山田 直利 矢島 道子
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.4, pp.692-704, 2011-08-25 (Released:2011-11-10)

Edmund Naumann (1854–1927) came from Germany and stayed in Japan for ten years from 1875. He performed a lot of pioneering research on the geology and geography of Japan, which were written mostly in German and recently translated into Japanese by N. Yamashita (1996). However, a paper titled “Skizze der Orographie von Japan” published in 1893 on “Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen” as the third article of Naumann's “Neue Beiträge zur Geologie und Geographie Japans” has not yet been translated. The paper, which we have now translated into Japanese as “Nihon Sangaku Shi Taiyo”, consists of two parts. The first part deals with the relationship between the topography of mountainous lands and geology, in terms of volcanoes, old mountainlands, granitic mountains, coastlines, depressions, longitudinal and transverse valleys, watersheds, etc. The second part deals with the topographic character of each geotectonic zone of Japan: the northern and the southern wings of the Japan Arc and the Fossa Magna intervening between both wings. One figure and one table are included in this paper. Fig. 1 is an altitude layer map of the main three islands of Japan with a scale of 1:2,600,000, the earliest one drawn with contour lines. Table 1 is a list of the main mountaintops of Japan (eighty-seven mountains), including location, altitude, and geologic nature. Furthermore, a supplementary figure, which shows the distribution of the main mountaintops, watersheds, and geotectonic divisions of Japan, was made by the translators.
岩橋 純子 安藤 明伸 西岡 芳晴 川畑 大作 白石 喬久
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.131, no.4, pp.463-472, 2022-08-25 (Released:2022-09-08)

A system was created using an exploration-type computer game as the basic material, and its educational effects were verified with the aim of stimulating the interest of students of the digital native generation in the local history of the region. Research classes were conducted using Minecraft (Mojang/Microsoft) teaching materials at Miyagi University of Education Junior High School in Sendai City. The theme of the classes was to convey knowledge about the geology and geological history of the region. Teaching materials were created for students to learn about geological formations in the Kamisugi area of Sendai City, including the region of their junior high school, with the aim of deepening their interest in local geological history and their understanding of the changing earth. A Minecraft world was used with underground strata that reflected information from a geological boring survey conducted in the past at the school, school buildings, and teleportable landscapes of past geological eras, and questions were asked on knowledge of geology based on school textbooks or research papers. The following were confirmed from the research classes at the junior high school. The game using a familiar school as a setting was very popular among the students, and they were not bored by the knowledge questions. The key words of the geological era that the students reached were frequently mentioned in the questionnaire given after the classes. The game is considered to be effective for helping students to understand and remember things visually, while having an enjoyable and positive experience.
苅谷 愛彦 原山 智 松四 雄騎 清水 勇介 松崎 浩之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.131, no.4, pp.447-462, 2022-08-25 (Released:2022-09-08)

The geomorphological and geological characteristics, distributions, and ages of block slopes that developed at two alluvial cones (Bentenzawa valley and Okumatazirodani valley) along the Azusa River in the Kamikochi area, northern Japanese Alps, are clarified. These block slopes were believed to be of Pleistocene glacial origin in previous studies. A field survey was conducted, applying microtremor array observations to estimate subsurface geology, and in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating to estimate age of occurrence. At the Bentenzawa alluvial cone, the block slope is composed of large blocks and lithic fragments originating from heterogeneous igneous rocks, mainly of welded tuff and granophyre, that do not exist in the Bentenzawa valley watershed. Large blocks and lithic fragments of the block slope show clast-supported facies accompanied by jigsaw-crack fracture structures without a fine matrix. A mass of rock blocks fell from a steep wall of igneous rocks around the head of the Okumatajirodani valley, at approximately 2280 to 3090 m a.s.l., on the opposite side of the Bentenzawa valley. Rock slope failure and runout debris flow of blocks are thought to be the principal motions behind the mass movement from the rockwall. Block behavior comprised 3 km horizontal and 1.5 km vertical movements. Blocks were finally transported to the alluvial cone of the Bentenzawa valley to form an opposing impact slope. The results of microtremor array observations suggest that materials of rock blocks about 20 m thick spread and were buried beneath the present riverbed of the Azusa River. The estimated volume of landslide materials is more than 1.1 × 107 m3; age is estimated to be 6900 ± 1000 yrs BP. The Bentennzawa block slope is not of glacial origin. The block slope at the Okumatajirodani alluvial cone consists of large lithic fragments of igneous rocks distributed in this watershed. A mass of rock blocks was supplied by slope failure or debris flow in the Okumatajirodani valley, and was transported and emplaced on the alluvial cone. The volume of the failure is estimated to exceed 2.9 × 105 m3 and its age is estimated to be 900 ± 100 yrs BP.
吉屋 一美 佐藤 友彦 大森 聡一 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.625-647, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)
4 4

