山田 晴通
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.38, pp.138-151, 271-272, 1989-04-30

Japan Cable Television, or JCTV, is a licensed CATV operator under the Japanese Cable Television Law, enacted in 1974. It is rather unique in that it, alone among cable television operators, is permitted to lease its cable network from Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation ( NTT ); the ministry of Posts & Telecommunications ( MPT ) generally requires cable operators to own their own networks, although the law does not make such a stipulation. Such freedom from vast capital investment is one of the major factors becind JCTV's success. JCTV was established in 1971, funded mainly by the Asahi Shimbun group, in order to supply an EngliSh-language channel to closed circuit systems of Tokyo's most prestigious hotels. At that time it was practically impossible for various regulatory reasons to build a new cable network, especially in Tokyo ; leasing its cables from NTT made JCTV viable. In 1974 JCTV embarked upon a new venture, so-called "mansion network" broadcasts to individual Tokyo subrcribers. Due to the high montyly charge, however, this service was mainly limited to foreign businesses. While JCTV charged its subscribers \3,000 per month, subscribers were forced to pay an average of \100,000 monthly to NTT to maintain their line. Even with such exorbitant fees, JCTV managed to gain 5,000 new subscribers by the mid 198O's. In 1982 JCTV formed a partnership with Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) of Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and began a systematic program exchange. A direct satellite link established in 1984 not only added proglams from CNN (Cable News Network) to JCTV programming but allowed JCTV to supply CNN 24 hours a day as an alternative service available on subscribers' request. In addition, JCTV produced a Japanese version of "Daywatch" and similar programming for Asahi National Broad-casting Company, Ltd. (ANB), one of the four nation-wide private TV network orgenizers in Japan and a major JCTV shareholder. ANB, in turn, began selling these programs to its local network operators.
山田 晴通
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.50, pp.16-23, 237, 1997-01-31

Chiiki, tentatively rendered as"local community", has been an important keyword in the development of empirical communication studies in Japan. Since 1970s on, Chiiki Media ron, or"community media studies" has deliberately established the concept of chiiki Media, or"ccommunity media", as a sort of mass media with their readers/audience sharing the common experience of their geographical space. Those community media, often more public in their nature than merely being profit-seeking businesses, have been viewed and discussed from localistic perspectives. During 1980s, however, community media were often more commonly speculated from universal viewpoint of industrialism, in the framework of national governments' Chiiki Joho-ka, or"community informationization" policies, which promoted diffusion of various types of newly invented communication media. Recent academic discussion tends to emphasize the need of revisiting, renewing, and revitalizing localistic perspectives.
鈴木 麻記
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.88, pp.117-136, 2016-01-31

This paper aims to reinterpret the activities of the Manga Artists' Association, the Tokyo-Manga-Kai, in terms of a movement attempting to improve the social position of manga, through a socio-historical consideration of the group's significance and limitations. This study seeks to overcome the limitations of conventional studies of manga history by avoiding the a priori assumption that "manga" was always a self-evident category. Rather, it aims to understand how it became possible for manga to be established as a cultural field and how artistic productions came to be consumed as manga. Additionally, the study aims to problematize these as historical phenomena in their own right. To clarify these points, this study focuses on an association of manga artists, rather than readers or the works themselves. Between the Meiji and Taisho periods, the referential category of "manga" encompassed a wide variety of representational forms, with only vague boundaries between manga and other representational media. To understand manga in contemporary terms as the category that oscillated between multiple boundaries, we need to question how manga artists had defined their own position by prioritizing their self-definition. Therefore, this study focuses on Japan's first association of manga artists, the Tokyo-Manga-Kai, and undertakes an analysis of the group's activities. The results of my analysis revealed that, in the Taisho period, without the establishment of manga as an autonomous and bounded field, manga artists were situated in a multi-layered and ambivalent position between the categories of art and journalism, and carried out various movements to define their position. While these movements may appear to have led to the promotion of manga and manga artists, they did not ultimately lead to the elimination of characteristic ambivalence.
柳沢 伸司
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.37, pp.131-141, 316, 1988-04-30

