澤木 佑介 佐藤 友彦 藤崎 渉 上田 修裕 浅沼 尚 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.549-569, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)
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The evolution of eukaryotes is one of the most important issues in the history of life. Paleontological studies discovered the oldest eukaryotic fossil from the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Group in Gabon. To clarify specific features of ancient sedimentary basins in Gabon, geologic evidence for the Francevillian Group is summarized and a new geotectonic model is proposed. The model gives much weight to the upwelling of mantle plume, which can explain why the Francevillian basin only hosted natural reactors. The Great Oxidation Event in the Paleoproterozoic played an important role in not only the evolution of eukaryotes but also in the formation of natural reactors. Reductive weathering of the continental crust, which was affected by plume-related volcanisms, transported Uranium-rich minerals into sediments of the Francevillian Group without dissolution of Uranium. The subsequent oxidation event enabled uranyl ions to accumulate within an oxic failed rift basin, and settled large quantities of organic matter on the seafloor. Hydrothermal circulation within the Francevillian Group precipitated highly Uranium-rich ores, which became natural reactors at approximately 2.0 Ga, and might have influenced the evolution of eukaryotes in this basin. In a large sense, the degree of oxidation of the ocean-atmosphere system has been linked to the amount of sedimentary rocks. In that way, mantle overturn in 2.7 Ga, which created a large continental crust, was one of the crucial events that affected the evolution of eukaryotes.
武山 尚生 高橋 佑歌 永田 祥平 澤木 佑介 佐藤 友彦 丸山 茂徳 金井 昭夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.6, pp.899-912, 2020-12-25 (Released:2021-01-18)

The origin of eukaryotic organisms is one of the most important questions in biology. So far, it has been suggested that eukaryotes are phylogenetically related to Archaea. Indeed, recent progress in archaeal genomic biology seems to have accurately determined the exact position of Archaea in the birth of the Eukaryota. In particular, identifying groups of archaeal species, such as the superphylum TACK and the Asgard archaea, has shown that primitive genes for eukaryotic signature proteins (ESP) already existed in the genomes of these archaeal species. Some ESPs are especially important, including actin and tubulin in the cytoskeleton and the ESCRT complex, which is involved in nuclear membrane formation. There have been many reports that eukaryotic intracellular organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, evolved from specific symbiotic bacteria. Moreover, eukaryotic genes are disrupted by intronic sequences, which must be removed or “spliced” and the exons connected after the primary transcript is generated, to make a mature functional mRNA. Recently, it has been suggested that the self-splicing factor in both bacterial and archaeal genomes, called “group II intron”, may cause gene disruption. In this review, the frontiers of genome biology are summarized in terms of the importance of prokaryotes (both Archaea and Bacteria) for the origin of Eukarya. From an Earth history perspective, how the increase in atmospheric oxygen concentration at 2.4-2.0 billion years ago may have contributed to the rise of the eukaryotes is discussed.
佐藤 友彦 吉屋 一美 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.571-596, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)
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Phylogenetic analysis is one of the useful tools available for revealing the evolution of life on the Earth; however, it has difficulty in principle distinguishing old and new genomes just by comparing phylogenomic trees. To overcome this difficulty, a new method is introduced which utilizes the Earth's history derived from geologic information to trace genomic evolution. This idea is inspired by Darwin's natural selection, and explains how living organisms change with the environment. In other words, life's genome does not change if the environment remains the same. A key is the birthplace of life on Hadean Earth, which is thought to be an ultra-reducing environment with H2 produced in abundance through serpentinization. OD1 is a potential microbe that has survived on the Earth since the Hadean. Its habitat, Hakuba-Happo in Japan, is a unique serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal system on land, and it has avoided evolution by remaining in a super-reducing environment from the Hadean to the present. OD1 is regarded as a “living fossil” of the Hadean microbe. Ultra-reducing environments have disappeared over the Earth's history. How has OD1 survived since the Hadean to the present? A possible scenario is proposed based on Plate Tectonics. OD1 habitats have gone through the following transitions: (1) super-reducing environment in a natural nuclear geyser on a primordial continent in the Hadean; (2) serpentinite-hosted hydrothermal system along a mid-oceanic ridge transform fault during the Archean-Proterozoic; (3) subduction-accretion and escape from oxygenated Phanerozoic ocean floor; and, (4) jacked up by growth of accretionary complexes and taking refuge in a hydrothermal system above a volcanic front. OD1 habitats have been reduced with geological age as free oxygen has increased in the surface environment. OD1 may be a “living microfossil” of the Hadean, making its way continuously through ultra-reducing environments on a tightrope.
