吉田 智美 河村 美穂
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.123-134, 2009

The aim of this study is to explain the historical change of indoor shoes and their role in school life.Three points were used in researching about indoor shoes, because there have been no previous studies.(1) Explaining how the use of indoor shoes was influenced by the architecture of the school buildings from the Meiji era to the present, paying special attention to the school entrance.(2) Researching the use of indoor shoes using pictures of Saitama womens' teacher's school.(3) Taking a questionnaire for people above 50 about indoor shoes in their schooldays and explaining the role of the shoes.Japanese students have been removing their shoes at the school entrance for 130 years, from when the educational system started to the present.The custom of removing shoes at the school entrance, putting them into boxes, and changing into indoor shoes first appeared during the Taisho era. This custom originates from everyday life in Japan and was used as a teaching tool.
有川 秀之 太田 涼 野間 薫 宮崎 拓巳
埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 (ISSN:13477420)
no.7, pp.243-251, 2008

これまで、大学には学問の探求である「研究」と人材の育成である「教育j が求められ、さらに近年、社会に聞かれた大学を目指し、「社会(地域)貢献」も推進されている。そのため、産業界、大学、国や地方自治体、いわゆる産学官の連携・協力に積極的な取り組みが生まれている。埼玉大学においても、平成18年4月に制定された産学官連携ポリシーにより、大学に蓄積された知的財産を産学官交流・地域社会との連携を通じて社会に還元することに努めるとしている。また、平成18年10月より「埼玉大学地域貢献室」が設置され、より積極的かつ迅速に地方自治体や地域住民の要望・依頼・相談に応えていくための体制を整備している。本研究は、埼玉大学、さいたま市、大塚製薬(株)の連携による、さいたま市の各スポーツ団体所属の指導者を対象に、平成19年11月3日(土・祝)に行われた「スポーツリーダーズ・クリニック-正しい走り方の指導法について-」事業について報告するものである。
山口 和孝 藤原 敬
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.63, no.2, pp.25-37, 2014

The educational values have been shaken by the critiques from post-modernism. To reconstruct the values in education, the correlation between educational values and the ideas based on the theory needed to be analyzed. I used liberalism approach to this analysis.
河村 美穂 高島 彩
埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 (ISSN:13477420)
no.7, pp.269-277, 2008

野瀬 清喜 辻原 謙太郎 木村 昌彦
埼玉大学紀要 〔教育学部〕 教育科学 (ISSN:03879321)
vol.38, no.1, pp.p117-127, 1989

The purpose of this study is to obtain fundamental data on the improvement of combativity in Judo by analyzing with the arranged scoring paper and clarifying the characteristics andcontents of competition on the competitors participated in high-leveled competitions such as All Japan Judo Championship for Men and Women. The results are summarized as follows:...
山下 久美 首藤 敏元
埼玉大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 (ISSN:13477420)
no.4, pp.177-188, 2005

1989年に三重県内の保育園の周囲の自然環境を調査した研究がある(河崎1991)。当時の保育園の立地は半数弱が、農業地、漁業地、林業地であり、自然に恵まれた環境であったことが示されている。しかし、住宅地と、商業地の中にある保育園は、自然が「少しはある」または「ほとんどない」と回答している割合が高かったため、将来このような地域が増えることが懸念されていた。その懸念どおり、日本では都市部への人口集中は続いており、幼児たちの周りからはますます自然が奪われている。日常生活の中では身近に自然の中にいる動物と触れ合えなくなってきた今日、乳幼児施設での動物飼育の意義が高まりつつあると考えられるが、近年は駅型保育所の建設も盛んであり、その環境を考えると必ずしもその重要性が理解されているとは言えないように見える。動物の飼育が乳幼児にとって重要であることを今まで以上に意識し、多くの現場で子どもたちが命と触れ合えるようにする必要があるのではないだろうか。そのため動物飼育が乳幼児に与える影響について言及している研究を、本論では取り上げるが、それに先立ち、幼稚園や保育園における動物飼育の現状についても把握する必要があると考える。まず実態を把握し、次に動物飼育の教育効果について検討する。それと同時に飼育経験効果の研究方法について検討を加え、今後の研究のあり方を探ることも本論の目的である。特に保育現場において有効な教材となり得ると思われるムシと子どもの関わりについて重点を置きながら研究を取り上げ、考察を進める。なおムシ類とは生物学上の分類にはこだわらず、子どもたちが日常「ムシ」と呼んでいる、昆虫類や、カタツムリ、ダンゴムシなどを含めた「小さな無脊椎動物(落合,1997)Jをさすものとする。また検討する論文は、N1 1論文情報ナビゲータによって検索されたものを対象とする。
斉藤 享治
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.63, no.1, pp.185-192, 2014

