原 千尋 河村 美穂
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.63, no.1, pp.47-57, 2014

There are two problems during school lunch. One is that lunch time is too short. Another is that eating in the classroom should be a good experience eating with friends. How do teachers solve these problems? This study aims to make clear how teachers act and talk to students during schoollunch.This study targeted four elementary school female teachers. This study used two types of methodology ; direct observation and voice recording. Direct observation was analyzed to find some patterns. The script of the voice recording was categorized using 7categories by Kishi and Nojima(2006) based on Flanders (1970).These four teachers struggled to get enough time for eating. For example, one teacher included the break time after lunch to increase the time for eating. The other teacher shortened y preparation to have enough time to eat. 67-87% of all script is direct speaking including the indication of the time and caution by teacher about table manners, etc. 13-26% of all script is indirect speaking that revealed each teacher’s character. Teachers talked about food and eating during the lunch time and eating together with someone is a happy occasion.
伊藤 大河 山本 利一
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.65, no.1, pp.107-116, 2016

When killing notice videos of Japanese hostage by ISIL has been published in the January 20, 2015, a photomontage of Japanese Twitter user has processed the part of the video, relentlessly to Twitter account you think that the ISIL persons concerned was sending. Had been highly regarded abroad despite in Japan is a critical evaluation of this case. It was carried out re-examination of educational content related to information ethics in response to this case. And it is proposed to be added to educational content on SNS for convenience of anonymous communication. Specifically, the use of a SNS normally, some degree of anonymity is ensured. However, it is no longer anonymous to the moment the post content is may the manners violations and criminal acts, it is a learning content that could be personally identifiable.
首藤 敏元
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部. 教育科学 / 埼玉大学教育学部 [編] = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education. Science of education (ISSN:03879321)
vol.55, no.2, pp.121-131, 2006

坂西 友秀
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.68, no.2, pp.155-182, 2019

This paper has clarified the current situation of depopulated local communities through interviews and case studies. This paper also used the individual case studies as an analysis material to illustrate the regional change and the painful situation today. In order to maintain the local community, it was demonstrated based on the cases that the creative power of young people and the autonomous group (Seinen Dan) activities rooted in the area are essential. Furthermore, the youth deepens their own inner world through their autonomous collective activities and interaction with residents in the community. In the discussion, they suggested that by acting in the local area, they formed their own social identity and grew mentally.
山下 久美 首藤 敏元
埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 = Journal of Integrated Center for Clinical and Educational Practice (ISSN:13477420)
vol.4, pp.177-188, 2005

1989年に三重県内の保育園の周囲の自然環境を調査した研究がある(河崎1991)。当時の保育園の立地は半数弱が、農業地、漁業地、林業地であり、自然に恵まれた環境であったことが示されている。しかし、住宅地と、商業地の中にある保育園は、自然が「少しはある」または「ほとんどない」と回答している割合が高かったため、将来このような地域が増えることが懸念されていた。その懸念どおり、日本では都市部への人口集中は続いており、幼児たちの周りからはますます自然が奪われている。日常生活の中では身近に自然の中にいる動物と触れ合えなくなってきた今日、乳幼児施設での動物飼育の意義が高まりつつあると考えられるが、近年は駅型保育所の建設も盛んであり、その環境を考えると必ずしもその重要性が理解されているとは言えないように見える。動物の飼育が乳幼児にとって重要であることを今まで以上に意識し、多くの現場で子どもたちが命と触れ合えるようにする必要があるのではないだろうか。そのため動物飼育が乳幼児に与える影響について言及している研究を、本論では取り上げるが、それに先立ち、幼稚園や保育園における動物飼育の現状についても把握する必要があると考える。まず実態を把握し、次に動物飼育の教育効果について検討する。それと同時に飼育経験効果の研究方法について検討を加え、今後の研究のあり方を探ることも本論の目的である。特に保育現場において有効な教材となり得ると思われるムシと子どもの関わりについて重点を置きながら研究を取り上げ、考察を進める。なおムシ類とは生物学上の分類にはこだわらず、子どもたちが日常「ムシ」と呼んでいる、昆虫類や、カタツムリ、ダンゴムシなどを含めた「小さな無脊椎動物(落合,1997)Jをさすものとする。また検討する論文は、N1 1論文情報ナビゲータによって検索されたものを対象とする。
神谷 友里 吉川 はる奈
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education
vol.60, no.2, pp.19-28, 2011

This study investigated the effects of the developmental feature of role-taking at five-year-old children's pretend play. Subjects were the children at kindergarten class. The method of this study is the observational research. We observed how the children take the role of pretend play for ten months. Their behaviors of pretend play were evaluated: 1) say clearly what they want to take the role of pretend play 2) say clearly where they want to play pretend play 3) alter their place clearly when they play the other pretend play 4) insist on their theory with brief and compact style. When a five-year-olds child can't catch the child of partner playing with pretend play, he tries to go into the feeling of his partner. The result showed that developmental features of role-taking at the role play game for children.
源 証香 小谷 宜路
埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 = Journal of Integrated Center for Clinical and Educational Practice (ISSN:13477420)
vol.13, pp.9-15, 2014

川端 博子 鎌田 紗矢子
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.59, no.1, pp.179-188, 2010