Sweden Passed the Freedom of the Press Act in 1766. It was decided that this Act should be a fundmental law of the constitutional state. This law (1)prohibited censorship, with the exception of theological publications, and (2)allowed free publication of official documents. This Act gave rise to open ,discussion in publications and pamphlets which was without precedent in Sweden. King Gustav III, however, seized power in 1772, and in the confusion of the "riksdag", he struck some sections off, especially the items providing public access to official documents. In 1812, the principles of the freedom of the press and public access to official documents were laid down in a new Freedom of the Press Act. Today in Sweden the freedom of the press is a fundamental right established by the Constitution. Sweden enacted the first Freedom of the Press Act in the world. This period from 1718 to 1772 is called the Age of Freedom (Frihetstiden). In the Age of Freedom the King's authority was restricted, consequently the "riksdag" had power. In this "riksdag" the reins of government were taken up between two political parties, the Hat party (Hattpartiet) and the Cap party (Mossapartiet). A number of people argued about the freedom of the press and censorship. Not only Anders Nordencrantz, who was an upholder of the Caps, but Nils Oelreich, who was the last censor and a supporter of the Hats, criticized the government for having censorship, and claimed the freedom of the press. Nordencrantz lived in England in his younger days and many of his ideas were influenced by contemporary English ideas. He was a representative in the burgher estate of the "riksdag". The Caps came to power in l765, and wanted to bar the censor. Anders Cydenius, the clergyman-riksdagsman, demanded freedom of the press. The Press Act of 1766 was more radical than most of the debaters had contemplated. In this paper I have summarized the history of Swedish journalism with regard to the legislative process of the Freedom of the Press Act which was promulgated in 1766.
伊藤 高史
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.44, pp.1-14, 190, 1994-03-25

This paper focuses on the works of Luis Althusser, especially his early works such as Reading Capital and For Marx. Althusser is known as structural Marxist but his works contain various elements including psychoanalysis, epistemology, and linguistics. I reevaluate his early works from the viewpoints of mass communication study. What is most important in Althusser's work is that it shows the way of empirical analysis of"discourse". Therefore, to reevaluate Althusser is to make clear his way of analysing discourse, "symptom reading". Nowadays, the concept of discourse draws much attention from sociologists in various fields. Some structuralists and post-structuralists have explored a variety of techniques for the analysis of discourse. Althusser's method is the most important one among them. According to Tim Dant, sociological analysis of knowledge and ideology is possible through the empirical analysis of discourse. He explains the meaning of discourse in his Knowledge, Ideology and Discourse as follows. By discourse, he means"the material content of utterances exchanged in social contexts that are imbued with meaning by the intention of utterers and treated as meaningful by other participants."And"the meaning is a property of the structural feature."In the field of mass communication study, Althusser is known for his theory of ideology which is explored in his latter works. The Cultural Studies Group is deeply effected by his theory of ideology. Althusser viewed the ideology as a representation of the imaginary relationship of individuals with the real condition of their existence. However, in his latter works, discourse is explained only in terms of reproduction of class society. On the contrary, structuralists think that discourse has its inherent power which bind human recognition and act. Althusser's early works are examples which exposes such power in the realm of human recognition. And his contribution to mass media study is made clear when we understand his way of exposing such power through his discourse analysis.
上村 忠
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.35, pp.p156-165, 1986-03

From 1984 to 1985 twe new theses appeared in the field of advertising and marketing journalism in Japan. One is "Bunshu-shoshu-ron"(theory of diverse and divided masses) which insists that the mass market has now dissapeared because of the multiplication and individualization of the Japanese consumers' preferenses. The other is called "TV-banare-ron"(assertion that the TV watching rete is decreasing) which claims that the effects of TV advertisments have waned because of a decrease in the TV watching rate. In my opinion these two conception significantly affect the gross amount of advertisements. In 1985 the growth rate of advertisement expenses in Japan was only 2.3% or the second to the worst in the post-war era. And the growth rate of TV-ad expenses was only 1.9% which is the worst since the beginning of commercial TV broadcasting (based on statistical data by Dentsu Inc.) Of course, we cannot assume that all these are caused by "Bunshu-shoshu-ron" or "TV-banare-ron", but at the sametime, we cannot deny the possibility that these assertions may have led to the underestimation of the effects of advertisemets. Being a researcher at a commercial broadcasting company, in this paper I have tried to make an empirical examination of "Bunshu-shoshu-ron" and "TV-banare-ron" in order to check their validity in the underestimation of the effects of advertisments. "Bunshu-shoshu-ron" is a qualitative analysis based on impressions or subjective judgements rather than a quantitative analysis. Using empirical data I made an analysis to test the assertion that there can be no more blockbusters in the already collapsed mass market. As a result of my analysis I believe that the above assertion can be refuted by the fact that many blockbusters are produced even in recent years, and many of them have more sales than those produced during the high economic growth era when the mass market is said have existed. For example, Minolta's α-7000 automatic camera and Tokyo Disney Land both accomplished 70 to 100 billion yen sales in a year. concerning other assertions of "Bunshu-shoshu-ron", I propose the corresponding objections. Concerning "TV-banare-ron", it is clear from Video Research and the Nielsen rating data that there is no trend toward a decreasing TV audience rate. Finally, I would like to criticize the general tendency for impression-based subjctivistic judgements, which are the characteristic of both theses.
金平 茂紀
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.77, pp.77-104, 2010-07-31

