河口 明人
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.119, pp.69-103, 2013-12-25

Public health has been the foundation to the development of modern civil society, where humanlife and health qualify as fundamental human rights. Both individual and science are importantkeywords for understanding the process of building citizenship in modern society;they areassociated with Reformation and Scientific Revolution, which have played pivotal roles in theformation of individualism and scientific epistemology. Calvinists, more than Lutherans, developedindividualism by their self-assurance based on religious doctrines, and attempted at changingsociety through religious struggles based on the ideology of so cial justice. Simultaneously, ScientificRevolution, along with Reformation, upset Catholic authority in terms of certain paradigm shifts,such as a sun-centered solar system and the human anatomy. Both of these revolutionary changesinteracted philosophically to build modern citizenship based on epistemological transformations.Society found out natural right of public, who became convinced in the human right that “everysingle human life should be preserved,” which motivated the modern social movement on publichealth.
Ong Marcruz Yew Lee
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.126, pp.43-74, 2016-06-30

The primary goal of this article is to explore the sociocultural context of young children's mathematical development by reviewing the psychological theories and research, and propose future directions for research on this topic. I begin with a brief history of the early theories of mathematical learning and development, including one of the earliest and influential developmental theories - Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. I will then look at two areas of study addressing young children’s mathematical development that challenged Piaget’s theory. One examined the mathematical competencies in infants and young children, while the other investigated the linkage between sociocultural influences and young children’s mathematical development. As this article focuses on the sociocultural context of young children’s mathematical development, I will, therefore, concentrate on the latter area of study. In terms of the latter area of study, I will take a closer look at studies that seek to identify and explain the cross-cultural differences in mathematical development between East Asian and Western children, and also another group of studies that addressed the development of mathematical cognition in the context of everyday practices. Finally, in order to advance the study of young children’s mathematical development through the use of sociocultural perspective, I proposed a number of future directions for research on this topic.

1 0 0 0 OA 養育性と教育

陳 省仁
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.113, pp.1-12, 2011-08-22

Drawing on anthropological resources on childrearing practices in Japan, this paper points out the possibility that as a result of drastic changes indevelopmental niche, currently a large section of adult population of modern Japanese society suffers serious lack of nurturance, which has led to various social problems such as the so-called ‘shoushika’(decrease in childbirth rate), childrearing anxiety, or increase in child abuse cases. It is proposed that school education can and should take some measure towards improving the situation by including materials relating to human development to current curriculum and providing hands-on learning opportunity aiming at facilitating nurturance formation of the younger generations. It is argued that through nurturance education, we can rethink what education should be for pupils as well as for the society in general.
光本 滋
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.130, pp.151-162, 2018-03-30

国立大学における生涯学習部門は,理念的には大学開放と大学改革をつなげることを使命としながら,現実には生涯学習政策を推進するものとして整備されてきた。法人化後,生涯学習部門の多くは地域連携部門に吸収され,雇用創出や人材育成の面から大学の地域機能を高めようとする政策の展開に伴い,役割を打ち出すことが困難になっている。このような中で,生涯学習部門には,原点に立ち返ることにより存在意義を発揮することが期待される。国立大学生涯学習系センター研究協議会の近年の活動にも同様の問題意識を確認することができる。生涯学習の視点から大学組織のあり方を探究することは高等継続教育論の課題である。This paper discusses about the current status and issues of the lifelong learningdepartment on national universities in Japan. It is the department's mission to reconcileuniversity extension and university reform. In particular, the organization was establishedfor implementation of the policy to promote lifelong learning. After becoming a cooperation,national universities accelerate reorganization of the department one after another. In manycases, they were absorbed into department of collaboration with local community. Due tothe policy on reorganization, especially organization for education and research, nationaluniversities are forced to use evaluation standards for contributions to increase regionalemployment, placement recruitment rate of new graduates, and community development.As a result, it is very difficult for the lifelong learning department to show the meaning ofexistence. In this situation, the department need to go back to basics to create a favorablesituation. It would be important to develop existing practical exchanges and joint researchactivities among universities that they have cultivated. Moreover, it is an issue for higherand continuing education to explore how to maintain educational organization in connectionwith lifelong learning.
北村 嘉恵
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.129, pp.240-187, 2017-12-22

土田 幸男
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.124, pp.65-80, 2016-03-25

Working memory used for a goal-directed behavior has limited capacity. In this article, we examined what the specific function of the working memory capacity as the controlled attention function was. In addition, we discussed how working memory capacity affected the everyday situations in terms of the mind wandering. In the study using event-related potential (ERP), the analysis examined relationship between individual difference in working memory capacity and ERP component involved mind wandering. The amplitude of ERP component involved mind wandering for low-span group has smaller than high-span group. This result suggested possibility that many mind wandering occurred in low-span group during the tasks. Finally, we discussed further research and educational aspect based on the relationship between working memory capacity and attention.
水野 君平
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.126, pp.101-110, 2016-06-30