Movements of the lower legs and feet during ascending and descending of stairs were observed, and flat shoes, 3cm-heeled pumps, and 8cm-heeled pumps were compared with respect to their functional mobility. The results were as follows:(1) Twenty female university students participated in the test, which involved measuring the length of time required to walk a certain distance and to ascend/descend stairs. When thesubjects were wearing high-heeled pumps, the length of time required to walk a certain distance increased, and the time required to descend stairs increased remarkably.(2) Further observation was carried out for six female students when they ascended and descended stairs, and the movements of their legs and feet were analyzed. When the subjects werewearing high-heeled pumps, the angle between the leg and instep became larger than when they wore other types of shoes, the muscle of the instep was continuously extended, and the rotationof the ankle became smaller; these facts indicate that high-heeled shoes restrict free movement of the leg and foot.(3) Pressure distribution on the sole was measured to examine the mobility function of highheeled shoes. When the subjects stepped on the ground, there was no difference in the total pressureapplied to the sole according to the type of shoes. When they kicked the ground, however, the total pressure on the sole was the smallest for the flat shoes. As the heels of the shoes becamehigher, more pressure was applied to the front part of the sole, and the transfer of the pressure position during motion became smaller. As a result, it was revealed that high-heeled shoes had an influence on antero-posterior balance of the foot in walking movement.
山下 久美 首藤 敏元
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.57, no.2, pp.105-121, 2008

虫の飼育は、幼児に「命への理解や思い」「思いやり」を育む効果を持っていることが前研究(山下・首藤,2005)で示された。社会性の発達援助は幼稚園・保育園において今日的重要課題であるため、本研究は、虫の飼育が社会性の発達を促す効果について再度検討を行った。その結果、子どもと虫の関わりについて明確なねらいを持って保育している53人の保育者たちの観察事例によっても、それらを獲得していく過程が確認された。さらに「仲間関係を育てる」「子どもの表情が活き活きしてくる」「責任感がつく」「自尊感情が高まる」についても、飼育経験効果が示唆される結果であった。特に「仲間関係を育てる」については顕著であり、幼児期の社会性の発達を促す効果は大きいと思われる。A previous study (Yamashita and Shuto, 2005) demonstrated that insect breeding in kindergartens Was effective in fostering children's "thoughtfulness for others" and "consciousness of importance of life". Because social development support is a contemporary problem in Japanese kindergartens, the effect of such development of the sociality was examined again. As a result, the observational examples by 53 teachers with precise objectives were able to corroborate the process of acquiring these effects. Furthermore, such comments as "fostering of friendly relationships", "the children's facial expressions became more lively", "they became more responsible", "their pride were elevated", are suggestive of the results of insect breeding experience. The comment that "friendly relationships are fostered" is especially outstanding and it is believed that the effect of promoting sociality in young children is marvelous.
坂西 友秀 尾崎 啓子 吉川 はる奈 細渕 富夫
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.65, no.1, pp.49-67, 2016

In this paper, we report the every day life of the studentes and the educational practices of the teachers in Vourrela School Home (corectional education facility) which locaed near the Helsinki . A purpose of this report is to offer a Finish document about correctional education to examine juvenile problems, correction education, and school education in Japan. In Finland, they does not have the Juvenile Act, and there is not the concept of “the fear criminal”, too. The age of legal adulthood is 18 years old, and the young age division is different from Japan, A basic idea of the correction education is to let a child come back to the normal life through education of improvement, the rebirth of himself. Daily work of the home is to aim at making a normal life through taking a class (education) at school and the communal living in the dormitory in facilities. The dormitory of home is completely equipped with a private room while being based on cooperative living. The Schoool Home respects human rights and independence of each student. It is common not only in a correction educational facility to make much of the human rights of the child and small individual guidance, but also in an elementary school, in a junior high school, and in a high school. Furthermore, the respect for human rights is the base of education, which is common to North European welfar state. There seem to be fact that most children were treated to enter this facility by delinquency. Although Finland is a country of the welfare, the problem of youth is an important social problem. Though juvenile problems often occurs, there is much less number of the people of confinement of Finland than that of Europe and America. Until end of the World War II, a confinement rate of Finland was approximately 4 times of other Nordic countries, and there was no difference in confinement rate in Finland and in European countries. After having joined the Nordic Council in 1956, the confinement rate of Finland (to a population of 100,000 the confinement number of people) decreases throughout.The confinement rate is not proportional to the number of the outbreak of the crime of the country simply. It is strongly related with a confinement rate of the country to guarantee democracy, economic equality, cultural equality and enough social welfare services. The confinement rate of Japan is approximately equal to that of Nordic countries, but after the early 1990s, the confinement rate of Japan increase steadily. When I think about correction education of Japan, it is necessary to pay more attention to the factors concerning the respect for human rights, an economic difference, improvement of social welfare and the gender equality. Both correctional education and school education of Finland offer a useful viewpoint to us. For the general consideration, I examined correction education of youth from two viewpoints of social welfare and the comeback to normal life.
河村 美穂 高橋 愛
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:18815146)
vol.57, no.2, pp.37-46, 2008

Recently there has been discussion about problems concerning children and foods they eat. This has been especially true for learning how to use chopsticks.Using chopsticks is not only about technique and discipline, but about culture. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between using chopsticks and the eating of foods in daily life.Authors examined how 95' students used chopsticks while eating school lunch using digital cameras, and then compared the results with the preresearch. Interviews about the eating of foods in daily life for all 95 students were used.The results were as followed1) Only 16 students used chopsticks correctly. (Under 20%)2) The main point in correct use of chopsticks is the position of the second finger and use of the thumb.3) Breakfast was insufficient for most students.4) Students using chopsticks correctly have a better balanced dinner than students using chopsticks incorrectly.It is so important to teach not only using the techniques for chopsticks, but correct eating habits. Though these are essentially learned at home, they must be taught in school because of present family conditions.