個体(尾叉長 17~93 cm)の耳石日輪から推定した産卵期は,従来想定されたより長期の 3 月から 10 月までに及んだ。1993~1997 年の日本の 0 歳漁獲魚は,月別体長組成と耳石日輪から推定した成長曲線との比較で 2 亜年級に分けられた。一つは 7 月上旬までに,おそらく台湾から南西諸島海域で生まれたもので,0 歳漁獲魚の多く(76%)を占めた。他方は 7 月中旬以降に,おそらく主に日本海で生まれたもので,0 歳漁獲魚の平均 24%,最大 40% を占めた。
魚谷 逸朗 斎藤 勉 平沼 勝男 西川 康夫
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.56, no.5, pp.713-717, 1990-05-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
27 51

This study examined the gut contents of 1, 939 larvae (2.28-14.60mm in total length) of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus collected in 1981 and 1982 by larva-net tows in the waters around Nansei Islands, and described their feeding condition and morphological development. The larvae fed on small zooplankton, mainly copepods, in the daytime: those less than 5mm TL on copepoda nauplii of less than 0.3mm in body length, and those larger than 5mm TL on larger copepods, especially of genus Corycaeus. This significant improvement of feeding ability at 5mm TL was also recognized both from examination of empty stomach rate and wet weight of gut content. The analysis of relative growth of the larvae showed that their external shape became constant at about 5mm TL. These results suggest that the larvae larger than 5mm TL fed more efficiently than smaller ones, getting higher chance of survival.
田中 二良
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.24, no.8, pp.601-607, 1958 (Released:2008-02-29)
7 10

The common octopus, Octopus (Octopus) vulgaris LAMARCK, an important commercial species in Japan, are captured by means of the octopus pot, the hand line and the spear along the east coast of Boso Peninsula, Chiba Pref. (Fig. 1 and Table 1). The writer has made a biological study of the stock of this animal, using the statistic data of the octopus fisheries and based upon the number of specimens taken in Uchiura Bay near Kominato. The results obtained are summarized as follows; (1) It is believed that the octopus stock may be composed of two groups, one inhabiting the coast of Boso Peninsula throughout the year, the other migrating from the north to this district in winter (Figs. 2-5). (2) The maturation phase of the octopus is shown by the gonad index (R) as given in the following formula; R=G. W.×102/[B. W.-(G. W.+F. W.)], where G. W. denotes the gonad weight, F. W. the total weight of digestive organ contents, and B. W. denoting body weight. The relation between gonad index and maturity scale of the female octopus is shown in Table 2. (3) The breeding season is from March to November, and the biological minimum size is about 40cm in the male, 40-50cm in the female (Fig. 6). (4) The monthly increase in the rate of body weight deduced from the body composition (Fig. 7 and Table 3) and the length-weight relationship (Fig. 7 and Table 3) is 0.100 during from March to August, 0.180 from June to December. (5) It may be a reasonable assumption that the immigrant winter group breed during the first breeding season following the migration and that the newly hatched population will increase the available fishing stock from April to July of the following year. (6) Diminishing rate of the octopus stock is estimated by Dr. Tauti's method (1956) as 1-2% per day, 5-8% five days, 8-9% ten days and 13% per month (Table 4). Moreover, the diminishing rate per month is obtained by another Dr. Tauti's method ('53) as being 11%. (7) Judging from the diminishing rate caused by fishing, it may be said that the catch efficiency of the octopus pot is greater than that of the hand line.
佐野 吉彦
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.34, no.8, pp.734-739, 1968-08-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
6 5

Very small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acid and alcohol fractions were separated from the blubber oil of a sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, by a combination of urea-complex fractionation and silicic acid column chromatographic techniques. Gas-liquid chromatographic analyses of these fractions showed the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:4, 20:4, 20:5, 21:5, 22:5 and 22:6) and alcohols (18:4, 20:4, 20:5 and 22:6), some of which had not been reported. In addition, the existence of other minor unknown constituents was observed.
深田 陽久 橋口 智美 柏木 丈拡 妹尾 歩美 高桑 史明 森岡 克司 沢村 正義 益本 俊郎
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.76, no.4, pp.678-685, 2010 (Released:2010-10-11)
6 9

