川端 博子 鎌田 紗矢子
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.59, no.1, pp.179-188, 2010

Movements of the lower legs and feet during ascending and descending of stairs were observed, and flat shoes, 3cm-heeled pumps, and 8cm-heeled pumps were compared with respect to their functional mobility. The results were as follows:(1) Twenty female university students participated in the test, which involved measuring the length of time required to walk a certain distance and to ascend/descend stairs. When thesubjects were wearing high-heeled pumps, the length of time required to walk a certain distance increased, and the time required to descend stairs increased remarkably.(2) Further observation was carried out for six female students when they ascended and descended stairs, and the movements of their legs and feet were analyzed. When the subjects werewearing high-heeled pumps, the angle between the leg and instep became larger than when they wore other types of shoes, the muscle of the instep was continuously extended, and the rotationof the ankle became smaller; these facts indicate that high-heeled shoes restrict free movement of the leg and foot.(3) Pressure distribution on the sole was measured to examine the mobility function of highheeled shoes. When the subjects stepped on the ground, there was no difference in the total pressureapplied to the sole according to the type of shoes. When they kicked the ground, however, the total pressure on the sole was the smallest for the flat shoes. As the heels of the shoes becamehigher, more pressure was applied to the front part of the sole, and the transfer of the pressure position during motion became smaller. As a result, it was revealed that high-heeled shoes had an influence on antero-posterior balance of the foot in walking movement.
坂西 友秀
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.64, no.2, pp.85-119, 2015

Ishigaki Island is located in Okinawa prefecture. A few decades ago, Okinawa prefecture was independent country from Japan as Ryukyu Kingdom. Ryukyu was established in the fifteenth century. The emperor of Ryukyu Kingdom visited the king of Ch’ing of China and took an oath to subordinate to him. China was the Suzerain of Ryukyu Kingdom. The king of Ryukyu pay a tribute to the Edo Shogun, Ieyasu TOUGAWA, too. TOUGAWA Shogun (General TOKUGAWA) forced Satsuma feudal clan, feudal lord Shimazu, to attack the Ryukyu kingdom, and to force obedience to Tokugawa Shogun. This is why Ryukyu king took a long journey to Edo as a ceremonial tribute paid to the Tokugawa court. The Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) changed the fate of Ryukyu conclusively. After the war, Japan reigned the Ryukyu kingdom. Japanese government in Meiji era incorporated the Ryukyu kingdom into Japanese country, which was newly called Okinawa prefecture. In nineteenth century, Japanese Army invaded the northern part of Asia, and expanded the Japanese colonies. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Japanese army power were declined, and defeated everywhere in the whole area of East Asia. Allied force, especially American troops concentrated their attack to the main land of Japan. Japanese government and Army had no equipment to protect the main land against the Allies. Okinawa was the first battle field, and ultimate most important protect wall for the government to keep time for defending Japanese mainland. Unconditional surrender of Japan, Okinawa had been conquered by Allies, America, till 1972. Japanese government realized the return of Okinawa prefecture to Japan. After the World War II, people of the islands and demobilization soldier suffered economic distress and difficulty of everyday life. Development of the “Yaeyama Islands” and pioneer emigrants began at that time. In spite of destruction by the war, traditional culture of Ryukyu are now inherited, succeeded and enriched by the youth. Though the life of the youth in islands aren’t so easy, they enjoy their everyday life and make efforts to create attractive activities. Now, the problem of the territory of Senkaku Islnds has been occurred between Japan and China. It is inevitable for us to know the historical processes profoundly, if we want to understand deeply the local reality, today.
神月 朋子
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.249-260, 2009