The Hadean surface was mainly covered by three kinds of rock: komatiite, KREEP basalt, and anorthosite, which were remarkably different from those on the modern Earth. Water–rock interactions between these rocks and water provided a highly reducing environment and formed secondary minerals on the rock surface that are important for producing metallo-enzymes for the emergence of primordial life. Previous studies suggest a correlation with active sites of metallo-enzymes and sulfide minerals based on an affinity with their structure, but they do not discuss the origins of metallic elements contained in these minerals, which are critical to understand where primordial life was born. Secondary minerals formed through water–rock interactions of komatiite in a nuclear geyser system are investigated, followed by a discussion of the relationship between active sites of metallo-enzymes and secondary minerals. Instead of komatiite, we used serpentinite collected from Hakuba Happo area, Nagano Prefecture in central-north Japan, which is thought to be one of the Hadean modern analogues for the birthplace of life. Several minor minerals were found, including magnetite, chromite, pyrite, and pentlandite, in addition to the major serpentine minerals. Pentlandite is not been mentioned in previous studies as a candidate for supplying important metallic elements to form metallo-enzymes in previous studies. It also acts as a catalyst for hydrogen generation, because it closely resembles the structural features of an active site of hydrogenases. Nickel-iron sulfide, pentlandite, is considered to be one of the important minerals for the origin of life. In addition, what kinds of minor mineral would be obtained from water–rock interactions of these rocks is estimated using a thermo-dynamic calculation. KREEP basalt contains large amounts of iron, and it could be useful for producing metallo-enzymes, especially for ferredoxins, an electron transfer enzymes associated with the emergence of primordial life.
香月 興太 瀬戸 浩二 菅沼 悠介 Dong Yoon YANG
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.3, pp.359-376, 2019-06-25 (Released:2019-07-11)
3 5

A suitable sampling tool is indispensable for making sediment observation. Eleven portable sediment core samplers using lake sediment observations are introduced: two box core samplers, four dropping core samplers, and five pushing core samplers. Some are popular for making sediment observations. However, others are unique and are not well known, although they have excellent characteristics. Their structures, merits, demerits, and suitable lake conditions are explained. Core samplers introduced are: Ekman-Birge grab sampler, Smith-McIntyre grab sampler, Rigo gravity corer, Limnos corer, Knocking corer, Mackereth piston corer, Proto-type pushing piston corer, Seto-type undisturbed separable piston corer, Suganuma-type portable percussion piston corer, Multisampler, and Russian Peat sampler.
薛 自求 松岡 俊文
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.117, no.4, pp.734-752, 2008-08-25 (Released:2010-04-27)
28 22

Several key questions need to be answered when CO2 geological storage is to be undertaken worldwide. How should CO2 be stored underground? Can trapping be assumed in saline formations and can CO2 be retained for long periods safely in the subsurface? The first Japanese pilot-scale CO2 sequestration project in Nagaoka was undertaken to provide answers to these questions. The injection site is located at the Minami-Nagaoka gas field in Nagaoka City, 200km north of Tokyo. Supercritical CO2 was injected into an onshore saline aquifer at a depth of 1,100m. CO2 was injected at a rate of 20 to 40 tonnes per day over an 18-month period, with a cumulative amount of 10,400 tonnes. A series of monitoring activities, which consisted of time-lapse well logging, crosswell seismic tomography, 3D seismic survey and formation fluid sampling, was carried out successfully to monitor CO2 movement in the sandstone reservoir. This paper presents an overview of the results obtained from both field and laboratory studies to examine the spatial-time distribution of CO2 and various trapping mechanisms in the reservoir. CO2 breakthrough at two of the three observation wells was clearly identified by changes in resistivity, sonic P-wave velocity and neutron porosity from time-lapse well logging. Each velocity difference tomogram obtained by crosswell seismic tomography showed a striking anomaly area around the injection well. As the amount of injected CO2 increased, the low-velocity zone expanded preferentially along the formation up-dip direction during the first two monitoring surveys and less change around the CO2-bearing zone could be confirmed from the following surveys. Unfortunately there was no significant change in 3D seismic results due to CO2 injection. The pilot-scale project demonstrated that CO2 can be injected into a deep saline aquifer without adverse health, safety or environmental effects. The Nagaoka project also provides unique data to develop economically viable, environmentally effective options for reducing carbon emissions in Japan.

