山田 一成
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.56, no.2, pp.79-94, 2019-03

One of the benefits of Web surveys is that a variety of paradata regarding how respondents answer questions are generated by the survey process and that these paradata can be used to evaluate response quality of Web surveys. However, few studies have examined whether respondent interruptions alter response quality. To address this discrepancy, this article investigates the interruptions and their consequences for response time and response quality in volunteer panel Web surveys. Data were based on two Web surveys in the Tokyo metropolitan area (one of 1,444 Japanese adults in January 2017, and the other of 622 Japanese adults in January 2018). The results revealed the following: (1) interruptions are common (more than 40% of all respondents) and they add substantially to the duration of surveys, but (2) interruptions do not appreciably alter response quality, and (3) interruptions do not have a significant effect on the number of straight lining answers on the Likert grid containing 15 items, nor do they reduce the number of extremely short response time to questions. Thus, while interruptions may be an issue for survey administration, they do not appear to reduce the quality of data collected by researchers through volunteer panel Web surveys. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing implications and limitations of this research.
北村 英哉
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.56, no.2, pp.39-48, 2019-03

According to Just World Theory, good people deserve reward, while bad people would suffer from bad events. In this study, to investigate whether good or bad character information has an impact on the judgment of responsibility of two vignettes describing bad events, seventy-nine participants read vignettes and responded to the items related to causal attribution. Furthermore, the relationship of moral foundations and just world belief with the judgments was tested. In the results, participants in low score on the fairness foundation showed more discrepancy between good target and bad target in dispositional attribution. In bad target condition, low fairness group attributed causation of bad accidents more to the target persons. While high fairness group responded almost the same way whether the target person was good or bad. And resentment scale was found to correlate with immanent justice significantly. The relation of moral and resentment would be discussed.
岩瀬 由佳
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.56, no.1, pp.41-51, 2018-12

本稿では、旧イギリス植民地、トリニダード=トバゴ出身のアフリカ系カリビアン作家、Elizabeth Nunez による自叙伝、『普段使いではなく』(Not for Everyday Use 2014)に着目し、彼女の自伝的作品に内在する文学的カウンターアプローチの戦略的手法を読み解いた。 はじめにLisa Brown の「カリブ海地域の文学において自伝形式の作品が非常に重要な働きを担い、カリブ海地域出身の作家たちが自伝という文学様式を通じて自己表現を行ってきた」という指摘から論を発し、Michelene Adams やDrucilla Cornell らの論を援用しながら、特に、長らく植民地主義と家父長制に抑圧されてきたカリブ海地域出身の女性らにとって、自伝という表現形式がいかに自らのエンパワーメントを主張する上で有効な手段であり得てきたのかについて論じた。 次に、「ある程度、すべての小説はカモフラージュされた自伝である」と述べるElizabeth Nunez作品における「家族」、特に「母親」との関係性について、Amy Reyes らとのNunez 自身のインタビュー記事をもとに、自叙伝を執筆するに至る経緯、また本作と彼女の自伝的小説との差異、また作家のプライバシー問題等に関しても論を展開した。 最後に、劇的な社会的地位上昇を遂げたNunez 家のファミリーヒストリーをたどりながら、そこから表出されるイギリス植民地における「カラーカースト」と階級意識の問題、女性の社会的抑圧、教育と社会的地位の相関性、さらにはNunez 自身がアメリカで体験した人種差別と移民が直面する現実など、個人的で内的な語りであるはずの自伝という表現形式が、公共的かつ共感性をもって読者に投影され、触発的な相互関係を生み出しえる可能性を提示した。
片山 美由紀
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.56, no.1, pp.19-28, 2018-12

This study investigated responsive verbal words (RVW) in daily conversation between acquaintances. The questionnaire was conducted with Japanese undergraduate students.Types and frequencies of RVW were analyzed and described. It was hypothesized that (a)some favorable RVW would be used in daily conversation more, (b) less favorable RVW would be used less in conversations with acquaintances. However, some inconsistencies were detected with the data of actual RVW frequencies and evaluative impression for each RVW (feeling good or bad about each RVW). Some RVW were more favorably evaluated but not used so often, whereas other RVW were used more but less favorably evaluated. The results were discussed from the viewpoint of unconsciousness of positive/negative effect of RVW. Further researches on RVW are needed for prospecting possible social dilemmas in line with habitual and unconscious RVW usage patterns.
柴田 隆行
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.62, no.1, pp.5-17, 2018-12

Enryo Inoue, Philosoph und Begründer der Tetsugakukan (jetzt Toyo Universität), studierte in der frühen Meiji-Ära Soziologie bei Professor Ernest F. Fenollosa, der als erster Vorlesungen über Soziologie an einer japanischen Universität gehalten hatte.In seinen Werken verwendet Enryo oft das Wort „Gesellschaft“, das er dynamisch und entwickelnd verstand. Die Soziologie, die Enryo Inoue studierte, war die Entwicklungslehre der Gesellschaft. Enryo stellt Soziologie als eine Philosophie in seinem System der Wissenschaft dar. Aufseinen Reisen durch ganz Japan und auch drei Mal ins Ausland sammelte er verschiedene Materialien und Informationen, und betrachtet die sozialen Erscheinungen und Probleme nicht nur philosophisch, sondern auch sachlich.
水野 剛也
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.55, no.2, pp.5-16, 2018-03

This research attempts to analyze qualitatively (and partly quantitatively) how comic strips of the three major national newspapers in Japan, Mainichi, Yomiuri, and Asahi, both in morning and in evening editions, portrayed Prime Minister Naoto Kan during his tenure, from June 8, 2010 to September 2, 2011. As the last installment of a five-part series, this article sums up the findings of the entire series and presents conclusions.
宇都宮 京子
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Faculty of Sociology,Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.51, no.1, pp.71-83, 2018-01

In this paper I make arguments regarding the relationships between the social theories of Weber, Schutz and Luhmann, referring to Husserl’s Phenomenology.Schutz criticized Weber’s Interpretative Sociology (Verstehende Soziologie), because he didn’t give refer to the time-concept. Schütz’s theoretical basis was established by Husserl in his study of the internal time-consciousness,but a new turn to his argument has emerged.Schutz adapted Bergson’s concept of the durée and referred to his concept of simultaneity;Schutz expressed his idea about the simultaneity of two durations or streams of consciousness in the context of “the phenomenon of growing older together.” Weber’s interpretive sociology strives to examine how observers (sociologists) can properly approach the subjective meaning of social actors. He made clear distinctions between the standpoint of an observer and one of an actor, but we can also see that it is difficult to identify an explanation on the concept of time in Weber’s works. Weber referred to Husserl’s work, Logische Untersuchung, in his thesis*, but thereare neither the concept of transcendental ego nor of consciousness-stream, nor of inner time-consciousness in Husserl’s Logische Untersuchung.I pointed out that Weber referred to the social relations and especially ‘Einverständnis’. (Luhmann referred to this Weber’s concept).Here we can identify the relationship between social actors such that they can confirm the validity of their expectation through their own experiences. Finally I examined Luhman’s relation to the views of Schutz, Weber and Husserl.These are as follows;1. Einverständnis (Weber)2. ’gleichzeitig altern’ (Schütz)3. Horizont (Husserl)