養殖ブリの高付加価値化を目的として下記の試験を行った。試験 1 ではユズ果汁をブリ飼料に添加することによって血合筋の褐変を抑制できるか検討した。飼料 1 kg にユズ果汁を段階的に添加し,ブリ幼魚に 40 日間給与した。ユズ果汁の添加によって,成長を損なう事無く,血合筋の褐変が抑制されていた。試験 2 としてユズ果汁を添加した飼料を 30 日間与えたブリの筋肉中からユズ香気成分の検出と同定を行い,香りの成分が果汁を添加した飼料より移行し,蓄積されたことを明らかにした。
藤原 俊司 ハンキン D.G.
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.54, no.8, pp.1333-1338, 1988-08-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
2 6

Size, sex, state of maturity and age were determined for sablefish captured by commercial otter trawl vessels at depths from 100m to 900m off northern California from January through August 1984. Sex ratios appeared to be 1:1 among immature fish at all depths, but significantly departed from a 1:1 ratio among mature fish during many months and at many depths, without any clear pattern. Plots of percent spent fish against month suggested that spawning took place from late January through March with a probable peak during early February. Estimated fork lengths at 50% maturity showed a shift to a smaller size with increasing depth. A greater fraction of males and females was mature at smaller sizes and younger ages in deeper waters (>600m) than in shallow waters (<600m). Maturation of both sexes occurred over a wide range of ages and sizes (from 3 to 8 years of age and from 40 to 65cm in fork length), although females generally matured at a larger size and older age than males. Two alternative hypotheses could explain collected data. Sablefish may move to deeper waters at the onset of sexual maturity (for which size and age may vary considerably among individuals), or distinct deep water and shallow water stocks may exist off northern California. Tagging experiments are necessary for distinguishing between these alternative explanations.Sablefish Anoplopoma fimbri
小林 喜雄
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.23, no.7-8, pp.376-382, 1957-11-25 (Released:2008-02-29)

Some specimens of the sablefish, Anaplopoma fimbria (PALLAS), were collected by a larva net, from aboard the training ship “Oshoro Maru” of Hokkaido University, in 1955 and 1956. The results obtained from observations on these samples revealed the following facts. 1. Sixteen specimens of larvae and youngs of the sablefish were collected from nine stations of the sea off the Aleutian Islands. 2. These specimens were collected from July 8th to August 13 th, in two successive years. They were 11.3-30.2mm in total length. The minimum specimen of 11.3mm was collected on-July 8th, and the maximum one of 30.2mm on August 13 th. 3. The rate of increase of head is about 0.3mm to 1mm in total length. Head length is about 24% of total length in the specimen of about 20mm overall length. Anus takes the place nearly in the middle of body, and the increase of the distance from the tip of snout to anus is about 0.5mm to 1mm in total length. 4. The minimum specimen of 11.3mm in total length has larval fin form, but in the speci-men of about 18mm in total length, fin rays have developed in the second dorsal and anal. At the stage of ca. 22mm in total length, fin rays are developing in the first dorsal fin, and number of fin rays of the second dorsal, anal and pectoral fins have reached their full number. The ventral fin developed when specimen reached about 18mm, rays were ascertained at ca 25mm, and their full number was attained at about 30mm in total length, respectively. Fin rays of the first dorsal reach the full number at maximal total length of 30.2mm, but they are of unfinished form. 5. Body color is blackish-brown, and becomes darker as the specimen grows older. Espe-cially, the latter half of pectoral fin turns jet-black; this is a distinguishing trait.
古庄 真喜 梅崎 祐二 石田 宏一 本田 彰
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.54, no.7, pp.1209-1212, 1988-07-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
10 13