2 0 0 0 OA 相田の鮫穴

公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.35, no.8, pp.496-497, 1923-08-15 (Released:2010-12-22)
飯塚 遼 太田 慧 菊地 俊夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.2, pp.171-187, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-06-01)
8 5

With rapid globalisation and urbanisation, urban agriculture is experiencing many changes, for instance, in the preferences of consumers, who require more food security. In many cities across the world, urban agriculture is also positioned for food production and community building. In Japan, interest in urban agriculture has grown steadily, supported by the enactment of an urban agriculture law in 2015. Urban agriculture studies have been a controversial topic of research since around the 2000s in many academic fields, including geography. However, there have been few studies on the relationship between agricultural management, or farmers, and urban residents, although capturing interactions among urban residents as consumers and intentions for consuming urban agricultural space are critical when considering the sustainability of urban agriculture. Interactions are explored between farms and urban residents in the context of diversified agricultural management based on a case study using Kodaira city in the Tokyo Metropolis. Because the area is one of the urban agricultural areas of the Tokyo Metropolis, where many independent farmers survive, Kodaira city is a suitable study area to explore the diversification of farming and communication with urban residents. Literature, such as previous studies, is analysed. Then, public survey data is analysed to illustrate the spatial distribution of agricultural management patterns and classify them. In addition to qualitative analysis from field research, interviews with case farmers reveal the decision making of farmers in adopting specific methods of agricultural management and interactions with urban residents. Hence, interactions between farmers and urban residents exist based on agricultural management in Kodaira city. The classification of interaction styles is based on features of the area in a definite pattern. Such interaction styles prevent excessive competition among farms, attract stable customers, and realise sustainable management. Finally, urban agriculture in Kodaira city is founded on interactions with urban residents through the diversification of agricultural management.
坂上 澄夫 八田 明夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.99, no.3, pp.230-246, 1990

Recently we had chance to visit Palau Islands two times in 1986 and 1988. The aim of the present article is to introduce the geology including some new evidences investigated by us, and the human history of the islands is also briefly described.<BR>The Aimeliik volcaniclastic rocks, which have been recognized as in the Eocene Aimeliik (=Aimiriki) Formation by the former scientists, from the quarry at Ngeruluobel located at about 1km west of the Palau International Airport terminal at Airai in southern end of Babelthuap Island, are discussed in Cepter V. Many foraminifers, calcareous algae and some corals were found as individuals in the matrix or in the limestone gravels of the volcaniclastic rocks. Among the determinable species of foraminifers, <I>Biplanispira absurda, B, inflata, B. mirabilis, Pellatispira rutteni, Fabiania saipanensis</I> and <I>Discocyclina dispansa</I> were reported from the Matansa Limestone (Upper Eocene) of Saipan, and <I>Gypsina globulus, Eulepidina formosa</I> from the Tagpochau Limestone (Lower Miocene) of Saipan by HANZAWA (1957). It seems there are at least two groups of foraminiferal fauna showing different ages, namely, the Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene (Aquitanian to Burdegalian). Accordingly, the depositional age of the Aimeliik volcaniclastic rocks should be Late Miocene or later.<BR>In Chapter VI, we introduce our study (SAKAGAMI <I>et al</I>., 1987) on the environmental change in some period of the Miocene to Pliocene by the pollen and spore analyses of the Airai lignite-bearing beds in Babelthuap Island.<BR>Lastly the literatures on geological sciences are comprehensively compiled for the convenience to the future study.
丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.121, no.6, pp.1090-1106, 2012-12-25 (Released:2013-01-07)