In the US, public opinion polls have steadily become a part of ordinary life. There is a wide variety of implementation systems for opinion polls, and they cover a wide range of issues. Increasingly, we can see the tendency in the US that conductors of opinion polls have been polarized or politically factionalized in parallel with the polarization of media. There is also a great division in the public about how they evaluate opinion polls. We can see some opinion polls in the US actually mislead the public. The fundamental cause of this misleading is the process of converting complicated realities into numerical data. Furthermore, we can point out that methodological and technical factors like bias in the process of sampling and data handling, misrepresentations by the media, and so on. The crux of the problem in the media is that in many cases opinion polls are manipulated to reinforce certain narratives. More importantly, we should think of the practical context in which the opinion poll that is currently being dealt with, will eventually be used. In Japan, we can see clear tendencies of Japanese the media to put a high priority on the approval rating for the Cabinet as the decisive factor when measuring the success of administration. In fact, opinion polls simply represent a particular outcome, and should not become the causes of that outcome. Some people in Japan are pointing out that we are facing the risk of reification of abstract figures by believing opinion polls too blindly. To avoid believing opinion polls blindly, we should carefully consider the limitations of opinion polls and think critically about their effects.
杉山 あかし
新聞学評論 (ISSN:04886550)
no.38, pp.111-123, 273-274, 1989-04-30

In communication between those whose social backgrounds are different, we can expect much misunderstanding because of the difference of background knowledge, background experience, vocabulary, mays to construct conversation, and so on. In those societies that contain different social groups. we must assume 'discommunication' -communication in which inteneded meanings are not transmitted- to be the prevailing mode of communication. The theme of this article is to speculate on the social consequences of the discommunicative social situation at the level of social structure. It we accept the fact that every society has some social cleavages and that despite the existence of such cleavages the society is still one society, not two or more, then we can suspect that the discommunicative social situation contributes to social unity. Usually, every social group has its own value system that supports its social activities. The value system may be constructed as a system of meanings, or a self-evident world. Discommunication will prevent each social group's self-evident world from having real contacts with others, which may give steadiness to the self-evident worlds, and which may permit the coexistence of different elements of society. Indeed, we can expect the variety of social groups to have their own value systems, but it would be false to presume that social groups can freely have their own as they like. A group's value system usually fits the group's position in the social structure, such as the division of labor. So we must assume a mechanism that makes for coincidence between people's value system and the socially reguired value system. For this purpose, in this article I propose an ecological model of the social distribution of knowledge that is the base of the value system. The model follows a logistic-curve diffusion model which is applicable to the discommunicative social situation. As an emergent property of such a situation, such coincidence may be achieved to certain extent. In this article, there are some additional references to other emergent properties relating to the discommunicative social situation. With them, as a whole, this article can be a step toward a social theory of discommunication.
吉田 文彦
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.68, pp.80-96, 2006-01-31
2 3

After describing the main features of TeX-Ray, the author reports the result of an experimental study performed to validate the data set which was generated by TeX-Ray from editorials of four major newspapers. The validation was performed by regressing the TeX-Ray-generated data set on poll support ratings for Koizumi cabinet, during the period from April, 2001 through September, 2004. The regression analysis demonstrated an existence of unusually strong systematic relationship between editorial treatments of the cabinet and the cabinet support ratings, strongly indicating that the TeX-Ray-generated data set was a valid one.
鈴木 努
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.69, pp.2-21, 2006-07-31

It is said that the result of the general election 2005 was greatly affected by mass media's news coverage. In this paper I compare the editorials of the three major newspapers in Japan: Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun. Co-occurrence networks and centering resonance analysis are used to examine the features of the texts. Relevance, consistency and uniqueness are the most important elements that the media texts should have in order to be convincing with the readers. The elements are shown clearly and visually with some network analysis methods.