There is a discussion whether megafans are alluvial fans or not. It is difficult to define whether the formation processes of megafans are the same as those of alluvial fans or not, because the surface deposits are sometimes different from the fan deposits. However, strong relationships between drainage basin areas and fan surface areas exist in alluvial fans with the same processes. Kesel (1985a, b) stated that alluvial fans in the General Valley of Costa Rica are larger than many arid fans with comparable drainage basin areas and that the position of the Kosi megafan closely coincides with the trend line of the Costa Rican fans. The statement suggests that the megafan is a member of the alluvial fans. Hence, the relationships between drainage basin areas and fan areas, including the Costa Rican fans are examined in this study. Alluvial fans over 2 km2 in area and steeper than 0.002 in mean fan slope were collected, and the drainage basin and fan areas were measured by use of 1: 50,000 topographic maps. In Costa Rica there are 18 alluvial fans, including four fans in the General Valley. The regression line between drainage basin areas and fan areas is shown by Af = 0.59 Ad0.71, where Af and Ad mean fan area and drainage basin area respectively. The regression line in Costa Rica is similar to those in Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and New Zealand. For the comparison between alluvial fans and megafans, the Kosi megafan, Okavango fan, and five megafans in the Gran Chaco to the east of the Andes are chosen. The positions of seven megafans are beyond regression lines of five regions, including Costa Rica. Seven points are around regression lines in the San Joaquin Valley by Bull (1964) and in the General Valley by Kesel (1985a). The fan areas by Kesel are overestimated in the General Valley. Therefore, the comparison between drainage basin areas and fan areas in the San Joaquin Valley will be required in future.
伊藤 誠
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.63, no.1, pp.21-29, 2014

This paper discusses the class results of String Instrument Exercises, a one-credit one-semester course that was taught in the second semester of the 2012 school year. For the past several years, we have advanced research concerning the effectiveness of the song collection New Tunes for Strings (Book 1) (by Stanley Fletcher) as an ensemble text for the introductory period. This time, we focused on the functions of the thumbs of both hands, which are important for violin performance.There was no major difference in the implementation content between this school year and previous school years in terms of instruction procedure and selection of teaching materials. In the 2012 school year, 24 students were taking the course. Among them, four had experience (one or more years of prior learning experience) with the violin. Our perennial challenge is to successfully teach courses that are both effective and efficient for teaching students without violin experience within the limited time of only 15 class meetings. However, now that, based on our experience, we have fixed the textbook songs and can approximate the abilities of students without violin experience, we have come to believe that we should set aside sufficient study time for learning the true essence of the violin as a bowed string instrument. The more complex the technique, the lower the possibility of achieving quick results. We introduced learning content to make students aware of the function of the thumbs into the curriculum, being fully aware of the fact that they would be having difficulties.The action of the right thumb affects bowing quality. Even slight functioning by the thumb will lead to variations in articulation. As for the left thumb, if one can combine the role of supporting the instrument with the role of controlling precise pitch in specific positions, the half shift becomes possible, and learning of so-called position shifts would gain momentum. Bow movement in the right hand that is rich in flexibility, along with beautiful left-handed form in wrapping the neck, can be achieved. Support from the left and right thumbs enables one to change tone color and increase range.In our investigations, we look back at the class notes and video footage from all 15 classes, as well as the analysis of the results from the course questionnaire surveys. This is a corrected and revised paper based on the contents of the research presentation on October 13 at the 44th Annual Conference of the Japan Music Education Society in Hirosaki.
神月 朋子
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.249-260, 2009

This article will consider the acceptance of the French modern music by the Japanese music society in the nineteen twenties which was on the way to create the tradition of the art music. The French music had become a matter of their concern from the three points : refuse of the predominance of the German classical music ; flourishing of the French music at that time and its own characteristics ; and charm of the city of Paris, the forefront of the arts.After a brief survey of the acceptance in the fields of(1)composition,(2)concerts and records, (3)music books,( 4)periodicals and books(including Japanese translations),(5)education and(6)symbol of the anti-German music, it will be indicated that the Japanese music society recognized the characteristics of the French modern music not only as light, gorgeous, simple but also as inseparable of sensation from consciousness or conception. These are independent from the German sense of value and not its contrary. Such music is created by the French people, réalist and idéalist, as the Japanese people is.The reflection of Paris in twenties is also an important factor for Japanese musicians : at that time Paris was filled with various music from the various countries, a center of the world music. French music, especially like Debussy or Ravel, is regarded as their mixture and as source of the oriental/Japanese expression. This problem of expression, the creation of our own music, must be examined not from the acceptance of the church mode or the pentatonic scale, but from the point of the world music, or the network of music from the different culture. This may be also an importanttheme of our time.
加藤 千枝 堀田 香織
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部
vol.61, no.1, pp.107-119, 2012

In this research, the author monitored the content of Internet postings by students at two public junior high schools, and exchanged information regarding the content of the postings with their teachers on a regular basis. This paper is a report on the practice of monitoring whereby the content obtained from this information exchange was used by teachers for student understanding and student guidance.Specifically, the paper introduces two students as case studies and presents the case outlines, monitoring process, case intervention, and condition of the students after intervention.The research indicates four important points for monitoring using Internet postings by junior high school students. The first point is that in implementing monitoring, the teacher must not only know the content of the student's Internet postings, but also have an understanding of the student's family environment and relationships with friends in order to provide guidance. The second point is the need for a supporter who assists the teacher. The supporter is the party who provides the teacher with Internet information that is useful for student guidance and student understanding. After concluding an agreement with the school regarding the handling of personal information, it is essential that the supporter exchanges information with the teacher on a regular basis to carefully examine the information and to maintain good relations with the teacher. Third, from the viewpoint of the psychological development of junior high school girls, the study notes how their Prof(profile site) and exchanges on SNS game sites meet their needs for seeking friendship and conformity, and promote the formation of chum groups. Finally, the study emphasizes that an "attitude of understanding" among adults regarding the Internet behavior of adolescent girls is important for providing guidance.