This article will consider the acceptance of the French modern music by the Japanese music society in the nineteen twenties which was on the way to create the tradition of the art music. The French music had become a matter of their concern from the three points : refuse of the predominance of the German classical music ; flourishing of the French music at that time and its own characteristics ; and charm of the city of Paris, the forefront of the arts.After a brief survey of the acceptance in the fields of(1)composition,(2)concerts and records, (3)music books,( 4)periodicals and books(including Japanese translations),(5)education and(6)symbol of the anti-German music, it will be indicated that the Japanese music society recognized the characteristics of the French modern music not only as light, gorgeous, simple but also as inseparable of sensation from consciousness or conception. These are independent from the German sense of value and not its contrary. Such music is created by the French people, réalist and idéalist, as the Japanese people is.The reflection of Paris in twenties is also an important factor for Japanese musicians : at that time Paris was filled with various music from the various countries, a center of the world music. French music, especially like Debussy or Ravel, is regarded as their mixture and as source of the oriental/Japanese expression. This problem of expression, the creation of our own music, must be examined not from the acceptance of the church mode or the pentatonic scale, but from the point of the world music, or the network of music from the different culture. This may be also an importanttheme of our time.
渋谷 治美
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.217-232, 2009

本論考は2008年11月15日(土)に九州大学文学部にて開催された日本カント協会第33回大会の一般研究発表の部で口頭発表した研究を文章化したものである。口頭発表時の題は「『観念論論駁』再論」であった。「再論」ないし「再考」と題した所以は、筆者はこれまで再三再四カントの「観念論論駁」について論文等で論じ、また各種研究発表の機会に口頭で論及し、またカント研究の同志とのあいだにおける私信においても意見を取り交わしてきたからである1)。それらを踏まえたうえで、上記した昨年の口頭発表と本稿とによってこの論題での研究に一区切りつけたいと思う。今回の学会での口頭発表の制限時間は25分であった(その後の質疑に15分が宛がわれた)。これはおよそ400字詰め原稿用紙にして25枚分に当たるが、今回これを大幅に上回って文章化する。Über Kants Widerlegung des Idealismus probiere ich in dieser Abhandlung zwei folgende neue Interpretationen zu zeigen.(1)Der Satzgegenstand des Lehrsatzes von der Widerlegung lautet:"Das blosse, aber empirisch bestimmte, Bewußtsein des meines eigenen Dasein"s( B275). Nach meiner Interpretation wird er von zwei Elementen komponiert, die um das Bewußtsein des meines eigenen Daseins betreffen. Sie sind nämlich A)das bloße Bewußtsein meines eigenen Daseins, und B)das empirisch bestimmte Bewußtsein meines eigenen Daseins. Das erste bedeutet, hier auch meiner Interpretation nach, die reine Apperzeption, und das letzte die empirische Apperzeption. Warum bindet Kant diese zwei Bewußtsein von verschidenen Arten mit"abe"r ? Hier können wir finden den Prozeß von〈Entstehung des Erscheinungs-ich〉und den von〈Entstehung der Erscheinung〉. Diese zwei Prozeße haben gegeneinander gegensätzliche Richtungen, und aber sind parallel. Der erste Prozeß zeigt〈die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit der Erfahrung überhaupt〉, und der zweite〈die Bedingungen der Mög lichkeit der Gegenstände der Erfahrung〉. Hier können wir den ursprün glichen Charakter der Vergegenstän dlichung des Menschen bei Kant finden.(2)In der Widerlegung finden wir 7Male das Wort"etwas Beharrliche"s und nur einmal dasihm verwandtschaftliche Wort "die Beharrlichkeit". Was bedeuten diese zwei? Bedeuten sie vielleicht das Ähnliches? Nein! Etwas Beharrliches ist Materie oder Ding im Raum außer mir, unddagegen spielt die Beharrlichkeit im inneren Sinne gleichsam die Rolle von Repräsentant der Kategrie von Substanz.Natürlich trreffen(1)und(2)einander am Ende an dem denselben Punkt von Kants Gedanken.
荻窪 光慈
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.59, no.1, pp.51-60, 2010

The device that makes a cathode-ray tube (CRT) type television an oscilloscope was developed. The conventional analog broadcasting will be stopped to shift to the digital broadcasting completely on July 24, 2011. Therefore, a large number of cathode-ray tube type televisions will become unnecessary, and they would be discarded in large quantities. They would become the great pressure to the environment. To reduce such social anxiety, and to use such televisions as oscilloscopes effectively for the learning of the electric and electronic technology in a technology education course in a junior high school, the device that makes a television anoscilloscope was developed.The result of production of this device, the expected purpose of observing an electric signal on the television could be achieved under the limited condition. Further several improvements will be added to the device in the future.