The geotectonic division of the Japanese islands has been proposed by Isozaki and Maruyama (1991) such that the eastern extension of the Dabie-Sulu 240-220 Ma collisional UHP-HP belt (DSB) passes through the Korean peninsula to Japan. The corresponding belt in Japan is the Higo-Unazuki-Hitachi-Takanuki belt (HUHTB), because the protoliths are a unique A-type (platform sediments) and the metamorphic facies series belongs to the intermediate-pressure type, in addition to 240-220 Ma of metamorphic ages. Ishiwatari and Tsujimori (2012) claim that Maruyama et al. (2011) did not evaluate a new proposal by Ishiwatri and Tsujimori (2003), who proposed that the DSB extends not to the HUHTB but to the Sangun belt in a complex manner because of the promontory nature of the continental margin. This is a Q-A report requested by Ishiwatari and Tsujimori (2012). In this paper the author first introduces a classification of orogenic belts based on protoliths and its great significance for understanding the history of complex orogenic belts, following the original article by Maruyama et al. (1996), in addition to current topics on the role of tectonic erosion. Preceding the final formation of the collisional orogen, the Pacific-type orogen must have been present structurally above the collisional orogen against the hanging wall of the continent or arc. If not, it suggests the presence of tectonic erosion. Moreover, the size of any of regional metamorphic belt, arc, and TTG belt could be an excellent indicator of the scale of tectonic erosion. The Triassic DSB continues not to Sangun belt, but to the HUHTB, for four reasons: first, the protolith of those belts, second; the nature of regional metamorphism along intermediate-pressure type; third, structural units above and below the HUHTB; and finally, paleogeographic reconstruction of the Triassic North and South China cratons. The tectonic juxtapositions of the four so-called Sangun BS belts —450 Ma, 340 Ma, 250-210 Ma, and 170-180 Ma— against the HUHTB in a narrow zone as klippes can best be interpreted by extensive tectonic erosion.
星埜 由尚
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.2, pp.227-240, 2020

<p> The map of Japan drafted by Inoh Tadataka is considered to be the earliest produced from a scientific survey. The descriptions of longitude and latitude are based on astronomical observations, and Inoh's nationwide survey has been considered to be the origin of modern surveys in Japan. However, he did not succeed in determining longitude. Although he had knowledge of a spherical earth, the results of his survey were projected on a plane, not on a spherical surface. The parallels of latitude drawn on his maps are based on an accurate astronomical survey he carried out, but the meridians on his maps are absolutely inconsistent. His survey method also combined traverse and intersection surveys without control points. Therefore, his nationwide survey cannot be considered to be representative of a survey carried out in the modern period. There are many open traverse lines on his maps. These lines generally extend to temples and shrines, although they are not effective for improving the accuracy of the survey. Because temples and shrines might have been important public facilities at that time, the Tokugawa shogunate government probably requested information concerning their locations. He carried out a nationwide survey ten times, but he could not survey the northern half of Ezo island (Hokkaido). It is said that Mamiya Rinzo, who studied survey technology under Inoh Tadataka, surveyed Ezo island and submitted his survey data to Inoh Tadataka, therefore, Inoh's map of Ezo island might be entirely based on Mamiya's data. Further studies are necessary because Mamiya's survey has not been clarified.</p>
山川 /修治
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.102, no.2, pp.183-195, 1993-04-25
1 5

Natural disasters in Little Ice Age (<I>c</I>. 1550-1850) and its climatic variations which formed a significant background for the disasters are mentioned. Cool summers due to a prevailing Okhotsk High were characteristic of this period. Cold winters, summer heavy rains and unstable atmospheric conditions also constituted essential features of Little Ice Age. Aerosol ejected by a series of major volcanic eruptions partly prevented solar radiation from reaching the earth' s surface (parasol effect), which resulted in cool and unusual weather. Agriculture, in particular, was vulnerable to bad weather damage. As a result of decreasing direct insolation, sometimes together with lowering temperature and/or locally increasing precipitation, seven major famines occurred during the Edo Era (1663-1868) which approximately coincided with Little Ice Age. Several cases in this paper suggest that natural environment in Little Ice Age was marked by both volcanism and weakened solar activities which &ldquo;Maunder Minimum&rdquo;(1645-1715) represented.
鷺谷 威 大坪 誠
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.5, pp.689-705, 2019-10-25 (Released:2019-11-15)
4 4