Changes in the levels of ATP-related compounds and lactic acid in the muscle of live prawn Penaeus japonicus kept in the sawdust at 15C° were investigated to find an index suitable for evalua-tion of parwn activity during the transportation in the sawdust. The concentration of ATP in the muscle markedly decreased after storage of 48h, resulting in a rapid increase in the AMP level. The level of lactic acid in the muscle also gradually increased during storage in the sawdust. The ratio of ATP to the ATP-related compounds (the total nu-cleotides) in the muscle which colsely related with the survival rate of prawn was found to be sui-table as a criterion to evaluate the activity of prawn during transportation in the sawdust. The levels of the ATP-related compounds in the muscle of prawn kept in the sawdust recovered to their original levels within 1h after they were returned to the sea.
友田 努 堀田 和夫 森岡 泰三
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.6, pp.1039-1045, 2006 (Released:2006-12-01)
3 2

ハタハタ人工種苗の生態を把握するため,2000 年 4 月に計 2 群 6,966 尾(平均全長 10.4 cm)を七尾湾と富山湾で標識放流した。2005 年 1 月までに計 123 尾(1.8%)が再捕され,再捕の 9 割強が産卵群と考えられる 2 歳以上の親魚であった。両放流群とも,過半数が富山湾内で再捕され,その他の多くが新潟,山形および秋田県沖で再捕された。本結果は,七尾湾,富山湾に放流した人工種苗が主に富山湾内に滞留し成育,産卵するものの,一部は北上し日本海北部系群や新潟周辺の地域群と交流していることを示すものである。
菅野 利助
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.2, no.5, pp.217-228, 1934-01-05 (Released:2008-02-29)
2 2

1. The filamentous fronds of the algae of the genus Aegagropila often form spherical tballi or hollow balls mostly due to rolling about on the bottom when they are at the mercy of waves and currents. The ball of each species and variety differs in shape and appearance in accordance with the nature of the filaments, viz., their height, type of branching, firmness, etc. 2. The ball of Aegagropila Sauteri from Lake Akan, Hokkaido, is rather compact in texture, composed of comparatively firm filaments radially arranged, and the cells at the peripheral layers of the ball are often worn off, being rubbed against the gravels on the bed of the lake. The cells of the underlying layers gradually grow until they come out from the surface to undergo the rubbing again. Where such trimming repeats effectively we find well-finished, velvety balls. 3. In A. Lagerheimii from Lake Toba, Prov. Tonnai, Saghalien, the ball is rather flexible, consisting of soft and delicate filaments, and consequently under a less effect of friction. Thus the ball doesnot assume a spherical shape, its surface being dishevelled with decumbent filaments. 4. In two small marshes near Lake Akan, i.e., Lake Toro and Lake Chimikeppu, where the rotatory movement of water near the shore is by no means active, we do not find A. Sauteri in its normal shape, but in the forms of irregular masses which are referable to forma profunda and var. Borgeana respectively. It is hoped that we can decide the relation between those va-rietal forms and the typical one by an experiment of transplantation. 5. The ball of A. Sauteri var. Borgeana from Lake Naiho, Etorofu Isl., Kuriles, is provided often with one or more pebbles in its hollow cavity. The wall of the ball consists of one to three layers of entangled filaments. Each layer is about 5mm in thickness, woolen cloth-like in texture. 6. Above mentioned pebbles in the hollow cavity of the ball are considered to beprimarily a part of substrata on the bottom of the lake on which this alga is found to attach forming compact cushions. A small part of this decumbent cushion sometimes becomes free from the substratum through the death of many of the basal cells, while smaller pebbles often do not detach from the under-surface of the free cushion and later on are enclosed by the latter. 7. Those cushion-like fronds detached from the substrata after having rolled near the shore first become hollow spindle in shape enclosing pebbles, if they attach, and then gradually become spherical by their further tumbling. 8. When the wall of a ball is composed of two or three distinct layers, they have no cellular connection between them and are separated without difficulty, though they closely contact with each other. The inner surface of each layer is occupied by dead cells which we take as the remains of the holdfasts of the primary frond of sedentary habit. The outer of surface the inner balls is vivid green in colour, as fresh as that of the outermost. 9. In other words, we have sometimes compound balls, so to speak, composed of two or three concentric balls of different origins. The primary or innermost ball has been enclosed by the secondary one transformed de noco from a free-floationg cushion newly detached from the substratum. As a result, there is no sign of cellular connection between these two hall; showing the growth of the outer ball from the filaments at the inner. In general, the compound balls are of large diameter, being more than 5cm.