大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.47, no.3, pp.231-237, 1996-09-15 (Released:2016-08-23)

Determination of the chemical properties of the venom of Chiracanthium japonicum, which is well known as the most medically important spider in Japan, was studied. The venom was prepared by dissecting out the venom glands from mature female spiders. Then the glands were homogenized in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) with a glass homogenizer. The clear, viscous surpernatant obtained by centrifugation was stored in a small vial and regarded as the crude venom. This venom was fractionated on a Sephadex G-200 column. The white mice (JCL) were injected intraperitoneally with 0.2ml of different concentrations of the fractionated venom. The lethal activity was noted. Lethal activity was fractionated on a CM Sephadex C-50 column. The fractions were regarded as the purified venom. The toxic responses to mice were dyspnea, prostration, flaccid paralysis and death. The lethal activity was determined to be neurotoxic in action. The minimal lethal dose (MLD) of the purified venom for mice was 10μg. The house-fly was used for the toxicity test. The LD_<50> was 0.069μg/honsefly. The erythematic activity on rabbit hide was examined by injecting the venom intradermally. The minimal redness dose (MRD) to evoke 10×10mm size of redness in the rabbit was 0.7μg. The molecular weight of purified protein was 63,000±2,000. The toxicity to mice was completely destroyed by heating at 60℃ in 10 minutes and lost at 0℃ in five to seven days.
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.26, no.2-3, pp.83-87, 1975-08-15 (Released:2016-09-05)

1954年から1974年の過去20年間に著者が経験した5種のクモによる10症例の刺咬症を報告した。その他既報例を合わせ9種のクモによる16症例について, クモ刺咬症の発症時期, 発症原因, 被害患者の性, 年代, 病害の程度, 治療の問題点を明らかにした。5月から8月の暖かい季節に発症し, クモを直接手で捕えようとする瞬間に受傷するのが多く, 刺咬部は四肢, とくに上肢に多い。受傷患者は10代に多く, ほとんど男性であった。全症例を病害の程度に従って無症状, 軽症, 中等症, 重症の4つに分類したが, 重症例はセアカゴケグモとカバキコマチグモの2種であった。クモ刺咬部の治療上とくに問題になったのは, 受傷後も持続する耐えがたい痛みに対する治療法で, 一般の視床, 脊髄性鎮痛剤では著効をえられなかったことである。本邦において今迄に報告されたクモ刺咬症についても考察を行った。
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.25, no.3, pp.259-266, 1974-12-15 (Released:2016-09-05)

A series of surveys have been carried out on the spider species as natural enemies of pest insects in a garden of Sakurababa-machi, Nagasaki city over a period from 1955 to 1959,and from 1963 to 1966. A total of 87 species (61 genera and 26 families) including 40 common species were recorded in the garden through the observation years. The number of spider species was found abundantly from May through August particularly. The predominant species were the spiders belong the families of Argiopidae, Salticidae and Theridiidae. Most of the spiders were distributed in the bush and on the outer walls of the house but few on the ground. The insect species which destroyed by the spiders were also recorded; the preys confirmed were insects belong to the orders of Collenbola, Odonata, Blattaria, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Mecoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. Especially great numbers of houseflies and chironomids (Diptera) were captured by almost all the spider species in the garden. The chironomids were trapped by the viscid lines of webs.
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.26, no.4, pp.253-254, 1975-12-15 (Released:2016-09-05)

A study was carried out on the spider fauna of houses in different environments of Nansei Islands, South Japan. In total 24 species belonging to 17 genera and 11 families were collected, among which 11 species were common spiders in houses. No dangerous spider was found in any houses in this survey.
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.26, no.2-3, pp.93-99, 1975-08-15 (Released:2016-09-05)

Surveys on spider fauna have been carried out to know the seasonal change, breeding season, habitats and role as predators of pest insects in a cattle barn and surroundings in Saga Prefecture during a period from April to October in 1968. In total, spiders observed were 53 species belonging to 46 genera of 22 families among which seven species were dominant, namely Oecobius annulipes, Theridion tepidariorum, Neoscona nautica, Nephilia clavata, Agelena limbata, Pardosa T-insignata and Oxyopes sertatus. The maximum number of spider species was recorded in June; 47 species. The preys by web-spiders were shown to be mainly the species of Diptera. The total number of preys recorded were 283 Nematoceras, 411 Bracyceras and 306 of other insects. Especially, the preys of spiders were the species of Suborder Tipulidae, Chironomidae and Muscidae (Diptera). The species of the order Nematocera were trapped by the viscid lines of the webspider, Argiopidae, especially the genus Aranea, and the species of the order Brachycera were killed mostly by web-spiders and some by hunting spiders.
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.28, no.2, pp.175-178, 1977-06-15 (Released:2016-09-05)
1 1

A study was made on the predatory responses of spiders to te house fly, Musca domestica vicina, which is an important household pest. In this experiment, 123 spider species belonging to 28 families were used in total. The prey flies were captured by 91 species belonging to 20 families. Among them, 41 species (14 families, 26 genera) were recognized as the useful natural enemies because of their efficiency in capturing flies and abundance in nature. The main families capturing the flies were found to be the following three; Argiopidae, Salticidae and Agelenidae. A series of experiments was conducted to observe the feeding behaviour of the following four species; Heteropoda venatoria, Tegenaria domestica, Plexippus paykulli and Theridion tepidariorum. P. paykulli captured all 20 flies put in a cage for a seven day period. However, H. venatoria captured 15 flies out of 20 for only three day period and showed no feeding behavior after. The mean number of daily capture was 4 or 5 flies for both T. tepidariorum and P. paykulli regardless of the prey density. Whereas, the others showed the increased number of capture according to the increase of prey density. H. venatoria prefered to catch cockroaches rather than flies but P. paykulli captured only flies.
高岡 正敏 石井 明 椛沢 靖弘 大内 忠行
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.28, no.2, pp.237-244, 1977-06-15 (Released:2016-09-05)
11 9