宮内 洋 松宮 朝 新藤 慶 石岡 丈昇 打越 正行
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
no.122, pp.49-91, 2015

本稿は,貧困調査のクリティークの第2 弾として,西田芳正『排除する社会・排除に抗する学校』(大阪大学出版会,2012 年)を対象に,貧困調査・研究が陥りがちな諸課題を指摘した論考である。当該書は,1990 年代から西田が取り組んできた調査研究の知見を,貧困層の社会的排除という形でまとめ直したものである。当該書では,関西圏の「文化住宅街」や「下町」を中心的な対象とし,これらの地域に暮らす「貧困・生活不安定層」の生活や教育の実態・意識が明らかにされている。この研究に対し,「〈生活―文脈〉理解研究会」のメンバーが,理論的なレベル,方法的なレベル,そして若者,学校,地域という具体的なテーマのそれぞれの視点から批判的な検討を行った。これらの検討から浮かび上がったのは,当該書における〈文脈〉の捨象と,そのことが分析にもたらす問題である。本稿を通じて,貧困調査に求められる〈文脈〉のふまえ方が示された。This review article concerns the Haijyo suru syakai haijyo ni kousuru gakkou (Yoshimasa Nishida, 2012, Osaka: Osaka University Press) as the second fruit of our research group, which engages in elaborating the theories and concepts of poverty research. The book constitutes fragmented research results dating from the 1990s based on the surveys of the buraku and the young working poor in Japan. The author composes these fragmented topics into a theme of social exclusion of the poor. The case studies on bunka jutaku and downtown areas are described in terms of the livelihoods and educational expectations of the young residents belonging to the "social stratum of poverty and instability." Our research group rigorously reviews the book on theoretical and methodological levels and raises alternative interpretations of the topics of youth, schooling, and the local community. We conclude that the book definitely pays no attention to the life contexts of the research subjects and ignores their realities. It seems that rather than deconstructing the myth of poverty and social exclusion, the book ends up reinforcing it. The book produces only immaterial and conventional discussions.
土田 幸男
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
no.109, pp.81-92, 2009

水野 眞佐夫 塙 望
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
vol.114, pp.137-149, 2011-12-27

【要旨】本研究は分岐鎖アミノ酸の摂取が中強度運動時と運動後回復期の脂質代謝に与える効果を検討した。運動習慣を有しない大学生男女各4 名の合計8 名を対象に,分岐鎖アミノ酸含有飲料またはプラセボ飲料を摂取させた後,最大心拍数45% から50% 強度の自転車運動 20 分を2 セット,5 分間の休息を挟んで実施した。運動時から回復期において,心拍数,主観的運動強度の測定と,呼気ガス分析を行った。二重盲検交差法を用いて,分岐鎖アミノ酸含有飲料摂取条件とプラセボ飲料摂取条件を最低7 日間の間隔をあけて実施した。この結果,酸素摂取量,心拍数,主観的運動強度,呼吸交換比において両条件間に統計学的有意差は認められなかった。しかしながら,BCAA 含有飲料摂取条件における運動後回復期20-30 分の体脂肪率と呼吸交換比との間に正の相関関係の傾向を示した。一方,プラセボ飲料摂取条件において相関関係は認められなかった。従って,分岐鎖アミノ酸含有飲料を摂取することにより体脂肪率が低いほど運動後回復期の脂質代謝が促進される可能性が本研究により示唆された。
横井 敏郎
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
no.122, pp.107-123, 2015

This Study aims to clarify the decision process of the local education policy under the post-1955 political system in Japan, focusing on relations between the prefectural governor and the board of education, in the case of Katayama government in Tottori prefec ture. Firstly, we can find that a lot of new education measures got available in Tottori in the 2000s and they were promoted by the governor Yoshihiro Katayama. To the second, we can see that the pressure to the Board of Education from the governor was brought out by the Ministry of Education orientation and the closed organization culture of the Board of Education. The prefecture Board of Education were so poor in the ability for policy making and the resources to build up the education measures to contribute to local development. The governor had to activate the Board of Education through various routs like personnel affairs of the Board of Education, the collaboration in policymaking between the governor's office and the Board of Education. Thirdly, while the independence of Board of Education was expected, it remained at the position of the follower to the end. We found that the menber of the Board of Education could not make policies independently and represent the resident's preference, even if they got the support of the governor. From this case study, we see that it is very difficult for the Board of Education to obtain the democratic legitimacy even under the governor that attached great value to resident autonomy. It is a big challenge for us to explore the way to balance power in the local educational governance and enhance the democratic legitimacy of the Board of Education.