Geodetic estimates of crustal strain rates in the Japan islands were an order of magnitude larger than geological/geomorphological estimates, which has been an unresolved problem called the strain rate paradox. Ikeda (1996) postulated that geodetic strain mainly reflects elastic strain accumulation due to interactions at plate boundaries. This hypothesis was proven to be correct by the occurrence of the 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Confusion between elastic strain and inelastic strain was the cause of the paradox. Significant postseismic deformation observed after the Tohoku-oki earthquake made it possible to distinguish the inelastic contribution from the geodetically observed crustal strain through a comparison with the pre-seismic strain rate pattern, which promoted a better understanding of inelastic deformation in the Japan islands. On the other hand, migration of localized deformation and temporal changes of strain rate are identified over a geological time scale, implying that it is essential to carefully review the methods and the uncertainties of geological/geomorphological strain rates. An integrated understanding of crustal deformation in the Japan islands is being advanced through detailed investigations of crustal strain rates on variable temporal and spatial scales.
竹之内 耕
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.125, no.6, pp.795-812, 2016-12-25 (Released:2017-01-25)
4 4

Education on geopark activities is regarded to be a fundamental element for promoting sustainable development in local communities of the region. Implementation of school and social education on the Geopark Concept has progressed since the Global Geopark designation in 2009. In school education, a new education plan called the Unified Education Policy for Children Aged 0 through 18 was set up to promote geopark studies among schools in cooperation with the City Board of Education and the City Government. Having recognized the important role of Geoparks in school education, the City Board of Education has included geopark studies as a program within the compulsory education curriculum of subjects such as science, geography, and integrated studies. By following the education plan, the City Board of Education has continued to provide support to school teachers with the following results: outdoor and indoor training programs have been held by teachers' organizations and Itoigawa Geopark Council, showing educators how geoparks can be used in classroom education. Supplementary textbooks for grades 3 through 9 have been published and distributed, providing invaluable resources for the study of earth science and history, as well as regional culture. Citywide Geopark Studies Conferences have been held to give students opportunities to share what they have learned. An exchange program has been begun for elementary and junior high school students with Itoigawa's sister geopark in Hong Kong. In social education, new educational activities such as the Geopark Certification Exam for citizens, Geopark Guide Training Program, and Geopark Master Program linking businesses to the geopark have been set up by the Geopark Council. These educational systems have become popular among citizens, fostering pride in their hometowns and geoheritages, and related resources of global value. Based on that sense of pride, local residents have begun to promote regional development using geopark resources.
遠藤 匡俊
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.5, pp.611-634, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-11-13)

Natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunami, have long been regarded by many people around the world as indicating the wills of deities. Such superstitions have been replaced gradually by modern scientific thinking. The Ainu people believed that evil deities caused volcanic eruptions, so they prayed to benevolent deities in order to avert them. As such, the Ainu people had superstitious beliefs on the causes of volcanic eruptions and how they could be prevented. In spite of their superstitious beliefs, the Ainu people actually had scientifically accurate ideas on the process of a volcanic eruption, the origins of material ejected from a crater, and the process of lava dome formation. This was long before scientific conception of volcanology and the geomorphology of volcanoes emerged in Japan. Modern science was introduced to Japanese volcanology and the geomorphology of volcanoes in the 1890s. Around the 1791, the Ainu people, who were neither scientists nor specialists, surmised that a volcanic eruption was actually caused by burning material under ground rising up from a crater through a fire well to the surface. The Ainu people's deductions on the process of a volcanic eruption were similar to the latest theories on magma eruptions in volcanology. The Ainu people's course of action of seeking refuge when Mt. Usu erupted was not based on superstition but on their memories of past eruptions. These memories informed them that a series of earthquakes heralded an eruption, as well as the facts that damage to areas by eruptions and their personal sufferings were actually due to pyroclastic flows and surges from past eruptions of Mt. Usu.