The house dust mite has been incriminated as a major allergen of house dust in respiratory allergic diseases. Surveys were undertaken to study the mite fauna in house dusts collected from the residence of asthmatic as well as of non-asthmatic children living in and around Tokyo. House dusts were collected by electric sweeper for a week and stored in a deepfreezer until the observation. Mites were isolated from the fine dust caught on a 200 mesh sieve by flotation and centrifugation method with Darling's solution (equal volume of glycerin and saturated sodium chloride solution). Of 24 samples collected in summer, number of mites varied greatly and the average number was 499 in 0.5g of fine dust or 133 per square meter of floor. As to the mite fauna, Pyroglyphidae constituted 85%, Tyroglyphinae 3.1%, Glycyphaginae 1.3%, Cheyletidae 2.8%, Tarsonemidae 0.7%, Mesostigmata 1.3%, and Oribatei 4.4%. Among Pyroglyphid mites, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus constituted 36% and D. farinae 39% but no significant difference was noted statistically as to the dominancy between the two. Of 9 cases, seasonal change of mite fauna was studied. The number of mites decreased in winter but no statistical difference was found among seasons. Neither the changes in dominant species were noted. Eleven control dust samples were collected from houses without asthmatic patients but no significant difference was noted in number of mites or density per square meter from those observed in the residences of asthmatic children. Mite fauna was also similar to that in the asthmatic houses.
林 利彦 中山 恒友
日本衛生動物学会全国大会要旨抄録集 第62回日本衛生動物学会大会
pp.66, 2010 (Released:2010-10-12)

フサヒゲフンコバエLeptocera caenosa (Rondani)はヒト親和性の強いハエであり, ヒトの活動と共に世界中に分布を広げた種と考えられている. この種はしばしばヒトの生活環境内で大量発生することが知られている. カナダでは汚水槽の汚泥より大発生の報告があり, 日本でも北海道でマンション等から13件の大量発生の報告がなされている. 我々は栃木県宇都宮市の食品工場で本種の大量発生の事例に遭遇した. トラップによる調査で, 2009年4月からハエの大量発生が確認され, その後約1ヶ月で発生が終息した. この工場では外部からの昆虫侵入に対して対策がなされており, 多数のハエが侵入してくることは考えられず, 内部に発生源があるのは確実と思われたが, 工場での調査でその発生源を見つけることができなかった. 工場には1階から3階までに食品製造所があるが, ハエが見られたのは1階製造所のみであった. 北海道での事例では発生場所のほとんどが床下の排水管の破損による汚泥からの発生とされているが, 本事例でも床下からの発生が疑われた. 今回の大量発生に際し, トラップでは多数捕獲されていたにもかかわらず, 従業員等は目視で確認していなかったという. このハエはヒト親和性が強いにもかかわらず, 生息環境は屋根裏や床下等人目に付きにくい場所であるためにあまりポピュラーな種ではない. 本種の形態や発生状況等を紹介する. キーワード:フサヒゲフンコバエ, 大量発生, 食品工場, 栃木県.
小林 睦生 二瓶 直子 栗原 毅
vol.55, pp.20, 2003

吉田 政弘 長内 健佑
vol.63, pp.49, 2011

櫻井 裕之
日本衛生動物学会全国大会要旨抄録集 第60回日本衛生動物学会大会
pp.3, 2008 (Released:2008-07-01)

現代の一般社会において、ヒルは吸血動物として忌み嫌われる存在であるが、人類は古代エジプトの時代よりこの動物を病の治療に用いてきた歴史がある。その流れは近代西洋医学にも引き継がれ、19世紀のヨーロッパにおいては様々な疾患に対する重要な治療法のひとつとして確立されていた。従って医療界におけるヒルは、“昨日の敵は昔の味方“の側面が強い。ヒルは皮膚に吸着した後、自重の5倍もの量を吸血するが、同時に噛着した際に唾液腺に含まれる生理活性物質を局所に注入する。 形成外科領域において、1970年代より様々な皮弁移植術が開発され臨床応用が可能となった。皮弁移植術とは、血流を保った状態で皮膚を移植する術式であり、動脈流入と静脈還流を確保しなければならない。一般に静脈還流不全に起因する鬱血は、動脈流入不全に起因する虚血状態よりも移植組織への組織障害性が高く、早期の対応が必要とされている。そのため皮弁移植後の静脈還流不全の治療目的として、1980年代より医用ヒルが再登場し、現在でもわれわれ形成外科医にとっての強い“味方“として活躍中である。 ヒルによる静脈還流不全に対する効果は、吸血による静脈血排除以上にその後の持続的な出血による瀉血効果の方が重要であり、局所における管理法が重要である。今回われわれは、皮弁移植後や切断指再接着後におけるヒル使用の実際を供覧する。また、医用ヒルにより静脈還流不全を改善させ得る組織量は限定されており、広範な静脈還流不全に対しては限界がある。以上を踏まえ、形成外科領域における医用ヒルの適応と問題点にも言及する。