吉屋 一美 佐藤 友彦 大森 聡一 丸山 茂徳
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.128, no.4, pp.625-647, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-20)
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The Hadean surface was mainly covered by three kinds of rock: komatiite, KREEP basalt, and anorthosite, which were remarkably different from those on the modern Earth. Water–rock interactions between these rocks and water provided a highly reducing environment and formed secondary minerals on the rock surface that are important for producing metallo-enzymes for the emergence of primordial life. Previous studies suggest a correlation with active sites of metallo-enzymes and sulfide minerals based on an affinity with their structure, but they do not discuss the origins of metallic elements contained in these minerals, which are critical to understand where primordial life was born. Secondary minerals formed through water–rock interactions of komatiite in a nuclear geyser system are investigated, followed by a discussion of the relationship between active sites of metallo-enzymes and secondary minerals. Instead of komatiite, we used serpentinite collected from Hakuba Happo area, Nagano Prefecture in central-north Japan, which is thought to be one of the Hadean modern analogues for the birthplace of life. Several minor minerals were found, including magnetite, chromite, pyrite, and pentlandite, in addition to the major serpentine minerals. Pentlandite is not been mentioned in previous studies as a candidate for supplying important metallic elements to form metallo-enzymes in previous studies. It also acts as a catalyst for hydrogen generation, because it closely resembles the structural features of an active site of hydrogenases. Nickel-iron sulfide, pentlandite, is considered to be one of the important minerals for the origin of life. In addition, what kinds of minor mineral would be obtained from water–rock interactions of these rocks is estimated using a thermo-dynamic calculation. KREEP basalt contains large amounts of iron, and it could be useful for producing metallo-enzymes, especially for ferredoxins, an electron transfer enzymes associated with the emergence of primordial life.
久米 正志 清水 雄二 南條 元 佐藤 英樹 佐藤 友彦
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2009, pp.E4P2269, 2010

【目的】厚岸町は北海道の東南部に位置し、総面積は739平方kmで、主な産業は水産業と酪農を中心とした農業である。厚岸町役場保健介護課健康づくり係では、一般高齢者を対象とした介護予防事業の一環として平成13年度から地域出前講座の転倒予防教室「ころばない講座」を始めた。高齢期における具体的な転倒予防のため、地区の自治会・老人クラブ等の開催要請に応える形で実施している。<BR>本研究では町内の各地域に明確な産業特性がある事から、ころばない講座受講者を居住地域毎に「漁村部」「農村部」「市街部」の3地域に分類し、産業特性の異なる各地域間にどのような違いがあるかを比較検討した。<BR>【方法】対象はころばない講座を受講した65歳以上の厚岸町民1598名(男性279名:平均年齢77.1±4.6歳、女性1319名:平均年齢75.1±5.4歳)である。ころばない講座は、検査・検査の見方・日常でころばないための講話・家庭でできる簡単な転倒予防体操で構成されている。検査項目は全身状態の検査として、血圧・体重・体脂肪・BMI・握力、転倒骨折評価として10m全力歩行・最大一歩幅・下肢長・40cm踏み台昇降である。転倒骨折評価は東京厚生年金病院転倒予防教室で行われている健脚度評価を利用した。<BR>本研究では各検査項目の中から転倒骨折評価に焦点を当て、10m全力歩行・最大一歩率(最大一歩幅/下肢長)・40cm踏み台昇降について、健脚度評価基準の転倒カットオフ値を基に3地域を比較検討した。統計処理には1要因の分散分析を用いて、有意水準を5%とした。<BR>【説明と同意】ころばない講座受講者に検査の目的を説明し、本人並びに厚岸町の健康づくりに活用する事の同意を得た。<BR>【結果】10m全力歩行<BR>男性:農村部5.22±1.18秒>市街部5.32±0.90秒>漁村部5.71±1.16秒<BR>女性:農村部5.95±1.70秒>市街部6.09±1.62秒>漁村部6.32±1.64秒<BR> 転倒カットオフ値は6.41秒であり、男女共にカットオフ値を下回る地域はなかった。男女共に各地域間で有意差が認められた。<BR>最大一歩率 <BR>男性:農村部1.32±0.16>漁村部1.31±0.17>市街部1.29±0.12<BR>女性:市街部1.32±0.19>農村部1.30±0.15>漁村部1.26±0.18<BR> 転倒カットオフ値は1.17であり、カットオフ値を下回る地域はなかった。男性は各地域間に有意差が認められなかったが、女性では有意差が認められた。<BR>40cm踏み台昇降(可能の割合を表示)<BR>男性:漁村部67%>市街部65%>農村部62%<BR>女性:農村部41%>市街部・漁村部34%<BR> 男女共に各地域間で有意差が認められた。 <BR>【考察】10m全力歩行・最大一歩率は、3地域男女共に転倒カットオフ値を上回った。3項目の転倒骨折評価を男女地域別に比較検討すると、最大一歩率の男性以外は各地域間に有意差が認められた。10m全力歩行での特徴は、同地域男女の序列が同じ事である。男女共に農村部が最も高く、市街部、漁村部と続く。共に肉体労働である農村部・漁村部で有意差が現れた事は印象的である。仕事の内容の相違や、酪農業は通年であるのに対し漁業は季節性である事も有意差の一因と考えられる。最大一歩率は男性では有意差が認められなかった。女性は有意差が認められ市街部、農村部、漁村部と続く。特に漁村部女性が低い値であった。40cm踏み台昇降は、漁村部では男性が最も高く女性が最も低い等、同地域男女の序列の相違が現れた。女性は農村部が特に高い割合であった。同地域男女の序列の相違は市街部で小さく漁村部・農村部で大きい事から、漁村部・農村部での男女の仕事内容の違いが影響している可能性が考えられる。漁業では主に男性が漁に出て船の乗り降り等で昇降動作を行うのに対し、女性の仕事は加工が主であるいう役割分担もみられる。<BR>各項目で各地域間に有意差が認められたが、それが現役世代の仕事内容からくるものか、引退後の活動歴が影響しているかを精査するためには今後更なる情報が必要である。本研究を基に、現役引退の度合い(家族経営が多いことから部分的な引退も考慮)・各業種における男女別の仕事量や内容の把握・引退年齢や引退後の運動・活動歴の情報も得ていきたい。そして本研究で明らかになった地域間の差や、同地域男女の序列の相違について、どのような因子が影響を与えているのかを明らかにし、各地域に合った予防的な健康づくりの方法を提案していく。<BR>【理学療法学研究としての意義】理学療法士が保健・福祉と共働・連携し町民の健康づくりを行っていく事の意義は大きく、本講座を通して町民が高齢期における健康づくりを主体的に行う町になるように働きかけていく事ができる。また、厚岸町独特の産業・地域特性に焦点を当て研究を行う事で、受講者のみではなく町全体、更には産業特性が同様な地域に結果を還元する事ができる。
丸山 茂徳 佐藤 友彦 澤木 佑介 須田 好
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.129, no.6, pp.757-777, 2020-12-25 (Released:2021-01-18)

Reported are the origins and chemistry of hot spring water unique to the Ohmi–Hakuba region in the northern Japan Alps, central north Honshu, where a variety of rock types, derived from accretionary complex formed in the Ediacaran (presumably ca. 620 Ma), are regionally exposed. One of the largest bodies of serpentinized peridotite in Japan intersects the Quaternary volcanic front. Featuring an unusual geochemistry, the resulting unique hydrothermal hot springs yield a high pH (ca. 10-11) and a continuous supply of H2. Research reveals four types of hot spring in the Hakuba region: (1) serpentinite hosted hot spring water, (2) high-salinity and carbonated water, (3) Archean type low pO2 hot spring water, and (4) acidic and sulfuric hot spring water with a H2S gas input from magma. The high alkali and H2-enriched hot spring water (Type 1) differs remarkably from other hot springs in this region. In terms of geochemistry, there is a dissolved oxygen content due to the production of abundant H2, which is the reason why a Hadean-type microbial community is present. The origins and evolution of life are closely related to atmospheric oxygen level. Generally, anaerobic microbes inhabit subsurface areas where free oxygen is limited, while oxygen adaptive creatures cannot survive in an anaerobic environment. This means anaerobic microbes have not evolved, and remain as “living fossils”. Hakuba OD1 is one of the most important candidates for the oldest form of life directly connected to LUCA, because it has survived in a Hadean-like environment since emerging. The next research target is the ecosystem in a H2-enriched environment without free oxygen.
羽生 春夫 佐藤 友彦 赤井 知高 酒井 稔 高崎 朗 岩本 俊彦
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.44, no.4, pp.463-469, 2007 (Released:2007-09-06)
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中本 宏 杉沢 肇 佐藤 友彦 島田 和基 五十嵐 孝義 深瀬 康公 西山 實
日本補綴歯科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.40, no.6, pp.1084-1089, 1996-12-01

歯冠修復物マージンの支台歯フィニッシュラインに対する適合性の良否は,その予後を左右する重要な因子である.本研究は,研究者によりまちまちに分類,表現されているこの適合状態を,その観察および測定するための方法,装置の進歩に伴い,これらを整理,統合し,より合理的に分類,命名することと,修復物の適合状態の観察,測定のために走査型レーザー顕微鏡の有用性を検討することを目的とした. 適合状態は,(1) Ideal,(2) Open-Closed,(3) Extra-Lined-Intra,(4) Overlapped,の4つの評価基準で,(1) Ideal,(2) Open-Extra,(3) Open-Lined,(4) Open-Intra,(5) Open-Extra-Overlapped,(6) Closed-Extra,(7)Closed-Intra,(8) Closed-Extra-Overlappedの8つの適合状態に分類,命名した.また,走査型レーザー顕微鏡はきわめて合目的性の装置であることが実証された.